《When Death walked the world》Chapter 21


It's been a few weeks since Ainz had captured the Greed kings. After several sessions of extracting the truth from their minds he had gathered all they could offer. He was a little angry about Surshana's death, but nothing excessive.

However, when he learned of the reason why he had to die, that he had to die just because he was a heteromorph player, Ainz had lost his shit. These bastards with their superiority complex had got to him. They managed to enrage him, and he almost killed them out of sheer frustration. In the end he managed to calm down before he had done anything excessive.

Now he had many things on his mind, about how to punish the kings as well as to begin his experiments on the players. He had to know everything there is to know about players.

He already knew from the memories of the Greed Kings that resurrection was possible, however he had to experiment with auto-resurrect items. After all the kings brought each other back from the grave, he couldn't trust anyone to do that for him. He thought about killing one of them to test resurrection items on a player, however in the end he had decided against it.

He wouldn't let any of them so easily off the hook. If there was a sliver of a chance, that they could remain dead, then he would not risk it. He couldn't rule out it either, that they might resurrect somewhere else. It was common in Yggdrasil that players set up safe points, where they would return upon resurrection. No, they would live a long life so they could repent under his supervision.

Though, he thought that, in truth he really didn't want to deal with them through a prolonged period of time. He had also found a way to test his resurrection magic, and items as well. He would use the body of Surshana, which he could locate thanks to the memories extracted earlier.

Though, he might not be delighted to be used as a guinea pig while killing and resurrected repeatedly he didn't have a choice. Ainz thought, he ought to be grateful if in the end he decided to leave him alive.

If his experiments bore fruit, he might even consider coming up with a way to resurrect the others. He only considered this possibility because they had helped him in this past against Cthulhu. He also thought that they might offer him some knowledge that only they had, so he marked it down as a future endeavor.

The resurrection worked even with the lowest tier, however Surshana had lost levels. He went through his repertoire and tried out over 7 ways of resurrection. It had all worked, and even the auto-resurrection items seemed to be usable.

This put him at ease, knowing that even if he were to die, he could resurrect using a god tier item without any exp loss. However, the curse didn't allow him to regain any Hp, he had to test it, and see if it blocks the regained hp after resurrection, one can never be too careful, and so he had started to research ways to spread the curse.

After a few moments, an idea came to him. "Why didn't I think of that? If I learn how to spread it, I might as well devise a way to pass it onto someone else!" He would probably choose someone who isn't deserving of life, in the end of the day that's two deeds well done. He was engulfed in a green light, and his anticipation died down.


"Now back to work." He thought, before teleporting away with the corpse of Surshana. He wasn't ready to deal with him yet, when he had need of him, only then would he resurrect him permanently.

While his breeding experiments were a little too much for him to stomach, thankfully his minions could oversee it in his absence. He had summoned a great variety of powerful beings, though his summons other than undead were limited, he managed to bring forth several level 80+ creatures in a span of a few days. He also had humans, demi-humans, beast-men, and elves kidnapped from various places throughout the world.

Though, he was clear in his command, not to kidnap the innocent, only the guilty. There were several kidnappings from prisons under his supervision. The kidnapped people were mainly female, as seven of the greed kings were male. He also caught some dragon lords personally to use in his experiments. Since the dragon lords caught were all males, in the end he decided to chain them up, and only use the strongest in his experiments.

He didn't like doing this, he didn't want to, but for the legacy of Ainz Ooal Gown he would go to any length. He would go to any length necessary for the survival of his guild. He was vulnerable now, even after all the power he had gained since coming to this new world, he felt that he needed more.

He feverishly devised new ways to empower himself, he visited the dwarf nation and left some undead to categorize the runes used there and relay their information to him. Who knows maybe he could carve runes in his bones and further empower himself?

He also thought about converting Yggdrasil runes into reality. In game they were only cosmetic, but he was certain with wild magic he could give them new properties. He looked through the minds of the dragon lords for information on the topic.

He wanted, no he needed more power. Enough power so that he didn't have to fear beings that could just go around cursing his Hp to zero, beings who could just trample over him with their overbearing might. He would also train soldiers, super soldiers to reinforce his undead armies.

Maybe he would create a new race loyal to Ainz Ooal Gown using the blends of the strongest races. Though, he tested pretty much all composition which he could do with his limited test subjects, in the end it was obvious that two players' child would be leagues above any other blend, well not counting the blend between players and dragon lords.

