《When Death walked the world》Chapter 28


The elf king's body was collected and stored away not long after the battle. Ainz would no doubt find him a suitable use.

Ainz wanted to stay, to finally live a social life and relax, however he could not. He would sooner or later run out of all the consumables, and then it would be the end of him.

That night he once again spoke with Elle, and he was flabbergasted that the idea hasn't even crossed his mind. True, a flesh body had countless drawbacks, however he missed certain things. The likes of a good night's sleep or a good feast…

He wondered how heavenly it would be, however for now he would have to treat it as a side project. An idea worth implementing in the future…

In the meantime, he came up with an ingenious solution to his rapidly depleting health pool. The only drawback being that doing so would severely limit his influence over the world.

He noticed that anytime he went inside his dimensional storage coated in eldritch energies the depletion would slow drastically.

He hypothesized that dispelling the ability while inside his dimensional space would in theory completely stop the curse albeit only if he could stay there, and not be rejected by the strange properties of the void.

He made up his mind, he had to try it. He had to try before his Hp fell to critical again, so even if he failed, he would have enough time to regain some semblance of Hp.

He already said his goodbyes when he stepped through a tear in space-time, right into the void that he only called "inventory".

Ellee laid flat on her king-sized bed – eyes intently staring at the golden object gently floating just out of reach.

The item in question was no other than the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, the weapon of the greatest magic caster this world had ever seen.

Pain filled her chest every time she was reminded that he had left her. She knew he had his reasons – he had explicitly told her of his condition.


This, however, did not make her feel at ease. If anything, it only heightened her worries. Will he be alright? Will he return? Of course, he declared that whatever happens he would return, and he always kept his word. Still, she couldn't help but fear.

The nightmares, the dark visions did not let her be. Every night, she would see a world of flames, a world blazing in an abyssal inferno without end.

Her beloved gone, there was nothing to stop the abominations of the void to tear into this beautiful world, into this Eden.

Without his guidance and protection, peace and prosperity would not last.

The ominous feeling was ever present. Ever lurking behind the threshold, threatening to be unleashed upon all that she held dear.

She saw her nation fall, her people devoured, and the world destroyed.

It took a while, but she gathered herself. She had led this nation long before Ainz, she could do it without him. She made up his mind and determined herself to upkeep her duties as the ruler of a glorious nation. She would make sure that whenever he returns, he would be blown away by the progress they made.

The children would also help her dream become reality, no doubt. They would not abandon someone in need, afterall they learned from no other than the most merciful man alive.

In the coming years, their kingdom would grow bigger and spread across the continent. At its peak it controlled half of the continent. Its diverse inhabitants had to obey strict rules – the price of coexistence.

The children through the years had been nurtured into dazzling adults. – Warriors more than capable of defeating any opponent, more than capable to fend off any threat. They had become true heroes.

Their fame spread far and wide when they defeated the evil tree near the great forest – freeing the area from under its wicked control – the poisoned land was cleansed at last, and animals returned to the area.

Under the banner of Ainz Ooal Gown and Aerin Velatha Jastira Aneirin Ellee with time all but one race was unified.


Humanity did not join the fold.

No, they fought their own battles and made their own nations. Their own stand against the darkness that soon descended upon the world.

Rifts opened across the continent, bringing corruption to the land.

The animals affected by the strange miasma turned into ferocious beasts overnight. The weaker ones made packs and hunted in groups, while the stronger ones terrorized the nations themselves.

The kingdom of Dryadalum, and the banners united under their supervision faced and driven off the threat in a quick coordinated attack.

Seeing this inside the human hearts hatred flared. Humans, who struggled just to get by, couldn't accept their foe being so easily defeated. They suffered their short sightedness, but they couldn't admit that it was their own folly that brought the disaster upon them.

Witnessing their plight, Ellee decided to intervene, afterall it was only right to help the weak.

Soon, the remaining human nations were saved by a select few. A select few individuals, who would go down in history as legends of old.

The ones known as the Eight Sacred Flame liberated them from under the terrors of the night. Beings who fought as if they were the very Gods themselves.

Their epic survived the cruel passing of time. Etched into magical ores, the record, and proof of their existence was preserved.

These select few individuals would forever be revered by humankind, and so there would be three accepted state religion. The church of the Four, the church of the Six, and the church of the Eight.

After their liberation, humans realized that they couldn't go on like this – divided, weak – they had to change, and change they did. They did not want to go under the authority of a nation filled with demi-humans, so they made up an alternative.

The human nations melded into one super state, under the rule of the Holy Emperor.

The church of the nation previously known as Slain Theocracy would oversee religious affairs, thus greatly weakening the influence of the Eight, however it could not erase the gratitude people felt towards them.

The years passed, and a new wave of monsters descended upon the world, however this time they were ready. They endured the cruel siege of the abyss creatures.

The holy warriors, handpicked individuals from the church of the Six were blessed with uncanny power. There was a rumor about them being Demigods, descendants of the Six, however no-one could prove it, afterall how could they?

The elite scriptures made up of these individuals cleaved through the enemies with relative ease and slain the bane of humanity.

They massacred the monsters with inhumane efficiency, and humanity had built up a strong standpoint on the continent.

It won't be long now. – Not long until they feel confident enough to invade the united nation of monsters. They should not exist – those filthy demi-humans. That demonic elven ruler would soon fall, and human supremacy would at last be realized.

Humans – they were the ruling class, chosen by the Six to reign supreme over all species.

It was their birth right as humans to oversee all races! It was up to them to decide; who lives and who dies!

It was time, it is time that humanity shed its façade, and shows its true colors.

Armies assembled, ready to march. Under a single banner, humanity united would surely trample these wicked creatures and their tainted souls into oblivion.

They gathered with a singular purpose – to end monster supremacy once and for all.

Year 0

At the ruins of an ancient city air condensed, as an abyssal amount of energy was ripped from the world before a large tomb manifested itself upon the face of the earth.

Its murky walls concealed unimaginable terrors.

They had arrived. They are here. They will cover this world in eternal dark.

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