《When Death walked the world》Chapter 11


The land lay ravaged beyond repair, poisoned by the Lord of the Watery Abyss. The once great forests of the region were no more. The rivers dried out, the mountains were made equal to the plains, and the plains were divided by deep tranches. On one side of the last standing mountain top a skeleton was dragging itself forward, while a colossal being watched from the distance.

Through time Ainz had regained a semblance of his Hp and his Mp, but he was constantly focused by Cthulhu even when the Dark Youngs took the stage. He would almost instantly spend any mana he regained to evade the beast, or to try and restore some of his health pool. He was dancing dangerously close to annihilation as his health had never gone above 5% in the past few days.

Even his God tier items were damaged, holes decorated the once magnificent dark gown, which he wore to the battle. The staff of Ainz Ooal Gown had dents on it, but the power of the staff persisted all the same. The staff's ability to summon high tier elementals also served him well, when he was about to die it managed to give enough time for his retreat.

His legs got blown off when he evaded another projectile of Cthulhu's. She had some kind of reality warping ability, and he had no way of defending against it other than to evade. When he did so, a tentacle had managed to hit his already ravaged legs, and they were simply blown away. Now, he could only crawl. He didn't have enough mana to cast {fly} a 3rd tier spell, that's how depleted his mana pool was.

Cthulhu was making her way over to the skeleton, this would be the end of this insolent mortal. Though, she still didn't understand why would the All-mother send her children to aid such a mortal, but it didn't interest her any longer. All she wanted was to finally trample this ant into the dirt, and then return to her duty, as the Grand Priest of the Old Ones.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Scarlet asked, while pointing at the Overlord laying in the dirt. His dark gown had many punctured holes in it, while his bones had lost their radiance. The skeleton was also missing its legs, an arm and its lower face.

"It is regrettable, but we cannot save him. You have seen what that being is capable of. Not only she is stronger than a lvl 100 warrior, she also manipulates space and those other magic tricks. We have to retreat further, who knows if she comes after us next?"



"No buts, we can't. Get ready, we are leaving the area. We have to find a safe place while it is still preoccupied."

"Come Scarlet." Said Terra, as he grabbed her shoulder. "Surshana is right, we cannot fight that thing."

"We don't need to fight it! Just distract it long enough so-"

"Enough! We are leaving. Alaf take her and the others. Don't just stand there. GO!"

Alaf looked at Surshana expectantly, as if to say. "Come with us."

"Don't worry, I will follow shortly." Said the God of Death, before returning his gaze to the struggle of Ainz Ooal Gown. If he had eyes, they would have surely dilated as he witnessed what came next. Nevertheless, the flames burned in his eyes in unseen intensity as he observed the proceedings.

Ainz laid in the dirt, waiting for his end… his mind had long retreated from the real world. He faintly heard the sound of the ground creaking under the weight of Cthulhu as she made her way over to his position.

"Is this the end? Guys, it's been a long life… I just wish, I wish I could have shared the wonders of this world with you."

"Momonga I am disappointed in you."

"What? Who said that?" He asked, while franticly looking around. He tried to gather his focus, but alas he could not force his mind to concentrate.

"Don't you recognize me? It is I, Ulbert! Your friend, Ulbert Alain Odle the Grand Catastrophe!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Ah, it seems like my time is nearing… I am already hallucinating." Ainz thought, as he laid his skull back into the mud. He was already dead tired, it pained him to move even an inch.

"Hey, Hey you old sack of bones! To think of me as a hallucination is a bit too much, isn't it?"

"What?! Ulbert?! Is that really you?!"

"Glad, you are finally awake. By the way, the others are here as well." – Ulbert said, as he gestured around Ainz, and one after another new shades took form, each different, each resembling a person he once knew.

"Momonga, it is not your time yet. Stand up." They said.

"Stand up, and fight!" They shouted in unison, before their bodies dissolved into mist.

