《I Came, I Ran》Rewind!


'Oh boy, here we go again...' The same mantra was said this morning as it was said many other mornings before it. It was what one teenager had followed for 11 years now, since his parents had died and his life took a less desirable outcome.

Ever since his previous house had set on fire, his life had taken a downward turn. Not only did his parents burn in the house along with it, but there was nothing left of them to even remember them by, not even their ashes, as those got mixed in with the houses. The boy did get all their money as dictated by their wills, but that he even had to save because living and supporting yourself as a teenager wasn't that easy. So, he made a compromise...

He was living with his grandparents now, the one's that hadn't died yet. They didn't require much of him, only that he comes home on time, and that he doesn't cause any trouble for them. The boy did occasionally help them with other things, like gardening or dishes, but that was only to not get nagged about helping them. He didn't like helping people, or anyone for that matter, as it never brought any good to him.

But enough with inner monologue, he had to prepare for school. In his current life state, his school is what he had hated the most, and it wasn't just because it was school. For one, it had way too much people that were too full of themselves, and then there were too many smartasses too. But you couldn't really go anywhere else, as this was the only school in his small town.

The boy put on his clothes, packed his pack, and headed out to school. He walked alone, as there were really only old people in this neighborhood, and barely any people below the age of 50. So, the boy walked, and after he got to the halfway point to his school, he encountered the first of the seven "geniuses" of his school in the middle of but-fuck nowhere.

The boy was just peacefully walking along, as the bus drove by and in the opened windows he saw Samuel Sackorel, the football star of the school, showing him the middle finger and laughing his ass off with his "minions" sitting close by. Most people in the town knew Sackorel as the local football champion of the area leading the school's team, the Viper's, to victory ever since he started playing. They all saw him as a perfect boy that would never cause any trouble and would never even consider doing anything less than exemplary.

But the boy knew better. Beneath the mask of perfect star, lay a knee-breaking devil. On several occasions, the boy and his gang had started to tease and bully the boy back when he was young, even going as far as breaking his knee once. That earned Samuel the nickname "Kniebrecher" from the boy, and everlasting disdain towards him. It helped that Samuel stopped with the abuse now that he got super popular, but the disdain was still there.


The boy didn't even bother to give Samuel a second glance as they drove by, and just kept on walking, listening to the music provided by his earbuds. Not too long after the first incident happened, the boy encountered the second of the seven geniuses; Cestraye Killi. She was known in the school as "Seshat".

There was a very special reason for this naming. See, the smarter kids in the school all went to her when they have questions not even Gulag could answer. She is considered to be the most knowledgeable student by the school body, knowing almost all topics, from D&D to different fields of scientific research. Those that have only herd of her, would think that she would be the scrawny, gaudiest, and weakest person alive. They are very wrong.

Killi is a 6 foot 2 inch girl with nearly perfect outlined abs. Because of this accomplished body, she had developed a habit of showing off her body by wearing a sport's bra to school along with some sweat pants.

Killi, while driving by the boy to school, didn't really give him a second glance or open up the window and say "hey" to him. She knew that he was basically a nobody that basically nobody knew much about. He was an enigma in the school, that never really showed its face. The boy saw the car, and knew who it belonged to, but still didn't do anything, and just kept on walking, without a care in the world for who just passed him.

Finally, arriving to the front of the school, the boy knew that he had finished the journey to hell. He knew that he would have to suffer for six hours, with a little stop in between to eat. He knew that he had to this every day, and that it would not change. But he still wet in through the doors and met the third genius when he finally entered; Jack Mizzle.

As soon as the boy stepped through those doors, he bumped into a person exiting the doors. Jack Mizzle was his name, and he was known as the "Mad Scientist". He was the top chemist in the school, known to really like to do uncontrolled and dangerous experiments in the lab. This is also the reason that nobody ever wanted to be his partner during any form of chemically based lab.

Mizzle exchanged a quick sorry before running off behind some car, presumably to get something from the trunk. The boy did a glance behind him to see this, and went off to his locker, to get prepare for the hell was about to start with.


The boy sat in his first class, Biology, and listening to his teacher talk about something he already knew. So, the boy was left to his own machinations. He glanced around the classroom, and saw the fourth genius; Rodrig Cerospeck. Generally known as the troublemaker of the school, he was a real package to work with.

