《I Came, I Ran》The Battle of Wolves


The fighting between the boy and the body never stopped. It was like an endless loop of pain of the boy, and growth for the Abyssmal. With every hit on the Abyssmal it got faster, stronger, more like a beast then a body. At times, it even tried to bite off a part of the boy.

The boy however, was getting weaker. His punches were more drawn out, having less force behind them, less of a chance to hit the body. At random times, his legs gave out, dropping the boy on floor and leaving him vulnerable. He knew that he would have to kill his creation soon, or would die.

He really doesn’t want to find out what happens when he dies in his own mind.

So, the boy devised a plan to use his powers against the Abyssmal, as it would be the only way to win for the last time. From what the boy could count, this was the 106th fight with the body, and it would be its last.

The boy tried to get into his fighting stance, but the body was already upon him. Opening its maw, the Abyssmal tried to eat the boy’s head, which he narrowly dodged by ducking and sending an uppercut into the beast’s belly. The hit connected, and that is when he turned on his power; The Eyes of Chronos.

The boy saw a lot of slight muscle twitches in the body, and predicated the next move of the Abyssmal, allowing for a counter-attack. The Abyssmal spun around in mid-air, and sent out a kick to the boy’s shoulder, aiming to dislocate it. But the boy caught the foot, nearly breaking his hand because of the force it delivered.

The boy then threw the foot to the side, and sent out his own punch to the body’s genital area. The boy noticed that as the very slow punch was coming, the beast held a surprised expression, but was already sending a far faster fist onto the boy’s head. The boy started moving his head out of the way as soon as he saw the fist and its trajectory.


The Abyssmal’s fist reached it’s the spot the boy’s head was first, but found no contact, as the boy saw it coming. His punch reached its intended point, striking the body backwards. The boy turned off his power, and everything returned to normal, the body’s back hitting the floor. No sooner as its back had hit the floor as it jumped up onto its legs, and got on all fours.

The body snarled at the boy, the grin appearing on its face as it did so. The, its body changed even further, the mouth area extending into a snot like shape, the Abyssmal growing something all over its body. Before the boy could use his skill to see exactly the transformation, the body exploded into a heavy, black fog.

The boy saw nothing with his eyes for a few moments, before the black fog retracted back into the Abyssmal. Well, what was once the Abyssmal, but now it looked more like the boy’s archenemy; the wolf.

Its eyes shone a lapis color, them bright as a flame during nighttime. It’s glowed a hateful white, looking upon the boy as the creature that murdered its entire family. It smiled not at the boy, instead showing its teeth in the most aggressive way possible. Its feet were no longer that of paws, but large claw-like hands, ready to tear flesh from bone.

The wolf’s size was taller than the boy, all this probably a result of the Abyssmal’s upgrades. But even with all of these changes, the boy feared the wolf not; he looked upon it with a deep, odious look. Just the mere existence of the beast in-front of him had driven him into a deep state of madness.

This resulted in the black area surrounding the area that the boy had opened up becoming a cloud-like form, ever-changing and teal in color. The wolf darted its eyes around quickly to take in its new surroundings, but returned them to see the boy running up to it, his fist about to strike it in-between the eyes.


The wolf jumped forwards, opening its maw to try and bite off the boy’s approaching arm. The boy met this attempt head-on, by sending his arm into the lower jaw of the wolf, closing it as it approached and allowing for the strike up top to connect and stun the wolf.

The stunned wolf fell landed on his feet, and quickly shook his head, just in time for the boy to send a spear-like hand move into the neck of the wolf. The speed of it allowed to pierce the wolf’s fur and its skin, puncturing its throat. But the wolf didn’t fall, it just looked down at the boy, twisting its head to bite into the arm of the boy.

The boy screamed out from pain, before smacking the wolf’s head with several shoulder strikes. After several of these strikes, the wolf finally let down, letting go of the boy’s mauled arm. Quickly analyzing his situation, the boy figured that his arm was now useless, and that he would have to defeat the beast with his other appendages.

‘It doesn’t have long to live now, just gotta hope I hit an artery.’ The boy left the useless arm to hang, while raising his other arm and getting into a fighting stance. The wolf also recovered, but you could see droplets of blood coming from its mouth. This along with the trickle of blood down the wolf neck showed it didn’t have long left to live.

The boy activated his power once more, slowing down everything once again. The boy punched towards the wolf, aiming to stun it again. He saw as the wolf brought up its claws, aiming to slash across the boy’s chest. Foreseeing the movement, the boy tried to move backwards, but the wolf speed outmatched his.

The wolf slashed the boy chest, creating a large gash and the pour of blood almost instantly after the slash came. The boy stumbled back, almost falling over. ‘Have to finish this quickly...or will die.’ The boy was losing conscience, stumbling about and trying to see what the wolf was doing. He noticed it also stumbling about.

Both the boy and the wolf were losing conscience, and both of them figured that they would have to finish the other first. With all his might, the boy ran at the wolf, his spear-like hand aiming to pierce its skull with incredible speed. The wolf in-turn, saw this coming, and prepared to jump for the boy’s neck.

Both came at each other with incredible speed, but the boy saw the bite coming as the wolf started to open its maw. The boy didn’t care for what will happen, he only knew to kill the beast first before it killed him. The boy scoured his mind for ideas on how to win over the wolf, who was currently coming at him at the same speed the boy was.

There was nothing. Only speed and power would help him here, so the boy only hoped for the best. He and the wolf came at each other, and made contact. The boy’s hand pierced through the skin of the wolf, and into the brain, the broken bones digging into his hand and parts of his arm. The wolf and his bite reached the boy half-a-second later, biting into the boy’s neck.

Both of the beings fell, almost on top of each other. The wolf bleeding from its skull, the boy’s hand still in there, and the boy slightly bleeding from his neck. The boy was losing conscience fast, his vision turning black. The boy felt wet, almost like the blood that was pouring down from him and the wolf was surrounding him, almost like a lake being filled up.

By the time the blood had gotten to his eyes, the boy had completely lost conscience.

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