《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 2: First encounter




A white soft hand places on top of an alarm. On the bed, a young black hair girl slowly rises up and sketches her arms upward. Looking at the number 6:00 on the clock, she rolls up her legs then quickly jumps up, shifting her position to standing on the bed. By having a strong and sudden action, it can help fight off the drowsiness in the morning. It is her trick to get up early in the next morning.

Makoto Tachibana, 16 years old teenager, has a healthy habit to jog early every morning. Training for a fit body is the key to good life. In this world of rapid changing world, the brain needs to work a lot to keep track of information and learn new things. Exercising can help refresh the mind and improve the stamina to work for a longer time.

Today, Makoto is expecting an uneventful day like any normal day of her life. Jogging in the morning, going to school, meeting with friends, studying, and surfing on the web. Until she encounters a strange creature in front of her house.

It is a cat sitting straight while looking at her. There are two strange things about this cat. First, it is too quiet and has a too serious looking for a cat. In her normal impression of cats, they are a bunch of lazy and relaxing creatures. They usually sit and lie in all kinds of positions comfortable to them. However, the cat in front of her right now is obviously different. It is sitting in a straight forward manner, and there is no sign of tilting sideway, even the tail is straight along the body. The second thing is about its appearance. This black cat with white paws has muscle lines along the body. These lines make this cat look like a very strong and wild animal unlike a domestic cat. If it was not for the white paws with small build and big ears, she might think it is a black jaguar. Its posture and appearance resembles a muscular guy in black suit in the movie.


While she is shocked by the cat appearance, the cat is also surpised by the girl standing in front of it. In the girl's chest, there is a small white light. It does not know what it is but it knows that the light is the clue to understand the mystery in this world.

Both parties are too dumbfounded that they are just staring each other in silence. Then the atmosphere is broken with a “Meow” from a cat. Awaken from the shock, Makoto crouches down and asks him “Hello Mister black cat, do you have any business with this house?”

As if he can understand human speech, the cat raises up his front paw and opens his mouth wide. The paw keeps pointing back and forward at his mouth like the gesture from a cartoon. He even uses his tounge to wipe his mouth clockwise. The scene is too spectacular that she is again at the loss of word until he wakes her up with a Meow again. Makoto smiles bitterly then pats his head

“Sorry, I am really busy at the moment and have to go jogging around right now. You should look somewhere else for food.” She says in an apologetic voice.

Hearing this, the cat makes a very sad expression. His ears are cuffing down with a long “Meooooooowwww” as if sighing. Those gestures are too cute for her that she completely ignores his stern appearance from before and hugs him. Her heart feels a sense of guilty leaving such cute creature starved.

“I’m sorry for making you feel sad. You must be very hungry. But I cannot break my schedule for you. How about waiting here until I come back? I will treat you the leftover from yesterday dinner. Or if you want to, you can join in jogging with me. I will give you extras if you can do so.” Makoto makes her promise.

The cat suddenly brightens up and nods furiously at her word. He seems awfully smart for a cat so she thinks she should not break the promise.


After several warm up exercises, she has completely woken up and begins her jogging journey with the cat following along the way. He runs at the pace perfectly matching her speed even when she intentionally slow down and hasten randomly on the run.

The sight must be very strange that everyone the duo pass by has a very surprised look on the face. Some people even take out their smartphones recording the scene a cat is excercising with its owner. Makoto has a feeling that she may show up in some internet news. Perhaps she can even brag this to her friends that she is now famous on the internet.

While fantasizing, she keeps on running and goes back home. The cat is still around her feet and there is no sign of it being tired while she is sweating.

(This cat must have more stamina than a normal human, considering how much muscle he has) Makoto thinks in her head.

“OK, as promised, I will give you food with an extra as you followed with my training. Thanks for accompanying with me. I appreciated it.” Makoto compliments him while scrubing his head.

From the moment she lets him inside the house until finishing feeding him, Makoto have been secretly observing this cat. She finds this cat odd. Apperance aside, its conduct shows a very well understanding of human. He knew to use the mat to clean of the dirt on the legs before stepping on the wooden floor. Her orders were complied without problem. He also ate cleanly without spilling any food and even rubbed her leg after that to express his gratefullness. She wonders if he is really a stray cat. Even he looks so wild, he is not dirty at all and seems very well behaviour. His trainner must be very capable to educate a cat to such extent. However, such a cat should have a collar to let people know how to contact the owner in case of being lost. He is full of mysteries.

Deciding to cast away her thoughts, she orders him to stay in the garden and prepares breakfast for the family. Three porpotions are prepared: hers and her parents’. Because she wake up early, she is responsible for the breakfast. Both parents are the types to stay awake until late at night so they usually wake up later than her. She is also reponsible for dinner if the mother happens to come home late.

While cooking, she ends up thinking about the cat again. This is the 1st time she has such interest in an animal.

(How about adopting him?) A thought runs through her mind. (He is really smart and also well mannered. Even though we are busy, we don't really have to clean up for him if we teach him how to use the sand box...)

After convincing herself, she decides to ask her parents. At 7:30 AM, both of her parents show up with their working attire. During meal, she takes courage to ask them about the cat while giving out her reason. After exchaning opinions and consideration, they accept to have him as a pet. Then she brings the cat to meet the family.

"We need to have a name for you. Hmmmmm" Makoto ponders while holding the cat in her arms "How about Lexar?"

The cat makes a surprised face at her words and then makes a happy Nyaahhh. Thus, Makoto has a new family member and Lexar has secured his meaning of feed.

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