《When Death walked the world》Chapter 22 - The evil Deities' descent


The nation of Maz, capital city

The people are going about their daily life, while the city has reached an unprecedented size with over 5 million people. This was the biggest city on the continent, as well as the most diverse, and unique in a certain aspect. Here not only humans, or demi-humans but both lived together. They flourished in the ancient city of Maz, and maybe this diversity had led to its rapid growth.

Today, no other city could compare to the capital of the nation, that was born under the flag of the Ancient One. Though, the recordings are foggy, and not many survived up until now, the people still firmly believed in the Ancient One's existence.

They had great sculptures standing all around the capital, with a gigantic one standing in the center of it. This one depicted a skeleton of over 20 meters in height. It was a true miracle which could be accomplished thanks to some of the dwarf craftsman as well as several giant tribes, which joined to the nation a decade or so prior.

The statue faced a luxurious church decorated with generous amounts of precious metal. This was the church of Ainz Ooal Gown. Many disciples could be seen going in and out of the constitution. They were garbed in black cloth, and each held a heavy book.

Only the most talented magic casters were allowed to learn the secret teachings of the Supreme One. The one known as Ainz Ooal Gown. They taught that the Ancient One and the Supreme One is one and the same being, with the ancient one being an aspect of the supreme one. A mortal body which could die, however the supreme one lives on forever and beyond.

The church also worked as a magic academy, training promising children into powerful magic casters. After the Ancient One's descent, a new kind of magic was introduced. The tier magic, there were several tiers up to the 10th tier, however humanity could only use up to the 2nd tier generally.

The academy however only accepted the most exceptional kids. They did a magic aptitude test before you could even apply to the institute and this resulted in few, but very talented students.

Most of the students who left the walls of the great institution could use tier 2 and even tier 3 magic. The most gifted ones even reached tier 4 and once in a while tier 5 magic. In the history books at total there were seven students who were recorded to ever reach tier 5 magic.

In the beginning, the tiers of magic were explained to them by the subordinates of the Ancient One, whom he so graciously left behind. Now, they had solved the magic formations, and reached absolute understanding of tier magic, at least up to the 3rd tier.

The city was lively up until a fateful day. Demon Gods descended upon the world, ravaging, pillaging all they could find. All they could get their claws on. Chaos erupted in the city as several demonic entities showed up, and without a moment delay started to massacre the everyday citizens.


Though, they fought valiantly it didn't take long and the city fell, soon the nation fell to ruin and would be forgotten by time. Maybe they would have stood a chance had any other demon god appeared in the city, but against the Demon God Dragon they stood no chance.

Tier 5 magic, their trump card couldn't even wound the great beast, as it lashed out with its tail spiked with razor sharp spikes and breath of hell fire, which annihilated everything. That day the sun did not get up, darkness reigned supreme, while under the dim clouds the cries of agony slowly died down.

Ash covered the area as far as the eyes could see. Some still standing buildings crackled as the black flames slowly consumed them as well. Soon there would be no trace of the once great city.

Evileye was originally a Rainbow Eye before becoming an undead. She possessed a talent that allows her to copy any spell. When she inadvertently copied Elder Coffin Dragon Lord's spell that turned him into a vampire, she also ended up turning herself into a vampire too.

She soon became a feared vampire Lord among the populous and earned the nickname "Landfall" after she destroyed an entire capital of a nation and filled it to the brim with undead.

It has been a decade since she had become a vampire. After over a decade for the first time she had regained her senses, and her blood frenzy subsided. She sat on a border stone and clutched her head as the memories came rushing back about her past deeds. Blood red tears were falling from her eyes, as she relived the past experiences of her merciless slaughter.

She spent the past few days gathering her strength, her willpower. She vowed to never again let her blood frenzy control her, and to this end she swore that she would never drink blood. Never again. She disguised herself and embarked on a journey.

Her crimson cape floated gently in the breeze behind her, while a white mask with a gem in the forehead concealed her vampiric nature. She also willed her nails to transform back into their original shape and length.

She traversed the land undisturbed for the coming years, when on a fateful day everything changed. The world shook as invading demons covered the world. Falling from the skies, climbing up from the trenches that were caused by prior earthquakes and there were even some which simply materialized into existence.

She would much prefer to just let it be as it is. However, she felt that she owed this much to the people. To right her wrongdoings, she joined the fight against the forces of evil, soon she found herself as a member of a team. A team of two dozen or so heroes, though only 13 would be recorded by history. She had fun while she was with them, and they made it a lot easier to eradicate evil.

