《When Death walked the world》Chapter 6


On the bank of the Ooal River in the West side of the continent a little town flourished. The name of the town was Maz, and now it served as an important trade center for many local villages.

After the village was saved by the mysterious figure only known as "Ainz Ooal Gown" the news spread far and wide among the human and non-human populous. The tale of how "Death" descended from the sky, and purged all those who would dare lay harm to the denizens of Maz.

The frequent attacks stopped altogether in the vicinity of the village, and soon more and more people decided it was best to move there.

Many families relocated to the village, as it was deemed to be the safest option. In no more than a decade the village had grown out of itself, and the town of Maz was born, with over 5 000 citizens.

A hundred or so years later…

Ash was sitting in a wheelchair, a new invention made by one of his technicians employed directly under him. He was an old man, unbelievably so. This year he passed 113 years old. This age was thought to be impossible by many, as most died in their childhood, and even then, they would be prayed upon by demi-humans and monster. If one was lucky enough to be safe from all that, you would still get ill, and being ill would pretty much be your death sentence.

Nevertheless, he survived all of that. He and his sister had overseen this town, since its creation to its now flourishing state. He grabbed the medallion in his neck. Which shone ever so brightly in the dark room, with a warm green light.

It was an item of legends, an item of miracle, gifted to him and his sister by Ainz himself. The artefact would protect him from any illness known to man. He gathered that it protected even from those unknown to them. He was never sick, since the day he got that priceless gift.

His gaze never left the item, as he recalled his youth, how he hunted the beasts of the forest, how he sparred, and how he fought for the lives of the people in the past. He smiled as the memories returned to him, like it was only yesterday.

He heard a knock on the wooden door.

"Come in." He said in a weak voice.

The door opened and a woman came into the room. Said woman was his little sister, Selena. Who was over a hundred as well, though she still moved nimbly and had a cheerful voice as she did in her youth.

"Brother, d-do you think he will return?"

There was no need for more to be said, he instantly knew to whom she was referring to.

"I do not know sister, maybe... maybe not. The workings of his mind are beyond us, mere mortals."

His sister let out a soft laugh, before quickly covering her face.

"Oh, really? Us mere mortals? Even though we have lived already 4 times longer than the average humans do..."

"Yes, we have. Thanks to his mercy, and power."

"He had shielded us in the past century… He has given us the means to survive beyond length thought to be possible. But… do you think, he will continue to do so in the future? Don't you think he gave us his guidance and protection with reason?"

"Hmm, you are right sister." Said Ash as he elevated his gaze from the medallion to meet that of his sister's.


"Yes, and I believe it is time to pass your duties to the new generation."

"AH-ah -hah." Cough, cough. – "You say, I am no longer capable?" Cough, cough. "I am their protector, their guide in this dangerous world, I am the shepherd shielding the flock. Do you think, without me… without us, they could survive?" He said while gazing deep into her eyes with unwavering determination.

"Brother, you should have some time to yourself, you deserve it! You have done enough already! Why won't you take time to do what you always wanted to do?!"

"Hmm, you see. I am already too old to dream of such a thing. I don't believe that my body could handle such a journey. Maybe, you could go instead of me, and then tell me of your experience."

"Brother! Y-you always wanted to see the sea, y-you deserve to have your wish fulfilled!" She screamed as tears ran down her face.

Ash looked at his sister as he thought "You've never really grown up, have you little sis?"

"I have already told you, I won't use his gift selfishly. I won't waste such an item to my mundane amusement."

"If you won't, then I will." Thought her sister, before she said: "Fine, but then I don't want to hear you weeping about it later."

"You won't, I can promise that." He said, a smile forming on his hardened face, while he turned his chair, so he could see down from the castle window to the eventful goings of everyday citizens.

Downtown, the citizens were going about their daily lives, when something unexpected happened. The city was under attack. This has never happen before. Not since a hundred or so years prior.

Dragons flew above the once safe haven of humanity as they rained fire upon the town. Thousands perished in the blink of an eye. The armed forces of the town fled the scene with great haste, not caring for its people.

Ash was watching the scene with horror in his eyes, while many thoughts rampaged in his head.

"Why? Why now of all times?! I shouldn't have sent the cult members on a pilgrimage!"

He exhaled deeply, as he caught his mind wondering. He had to stay calm, and collected. He signaled to his royal guards as he made his way over to the castle walls. He rolls down the corridor with great haste and reaches the commanding officer of the fort.

The soldiers had left those behind whom they swore to protect.

Ash was livid at their disgraceful actions, but he couldn't do much if the city militia had left him.

He was old, very old.. the days when he could go toe to toe with dragons had gone by. In truth he had never faced a dragon, but he was confident that in his golden days he could take one down.

