《I Came, I Ran》Run Boy, Run!


'Why did I do that?! There were a million other way's I could of done that, but why'd I do that?! And what the hell were they doing here?! I thought their supposed to be back in the school!' The boy was currently very distressed, he was currently being chased by two knights faster than him down a maze of hallways, and now he had discovered that he wasn't the only one brought to this world, a bunch of others were too.

They boy however, rid his minds of his thoughts saving them for later; he needed to focus all his being on running now. The only reason that the guards hadn't caught up him by now was because he kept switching hallways at every possible chance, therefor decreasing their overall speed.

But the boy knew that the guards would catch up eventually, as the runes in their legs have been lighten up ever since he started running, probably meaning they are growing in their potential speed. The boy knew that he finds a solution soon, or face death.

Luckily, after his last turn, the boy saw a door leading somewhere bright; as was indicated by the bright light coming from the gap below the door. The boy knew that he had to get through the door, and fast, so the guards wouldn't have an advantage and catch him.

As the boy reached the door, he suddenly jumped into the closed door, allowing his momentum to carry him into the door. While in mid-air, the boy stretched out his legs, drop-kicking the door down, and getting up as fast as he can and starting to run again.

The boy knew that the guards would catch him any moment now and he would have to go faster than he previously thought possible, so he only had a moment to see his surroundings. From what the boy could tell, he was on a balcony on some sort and that the balcony was stupidly close to the sky. The boy also noticed that he intruded onto some gathering, but he didn't get a good enough look at exactly what kind.


The boy ran forward, seeing that a lot of seated people were staring at him. He then saw that most of them were wearing some form of formal dress or suit, meaning that this was a formal event. The boy then looked forward and regretted turning to find this door.

In front of the boys running figure were a bride and a groom, who both stared at him shocked, along with a very flabbergasted old priest. Then, the bride seemed to let go the hands of the groom and get in front of the running figure of the boy, who was fast approaching, and unable to stop.

"Stop!" The bride yelled out, but the boy knew he couldn't, so he just prepared his fist for an impact. As he was approaching, he saw that the bride wasn't getting out of the way, so he silently mouthed sorry to her, and launched a punch aiming square for her jaw. It connected, and threw her out of his way, allowing him to see that he was running towards the edge of the balcony.

The boy hoped that his luck would pay off again, so he just kept running, not stopping for anything in the world. He approached the edge, stepping on the fancy, ivory white rails, and jumped off with all his strength, hoping to land somewhere other than the ground below him.

Below him, the boy saw a shorter tower, and based of his current trajectory, the boy knew he would land on top of the tower. He was happy that he would land onto something other than the cold, hard dirt, but then he realized that he might fling off the ceiling if he isn't careful. 'Why must escaping after committing regicide be this difficult?!'

The boy was falling quickly, hearing only his thoughts in his head, and is instincts preparing him to grab onto something when he finally landed. So came the moment where the boy finally landed onto the tower; and started to slide right of, no matter how many clay tiles he grabbed onto.


But alas, the boy managed to grab onto a stone ledge going around the tower; but he knew that he couldn't hold on for much more, so he looked around to be saved by something. It was then that the boy noticed a small window perching out from above him, so he started to try and talk to anyone that would listen to him.

"OI, IS ANYONE THERE?! IF YOU'RE THERE, PLEASE HELP ME! I'M CURENTLY HOLDING ON FOR MY DEAR LIFE HERE, AND I DON'T THINK I CAN GO ON FOR MUCH LONGER!" The boy shouted to anyone that would listen; but there was no response, and the boy knew that his fate was sealed.

That is, it was until someone blew the entire wall open and away, creating a large gaping hole where it previously was. The boy was nearly blown of the edge that he was holding on, but he still hung on for his dear, and started to scuttle over to the hole without a moment's hesitation. The boy, after getting onto the new ledge provided to him by his savior, pulled himself up.

On the top, the boy expected to see either a very powerful mage or a professional demolitionist, but instead he got nobody; it was as if a ghost blown the wall away to let him in. But, as common courtesy dictates, he still had to thank them, whether they were there or not.

"Thank you very much, whoever did that. If you ever need anything from me, just say the words..."Bullying the sandwich people", alright?"

The boy then turned to look out the hole, and consider his options. He knew that he was in a castle of some sort because of the ridiculously high towers, and now it was definitely confirmed to due to the castle walls that could be seen below. He also knew that he was now an enemy of the kingdom and had to get out as quickly as possible. But the only escape route that the boy could see was down, and it may not end up in a pretty result.

The boy saw that the wall below him was quite tall and had a distance of probably fifteen meters between it and himself, meaning that he could jump it and survive. However, the knights had probably sent up archers at the balcony to shoot him down if he tried something like jumping; but the boy was willing to take the risk, after all; he had taken so many today, why not add another one to the list?

So, the boy went back a few steps, and prepared to jump off.

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