《When Death walked the world》Chapter 5


Momonga was scouting the boundaries of the continent, yet again he was amazed by the beauty of the world. The gentle waves of the ocean, and the wonders of the sea.

It had been a decade since his arrival to the new world, and yet his thirst for knowledge, power and information never ceased. He also took his sweet time appreciating the world around him.

No day passed without him thinking about his comrades, and how great it would be if they could enjoy this world with him to the fullest. Alas, in all his search for ways to open a gateways between worlds he haven't found anything that could make it possible to reunite with them. And so Suzuki Satoru kept on searching the continent far and wide.

In his travels he met all sorts of humans, demi-humans, beast-men and many other intriguing beasts which were not found in Yggdrasil. He indulged in his curiosity as he tamed such creatures with brute strength. Though he would always try to reason with them, it never worked.

He flew atop a mountain top when he felt his undead sense go into overdrive. He checked out the place under the effect of {perfect unknowable}, but alas there were only zombies, and skeletons. It wasn't even worth his time and energy to enslave them, so he just continued on with his journey. Even though he had spent the bulk of the decade traversing the land, there were still many things which remained hidden before him. As such, he would find something new every now and then.


Once he even intruded upon a battlefield. When he noticed he hurriedly cast {time stop}, but to his surprise there were a couple of beings immune to it. It had never failed him before! He had salvaged so many situations in the past years using {time stop}, that it didn't even cross his mind that something like this could happen. He could always give himself enough time to think what would be the most appropriate way of acting in said situations, but now they were staring at him!


Many thoughts shoot through his mind as he tried to collect himself. "Dammit! I came unannounced to a fucking battle! I have to leave, but how?! If they are immune to time related spell they must be high level or have artifacts! Did they block my teleportation? If they did, and I tried to flee they would be alerted and it would be over for me." A calm wave washed over him. "Hmm, lets just pretend that nothing is out of place." Everything is fine Suzuki, just act like you belong." – he said to himself as he continued walking towards their direction.

He lifted his head to glance at them, and then he blanked out for a moment. "That's not a snake with wings, I thought that it may be a species unique to this world, but a dragon?! For christ's sake! Why?! Why not throw a {World Boss} right off the bat at me?! I have to get out of here, and assess the situation from a safe distance." He thought as he activated one of his many precious rings.

Said ring he wore constantly in the new world, as the terrane was an unknown and it was for the best to have an escape plan in place, should it be needed. The ring was called "Houdini", it allowed the user to teleport to a safe point once a day. This point however had to be determined in advance. The power of this ring would overwrite even spells such as {dimensional lock}. No wonder that it was a 'cash shop item'. He didn't hesitate to use it, and disappear into thin air.

The Age of the Dragon Lords

There was once a time known as the "Age of the Dragon Lords". Back then, the Dragon Lords were the dominant species of the World, ruling it through their Wild Magic. However this golden age came to an end with the arrival of the gods from Yggdrasil. It is shrouded in darkness what had caused their downfall as said gods were only slightly above them in individual might.


Many theorize it was because of their "Tier" magic. A new magic system unknown to the dragons, but then again these new arrivals didn't know Wild magic either. There were numerous great struggle recorded by the scribes throughout the ages, and yet the one battle which ultimately decided their fate remain shrouded in mystery.

I Alexander have come to the conclusion that the theory about the "Ancient One's" existence cannot be ignored. It is clear that something doesn't add up. If there was a being so great that the Gods' and the Dragon lords' joined forces paled in comparison then that could serve as an explanation to the downfall of the Dragon Lords.

400 years ago whatever happened has marked the end of the Dragon Lords' supremacy. I shall endeavour to shed light to the events of the past.

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