《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 2 : Emperor Divintar Van Zerfegel 's legacy


Note : hey guys, new chapter here

With a bright white flash, Rave entered EverWorld

“ wow..th..this is amazing “

Rave had played virtual reality before, but none had made a breakthrough more than 33% realism. the wall that separates a virtual like world and a world where everything seemed real is far too steep

“ sniff- sniff “

Sensing the fragrant of flowers around him, he could not help but take a sniff

“ no way..they even managed to effect the sense of smell, I thought it was just advertisement “

“ is this truly a virtual world ? Didn't they just transport me somewhere on earth ? No..no that sounds even more impossible”

Just when he is looking around the scene around him an old looking man approached him

“ hello great adventurer, it is such an honor for us that you have chosen here to start your adventures “

An old man in his 70s that looked like the elder of the village came next to him. Just as he was about to answer him a notification came to him

Congratulations! As the first ever player to start in a village and ignored our warning. you have been rewarded the title : The Foolish Villager

“ .. Is this game mocking me ? “

“ uuh, What is wrong sir ? “ the village elder, looking confused asked him

“ no, nothing.. By the way I have heard that Numeda Village had a very exquisite library, if you would be so kind. Could you show me the way ? “

Rave had already watched the EverQuest pre- conference a lot of times, there were details about the game and it's geography basically he did not want to hear the elder explaining him the basic knowledge once again

“ ahh..yes ! Our library is the pride and joy of our village, it is known as the largest library that is located in a village, please come this way “

Yes, Numeda village is a backwater village located close to the mountains where bandits were known to inhabit. The library is one of the few reasons why he has chosen this backwater village as a starting place

“ the conference was 5 hours long, but if I am right, There was some information where they made it looked like an unimportant one..Numeda Village, the birthplace of one of the 2 known emperors ever known to rule this land “

Emperor Divintar Van Zerfegel ! A figure known to have joined races together in the lands of Endea creating a miraculous feat that only he and another figure alone was able to replicate in Edea’s recorded thousand year history


“ here we are, Numeda’s pride and joy. Our Numeda Library “

The elder showed him an old looking building made of woods that looked like it hasn't been renovated for years

“ thank you elder, although it is looking quite old, it does gives out an aura full of knowledge ! I have been thoroughly impressed. May I inquire , who was it that build this fantastic library ? “

Rave was a man of few praises, when he did it was either he was really astounded by something or he had an underlying intention and this situation definitely call for the later one

“ Yes, yes it was a very long time ago, our village bore the birth of Emperor Divintar Van Zerfegel ! At the time, the kingdom was experiencing a coup d’tat by the king’s brother. He along with the queen that was bearing Emperor Zerfegel at the time escaped and ended up in Numeda Village. Since Numeda Village was a village hidden deep near the mountains and forest… “

“ ah I see ! So the incredible Emperor Zerfegel built this library did he not ? “

Not wanting to waste time Rave cut him from telling an information he did not want to hear

“… Yes, yes you're right, The Emperor was gracious enough to us to give us a place to learn “

The elder looked quite unhappy when rave cut him from telling his tale but still answered otherwise

“ Ah I see, then could you excuse me elder as I would love indulge myself in the Emperor’s hand raised library “

“ …jackpot ! “

Rave raised a small fist

“ hmm.. There's a few good books or two but there was nothing out of ordinary “

Rave skimmed through the books

“ the wild wolves, how to stir an anklar ship, the beautiful sky of Edea , anatomy of dire wolves “

Not only he had a love of books, he could search something that the Emperor himself could possibly left behind !

“ oh well, I’ll just read everything in the library “

Although the library may not compare to a city or kingdom that has large libraries, Numeda's was known to be the largest library recorded in a village even the librarian himself would not read all the books in their library !