Rodrig was great with basically everything. From almost every kind of sport, to socializing with every kind of person. But he had one flaw about him that made him infamous, he was a naturally born troublemaker. He causes trouble wherever he goes, even if he doesn't intend to cause the trouble in the first place. His most famous incident was centered around pigs and the school, but everyone in the school quietly and unanimously agreed to never talk about it.


Rodrig was currently looking at his phone, not giving a care in the world to what the teacher was talking about, as he would still probably ace the coming exams. The boy never liked him, he was too arrogant for his own good, and one day, that would be his own downfall. But the boy couldn't care less for Cerospeck right now, he had to study for exams.

After the first class came and went, so cam the second class in where the boy learnt how to cook for himself. He got up and around his acquaintances and went to grab the recipe's he was supposed to cook today. And of course, it was something super-fancy; he couldn't afford to make this at home. So, the boy stared off into the other kitchens, and saw the fifth genius; Karia Dulce.

If have ever seen a Greek representation of Aphrodite, you would know that she is extremely gorgeous in all the ways possible. She is the perfect women, in both body and mind. But Karia has one thing different about her then Aphrodite, she absolutely cannot fell love in her soul. Whenever any boy, no matter of their status or position in the school would come to her with romantic intentions, she would shut them down with any means necessary and then leave.

Do to her being this cold to all the boy's, she had earned the nickname "Hulda". When the boy realized he was staring, he quickly turned away and went to cooking the rich people food he was given.

The rest of the class passed uneventfully, with the boy eating alone at a different table. From everyone else. Why would he care for those that didn't care for him? He pondered on this issue until the bell rang again, signaling the coming of lunch. It was then that the boy packed his things, finished his meal, and went off to his corner of the school. But he didn't expect to see the sixth genius on his way there.

Rachel Soramonae was a special case of the seven "geniuses". She wasn't smart, or great at sports. She was only a genius because of her body. She wasn't a goddess when it came to her body, but she was pretty close; and that is what led her to succeed when it came to getting good grades. She was the harlot of the school and would gladly ride those with a good package to give her. The teachers were no exception, which led her to get what she wanted for almost no work at all.

When the boy saw Rachel, he saw that she was standing in the corner of the hallway, talking with her friends about something ungraspable. He didn't really care, so he just continued onto the basement of the school.

While traveling all the long way down to his peaceful place, he saw last and final genius; Maea Akrotesh.

Maea had a reputation for being the drug lord of the school. She had secretly started a school club in which they did group activities for the "poor" and the "needy", when really what they all did was manage Maea's drug distribution to those who wanted it. Maea was also quite short, around five-foot-four. It is because of her size that has taught herself to be as ruthless as possible, even to her own minions.

But the boy didn't care for what she did, as long as she didn't try and kill him; so, he just went on forth to his bloodless place. It was rather dim, but you could still make out the basic shapes of the things in the corner. The area itself was near the fire exit of the building, but the boy didn't care, as he found comfort within this area, where nobody would bother him.

The boy got out his lunch and started to eat, without a care for the world around him.

As the boy was eating, strange things started to happen around the school. Thirty students, including the "Genius Seven", had started to glow. At first, they were all surprised, but then some became concerned, and others started to panic. Then came the cryptic runes underneath the thirty student's feet. The runes glowed as well, and it was at this point that all the students were screaming for help.

Some students tried to help, but couldn't not remove the runes, nor could they stop them from glowing. Then came the teachers, who tried to extinguish them with a fire extinguisher, but that didn't work either. Finally, after a minute passed, did the students who glowed disappear from sight; almost as if they stopped exiting all together. This left all of the school dumbstruck, but also fearful; as anyone could be next and follow the same fate as those who are no longer there.

It didn't take long for the police to show up and start questioning everyone involved with the incident. As this happened close to the end of lunch, not everyone was really informed of what had happened. But because of social media, soon enough all the students and teacher's saw and heard what had happened.

Mass panic from everyone came next. First students started to make rumors about why the thirty disappeared; terms such as "alien abduction" to "they were chosen" were thrown around. Then the parents were informed of their sons and daughters fates, which caused a lot of anger and confusion that proceeded for the rest of the day.

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