Soon they started to vanquish not only the small fries, but the demon gods themselves. They had already expelled two from the world, and now the 3rd would also be destroyed. However, the Demon god of Insects proved to be a difficult foe. After the initial confrontation they had concluded that they cannot defeat him as they are now, so they retreated. The next time they faced him, she had developed a spell specifically against him.


After a grueling battle they had managed to bring him down and set their gaze on their next target. The next on their list was the Demon God King. The one rumored to be the strongest of the demon gods, however when they reached the scene where their informant said the demon would be, their jaws slacked open and their eyes dilated.

The monstrous Demon God King whose rumored might beggared the imagination was on his knee, bleeding heavily from multiple wounds. The fires burning on his hide was black, a foul magic that targeted the soul. There was no defense against it.

What they saw was a skeleton standing in front of the battered god, leisurely walking up to the weakened evil deity. It held out its hand and greenish black lightening hit the demon god before a tear in space opened behind him, and the lightening pushed the demon through the hole.

None of them uttered a sound at the display of incomprehensible power. They had all stupefied expressions on their faces. The words; What the fuck?! was clearly readable on their faces.

Before they could pull themselves together the undead spoke, while exuding a strange pressure. One which was not directed at them, yet they felt their knees growing weak.

When they registered the words, they thought that they had misheard it. The voice was not overbearing like they had expected, but dejected, bored even. It was just so… out of place.

"Ah, heroes. You are late, as always…"

Rachel silently followed the master's billowing cape, stepping with great care not to make any undesired sound. She had been chosen to follow the master around on his quest, though its purpose was still unknown to her, she believed that it had a terrific aim, after all the master had personally taken it upon himself to lead the journey.

It's been 2 days since they left the camp where the other children stayed, and in this short while her master had already apprehended a dozen demons and locked them inside his scary prison. She shuddered when she thought about how the demons were dragged inside the dark cages by the purplish tentacles oozing dark, inky liquid.

They shrieked in agony when the tentacles dug deep into their flesh and pulled them inside the dark cage, which in all honesty looked much like a mouth of a monster with the grid being like innumerable sharp teeth waiting for fresh flesh to be devoured, flesh to be rent. She shut her eyes then, but it didn't help with the voices. The experience only deepened her awareness of her place. The master had wanted to make it clear for her, what her fate would be should he ever find her lacking. She was sure of it.

She was broken out of her train of thought when the master abruptly halted his advance and she clumsily crashed into his back. It was very much like running into an unmovable object, a wall. Fearing for making such an inept mistake she hastily lowered her head and apologized, however she did not receive an answer. Sweat broke out throughout her body, as she waited the inevitable punishment. She only wished that it didn't hurt, that the end would be swift and painless.

A single tear escaped her eyes when she finally heard the master speak. However, when she looked up she understood why his master's reply was late. He was focusing on an abnormal demon, one who was much bigger and stronger looking than the rest they had defeated up until now. She heard the master say; "you will have to sit this one out dear, but don't worry I promise next time you can fight by my side."

What does he mean? Does he really think that I am a battle maniac like the rest of those kids? Nevertheless, a heavy stone fell from her heart, and she let herself relax. She didn't want to fight such a powerful opponent, not if she could help it. Another deep breath escaped her lips when she moved to give space to the supreme one. She moved quite a distance away from where she could spectate the battle safely.

She understood that this is going to be a fierce battle, and she would be of no help here. She also wondered if she had caught a ting of worry in the master's voice, concerning her well-being, but in the end, she had dismissed it as a mere illusion. Now, after taking up her position, hidden behind some pretty large rocks she thought. "This battle might provide some insight to the dept of the master's power."

It was no battle, more like a slaughter. The master didn't dodge a single attack the demon made, the cause being he didn't allow it to attack a single time. He simply raised a skeletal finger and in rapid motion several black orbs fired out and hit the demon.

The demon's grin died down, as he bellowed in agony when the first spell hit him, after the 5th orb of fire found its mark, the demon was silent. It didn't even try to retaliate anymore. The whole action lasted a few seconds, from the first cry to the last. The master cast his corrupted magic again and sealed within his dimension the demon was. She was about to come out from her hiding place when she heard the master speak.

"Ah, heroes you are late, as always…"

She turned her line of vision, and saw several individuals, all dressed strangely in their unique clothing. This was the first time she had met anyone other than the subordinates of the master, the demons they have been hunting and of course the other children at their base of operation. So she couldn't be sure, however something whispered to her that this wasn't normal.

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