《When Death walked the world》Chapter 12


The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick

It has been over a century since the last Supreme being had left the tomb. Over a hundred years since the Master had disappeared.

The Guardians were angry at themselves and each other for disappointing Momonga and they thought it must be their fault that the last of the Supreme beings have left.

However, it was soon discovered that the entrance of the Great Tomb didn't open up to the outside world, but instead into a world of utter nothingness. The creation of the Supreme beings were displaced, lost in chaos.

The Guardians running countless experiments throughout the years, had tried to explore the properties of this new space, as well as tried to find any clues as to the disappearance of the Supreme ones.

In this strange dimension nothing existed, not light, not even darkness. It was void. Demiurge had sent servants outside of the Tomb to investigate their strange surroundings, but they had never made more than a single step into the strange miasma, and their bodies were instantly dissolved. As such they were forced to take other measures and try examining the outside with a different approach.

They had even requested Aureole Omega's assistance in viewing the immediate vicinity of the Tomb, but even her sight could not pierce through the absolute nothingness that surrounded them. They had even steeled themselves to go to the treasury and use a world class item, but alas without the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown they had no way inside the treasury, and Pandora's Actor would not lend them such an item without his creator's consent.

Aware of their helplessness, the guardians had remained inside of the Tomb, wallowing in despair, as there was no way out of their prison. The smartest minds of Nazarick had come together, to try and solve the mystery of the strange space. Finally after numerous outrageous ideas, a consensus was born.

Their absolute master, the leader of the 41 Supreme beings had sacrificed himself in protecting Nazarick and its denizens from the world. They had remembered clearly how sad the Supreme Ones were before they disappeared from one day to the other, gone forever. It must be it.

Whatever was ending their world, the masters had laid down their life one by one to delay the end, and when only One remained, he made a choice. He decided that he would not blink out like all of the others. No, he would save all of Nazarick, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process.

Should the world perish, Nazarick would survive. The Absolute Ruler of the 41 Supreme beings Momonga had decided so, and so shall it be… They spent their days in this belief, until one day…

"Guardians come to the treasury immediately!" Pandora's voice entered the ears of the guardians.

"What is it Pandora's Actor?" Retorted Albedo as she didn't like to be ordered around, even if he was the creation of Lord Momonga, she was still his superior as the Guardian Overseer!

"No time! Come! Quickly! You will find the rings of Ainz Ooal Gown in the throne room, I left enough for all of you! Quickly! Come!"

The guardians stood inside the mausoleum, in the resting place of the Supreme ones. They were staring in disbelief as the statues of the Supreme Ones were lit on fire as tremendous amounts of energy was released.


All of this excess energy was threatening to come crashing down on them, but before they could act all of the energy poured into one point. The sole stand which held no statue of the Supreme Ones, the place maintained for Lord Momonga.

The energy gathered on top of it, before a vortex opened up in space and time, and sucked in all the energy. The guardians were frozen in place, while wild fantasies overwhelmed their minds. Tears streamed down their faces as hope ignited in their hearts. Albedo broke the silence.

"He is alive. Momonga is still alive!" She exclaimed, her wings fluttering with her emotions overflowing in her voice.

The citizens of Maz were once again saved, this time not by the six, but by the One. He has descended from the heavens upon the earth and granted his gifts, thus giving them a helping hand in their hour of need.

The summoned monsters provided by the Ancient One were obedient to their masters, though this would cause many strive during the coming power struggle for the throne.

In the siege the King had lost his life, and his sister was nowhere to be found. Their King despite his exceeding age had led the battle from the frontline and died a heroic death. He had no heir to the throne, and so the 4 great noble houses which were established during his reign were grasping for the crown.

In the coming years from the city a nation would be born, the first nation which housed not only non-humans, but humans as well.

On the far south another nation took down its foundation, it would be called the Slain Theocracy. Though they were still barbaric in nature, they would be soon uplifted by the grace of the six who would move there to settle. The six would have chosen to stay in the glorious city of Maz, but that city no longer needed their protection. The armies provided by the Ancient One was more than enough to handle any threat found in this world.

The coming century would be peaceful as the world lost most of its inhabitants, there was not enough beast-men, nor demi-humans to threaten the survival of humanity, and due to their low number and sparse remaining tribes they attacked rarely and in little numbers. The six always talked about and compared it to the great extinction which they presumably had in their own world. The scholars would always fantasize about how could it look like? A great extinction in the plane of the Gods?

The people would gain insight, and knowledge from them concerning health care, social studies, and much more, but they would only understand a fraction of the wisdom of the Great Gods.

As time passed the Gods slowly left the world, one after another. After assuming human form, they were no longer exempt from the cruel passage of time. They aged and died like any normal human would do. Of course, they had lived over a century, so comparing that to the age's average human life span might be laughable.

