《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 0.5 : Short Prologue, Birth Of Rave


Note : this is a very short chapter and is the closing of the prologue. It's just there to explain his past and the events that lead to the time now, its very short I apologize if this irk you, maybe I should have publish it along with the 1st prologue. But anyways there you go

[ What would you like to name your character ? ] A notification appeared upon his screen

“…now, I haven't really thought about it..should I go with vera again? “

“No, no even if there may be lots who had the name, there will definitely be suspecting people and I don't want to attract attention. “

In Lost Continent a name is not restricted to one player

“ Vera..Ve..Ra.. i got it, let's go with Rave “

Ps : if anyone noticed Vera is actually a twist on his name : Vasyl Raul while exchanging the “a” with “e”

A lazy yet straightforward way to name things !


It has been a year since then, Raul was now entering his 2nd year of high school.

And Rave ? Well..He is now a level 389 Ronin. A polar opposite to his old class, glory samurai.

Where Glory Samurai is a samurai who shows their true worth when surrounded by his comrades. A ronin is one if the few known “ solo only “ class.

He eventually single handedly crushed the entire samurai faction, killed the Shogun and obtained the glory where every samurai dreamed of. “ Samurai Shogun” however since his class is a ronin, he acquired a unique class instead “ Shadow Ronin”

It was after this he became more and more invincible, crushing a group or two was not a problem for him

“ found them “

2 months after, he finally found his old “ friends”.


Reinforcements after reinforcements came after he barge in to their guild, they resurrect only to be killed again by his deadly blade.

The Shadow Ronin’s special skill : Soul Shadow Track allowed him to find his target whenever they are, it did not stop until they stop logging in to the game itself

Not long after, he rose into the game’s hall of fame as the 4th best player all time. But he could never break the wall known as the top 3..

Guilds after guild fell upon his hands, every time he was surrounded by the alliance he had always found a way to escape or massacre them, using Lost Continent high realism, he used real life tactics and use their surroundings to his advantage.

But everything has an end, he was eventually matched up upon the game’s top 10 players along with their guilds, slowly but surely he began to die more frequently. Until he finally retired.

It has been 2 years since then, Raul is now entering university after going overseas for a year. And it was around that time a new game was making waves..

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