《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 3: Mashima Hinami and Kurosawa Yuuko


After the eventful morning, Makoto sets out in her uniform to school. November is ending soon and final terms are approaching. Her school is Hakugawa Academy, a school with good record for university admittance rate. It is famous for having student constantly review knowledge by having numerous short tests so that students can remember the lesson by instinct. Today, the litterature teacher is going to give one so she needs to come early to review the material.

The classroom starts being filled up as time passes by. Her two best friends, Mashima Hinami and Kurosawa Yuuko, have also arrived.

Hinami is pretty much a bookworm with her glasses as a signature. She usually has the top score in entrance and exam. Contrary to the stereotype smart girl does not look good, she is a glasses beauty with a self-confidence aura. If she was wearing a business suit, she would look like a successful career lady. With the identity as a daughter of the current chairman of Mashima Zaibatsu, smart, beauty, richness all gather on her. She is a perfect Ojou-sama.

However, contrary to that perfect image, she is a hardcore gamer. It is known to everyone that she is a captain of game club, an unofficial club in our school since the school does not allow students to play game on school PC. Her favorite genres are MOBA and strategy. After finishing her study, Hinami stays up late playing game with the club members on the internet.

Kurosawa Yuuko is pretty much an atheletic girl. She is well versed in physical activities and martial arts. Her background is a daughter of a Judo dojo yet at school, she is also part of a Kendo club. She really loves Martial art so she may actually learn about other stuffs as well. Despite being so energetic, Yuuko is famous for her poker face and quiet mouth. Her face mostly remain expressionless even after exercising heavily. When replying to people, she uses the least words possible with only "Yes", "Good", "No"; but she still uses full sentence when talking with older people. Her performance at school fluctuates a lot. At some point, she got score higher than Hinami but then failed miserably in the next test. She is the type to only cram right before the test so if she does well, the test is good and otherwise. She also likes game and most of them are fighting games just as you expect from her personality.


The reason why three persons are close to another is that they have been together since we were kids. Their parents got along with each other well and often ate out as a group. The three children also came along started to know each other.

“That is amazing, Makoto. This is the 1st time I have ever heard someone complimenting her cat being obedient instead of cute. If the other cat owners know him, they will probably ask you how you can tame him so well.” Hinami says with amazement.

“I didn’t really train him anything though. I only met him this morning and he was already that obedient. Even now, I can still say that I am bewildered by his behaviour” Makoto replies.

“That also surprised me too. A cat being so obedient is definitely not a normal cat. I think that he was a trained by someone else and probably got lost from his owner. Did you see any collar or anything that tells he belongs to someone?”

“I didn’t find anything on him. He was pretty much bare when he was in front of my house. Although there are many points indicating him being trained by someone else, is it really the case? What if he was just a very smart stray cat? Even if that was not the case, he already did accept being part of my house so there is no way I am going to give him to someone else.” Makoto insists on the possession of the cat

“Your case is very surreal though. A smart cat understanding human language and appropriate gesture to transmit message can pretty be seen in film only. A common point between all animals which can understand human language is that they are result from an experiment.” said Hinami while deep in thought.


“Please do not tell me such a scary scenario. I do not want to be worried every day that some men in black will suddenly come to my house and give questions about the cat.” Makoto denied but still get worried

“Hehe, you are scared now right? But don’t worry, in most case, your memory of the cat and the black men will be erased at most. Although I don’t know how they do it, I bet they will not risk such a thing like erasing your family at all. If they dare to do that, my and Yuuko’s family will make this issue big and let’s see if they can erase our influence. This is the age of social media and internet after all.” said Hinami with evil grin.

“That is not really how you should assure people not to worry. You should claim that you will do everything you can to protect my family or take the revenge seriously instead of petty things such as exposing the organization on internet.” Makoto replied angrily.

"Any thought on this, Yuuko?" Hinami turns to Yuuko and asks.

"Study, busy, can't talk" Yuuko is still cramming the note with all of her concentration.

“OK, let’s stop this fantasy talk. Such organization does not exist in reality as well as the experiment turning animal extremely smart. But you should pay attention more to him. He is definitely suspicuous and strange on many levels. Oh, the bell already rings. You had better be prepared for the test.” Hinami decides to stop the discussion and returns her seat.

Class starts as the literature teacher comes in and gives out the test.

*At the same time, in the school chairman office *

"Chief, all the preparation is completed. We can proceed the plan tomorrow." A voice comes out from a communicator.

"Very well, pay close attention to the test subjects. Things tend to go wrong at the last minute. The plan must succeed at all cost." The man in white suit on the chair gives out his command.

"Yes, sir. We will take great care of them." The voice from the communicator replies with affirmation.

The man switches off the device and turns to the window behind his seat. The whole school building is in his view. He is rehearsing the whole plan many time in his head as he looks at the scenery.

"Soon, this place will become my real base and my ambition can finally take off." The man laughs evilly.

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