《I Came, I Ran》Fight!


After what seemed to be like forever, the boy finally pushed the darkness back, to give him more space to train in. By his calculations, he was now in a twenty by twenty-meter "room". IN here, he could conjure up all kinds of things, all though he had a limit to how much can be in his space at once.

For starters, he made two wooden training dummies, which he had placed in the middle of the space. The boy then got into what he thought to be a fighting position he had once seen on TV, and punched...

"AHHHHHHH FUCK!" The boy however forgot, that he was punching wood, and that hurt like hell, even in this mind prison. So, after holding his damaged hand and swearing for a few minutes, the boy made the training dummies disappear. Instead, he got a human-like model to appear, it replacing the dummies for a more realistic experience.

Punching these dummies wasn't as punishing for the boy, but it still hurt his fists and knuckles on the first few tries. But the boy knew he had to continue if he wanted to survive, so he kept punching, sucking up the pain.

The boy went on like this for a day, before realizing that in mind prison, one doesn't need to sleep. After a short bit of confusion, the boy kept on with his punches, even starting to incorporate kicks into the mix after a while. The boy trained and trained, and after around three days of practicing his punches and kicks, he moved back onto the wooden training dummies.

They still hurt like a bitch, but the boy could handle the pain after what he had gone through the past three days. After a while, the boy realized that he would also need to learn how to block punches and kicks, so he created his best memory of a spinning dummy from a style he remembered to be called Wing Chun.

So, the boy hit the dummy, and got hit in the arms as his reward. At first this confused him, so he hit again, and got hit again. This happened over and over again, until the thoroughly pissed-off boy made all the dummies disappear. The boy had to get creative, make something that he could hit, but wouldn't instantly hit him back; s the boy resorted to creating a fighter.

In the boy's mind, he knew that couldn't create true life. He could only imitate it, and that was what he set out to do. First, he knew he needed a human opponent, so he created the rough base of a human body. With the body done, the boy figured that the body had to move around, so he made it his best interpretation of a human skeleton, along with some inner flesh and muscle. Then the boy gave the body weak points, just like the ones regular people had.


The boy tested this weakness with one simple exercise; he punched the body in where the liver should be. The boy, when he gave the body the muscle and flesh, also gave it a nervous system. This meant that the liver was one of the weakest spot's in the body if struck, and the body would collapse if he had done everything right. Thankfully, he did, and the body fell like a sack of potatoes.

So, the boy then went to the last part of his creation, the brain. For this, the boy made it so the brain functioned more like a training bot, following and executing commands. Finally, when he was done, the boy looked upon his creation, and remembered to add skin; it was a little too terrifying to fight something without skin. So, the boy gave the body some vantablack coloured skin.

The boy had finally completed his creation, the first of its kind; an Abyssmal. To start off, the boy turned on the Abyssmal by saying a few simple commands. He then told it to watch him fight, record it, and then practice what it had learnt on the human-like training dummy. The creature did as it was told.

At first, everything was fine; the humanoid did as it was told, recording the boy fight and then practicing on the training dummy. But then the boy saw how hard it was hitting the dummy; it was sending ripples along the dummy's skin. It was then the boy realized, that this was going to be his most painful lesson yet.

After a while of recording the boy practice, the body started to improve on the boy's semi-sloppy fighting style. Its punches became faster, more efficient. Its kicks struck harder on the dummy. It was at this point that the boy figured he should stop it before it became unbeatable.

The boy stopped the body and gave it new commands to engage in a duel with him. After clearing up some minor confusion on what a duel might entice, the body understood and got into a modified stance, something that looked like what the boy used, but more grounded. The boy and the body ready, they started the boy's first lesson on a real fight.

The body struck first, aiming for the boy's head with its punch. The boy didn't see this coming, so he was smacked on the head, and dropped to the ground; unconscious. The boy, as soon as his head hit the ground and his eye's closed, he reopened them. The boy still felt the pain and realized that he was knocked unconscious; yet he didn't understand why he awoke as soon as his eyes closed.


The boy lay there, unwilling to get up and go back to dueling his creation. He was defeated instantly, no one would want to return from that; but he knew. The boy knew that if he were not to be better now, he would pay dearly for it later, for the world always culled the weak, no matter who they were.

So, the boy got back up, seeing the Abyssmal standing, waiting for him in a fighting stance. The boy got back into his own fighting stance and started again. This time he was the one that struck first, but the body dodged it, and punched the boy square in the chest and knocking all the air out of his lungs. The boy didn't fall, he went onwards, fighting to his best capabilities.

The duel's continued for days as a result of both contestants not needing to sleep or eat, henceforth eliminating all the time they would need for breaks.

The boy and his creation advanced too. Both the boy and the creation had learnt a lot from each other, but the one benefiting the most from these spars was the boy. The boy, for every time he would come close to counterattacking or attacking his creation, it would adapt, grow stronger than the boy, and render his efforts useless. But the boy only got more out of it.

With every defeat, the boy became faster. While the Abyssmal could substitute its lack of speed for strength in every punch, the boy used his speedy arms to set up the punches, out-maneuver the body; and he was getting better at it with every battle. He couldn't really tell if his arms were striking fast enough, but he knew that his attempts were going over 10m/s. The boy knew he was getting close to hitting the Abyssmal.

So, came the two-hundred-and-third spar between the boy and the Abyssmal. Both got into their fighting stances, and both got ready to see, which one shall be sent to the ground. Both beings circled around each other, waiting for the other one to strike; and then the boy got went in with the first move.

The boy tried to strike the body by shooting a punch towards the chest, but the body blocked by twisting its arm and throwing the boy's arm out of the way. The body then counterattacked by launching a strike towards the shoulder of the boy, aiming to disable the boy's right arm. But the boy dodged this by moving his body out of the way, allowing the fist to travel, getting the body out of position, and then allowing the boy to try and uppercut the Abyssmal using his left arm.

But the body caught on, striking the boys antebrachial as it was sailing through the air, throwing it off course and forcing the boy to try a new way to strike his opponent. So, the boy dropped onto his back, sending both his legs into the slightly surprised Abyssmal. But the body wasn't going to allow the boy to win.

As the feet were traveling through the air, the body was using all of its strength to pull back its arm and give itself a chance to block. And in the last moment, just as the two feet were about to strike the head of the Abyssmal, it's arm shot to catch and throw both the feet off, leaving the boy laying on the ground defenseless. But the boy wasn't going to let himself be beat down on the ground.

The boy then threw both his arms behind his head, putting them onto the ground, and using them as springs to allow himself to shoot up into the air. And so, upon the approaching Abyssmal came flying the boy, his fist cocked and ready to punch the body into the ground. It was at this exact moment that the boy became too fast for the body's perception.

Unable to do anything about the coming strike, the Abyssmal stood there, desperately trying to get its arms up to block the coming strike; but it knew, it was too late. The punch came like a storm, striking the Abyssmal down onto its knee. It was upon the moment of the strike that something came up all around the darkness surrounding the boy and the Abyssmal.

[Congratulations! Do to your actions and decisions, you have been given the title "Time." Long live the King of all that is, was, and shall be!]

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