He thought about a peculiar child who could even beat the children of the kings. She was leagues above the rest, so Ainz wouldn't be surprised if his new force would be populated by children like her. However, first he had to determine the limit, the power level which she could attain.

He had the female greed king carry out a child from each of the greed kings, as well as one from every species captured. For now, this would suffice as the first trial. The seven males unwittingly enjoyed themselves much more than their female compatriot did. Although, when it was the time to impregnate demi-humans, namely goblins, ogres, orks, lizardmen, and other more grotesque species their smile died on their repulsive faces.

Ainz pitied the woman, and so he decided he would grant her a little kindness. Before every time her body would be used, a subordinate of his would cast a sleep spell on her to ease the pain.


He didn't mind if the experiments took decades, but he wanted results fast to see what the worthiest blend of the races was. He used {wish upon a star} and made it so, that every women's pregnancy would only take a little over a day. He tested this on one of the spare kidnapped women. The wish resulted in success, however it consumed up the woman's energy and killed the mother.

Then, he tried again this time a {ring of subsistence} was placed on the woman's finger, and now there were no complications. He gave 99 of such rings to his subordinates to distribute it among the captives. The greed kings got their own much earlier. In the end, it was decided that after every pregnancy the women carried out, they would be allowed to have a day rest.

After two months every single combination worth considering was tried out, and there were over a hundred newborns who survived the initial trials. The kids were cared for by the elder liches employed directly under Ainz, and each of the newborn was gifted with a {ring of subsistence}.

Ainz took note of the fact that these kids were special, not only in their blended nature, but because of the talents. Every denizen of this world had the chance to born with a talent. It could be rather useful, or useless depending on the nature of the talent.

However, the children carried out by the female greed king were special even more so than the ones carried out by others with the contribution of the male greed kings. They were special in that regard, that they were born with multiple talents. Sometimes even with 3 or 4, and these talents weren't useless either, but powerful buffs or active abilities.

Ainz considered letting them go to foster parents, and monitoring them via his subordinates, ultimately, he decided against it. He would watch over them himself and see if any of them has a worth to him, to Ainz Ooal Gown. True, they had useful talents, however if their level cap was low, then they wouldn't be much use to him now. Maybe their talents could be employed in ingenious ways.

Most of the time, the undead would oversee their progress. If someone proved themselves worthy of the attention of the supreme one, then they would receive further benefits and items which would allow them to reach even greater heights…

It's been a decade or so since the breeding experiments. Ainz watched as under his watch two dozen or so children were playing. Though, they weren't playing what usual kids of their age would, no they were battling each other with real weapons.

The past decade has been trying for them, and only the strong survived, at least that's what they were told, but Ainz didn't find it in himself to murder children. Their parents' sins were their own, and not the kids'.

He secretly resurrected each of the dead child, be they one who were killed while trying to escape, or one who died during the children's mock battles. He wiped their memories clean and sent them to foster parents of his choosing. He knew they would care for the child.

Rachel was a developed girl for her age. She was a little over 1,6 meters high. Her generous curves defying her age paired with her slender figure gave off an alluring feeling.

She was hiding behind a tree, focusing her vertically split golden pupils to a window high up on the tower of terror. She was 11 years old, and one of the strongest if not the strongest of the children.

She didn't understand the others who laughed heartily at killing each other. They should have more dept than just battle frenzy. Nowadays not many of the children challenged her, they had all experienced defeat at least once, unlike her. She was undefeated to this day.

She stared at the dark window, or more like what was behind it. The highest existence known to her. The master of this place, who controlled all these powerful monsters patrolling the area. She wasn't thinking about the death knights, or elder liches.

She could already defeat them when she was 7 years old. When she referred to the strong beings, she thought about the Death Emperors, as well as those floating ghastly skulls which could cast even 10th tier magic.

There were hundreds of those in the immediate vicinity of the area, and there were many more whose name she could not recall. Forget escaping this place, she would have trouble dealing with one of those monstrosities, and if they swarmed her it would be all over.

She saw a flash behind the window. She knew what it meant; it was time for their yearly evaluation. They would be judged personally by the strongest being in this place, the master Ainz Ooal Gown.

