《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 4: Premonition


Lexar himself did not expect such turn of event. He is now finally adopted into a family of a young girl. Her name is Tachinbana Makoto, as she introduced herself. His original plan was to get a simple meal then wander outside to look for information. This is the best outcome that he cannot ask for more.

Firstly, about that small white light in her chest, not only it is a clue to answer his questions, he also feels that with the right condition, she can awaken her inner desire as her power. This really feels like a development in the anime: the first encounter between the heroine and her contractor. It may be fate that brought them together. However, he really wants to deny it because of his belief: not involving innocent girls into this mess. His target for partner is still ideally a police officer or a soldier. Although he does not know how to convince them, he still has to try to find.

Thanks to the jogging in the morning, he was able to get a lot of information. Firstly, there are balls of light inside every human's heart, just like the girl. He may be the only to see it as the humans seem not aware of it. There are three common cases he saw: those with the white light, those without light, and those with grey light. The children and people with happiness all have white light at their heart while those without them are mostly the elderly and some depressing men in suit sitting in the park. The most common are grey light. Different from the other two, there are a variety of grey intensity inside the light. Some are just light grey while some are dark grey. Those light are seen on the people with working attire rushing to the office in the morning. However, the most troublesome thing is the black light. It is the fewest type with 3 individuals with it but he feels the danger come from them. His instinct tells him that his enemy in the future will be those with the black light. There is no common point between those individuals and they look like ordinary people without distinct trait so it is difficult to understand what the black color means. He remembers their faces for safety measure.

Despite seeing so many people with white light, Lexar does not think that they can awaken their inner desire as power. He already expected that not any person can have the power to save the world but has a hard time thinking how Makoto has the potential to awaken her power. Based on his observation, he was able to figure out the light inside everyone heart is related to dream and hope. The happy children and people have something to look for in the future. The elderly are already too old to have any dream and the men in suits sitting in the park are probably unemployed and have no hope in the future. For those with grey light, they probably have something to look for in the future but the hope is bleak and twisted somehow. He can sympathize with them as he was also like them in the past: stuck in a career that there is no hope to rise up or dream something.


(If human could see the light, would they be jealous of those with such white bright light?) He thinks about such scenario.

Finishing analyzing the information, Lexar steps out of the house and looks for the police station, hoping to find the ideal partner. Unfortunately, the result is dissapointing. No one has the potenial to awaken their power. Coming home depressed, the cat decides to surf the net for information and check the anime at the same time. It appears that even with a new body, his hobby from the past has not changed at all. And unluckily again, the PC has password on it and he has no hacking skill to bypass it. Being sad, the cat has no choice but to watch TV. To prevent being suspicuous, he pulls the curtain over the living room and turns down the volume to 4. There is no important information and nothing interesting either. The claw keeps harrassing the remote buttons just to change the channel.

At 9:00 PM, there is a sound of a key inserting the door. Realizing the owner of the house comes back, Lexar turns off the TV and puts everything back to its place. He then proceeds to the front door and waits there. Opening the entrace is Makoto. She has a tired look on her face as she comes back.. High school student has a lot of things to study after all. Her face softens when she sees the cat waiting for her.

"I am home, Lexar." Makoto smiles at him.

"Meow (Welcome back)" The cat replies

After the small exchange, she gets inside the house and checks if there is any dirty area. Luckily, there is none and she sighs in relief. She is already too tired to do anymore housework. After that, she takes a shower, prepares the cat food, and goes to her computer to surf the net, waiting for her parents to come home. Lexar jumps on her laps and wiggles around, acting cute. Makoto's face is filled with happiness as she tries to play around with him. Never did she think that the reason her cat did that is to look at her password on her PC. After playing around until 11PM, her parents finally come back and the whole family go to sleep half an hour later.

*At the same time, somewhere in the countryside*

Sirens sound the whole place as many police cars and firefighter trucks surround a burning building. The polices are forming barrier, preventing civilians and news reporter get near. The firefighter men are using the hoses spraying water on the burning building. The fire is still burning hard without being affected much by the water. The victims who have escaped outside are shedding tear and begging the firefigther to save their dear family still trapped inside.


The building is a hotel for tourists. November is a tourism season for this place and many tourists came and stay in this hotel. It was already late evening and everyone was about to sleep but the fire alarm suddenly rang. All the personels in the building followed the regular emergency exit plan and exited the building. However, a strange phenomenon occured. Those who exited outside and thought they were already safe suddenly remembered that they were missing their companions. It was not just one or two people but everyone who got out of the building. The panic broke out and they tried to go back searching for partner then the fire suddenly erupted and completely covered the building, leading to the circumstances now.

This incident is later reported in the morning news as the most horrible fire case in the recent 20 years of Japan. The casualty reaches 100 people burnt inside the hotel, including the owner of the building.

*Somewhere not in reality*

Everything was in red: the building, the ground, the tree and even the sky. All kind of red could be seen here from crimson red, bloody red to light red. It was a school. In a corner of the school yard, a dead body of a male student was there. He seemed to have jumped off from the high floor. Blood had already spread out like a puddle trying to swallow him. The amount of blood was surely not one person could provide. Mixed with blood, black liquid swirlled around the body and started to float in mid air. A black tree was gradually formed then it suddenly shone.

Pufh! The scene changed. The surrounding changed to a toilet. Water was overflowing the sinks and the floor was flooded. Noise from the faucets and water flowing out echoed along the wall. However, that was not the problem. From the toilet booths, thick red liquid flowed out thanks to the water. The vision moved to the inside one of the booths. It was a headless body with the upper part bending toward the toilet seat. There were four toilet booths with a headless body with the same position in each. However, the furthest booth’s body was very special. Unlike the others which had the heads missing, its head was nearby. The head was hang upside down with a thick stack of money stuck in the mouth. The expression looked like in a state of disbelief mixed with fear.

The scene changed again. It became a classroom. The teacher was giving lecture to the students. It would be a normal scene if one did not look at the mouthes of everyone present. Their mouths were slit from ear to ear with blood occasionally dripping on the desks. On top of that, their mouths were sewn with needles. When one student tried to speak, blood dripped out along with an inaudible voice from her mouth. Her face showed sign of being in extreme pain yet she still tried to say.

The scene changed again. The place was the school entrance but from there a school set in blaze could be seen. The fire rose up so high and painful scream was heard. It was the sound of many people who were burnt alive inside the building. The scream kept echoing a while until everything turned black. The dream has come to an end.

Lexar wakes up right with sweat drenching his body. The time is 5:30 AM and strangely enough, His body completely tenses up from the nightmare. His blood are boiling with adrenaline and his head tells him that what he saw is not just a nightmare. Furthermore, those scenes will become reality today if he doesn't do something. Today, he has a new objective: to stop the scenes from before become a reality. Lexa will have to follow Makoto to her school because the uniforms he saw were the same as her.

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