*After a few hours

intelligence increased by 1 point ! ( INT + 1 )

“Hmm? stats could be raised by reading books? Well..it kinda make sense but 2-3 hours for 1 point is kinda..cruel. Oh well that basically means I can get something out of this “

“ Oh yeah..before I forget again.. Status Window ! “


Status WindowName:RaveAlignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:NoneRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesThe Foolish VillagerReputation:0-//-:--//---Health:210/210-//-:--//--Mana:100/100 + 5--//--:--//--Stamina:24--//---Strength:19Agility:29--//---//-Intelligence:26Wisdom:37Leadership0Luck:0-Attack:0Defense:0

*The table is what I copied from siegfried’s one so there's some that is --//--, I will fix it one day. It's a bit confusing for me I was never good with codes and all

“..wow, well I gotta say if the basic point for a beginner is 10.. This is quite amazing ! “

A beginner’s stat is 10 for most stat no matter how weak they are in real life it won't go lower than 10, but rave’s current stat could even rival a level 15’s

“ I didn't expect much from the test but looks like it's well worthed “

Rave kept on nodding his head in satisfaction

“ but, what does that damn title actually gave me “

“ Title Description ! “

The Foolish Villager

As the First Player to have ever directly ignored the warnings of the system you have been gifted with : mana capacity + 5%

“ …, I thought that titles were supposed to be hard to get by in EverQuest “

“ But I can see why now, I may be quite lucky to get this title.. “

Anything that is profitable to him is always welcomed

“ But the name kinda irks me “

Well.. With a few complaints

“ oh well, the + 5% may be nothing now but in the future it will be quite big “

Po Xiao Long is in his room currently, he was wondering how to play the game with the pod he received

“ Is this how youngsters play games this days ? I have never even touched the old ones how do I turn this on ? “

He accidentally pressed the button to open the pod


“ wha..what ? I see there’s a seat here so I'm supposed to sit here “

Po entered the pod and lied down on the seat

“ hmm..this is quite comfortable.. Oh is that the head gear they are talking about ? “

He took the head gear and placed it on his head

“ well this sure is weird “

Suddenly a notification appeared before him

Connect To EverWorld

Yes | No

“ okay..now how do I click it ? “

He tried various method to click the box on his head

“ it doesn't work, how do I even click the yes “

*Vrooom *

“ okay, it activated through voice “

It was embarrassing but he was glad no one was watching


“ whew.. well that should be the last of the books “

Rave had finally finished reading all the books in the library, it took him 3 weeks in game. Which totaled to 5 days in the real world

“ well, I couldn't have read it all this fast without this skill “

Speed Reading [ lv 6.1% ]

With Dedication and love you have been able to read faster than normal

“ but nothing is special here “

he spent more than 14 hours in game only to read

“ I would have completely wasted my time if it wasn't for this stats bonus I get “

During the time he spent reading, his intelligence went up from 25 to 41 and his wisdom increased from 37 to 51

“ but money is becoming thin, if it wasn't for the kind librarian who offered me food to eat with him I would have died of hunger “

He was left with nothing but a single copper which could not buy anything, not even the basic bread

“ well, thin is too kind of a word, I'm basically penniless “

The time he spent and all of that bore nothing, it hurts his heart

“ and I thought here there would have been something special, was I wrong ? “

Even the additional stats he get where something geared to mages, the thought of losing 3 weeks of experience was agonizing

Even then, he still asked the librarian if he still had more books, hoping that the Emperor leaved something here

“ no, I'm sorry young adventurer. You have read all the books that we have available “

“ I see, is that so.. “

He was about to say his goodbyes to the librarian..

“ but.. I do have 2 more books in my possession “

Rave brighten up when he heard that

“ re..really ? Could I read it ? “

“ hmm…well I have not seen someone with your enthusiasm in reading since I have become this library’s librarian. Fine, I will let you choose and you can have either one for yourself “

2 books appeared before him one is a sapphire blue book that gives off an aura around it, and the other is an old- brownish book that looked like it was written decades ago

The appearance of the sapphire book immediately shocked Rave, as it was not a normal book but rather..

“ A magic book ! “

Rave shouted in surprise, he knew that if this was the Emperor’s hand-built library there may be something special. But a magic book was beyond what he had thought

“ yes young adventurer, this is the 2 books left behind by the emperor to us, the librarians “

" It has been passsed down from generation to generation, waiting for someone that deserves it "

“ Even the village elder had no knowledge of this book. Now young adventurer I offer you 1 of these books, one contained the Power of the Emperor and the other contained his Wisdom.. Which one will you choose ? “

Note : 1800 words or so only, but I felt as if ending here was nice

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