She shows a warm smile after her test points are determined, as she looks straight to the lord of the place. She knew it better than anyone that these skeletal beings serving as guards couldn't care less about them, however this one seemed different. The one ruling over the undead seemed to care for them, for the abandoned children. Even though he made them fight, she was sure it had a reason.

Sometimes the master would do a brief presentation, and he would always make a point saying that the outside world is dangerous. He also said, that even though you cannot prepare for everything, you must do your best, after all your life depends on it. The hidden meaning didn't fly by her ears.

Her smile faltered when the master took a step towards her and stretched out his hand. He was choosing her, but she didn't understand why. He usually did this towards those who he found insufficient, weak. However, she was not weak! She was the strongest of the group!

Those whom he chose had never returned… there were only rumors going around in the camp, and those weren't pretty.

She lowered her head in defeat, and slowly made her way over to him. When she was only a few steps from the master, she heard him speak.

"Rachel, you don't look so good. Are you sure you are feeling well?"

The master's voice was tainted with worry; however, she couldn't believe it was truly the case. He had provided them with study material and from her lessons she knew that undead had no emotion and couldn't care less about the living.

However, her master seemed to be a contradiction to this general truth found in the books, she so feverishly read. She wondered, what else was wrong in the books? Or maybe the books are right, but her master is a skillful deceiver? She would leave it to a later date, now she would have to play her part. At the first chance for escape she would bolt from here, disappear from the face of the world.

She mustered up her most innocent smile as she answered.

"I am feeling a little dizzy, but I am sure it is nothing. You don't have to trouble yourself, master Ainz." She curtsied and held her position.

The Overlord's gaze lingered on her for but a moment before he magnanimously nodded and took his leave.

Rachel let out a deep sigh, as she turned on her heels and returned to the playground.

Ainz had kept an eye on the kids throughout the years, and he discovered many with great potential. Still, there was no definite answer as to how strong they could ultimately become, so he froze the breeding experiments until then, and gave eternal youth to each of the greed kings through the use of a wish, they would be useful in the future.

He rarely conversed with the children, because he didn't want to get too close to them, his reasoning being they were only sacrificial pawns for the good of Ainz Ooal Gown.

He had his eyes on a particular child. Her name was Rachel. She had manifested what is called a talent at an early age, and not only a rather useful one at that, but multiple. Only a select few children could rival her because each of her talent was so overpowered it could win any battle on its own.

Ainz seeing her potential used a skill on her as well {Blessing of Undeath}. He had only granted his blessing to 8 of the kids. {Blessing of Undeath} had many effects, increasing proficiency in death magic and summoning, moreover it had a curious side effect as well. At the death of the receiver, they would rise again as an intelligent undead with the same level of power they had in life.

Rachel had 2 battle related talents. One was {Soul born miracle} which enabled her to cast any spell free of mana cost once a day. The other {Limitless} which enabled her to exert 10 times the physical power she is normally capable, as well as increase her defenses with the same amount for a short period of time, this ability had a day cooldown.

Moreover, she had another, a third talent, the only child with sufficient power who had not only two but three. The third one was called {Overgrowth} and it had a palpable effect on the rate she developed both mentally and physically.

She also had dragon blood in her veins, allowing her to transform into a true dragon further empowering her by a 40%, and due to her heritage, she was able to cast wild magic, though on this front he had limited her for now. He didn't provide the knowledge for her; thus, she was unaware of this.

Killing her also crossed his mind in the past, because if she could be a threat to him, then she wouldn't be allowed to exist. A threat to the legacy of Ainz Ooal Gown cannot exist.

However, after considering and weighting the pros and cons of the keeping her alive, he finally decided that until she didn't threaten his life directly, he would not take a step against her. Who knows? Maybe she can become a great if not the greatest asset to Ainz Ooal Gown.

He wanted to see her limit now, he would help her gain exp. Though, he could just transfer a set amount to her, he wanted her to gain it the hard way. That way she would gather more battle experience as well and appreciate it even more.

Talents greatly interested Ainz as he pondered silently; how he could manifest a talent of his own, or a way to steal a useful or if possible then more for himself.

In the past few years Ainz managed to create a spell to locate WCIs. He travelled around the continent at record speeds, as he filled his arsenal with world level powers. After he was done, he thought. "Huh, only 194WCIs left. Could be worse."

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