Momonga felt something shift inside of him, he felt power overcome his whole being, as the cracks upon his bones folded themselves, and his eyes burned brighter than ever.


"I will not let you down. Ainz Ooal Gown does not know defeat! Under MY supervision, it will stay that way!"

Dark energies swirled around his body, as his bones darkened and expanded, the flames roared viciously in his remaining eye socket, and the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown screeched as he grabbed it with new found power, with new found purpose.

His body was covered in hell fire, and the dark flames reached up to the sky. His immediate vicinity was disintegrated within moments, such was the aura that seeped out of his being, his legacy, his very soul.

He would do anything to win, he will do anything to not bring disgrace to his comrades, his friends.

"Wh-what is this? WHAT IS THIS POWER?! WHERE IS IT COMING FROM?! MY body won't, It won't regenerate! I can't… I can't take it! Argghh!" Cthulhu screeched as she felt her body failing, her mind clouding, as she was forced back ever so closer into eternal sleep.

Ainz was not even casting any spells. None at all. He was going at the beast like a madman, like a savage. He used his staff as a club, and swung it with all his might. He pummeled Cthulhu anywhere and everywhere he reached, his sole purpose was to eradicate the creature. He has truly gone berserk. His strength was miniscule, not even close to the amount needed to damage Cthulhu, but the black flames which coated his being and immediate surroundings had brought the desire effect.

He didn't care for the hits the creature threw at him in her desperation, he just kept going. The flames of hell which encompassed his being hurt the creature, it burnt its very soul. He could feel it, he could sniff the air, and sense the smell of death. And yet, Cthulhu did not fall, she did not die, she could not die.

The searing hatred imbued within the dark flames could be felt miles away, as Ainz's feelings were going overdrive, his emotional suppressor long since abandoned its futile efforts to calm him.

To him, this being meant a single thing. It meant a disgrace to his memory of Ainz Ooal Gown. He would eradicate it, he would erase it from existence, death was a mercy she did not deserve.

How dare such a low life speak ill of HIS guild?! How dare she disrespect his cherished memories with HIS friends?! Unforgivable. HE would make it suffer! "Suffer, suffer SUFFER!"He roared inside of his hollow skull, as he advanced on the creature, with each blow sending it closer to its ultimate demise.

His battered body floated above Cthulhu as he kept on pounding the pitiful creature with his staff, blow after blow he felt the creature lose its will to resist.

It would be a comical and unreal sight, seeing a flying skeleton missing one of its arms, both legs, and jaw pummeling the Great Old One, should it not be for the wrathful aura and the merciless moves which he executed. The scarce vegetation which had managed to survived up until now was destroyed, either by the death energies released by the overlord or by the shockwaves generated by his pounding.

"Unbelievable." Said Surshana, while he witnessed the battle unfold. Each passing moments, the creature lost ground, as Ainz's merciless assault made it give way. When it finally fell, it was more than a kilometer away from where the assault had began.

Before she perished, Cthulhu uttered one last phrase, which would haunt Ainz for the coming years. "This is... not the end."

Ainz stood victorious. Cthulhu's body was wholly destroyed, consumed by the flames of hatred.

Though Ainz was the victor. He was victor in name only. He fell to his knees, as the fire in his left eye socket also died down. His dark gown had long before disintegrated in the intense flames, only his charred staff remained. He felt his consciousness fading. Pushing himself over the limit once more he pulled upon the energies of his very soul and cast {Perfect unknowable} and {Greater teleportation}.

That day was the last the Six Great Gods saw Ainz Ooal Gown. Even though they had spent a good chunk of their lives looking for their savior they could not find him anywhere.

Ainz's experimentation notes: Potion experiment number 0106

A faint green colored potion whose exact effects are still unknown. In theory it increases the compatibility of tier and wild magic used as one and the same. It is able to use the test subject's life energy, and even their heightened emotions as fuel to power tier magic spells. More testing needed. Potion is unstable.

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