After the five were notified by Surshana about the conclusion of the battle, they all had shocked expressions. They all thought that the one known as "Ainz Ooal Gown" would be trampled into bone powered under the might of Cthulhu, and the world would be covered in darkness.


Yet, he had won. He had somehow overcome the odds and emerged victorious. Though, they had expected that Ainz would be in need of help after his battle, he had never showed up. They wanted to help him, for saving the world, and some of them were also led by their hunger for riches, for their promised reward in exchange for their help.

Decades passed, and yet Ainz had never resurfaced. The thought that he had succumbed to his wounds had been commonly accepted by the citizens of the Slain Theocracy the nation of the Six Great Gods, and while most of the Gods themselves had believed so, there was a couple who thought otherwise.

Surshana after the passing of his comrades had left the nation and went on a long journey. On a journey to find Ainz Ooal Gown. He had believed that Ainz was still alive, after that display of might he had to be alive! After the stunt he pulled off there was no way in hell that he would die to his wounds. He was probably hiding and reassembling his forces in the shadows. Waiting for the right moment to strike. To reemerged on the great playground of the Gods.

In the deep space of the cosmos, two aberration was intertwined, in the devil's intercourse countless black tentacles were twisting in strange directions as space was distorted from the heated act.

These beings had nothing to do, so they chose an all-time favorite act to expel boredom from their endless existence.

Blood chilling screeching filled the cosmos, when Shub-Niggarath felt Yog-soggoth push her to the utmost limits. She could practically feel herself ripping apart, when she felt the connection to hundreds of her Dark Young disperse in a moment's notice. The children who should have returned were no-where to be found, she felt the link between mother and child shattered.

"Stop. ENOUGH!" She shrieked at her mating partner. "How? How?! How could MY children have perished?!" Her Dark Youngs were existences equal if not stronger than the deities, then how could they perish?! Over 400 of them had been erased from existence in one go, in a single summoning ritual, it was simply impossible. "Who could do such a thing? Who would DARE?!"Her body viciously shook as she lashed out to her surroundings with countless tentacles.

"What now? The Beyond One asked in a near incomprehensible voice, as countless mouths opened up throughout his body.

"Yog-soggoth! Our Youngs were killed! Why didn't you step in?! Why didn't you warn me?!"

"Why would I?" Asked the Watcher as echoing laughter from all directions filled the cosmos mocking the Outer God.


"We could always make new ones. Stop bothering me with his pointless little spat of yours… Come on now, let's get back to action." Thousands of mouths formed disturbing smiles, all adorned with countless razor-sharp teeth, which sparkled in anticipation.

"HEY! If you act like that, then I…. I AM NOT playing with you!"

"Alright, alright. I will open a link between you two, but you cannot interact with that world directly. It is too… fragile."

"I will curse that little insignificant speck of dust for daring to take away my Dark Young ones!" The Mighty Mother so declared as her feelers reached for the gate between space and time.

"Right, right. Hurry up so we can get back to business." Said The Lurker at the Threshold, while staring down at the Black Goat with a Thousand Young.

Deep underground in the heart of the mantle where no light could possibly penetrate the soil, a staff floated in a wide crack of the solid layer of the earth. Grasping the staff was a skeletal hand, which held the body so that it didn't fall down to the ground. The temperature was high, higher than any human could survive, but with his high tier elemental resistance Ainz was more than fine with these environmental effects.

He was in a state of deep thought as he tried to come up with an answer on how he fucked up so badly. That idiot Shub-Niggarath had also come after him, even though it was not HIS fault that her Dark Youngs were slain. It was Cthulhu's doing! Then why him? WHY PUNISH HIM?!" While he had evaded her successfully, he couldn't do anything about a dark cloud which moved as if it had its own will. It had followed him no matter where he ran.

He couldn't escape it. It was like a projectile that had 100% hitting mark rate. After a while he couldn't evaded it any longer and it found its target, him. He let out a weak laugh as he stared at the faintly glowing status screen in the corner of his eyes.

It read clearly. He was cursed. He was cursed when he wasn't even responsible! How come?! He would plan the downfall of Shub-Niggarath for this injustice, but not now. First, he somehow had to figure out how to break the curse binding him.

Said curse had three main effects. Firstly, it took away his ability to procreate, secondly it somehow blocked his vitality, due to this he was unable to regain Hp points no matter what method he used, and finally the third had put an insanity tag on his status.

Thankfully two of these alignments were of no consequence to him, as the insanity tag did nothing to him, and he didn't think it was possible to reproduce anyways.

But to take away his ability to regain Hp when he was close to 0% was no laughing matter. That damned curse also nullified the effects of negative energy healing. He had absolutely no idea what to do about it.

For now, he would hide away from any threat that may reduce his Hp to 0 and think of a plan of action. Until then, he would remain here, hidden away from the world.

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