《When Death walked the world》Chapter 3


Satoru spent his days travelling the land, and helping out some settlements along the way. He felt sick about the way humans were treated by the more powerful races, his disgust resurfaced every time he would witness such acts committed, but his emotional suppressor never ceased to work as intended.

Time passed and before he knew a year had already gone by. He took up residence whenever he felt mentally exhausted in a fortress which he created via his magic. First he didn't allow himself such luxury as the threat from unknown enemies were imminent, but with time he became more and more relaxed, while several of his magical experiment bore fruit. He figured the spell {perfect unknowable} could be cast on objects. He was right. It had gained a new function after being transported to this strange new world.

He stood at the only window present on the tower while he admired the landscape. The Sun was slowly disappearing on the horizon, while below a green forest spanned as far as the eye could see. He couldn't find it within himself to be content witnessing such a sight. " Such beaty, I wish 'BluePlanet' could see this. I wish my friends of Ainz Ooal Gown were here to enjoy a view like this."

A thought was born. "No matter what, i will preserve the beauty of this world. Whatever it takes, i will ensure its future."

He got ready to move out, it was the first anniversary of him coming to this world, he would make the most of it. If nothing else, he would pay a visit to the first human pair he had met in this world.

Ash was standing atop the podium, where every Sunday he preached the teachings of the savior. The teachings of the Great Incarnation of Death. Many would question him, why would he call it with such respect instead of simply calling the skeleton an undead. Though they said that, none of them would dare to act up before the savior. They all vividly recalled the day, when the village was encircled and thought to be lost. However, in the last moment they had received help from the most unlikly ally.

When the topic came up, he would always give the same answer. "Because to call him an undead would be foolish. I had conversed with the great being at length and from our conversation I have learnt the truth, and one day you shall learn as well." He said.

When he was in the presence of Ainz Ooal Gown he felt it. He alone knew of the fearsome power of the Great One. When he compared him to the Gods known from myths passed down from generation to generation it had become clear. It had become clear that Ainz is no God. God's are beings to whom people pray for salvation. They pray because of their inability to save themselves.


In all honesty, Gods are mortals with unrivaled power, nothing more nothing less. He recalled the stories which his father told him at nights. They contained marvelous adventures and terrific display of strength, but none, NONE of them told of the Gods' power to command death, or to stop time. It was clear as day light, that the one who saved him was a being of superior level, how superior? He could only guess.

Ash was getting ready to begin the ceremony, when he spotted a little girl with grey hair. With her 5ft height she was furiously waving at him, trying to be noticed in the sea of people gathered. She was no other than his sister, Selena. He smiled as he waved back. It has been awhile since he had seen her as joyful as she is now.

"Brother! Today we celebrate, right – right!?" She asked hopefully, her eyes sparkling.

"Yes, Sel. Today we give thanks for all that we have." Said Ash, while he was getting ready for the ceremony, busying himself with the special items meant to crown the event.

"Yeay! But why do we give thanks to a skeleton? Isn't skeleton evil?"

"Yes, you are right. You can't trust the undead, but this is no mere undead. This is our saviour!."

"O-Okay! – so there will be lots – lots of food, yes?!" She said while she tried to climb up to the stage.

Ash smiled while breaking into a chuckling fit.

"Of course. It wouldn't be a holiday without tons of food! Ha-ha ha!"

"Hurray!" She jumped up and down as she welcomed the good news. Food was scarce, and it would be nice to have a filled stomach from time to time.

Ash thought to himself, "When she has grown enough, I will explain the truth to her, and how our escape was possible."

It was time to begin the ritual. The founder of the sect, Ash kneeled towards the monument, soon the others followed suit. Then he began the chant.

"O Death, thee who are the great equalizer,

Thee who weight our souls at the end of our journey,

Great idea, which lords over all of creation!

He stopped for but a moment before continuing.

Today we pay our tribe!

We of the village of Maz hereby swear,

Swear to serve you and you alone!

Accept our fealty! O' Supreme One!

By your will we live, by your will we die.

Great one let your wisdom guide us,

Let your strength give us courage!

Even in the darkest hours we do not fear!

For we know, we know that you are here with us!

