《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 1: The beginning


Waking up, Lexar finds himself on the rooftop of a 2 story building. It is midnight and the streets are only lit with a few pedestrian lamps. There is no sign of person or operating vehicle spotted. Except the sound of wind blowing, the surrounding is so quiet to the extent of being eerie enough to test a person courage.

Checking his body, Lexar notices that he is not a human anymore. His eye sight is strangely so close to the ground and he is now using four limbs to stand up. The sudden realization almost throw him out of balance when he gets up. Looking at the hands which are now white paws, he judges that he has become an animal, and a cat with the most possible guess.

It takes him a few minutes to get used to controlling his body. Strangely enough, all of his movement habits become adapted to a cat's. Moving with four limbs is easy and natural, while standing on two feet is straining and hard to balance. It is a very wierd feeling to have your sight height reduced so much, however, he has no choice but to get accustomed to this.

From the reflective window, a black cat with four white paws appear. The two yellow eyes are shining clearly in the dark, like two small led bulbs. Combining with muscular and big build, Lexar is surprised to find himself so menacing. Setting the shock aside, with this, Lexar confirms that he has become a mascot character, the kind of being that can grant people power yet do not possess any power for itself. Coincidentally, a cat is one of the top picks for mascot of Mahou Shoujo series.

Looking carefully at the "mirror", Lexar finds himself not so bad looking though. It's true that his build can be quite intimidating, but the fur is well kept and smooth. The muscles bulging on his legs which are uncharacteristic of a cat are finely shaped to a point that it can be considered as an art. Lexar has to admit that he has become the most unique cat, as well as the "manliest" cat he has ever seen. He certainly is not cute, but that does not mean he is unattractive. "Not bad" as he thinks while appraising his new look.


After admiring himself for a few minutes, Lexar begins to think what he is supposed to do in the future. It was written that he can give people power, but he does not have a single idea how to do so in the first place. He does not even understand what this power is in the first place.

The power to materialize people inner desire sounds quite vague. He wonders if this is related to the power of the seven sins: Sloth, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed and Envy. There are many reference stories and it is a common trait that there are demons with name and power associated with those sins. Is his power to awake people's inner desire and turn them into demon? There are also a lot of mangas and LNs with different concepts of materialization of inner desire into power. However, because there are just too many of them that it is useless to keep analyzing without getting another clue.

The next matter is to plan his course of action. There are three main tasks: understanding his current situation, investigating the mysterious power and finding means to feed himself.

Luckily, it seems the next day is the garbage recycle day. There is a stack of old newspaper and magazine in front of the gate of the house he is above. Skimming through the stack, he finds out that he is currently in Tokyo, Japan. The date is November 28th 2014, from the indication of the newest newspaper. This means that he only has just more than a year to finish his job. He feels a sense of urgency.

How many things can he accomplish in just a year? Depending on how situation goes, he may consider getting government help despite the risk being dissected for research purpose or getting involved in complicated situation. Saving a world is not a simple thing that a few individuals can do, that is what he has learnt from the last life. He cannot mix reality and fictional story together that the world can be saved just by defeating the last boss.


The topics the newspaper covers are wide: from daily events, important policy, social movement, economic development, individual achievement, technology and so on. However, there is no mention about strange supernatural phenomenon, development of energy that he knows nothing about, human superpower or monster. In summary, nothing strange related to the energy mentioned in his quest happened yet, at least in the eyes of the mass public. There is a possibility that the government delibrately hides it, but that is something he cannot know at the moment.

Finally, the last thing to think about is mean to feed himself. As a stray cat, the natural course should be finding food in the garbage area. However, the thought of such action disgusts him on many level. He considers whether he sould act cute or do people favor to get food for reward. In extreme case, he may even need people to adopt him as a pet. Luckily, he is not an ugly that shrinks anyone away from him, so he should have a good chance to get favorable opinion from people. However, getting adopted will limit his freedom to move around. In anime, the most common scenario is to have the contracted magical girl to adopt you. Getting a girl as a partner sounds awesome and romantic in many fictions. The mascot character will enjoy the life living in the same room with a girl and moments of pirate part of the partner.

Even so, that is a situation he wants to avoid. There is no indication that his power is not limited to young girl so his partner can be any type of person. The ideal partner in his mind would be a police officer or military man instead. They are those who have mature mind and ability to face danger as in their job. Dragging a normal student into this dangerous is a crime no how matter how he sees it, and it is especially so when it is a girl. In novel, people find it acceptable to put normal highschool girl in dangerous situation just because it is what attracts reader. However, in reality, he myself will not allow such thing to happen. Not considering their mindset and ability, he does not have the right to make an innocent girl throw away her normal happy life. Having organised his thoughts, he decides to sleep and prepare for the next day.

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