《I Came, I Ran》Awakening


The boy stood, looking around himself, and unmoving.

The boy, before the message had appeared, had thought that only his thoughts would appear written on the darkness; not random text that crowned him some random title. So, the boy, in his confused state, made the Abyssmal disappear into nothingness, leaving him alone to stand and think upon what just happened.

But just as the boy started to process what had happened, a hole opened up in the darkness. Out came pouring a blood red liquid, filling the room that the boy had made for himself. The liquid reached over the boy's head almost as soon as it came in, turning him and his clothes blood red. The boy, too confused to do anything about this sudden occurrence, tried swimming to the top.

But he was too slow, for the liquid had already reached the top after he started his swim. Then the boy looked around himself, noticing that the liquid was corroding away the darkness of the room. I thought that it was indestructible...' Was the last message shown by the darkness before its last part got eaten away, and the boy was broken free from his mind prison.

The boy awoke having his vision filled with red, and no air around him. The boy found it difficult to move his body; and this is what told him he was underwater. The boy still didn't understand why the liquid around him was red, as he remembered the lake he fell on was a nice, clear dark blue. But he couldn't figure out the mysteries of a lake permanently changing color, for he was close to drowning.

So, the boy swam upwards with all his strength. Surprisingly, his speed from the when he was in the mind prison didn't transfer into the real world. But the boy could worry about that later, for he felt now like his lungs were going to explode. So he swam with even more might, disregarding the diver's rule about not going up too fast after diving deep underwater.


This action paid-off, as the boy got up faster to the surface, allowing for himself to breath in that sweat oxygen. After regaining himself, the boy looked around; he saw nothing human-made surrounding the blood-red lake, so he just picked a direction and swam towards it. It didn't take long for the boy to reach land, feeling the dirt he took for granted all those many days ago.

After laying on the soft dirt for a few minutes, the boy got up; he had to analyze his situation now, as laying on the dirt forever wasn't really an option. First off, all of the boy's clothing was torn up and wet, but as he had no replacement, he had to make do. The boy looked around till he found a tree with a valid branch that could all of his cloth and let them dry at the same time.

The boy found one such tree and headed on over to it. Upon arrival, the boy took off his torn up, blood-red shirt and pants, and hung them on a rather long branch. He kept his underwear on just in case someone may come over and see him. The boy then, nearly naked, sat down against the tree, and felt it's hard bark against his bare back; this reminded him of the next objective.

The boy looked down onto his stomach, seeing no visible damage from where the ball of energy hit him. He only saw some very minor scars on his legs, but that was it. Then the boy felt around his back, which had obviously been changed. There was now a ginormous scar just above his pelvis in the rough shape of a circle. The boy also guessed that there was a bunch more scars he couldn't reach, but he didn't care enough to look for them now.

The boy was tired and hungry; particularly, he was very tired, which made him want to have a sleep after his very long time spent in the mind prison, where he couldn't sleep. So, the boy closed his eyes, and waited till Sandman brought him a dream; which he was very fast to do.



The boy awoke to the smell of meat. He didn't know what kind of meat, the boy just knew that it was the smell of meat, and it smelled good. The boy opened his eyes and saw something that wasn't there before the day beforehand. In fact, he saw a lot that wasn't there the other day.

First, the boy noticed how there were two tents, both dull-green in color. They were militaristically styled, meaning that either the military had camped in front of him, or someone else had come with the same equipment as them. The boy also noticed a campfire in-between the two camps, with the remains of an animal hanged over the extinguished fire.

The boy couldn't see any particular shapes in the camp, meaning that the occupants could still be sleeping, or have left and are most likely watching him. The boy, sincerely hoping that it was the first option, slowly and quietly got up, walking over to get and put on his clothing.

Surprisingly, it was still hanging there, completely dried over the night that it hanged. The boy grabbed his pants and shirt, putting both on and then trying to quietly head behind the tree. The made his first footstep and-


-He stepped on a rather dry branch. The boy's body completely halted, refusing to move, almost as if he just alerted his killer to his location and his instincts could feel it. He turned his head precariously, seeing no movement on the outside around the tents, and no movement inside. Seeing this the boy internally sighed in relief and turned around to leave.

"Tell me, where do you think you're going?"

The boy stopped yet again and looked behind him to see the source of the noise; it was coming from the top of the tree. Up there, in the darkness, the boy could barely make out a figure of someone with very dark clothing, and something small glimmering and spinning in their hands; presumably a weapon.




"You mean east?"


"Alright boy, stay right where you are. HEY GIRLS, WAKE UP!"

It was at this point that the boy decided to not get outnumbered and started to run. His feet carried him toward the forest, where he was most likely to lose anyone that would pursue him. The boy ran, not even bothering to look back; he would have to save every bit of strength for the coming chase, which was most likely going to happen.

The boy, after starting his run, noticed that he was faster than the previous time he ran away from danger, in fact he even noticed that his legs were moving at an almost comical speed. So, the boy gave himself a side-objective while running away; he wanted to break his previous record of sixteen kilometers-per-hour.

The boy ran and ran, but after a while, he looked back and saw that no one was following or running after him; the boy stopped. He needed to take a breather, as he had run a significant distance without a break. But unluckily for him, the moment he took his breath, someone came out from behind the tree nearest to him and smacked him on the head, knocking him unconscious.

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