Silence reigned as the gathered stopped their chant, just to burst into a shout filled with devotion.


"All hail the Supreme one,

All hail Ainz Ooal Gown!"

The people were deeply bowing. Even though it was but a simple sculpture, in the eyes of the village dwellers it was so much more. It was the symbol of absolute power, the symbol of judgement, it was… the symbol of salvation.

Just when they were about to lift their heads they heard a deep, charismatic voice. They felt a strong, chilling sensation run through their bodies, for some this brought joy, or admiration, but for the most part what it brought was fear, genuine fear.

"You flatter me."


Everyone hastily raised their heads only to see the skeletal overlord in all his magnificence posing on the podium. He held a golden staff in his right hand, while he spectated the crowd. His piercing gaze cut through all obstruction, as it seemed that he was weighting their very souls.

Ash hastily turned towards the new arrival, and fell to his knees in tears. "H-He has returned! At last he is HERE! Wh-what should I say to him, what should I ask? O-oh, I got it!"

"W-welcome back, lord Ainz Ooal Gown. Are you pleased with our offerings?" He said, while gazing up to their lord.

Unbeknown to them, Momonga was internally torturing himself for saying such a stupid thing. "You flatter me, blah. Can't believe I just said that. How the hell am I going to get out of this mess?! What is this boy talking about, offering, what offering?!"

On the cliff of Mount Eten a demon stood. He was known as the "Terror of the East" and has lead countless demons out of the shadows to take control over the world. The beast-men armies and intelligent monsters were suppressed and conquered on the East. Now it was time that West came under his rule as well. At least he thought as such.

He let out a fiery breath as he gave the command. "March."

Thousands of demons moved as one, the ground shook at their advance and mountains toppled.

"Yes, today we march on the West! There will be no place where our enemies can hide, for we will scorch the entire world! HA haah-ha-ha-h. This world will be truly beautiful… covered in hellfire that is. Ha-hahah- ah.."

"You heard the commander, get moving!" One of the four coordinators standing beside the commander bellowed, urging the troops to up their speed. Why would they waste time with marching a second more, when that could be a second more of bloodshed? Even a low level demon should understand that."

That day the armies of hell march on the world. From the East to the West all lands would be laid to waste. "Only a matter of time". He remarked as the fire in his eyes intensified.

Ainz has managed to smoothen out the misunderstanding, mainly due to the fact that no-one dared to say anything that may displease him, but of course that has gone unnoticed by the overlord.

He questioned the villagers throughout the day, and he was glad that he did, because he had gained some valuable information. It was true that they could only guess how many humans were, and where they were, and neither did they know the world beyond the boundaries of the nearest hunting grounds inside the forest.

Be that as it may, when asked about magic, he found out some interesting things. Apparently, they didn't know about Tier magic, but something else entirely. It was called Wild magic. Only a select few practiced it, because of its drawbacks, the use of life energy had placed too great of a burden on the simple humans and demi-humans. Only the mightiest beings, the famed and feared dragon lords were able to effectively use it. They were massive enough to draw from their near endless source of life force, thus they didn't need sacrifice. He listened to the villagers' tales late into the night. When he lost interest he disappeared into the dark, never to be seen again.

"Hmm, I need to be careful, that wild magic of theirs might be able to bypass my resistances. I can't rule out the possibility. Therefore, I must move even more stealthy from now on."

Momonga thought as he made his way through the jungle with great care.

The people had belief systems even before the arrival of the 6 Great Gods, however these varied from community to community. Some villages would worship the Sun, or the Light as their patron God, others the Elements and there were some who worshipped special Magical beast. However, throughout the ages these religions have been forgotten. The only religion which stood the test of time was the religion of the 6 Great Gods.

However, a select few knew about the Supreme one, the one who Ruled over Death.

The time of the formation is unknown, presumed to be centuries before the appearance of the 6 great gods, who would later on save humanity. Therefore, the Ancient One remained an enigma. An unmovable force behind the scenes, always scheming the downfall of a nation or that of the very Gods. Even though, he could just flip his fingers and 'probably' all of it would be over. – theorized the great scholar Alexander Asmodius Heliux.

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