《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 1 : The Ronin’s Return


Ps : the story is based in japan..( I know2 ) but I live in asia ( not japan ) and the next country next to mine that I know most is japan, I don't have an idea how it is on other countries so I just choose the country I am familiar with

A white big airplane touched down, the clouds forming a blade like pattern as if welcoming his return

“ Japan huh.. How long has it been ? A year ? Well I sure miss the food here “

As he get out of the airport, a long black limousine was waiting for him

“ what's this ? Dad knows I like to keep it low why this ? “

“ Hello, Raul “

A voice ringed to his ears, it was Po Xiao Long. A long time friend of his father and one of his 3 dojo masters

A smile crept from Raul’s lips

“ Hello too master Po, it's been a year I guess ? “

“ Yes, yes everyone missed you. Have you been training ? “

“ of course, I practice the routine masters gave me “

“ good, good so you were not lazing around in the states “ as he talked, po held his hands on his chin as if to say “ I'm proud of you “

“ sorry master, if I may intrude..why is a limousine waiting for me ?

“ ahh..right, that's not me. I'm actually quite opposed to it, but you will soon understand.. get on ! “ Po went inside the car and gestured rave to come in too

The road was quite long, around 40 minutes at best. But as the journey went Rave kept talking to Po and telling him his story in the states, but he soon realized this was not the route to his home.

The car stopped in front of a large skyscraper, with the words Shin Cop. That Could be seen vividly on the Building’s wall

“ I knew it “

Shin Corp. could be considered a newly established giant in the business world, it suddenly burst through the market 24 years ago and is now a corporation that has diverse speciality. It’s owned by Shinsui Saiba a half Japanese man which is also Raul’s father

As he entered, the receptionist as if immediately realizing who they are, guided them up to the highest floor on the building.

“ I can only guide you until here, please enter the door “ the receptionist said while bowing and taking her leave

“ you're not coming in Po? “

“ nah Raul, I will let you guys have some privacy “

“ if you say so.. “

Knock * Knock

“ Enter “ a voice speak through the other side of the door

The door crept open and what he saw sitting on the end of the room, a man around his 30s but he knew the man was actually in his 40s. Wearing a grey uniform, his black hair kept tidy and with a face that could steal glances from women. This man was none other than Shinsui Saiba

“ hey kid how was the states? “

“ not my cup of tea I guess, although it was a refreshing new taste “

“ well, well what could ever please you Raul “

“ Hmm.. There is quite a few “

“ Like.. Lost Continent ? “


“ … dad, how did you knew ? “ it was quite the surprise for him, this was the first time he heard his dad mentioning lost continent

“ well, I gotta know if my son was the all time 4th in the game. Right Raul ? Or should I say Rave ? “

“ God.. You stalker “

“ Bwhahaha, c'mon lad, sit down sit down. Lets talk about your time at the states “

“ Dad, I didn't come here to talk about my life at states and I'm sure you do too. Let's get to the point, we can talk later at home “

“ Damn it kid, we haven't even seen each other for a year yet this is your response ? How did I raise such a cold son “

“ well, it's your fault you're making it so official and all. And I prefer to talk it when mom is there too “

“ right, right.. Let's get on to the subject, you remember the promise we made? “

“ About my freedom to choose whatever I want to be ? “

“ riiightt.. I want to take a feww tweaks on it “

“ hah.. I knew this would happened, give me the condition “

“ damn you're quick to catch on, alright. I have 2 condition with me and the first one is I want you to enter Shin Japan University and enter the design department “

Ps : fun fact shin means “ new “ in Japanese soo it's New Japan University and New Cop. Kinda weird if I translate it

“ you mean that new university that the government and you collaborating to bring overseas kids together? Oh well I got the idea of university, but why deisgn? “

“ well if you enter business you're gonna make my professors cry and how old are you this year ? “

“ ..? I just turned 18 this year “

“ well look at that ! 18 and not one girlfriend in those 18 years of life isn't that sad?! I'm honestly worried about you, that’s why I entered you in the design department, where usually it's overflowing with girls “ Saiba laughed wholeheartedly

“ …I’m taking my leave “

“ hey, Raul ! I'm sorry that was a joke but I was being serious there too ! “

“ gah..curse it, alright2 just give me the remaining condition already “

“ right..where were we ? “

“ Dad.. Im seriously gonna leave “

“ Ahaha okay okay that was a joke, well Raul you do know about EverWorld right ? “

“ no matter how ignorant I am it's impossible to miss it really, it's basically everywhere evenu the states are talking about it “

“ right.. The first virtual reality that promises 99% realism and their developers are your once loved Lost Continent “

“ get on, I know you want something “

“ well, truth is.. I want you to play it “

“ Huh ? “

“ You didn't hear wrong kid, I am asking vasyl rau..no, Rave to enter the gaming world once more “

“ …what's the catch ? “

EverWorld is very popular even before it's release. The same Corporation that created Lost Continent, Gaia Corp are rumored to be betting everything it has on this game. It’s first batch is in the next 2 months and only 10 000 pods are released in public, while 1000 goes to important people that has been reserving it for their own son