Now though, there were dozens, and they rained fire upon his town. The community which he had painstakingly built and guided was no more. Grievous screams filled his ears, as he could hear the wailing of the dead. The people burning alive…

His nostrils flared as he inhaled the smoke, and got into a violent coughing fit.

He cried out loud, hoping that someone would hear him, someone would help him. Yet none answered his called. "Is this it? Is this how it ends?" Before despair could take him, he felt his body being pushed forward, the wheels turning ever so faster, it was then that he heard a familiar voice.


"Brother calm down. You have to calm down, your body can't handle so much stress! Don't strain yourself."

He felt himself relax at the reassuring voice of his sister. Then determined he looked at the little "dummy" strapped to his belt. "I never thought I would actually have to use it." He slowly reached towards the artefact.

But before he could grab the item a terrible thunder shook the area, when a great lightening struck the ground. Then one more, and another, and another, each lightening varying in colors…. After 6 great lightening struck the surface of the world they could feel something. Something indescribable.

The survivors' hair stood on end, as something in the air had changed. The dragons savagely scorching the land had stopped their activities, when powerful and astonishing magical spells were fired repeatedly from behind the smoke screen.

These were spells of fire, water, wind, earth, light and of darkness. No man alive has ever seen such spells cast in quick succession. Wild magic was just too taxing. But these people were something else entirely. It was as if the very Dragon Lords took form before their very eyes. But they were no dragons, no… from the smoke screen human like shadows arose…

These unknown spells were terrifyingly effective as the dragons retreated after taking only a handful of them. Silence descended upon the city…

When the dust settled down they could see it. The new arrivals were encompassed in a different colorful aura each, one which only the strongest possessed. They radiated great power, and were garbed in various colorful cloth matching their respected auras.

They stood in the middle of the town square. 4 of those reminded them of humans, with the difference being that they were otherworldly beautiful and handsome. Two of the beings however looked like something else. One of which reminded Ash of Ainz Ooal Gown.

However, he could tell at first glance that he was not Ainz. He could feel the shift in the air, but it was not on the level of Ainz Ooal Gown. Moreover, he couldn't detect the royal bearing which was so obvious on Ainz's posture. He hid the "dummy", but made sure that it was still within reach, then he made his way over to them.

"Leader where are we?" Said the one wearing a brown cloth.

"I am as clueless as you are. Do not panic, this might be a new update." Surshana said as he stepped forward gazing at their surroundings. Though they had used some spells to have the dragons disappear it was a surprise that they had retreated. There were some mobs in Yggdrasil which would turn to escape should their Hp fall below a certain point, but there were no dragons like that, not as far as they knew.

"Hey guys! Look!" Exclaimed the woman in crimson cloth, while she pointed at one of the collapsing buildings.

"Again, What is it?" Said the woman in green cloth, not hiding the irritation in her voice one bit. Her lavish features were not the least obscured by her robe.

"Do you feel that?" The man in brown cloth asked, while he looked around.

"Feel what? Your senses are nonexistent in game… Wait, what?! What is this stench?!" Said the girl garbed in red cloth, in an innocent voice. She was a little over 4ft tall, if one would have to guess, they would surely think that she is a child, and how wrong they would be.

"Smells like burnt flesh if you ask me." Said Alah, after he sniffed the air.

"Hmm, smells like death if you ask me, I shouldn't say that, should I?"

"Now, now don't panic everyone." Said Surshana, amazing the others of how collected he was in a situation like this.

Before they could continue with their observations a shadow of a man appeared in the smoke, slowly moving closer to them. Further inspection revealed that said man was moving with the aid of a wheelchair, closely behind him an elderly woman ran, doing her best to catch up to him.

"What do you think that is? That NPC sure is weird,.. right? Guys?" Asked the one in red cloth, in a cute voice.

"I don't think that's an NPC, look closer. They don't move like that." Said Surshana as he made his way in front of the group, ready to intercept the new arrival should it be necessary.


Ash was out of breath, as he pushed the wheels to go ever faster. On his grey hairs sweat gleamed as he made his way over to the 6 being. It seemed to have been worth it, because he managed to reach them, before they left the scene. He knew all too well, that if they had decided to leave, then he might as well throw away his one chance before his life ultimately reaches its end, his one chance to make friends with powerful beings, beings who were capable of defeating dragons.

He felt a strange tingle throughout his body, he couldn't decide if it was out of fear, or excitement. From his encounter with Ainz Ooal Gown he knew how valuable it is to have exceptionally powerful friends, on whom you can rely on. That said, it is just as equally dangerous to have enemies on pair with dragons. He reached his destination, and came face to face with a wicked skull. Normally most man would scream if they saw something that unnatural, as a 6ft tall grinning undead.

