《I Came, I Ran》The Start Of It All


Unaware of what was happening in the building around him, the boy finished his lunch and packed up his things and prepared for the third class. The boy steeped out of the dimness, and not a second earlier as his body started to glow. He looked down confused, but then that emotion disappeared and was replaced by a sense of normality.

The boy, not knowing of the fate that had taken the others who had glowed like him, just stood there and went back to the dimness, which seemed far darker now that he had started to glow. He took off his backpack and placed into the corner of the dark area, which had grown even darker.

The boy then started to notice how runes had started to appear below his feet on the tile floor of the school. As he moved, the moved with him, slowly spinning, but also visibly accelerating. The boy, after ridding himself of his phone and headphones, placing both in the backpack. He was without technology know, in a dark place where not even the sun would shine. Finally, his minute was over, and he was gone, leaving only his past self in an ever-darkening darkness.

The world was bright for a moment; too bright. The boy's eye's burned, and his screams permeated the plane around him. But then it all stopped.

The boy opened his eyes to a darkness that was similar to the one he was in before he stopped existing in the previous world. The boy realized that he was laying down on a smooth, but hard object, meaning that he might be laying on table of some sort. The boy looked around to both his sides, and confirmed; he was on a stone table, with a figure standing over him to his right.


The boy then sat up and turned his body towards the figure to his right. Straining his eyes, the boy was able to make out some of the features of the figure. He wore a mask made from some dull metal, but the mask itself had engravings upon it, something that resembled a tornado seen from space and battle between a dragon ad some other, unidentifiable creature.

The figure wore a cloak with a hood, that covered the rest of his head in darkness, the cloak going down all the way to his feet. The cloak was dark red, blending in quite well with the surrounding aesthetic and darkness. The room the boy and the hooded figure were in felt very much like a sacrificial altar.

There were candles all around the room, some hanging by lanterns, while others just sat in different parts of the room. Some even floated, surprising the boy, making him want to come closer and inspect them. But he restricted himself and looked around more, seeing that there were four pillars around the room they were in, all etched with some unreadable art.

Finishing his look around the room, the boy looked back to the figure. "Are you still not going to say anything?"

"...Where am I?" At this, the figure sighed loudly 'Why do they always ask such stupid questions?'

"You're in the kingdom of Vorsuun, in which I'm currently working as a spy for a neighboring kingdom, and you're going to work for me. Now I must have you know, I am a seasoned spy, been in the job for many years, and taught a quite a bit of disciples back in the day. I am also inclined to ask you, but do you know of anyone else that was teleported just like you today?"


The boy was a little bit overwhelmed by what the spy had presented to him, but still tried to not lose his calm. "No sir, I am not aware of any other teleportation's."

"That's fine! Okay, time to go to work, if you would please follow me..." The figure then turned around, motioning the boy to follow him. The boy waited a moment, looking down and thinking if he really wanted to be a slave for this man. 'If I go with him, I won't have a chance to change, but if I don't, then he would most likely replace me...'

The boy then noticed a short but sharp decorative stick coming out from the table he was on, and he made a decision. He quickly and quietly snapped the decoration, and headed on towards the waiting figure, who still had his back turned. The boy hurriedly went on, feigning his hurriedness for nervousness.

The figure caught on that something was off but was too late. The boy stabbed the figure in the neck, hitting an artery in the process, killing the spy. The spy, even though his expression couldn't be told, was shocked; 'He had the audacity to do this to me, the great spy...'

The boy watched the spy fall with a neutral face, but inside he was excitedly disturbed by what he had done to the poor man. 'What have I done?! Why did I do that? He didn't deserve to die! But he would make me his work slave if I hadn't and what way would that be to live? But killing him felt so...electrifying.'

The boy, while still arguing with himself, silently and cautiously knelt down and took of the mask of the spy. Beneath, he saw a man that looked to be in his forties, and had several scars running along his face. He had dirt brown hair, and nothing more of interest. The boy then looked at the mask, seeing it was bloody. He took the man's clothing, and rubbed the blood on it, revealing a dull metal mask once again, but this time without any blood on it.

The boy tried on the mask, but it didn't fit him, so he went on and searched the rest of the spy's body, only getting the cloak out of the process, as everything else on him was too big for the boy to wear. The boy made the cloak into a bag, putting the mask in, and headed out towards the door the spy tried to lead him out of.

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