The Gaia Corp has promised whoever ruled and rise upon the seat of the very top of the game to be given 10% of it's shares, something that sounded like a blunt lie but it was actually proved in the document. As to why Gaia was willing to pull something this big? No one knows why

“ reign as the top of the game, I will give you 5 years as time limit, it's also when you finish your university. Do it and I will let you free “

“…if I don't ? “

“ Then work here with me and be my successor “

“ I see..i accept “

“ eh ? What ? I surely thought you were gonna reject it, are you that confident ? “

“ no, but I’m sure I have no way out anyways, and in the end you are my dad “

In fact, Raul has no confident in reigning over the game, he knew Gaia must have a catch to place something that big as a prize. Maybe there's no way in actually reigning over the entire world, or even if it's actually possible, remember he is only the 4th in Lost Continent the other 3 were someone even he had never been able to beat

But he figured, if he could rest on those 5 years and be free to do what he want while playing games then he thought it isn't that bad at all

“ now if that's all I'm gonna leave, oh yeah you don't need to worry about me, I'm still gonna live in the house and you don't need to pay for anything, I will “

Raul have enough money saved up from winning competitions years ago, he had enough to live for himself for 2-3 years if he saved. And since his childhood he lived apart from his father and mother and they only came to visit him at weekdays to avoid suspicion from unwanted eyes as he wanted to live a life free of being watched and guarded

That is also why he rejected when his dad wanted to announce him to the world

“ Po, are you listening there ? “

A figure came out of the shadows. usually raul with his acute senses would notice if someone is watching, but even he could not detect the Master Level Chinese Kenpo Master Po Xiao Long

“ yeah, he surely has grown Saiba. It has only been a year but time sure flies “

“ you got that right, His mom sure gave birth to a fearsome son. With enough time I'm sure he will surpass me “

“ well Saiba, I got to leave or I will keep him wating “

“ goodbye, Po.. Please keep him safe in game or reality and watch over him“

“ hahaha, I'm still gonna do it even if you don't tell me to “


“ two months to go, if I needed anything then I should shape up my swordplay and martial arts even more “

Raul trained everyday at the dojo. Even if he never lazed around overseas having his 3 masters watching over him made him progress faster

“ Senpai, Would you care to spar with me ? I heard rumors about you “

To anyone who might not know : senpai is upperclassmen in jap

5 seconds, 5 second is all it took Raul to beat the likes of him

“ I see, you have improved yet again Raul, care for a match with me ? “

Another asked again, this time it was his upperclasmen in the dojo

“ gwaaakh....dang it you little monster..”

It continued until his masters has to step up

“ I see you have improved, but don't let it get to you. Let’s spar and I will see how much you have improved “

It was hectic, but he realized once more how strong his masters are and what he could learn from them..


The day finally came, the capsule arrived at his house. Raul didn't need need to ask but his father probably invested in the game and managed to get the capsule

“ finally..it's been too long, I hope my gaming sense haven't gone bad “

Connect To EverWorld

Yes | No

“ Yes “

There was no hesitation in his voice, only tinges of excitement


The world suddenly went dark around Raul

“ is it defective ? No can't be.. “

After waiting another 30s..

[ The scan has been completed, it is determined that you are an unregistered user. Do you want to create a new account ? ]

A female voice asked him

“ Yes “

[ Select the name of your avatar ]

“ Rave “

[ Your gender shall be what you are and you are not allowed to apply changes ]

When the news EverWorld won't be providing gender choice, quite a fuss was made

[ EverQuest Has more than 40 races available, exact number is confidential and more race will be unlocked as the game goes on. You can select from the primary 24 races ]

“ Human “

Jack of all trades, master of none. It is the basic foundation of the human race in games

[ You may alter your appearance up to 10 % difference ]

“ The way I am “

A figure appeared before him, it was someone who excluded a cold aura around him as if there was a barrier around him. His face is not one would call ugly, few would probably debate wether he is handsome or normal

[ the stats distributed to your body, unlike other games is according to your muscle structure & percentage. However, for wisdom and intelligence, if you wish to partake the test considering 100 questions for each. more points in wisdom and intelligence may be added to your basic character ]

It may be a few but as the game goes on, leveling will become harder and a few extra points could be useful

“ partake the test “

[ please wait while we generate the question for you ]


“ bleh.. That was exhausting, and it was pretty annoying too “

[ The calculations are done, the added stats along with other additional would be shown in game ]

“ And it doesn't even show me now..”

[ Your account has been created, your class shall be determined as you are playing EverWorld ]

“ finally “

[ Select A city or a kingdom to start ]

“ Numeda Village “

[ Whilst it is possible to start in a village, we are not encouraging you not to do that as the city and kingdom has perks the village doesn't have ]

“ doesn't matter “

[ Welcome To EverWorld ! ]

A light shone brightly upon him, it had been around an hour since all he viewed was darkness as such the light took quite a toll in his eyes…

Note : well, I do not know how long a chapter is going to be from now, but I could classify this as fairly short so yeah, you get the gist of it. ( its around 2300 words or something) . If you like it or have a comment please do rate / leave a message it encourages me a lot.

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