He ground to a halt before them and waited for them to address him.


"What do you think he is doing?"

"I think he is here to greet us. But why doesn't he speak?"

"Maybe he can't?"

"Oh, don't be like that Scarlet."

"This is going nowhere, if he won't start, I will." Surshana's commanding voice echoed inside of their heads, and the message cut off.

Ash felt his body involuntarily twitch, when he heard the skeleton's voice. He expected the undead to sound similar to Ainz, but what he heard was something else entirely. While Ainz's voice was adamant, and commanded respect, when he spoke with him at length so many years before at the bon fire he almost sounded human. But the voice he heard now was devoid of any emotion whatsoever. It was cold, and commanding, not allowing any defiance.

"You, who are you?" Said the God of Death.

Ash blinked, and clench his fists as he summoned the courage to speak. He felt like his body would betray him, and deny the opportunity to sway powerful beings to his side. He almost lost his cool, when he felt a tug on his shoulder.

He peaked over to see who it was. Who else, but his sister. She was standing there, panting heavily. He calmed himself, and then made eye contact or at least tried to. He looked deep into the hollow holes of the undead before him.

"I am… I am Ash. I am Ash, the first King. The ruler of the city of Maz, where you have landed. I.. I am here to question your intentions about this place. Ar-are you here to h-harm us?"

"Harm you? Didn't you see how we've dealt with the dragons?" Surshana perked an eyebrow at the question, forgetting for a fleeting moment that he is undead. Thus his implication had gone unnoticed.

"That display of power I have seen, however over the years I have learned that others may do favorable actions towards you, only so they can reap greater benefits later on. Are you here to use my people for your own selfish interest?" Ash asked, sweat rapidly forming on his forehead.

The skeleton stared deeply into his eyes, considering his reply. Then he spoke, and Ash felt like he was crushed, still he quickly recovered.

"What if I am? What can you do to stop ME?" The fires ignited in the eye socket of the skeleton, just like that of Ainz's. Ash sweated profusely, as the possibility of this being equaling Ainz in power took root in his mind.

"I see." He said carefully, while he clutched the "dummy" in his right hand. He held it behind his back as to not arose suspicion. "If it comes to that, we will see, if you can conquer Death."

"I may be unable to stop you, but know this:" His eyes shown a bright green color, when he recited the words he had engraved into his mind so long ago. Vivid imagines filled his vision, as he recalled the knowledge entrusted to him by the great being.

"No good deed goes answered, and no bad deed goes without punishment."

Surshana stood bewildered, before he answered.

"Wise words. Wise words indeed. I see that you didn't waste your years on meaningless things, but instead had pursued wisdom. I applaud you mortal, and your courage to stand in my way with such a low level of power. But your fears were unfounded, I am not here to harm you, or any of your people. So please… just relax, and let us converse at length at a later date… You seem tired."

A great weight fell from his chest, as he nodded to his sister to push his wheelchair back to the mansion. The 6 slowly advanced, and followed them into the palace.

It has been a month since the arrival of the Elemental Gods, the God of Life and the God of Death. In this time period he had grown closer to them, and built strong ties. They had agreed to help with the protection of the area, and the healing of the sick, in exchange they had been given the most luxurious rooms that the palace could afford.

He spent his days with the Gods, surprisingly most of the time they acted like humans, and had no calms about being addressed by simple names. The God of Death was called Surshana, while the God of Life called himself Alah Alaf. The God of Fire was called Scarlet, while the The God of Water was Aqua. The God of Wind preferred if she was referred to as madame Ventus, while the God of Earth was simply called Terra.

He noticed the rivalry between the God of Fire, and the God of Wind early on, still he couldn't quite wrap his head around it. So he left it at that. The God of Life and Death was the most prominent of the 6, but from the usual practice bouts he could confidently say that the God of Fire was also close, if not on pair with them. Nonetheless, the other Gods were nothing to laugh at either.

The peaceful days were welcomed by the citizens, and the Gods had become quite the attraction from neighboring towns also. The city was repopulated within a month of its near destruction, mainly thanks to the Gods' assistance in its rebuilding.

These happy affairs would come to an end sooner than expected, as dark clouds gathered on the horizon.

It is unknown why the 6 Great Gods had descended upon the world 600 years ago. While they did not confront the Dragon lords, their mere presence was enough to scare away the dragons from the ancient city of Maz, thus ensuring its survival. From the ancient texts collected, I can deduce that at some point in history the 6 had met the Ancient One, though the subject of the meeting is unclear, it is marked as the day of the downfall of the Great Gods, and the ascension of the Great God of Death, who ruled over the world for the coming century. – Great Scholar Alexander Asmodius Heliux.

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