《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 3 : The First Hunt


Note : New chapter guys, enjoy !

Rave was currently torn between the 2 books

One contained the Power of the Emperor, while the other contain his Wisdom

“ the problem here is I didn’t know how did he managed to quell the revolt and united so many races and kingdoms under him “

He is regretting the fact he ignored the elder’s story !

“ I should have listened.. “

Although either the two of them could prove to be amazing treasures in itself. Decisions like this, early in a character’s progress could effect how his character turn out to be later on

“ Did he use his wisdom in gathering all those races ? Or his power to rule over others ? “

“ that's it, there's no use in crying over a spilled milk. While the Emperor’s power may sound intriguing, I do not desire a magic class as the book is a magic book itself, not a skill one “

In EverWorld’s magic is not registered as a skill. Gaia was asked for answers but they just shrugged it off and is unwilling to answer the questions

“ I choose the wisdom book ! “

He even thought of taking the 2 books and run away !

“ although it's a quite hard not to take 2 treasures right In front of your eyes, I may have to tie this old man down or even kill him, but killing leaves a bad aftertaste. The Npcs here felt just like they were living, it's definitely not going to go well with my food today “

Not only that, taking the 2 books could place him as a criminal who took the emperor’s treasures, he would be chased down as a wanted criminal in the game

“ I see, good choice.. but can you give me a minute? I would like to unseal the book first, it's method is quite complicated as it's the Emperor’s sealing technique itself. However not to worry, the method has been passed to us for generations “

“ I'm glad I wasn't greedy enough to take the two of them “

Rave secretly thought to himself


Po Xiao Long was currently in Stockleham Kingdom, it had been 3 weeks in game since he first logged in

“ I thought that young Raul was close by and we could meet somewhere anyway “


He decided not to tell Raul he was playing the game too to surprise him

“ but, great gracious this world.. Although I have been playing here for 3 days outside I still can't imagine this is inside a game “

Anyone who just played EverWorld would be as surprised as he is, even those who previously played virtual reality games

“ gurkhh..i did not think the lands would not be so vast, should I give up and tell Raul where he is right now ? “

After 2 weeks inside the game he finally began to gave up, the monsters were no problem when he stepped outside, but he died a few times from challenging monsters even level 30 players would avoid

“ I guess I should tell him now that I have been playing this game ”

He finally gave up surprising him

“ hah..should I check my hunger and satiety ? I don't want to die because of hunger or thirst “

Thankfully he heard the explanations of the elder when he started the game, unlike a certain someone…

“ status window ! “

Status WindowName:PoAlignment:NeutralLevel:6Class:NoneRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesNoneReputation:0-//-:--//---Health:378/410Chi:370/370Mana:160/160--//--:--//--Stamina:42--//---Strength:46Agility:54--//---//-Intelligence:10Wisdom:10Leadership0Luck:0-Attack:0Defense:0

*hunger and satiety stats are hidden because I'm too lazy

Monstrous stats for a level 6 !

“ oh well, it's still in a good range “

Po gets up and looked across the wide plains, if you pinch your eyes you could see monsters from far away

“ should I hunt one more time before logging off ? “


Raul was currently outside of the game, he was meeting his masters at the dojo. It came quite a shock to him that his master, Po is actually playing EverWorld too

Po is currently located in Stockleham Kingdom, a 30 days walk in game to reach Numeda village. So they compromised to meet each other at Arkanda City, a 20 days walk from Stockleham and a 10 days walk from Numeda

“ whew I can’t believe master is actually playing and is already a level 6..”

The grieve of a pro gamer beaten by a newbie !

“ it's decided, I would log on and hunt today “


Rave logged in into EverWorld

“ the Wisdom of the Emperor huh.. “


The old dusty book is currently in his inventory

“ but first I need food, to survive food is a must “

He could survive during the library because the librarian offered him some food

“ but now I'm penniless, I should hunt some horned rabbit or even foxes “

A level 1 player would usually group with each other to fight a single horned rabbit, but rave would not run away even in the face of foxes !

“ Foxes would be more of a challenge so let’s go with foxes “

If any other player heard him talking like that they would feel sorry for him


After searching for 7 minutes he finally found one

“ a fox ! “

The fox noticed him too and ran towards him

“ it's fast “

The speed of the fox exceeded his own

“ I should move and get him before he gets me “

Rave moved towards the fox, but when they are about to clash he suddenly backed away

“ no, I can't beat him head on “

His instincts told him to back away for now

“ I’ll observe the pattern of the fox first “

The fox have been continuously clawing him but it has only hit thin air

He dodged the attacks of the fox by a hair’s breadth but some still hit him

“ just like the book says, it has speed but lacked the power of wolves “

The fox suddenly stopped trying to hit him and ran to his side

“ I see, it gave up on directly attacking me and start using it's speed eh ? “

The fox have been circling him at a fast pace, showing it's agility as a predator

It suddenly launched at it's full speed at rave

“ gurkhh..dang it “

He successfully hit rave and is currently laughing at him

“ so that's how you wanna play huh little fox “

Rave could have defended against that if he had a weapon, but charging into a fox while using nothing is suicide

The fox started circling him again

“ focus..focus I only have one chance “

He kept waiting, waiting patiently when it would strike

“ now ! “

He slipped right beside the fox when it was about to lunge at him

“ Kenpo : Dissolving Palm “

Dissolving palm is a technique that disturbs the flow of the inner body, disrupting the flow of blood and in the place where rave hit the fox is the brain area

“ grauukhh..”

The fox lay down on the ground, his brain had been paralyzed making him unable to move an inch


“ foxes have small brain making dissolving palm even more effective than usual, now now what should I do with you “

With an evil grin he laughed, making the fox shudder in response


“ Dang it, that fox is far too ferocious “

Rave is right now enjoying the roasted fox meat in a fireplace he set up

“ oh well, at least my hunger is full..and I even gained a level from it “

Using the 5 points he placed 2 on agility and 3 on strength

“ I should get a sword later on, it's kinda though hunting without one “

Anyone with common sense would need a weapon to hunt

“ I tried scraping it’s pelt but it's really hard, I failed getting one “

In EverWorld monsters don't immediately dissolve when it died, a normal monster would dissolve in an hour and boss monsters dissolve after a day giving chance for the players to get it's materials

“ before I go hunt some more let's finally read the book “

He took the book out of his inventory

“ well, no one would expect it's such an important book by the cover “

Spotting a large tree on the spot, he went to sit under it and rested at it's shade. Opening the book

“ wha..what the “

“ It’s blank ! “

Note : If you think po’s level is a bit low it is justified, I will explain it in the later chapters

Btw the maximum stats you could gain before entering the game is 30. 30 + 10 = 40 that’s the reason why Po has very high stats for a lv 6, let's say those that gained more than 10 points are freaks who are possibly winning competitions in their real life and those that gained more than 20 are masters in their own respective martian art / swordplay.

Ps : another short chapter but if I want to publish daily I could only write a maximum of 2000 words usually, which do you prefer ? A 3000s word chapter in 2 days or a 1800s chapter in a day. Or I would end it if I felt it’s nice to end it there, like this one

I'm sure you guys can tell, i kinda suck at battle scenes, so if you have suggestions please tell me

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