《Breakthrough》Chapter 027 - A Simple Wish
Chapter 027 - A Simple Wish.
In a room full of monitors.
[Midas]: “Report”
[Wally]: “Anomaly detected in Player Cyan, the Anomaly has been isolated and neutralized”
[Midas]: “Was there any clue what that was?”
[Wally]: “Impossible to be analyzed: Impossible to Compute, Probable cause: A Unknown Being”
[Midas]: “…”
Something unknown, even so, Midas has a probable cause.
[Midas]: “If the cause was [Imperfect Being] there is no way that was the end of it, keep watching and recollecting data”
Willy a robot that should not be having thoughts of his own, nevertheless, he thought that Midas manner of speech has changed since the last time, it sounded… more human. Willy went back to keep watching over Cyan and Alice, meanwhile, in the monitors was reflected how Cyan and Alice were sharing a kiss.
After witnessing this scene, Midas teleported away from the room.
Back at the [Rest Area] Alice and Cyan took notice that it was already lunchtime, so they decided to end their date and go back to the [Food Area] to have lunch.
At their gathering point in the [Food Area], they found out that Boss and the twins were already sitting at a table, they soon took notice of pair arrival.
[Karla]: “What is this… the couple has finally decided to show up; perhaps they were sharing kisses in the [Rest Area]?”
Cyan and Alice became red as they were actually coming from the [Rest Area]. The twins did not miss the subtle changes in Alice and Cyan behavior.
[Karga]: “Huh? Hey, Sister”
[Karla]: “Yes, Brother?”
[Karga]: “Aren’t they standing closer than they were before?”
Karla nodded with her head.
[Karla]: “Now that you mention it, it does look like that”
[Karga]: “Huh? Hey, Sister”
[Karla]: “Yes, Brother?”
[Karga]: “Aren’t they holding their hands in public now?”
Karla nodded with his head.
[Karla]: “Now that you mention it, it does look like that”
A grim smile emerged from the twins at this moment; it seemed as if Cyan and Alice would not hear the end of the teasing now, however, Boss was here to save them.
[Boss]: “…”
[Karla]: “Tsk”
[Karga]: “Tsk”
After the little “commotion” was over and the twins had calmed down, everyone took a seat at the table.
[Karla]: “Alright Alice, Newbie, there is a piece of good news we have to share…”
However, before Karla could continue, she was interrupted by Cyan.
[Cyan]: “Wait, Senior, there is something I want to ask Boss first”
Karla turned her head to look at Boss.
[Boss]: “…”
[Karla]: “Go ahead”
Cyan wanted to retort, “Are you his interpreter now?”, However, that would be pointing the obvious by this point.
[Cyan]: “Boss I want you to help me to train, no, I wish for Boss to train me, please”
[Karla]: “Newbie, do you want….”
“- to die.”
Is what Karla wanted to ask, but, Boss stopped her with his hand, signaling her to sit back down.
There was one thing Boss wanted to ask to Cyan, as he took notice of Cyan changes.
[Boss]: “Why”
Boss only had a very simple question to ask.
[Cyan]: “No disrespect to Seniors, but… they are too soft, Boss it is the only that can train me to my fullest potential, Boss I beg this of you”
[Karla]: “Soft! I will show you soft!”
Karga had to hold back his angry Sister that was about to tackle Cyan and dragged him to the [PVP Arena] to give him a good “soft” beating.
On the other hand, Boss started laughing with his a deep voice, making the struggling Karla and Karga come to a dead stop making Karga released his Sister.
[Karla]: “Boss, are you ok?”
Karla started to fan air into Boss’s face while thinking that Boss probably went mad after training for three weeks inside the Tower now.
[Karga]: “I never had heard Boss laugh so hard”
[Cyan]: “Senior… is that good sign?”
Karga could only shake his head, he did not know if this was “good” or “bad”, however, Karga could only give a palm in the back of Cyan as a sign of support.
[Karga]: “Boss it is fine Karla, kid you have my respects … because you are dead now”
Before anyone could say anything else, Boss stood up from his seat and dragged Cyan away to the elevator, and pressed the Floor 7 [PVP Arena] button.
[Cyan]: “Wait, Boss, I didn’t mean right now!”
Even if Cyan wanted to resist, he could not put an inch of resistance, even with his buffed up stats he could not even move a finger of Boss tight handgrip.
On the other hand, back at the table, where Alice and the twins were still seated.
Alice could only worriedly ask the twins.
[Alice]: “Will Cyan, be ok?”
In part, Alice felt she was responsible for this.
[Karga]: “Well, I guess the newbie will be fine, after all, he can’t actually die, right?”
[Karla]: “Yes, however, I never had seen Boss so eager to train someone like that before”
Karga nodded as he agrees with his Sister opinion.
[Karga]: “Me neither, I guess there is a first time for everything”
Karla nodded then she smiled as she looked at Karga, and Karga that thought of something started to smile also.
[Karga]: “However…, Sister, now that the Boss and the Newbie are gone what we should be doing?”
[Karla]: “I don’t know, Brother, but now that Boss has dragged the Newbie away, then I guess we are free to train Alice now, right?”
The twins turned around to look Alice with an evil smile; on the other hand, Alice was feeling something was not quite right here.
[Alice]: “Seniors… there is no need to smile like that”
[Karla]: “Hey, Brother”
[Karga]: “Yes, Sister?”
[Karla]: “Didn’t the newbie has said we were far too soft without training?”
[Karga]: “I think he did, shouldn’t we do something to fix that somehow?”
[Karla]: “I think we should, but do you have any idea we can try?”
[Karga]: “Oh, I have one idea that we can try, Sister”
[Karla]: “Oh, I want to hear it, Brother”
[Karga]: “Well, if one of us is not enough, then maybe the two of us working together will be enough, right?”
[Karla]: “How strange, that’s a good idea, Brother; I think we should test that idea of yours, right now”
The twins kept a smile as they dragged the kicking Alice away to the [Track Area], for a special session of afternoon training with the combined efforts of the Karla and Karga.
In the other hand, no one remembered that in fact, that they had left behind someone sitting on the table, however, this person was not showing any reaction to his surroundings, as he only looked at the table with dead eyes. The name of this person was no other than Cale, and he has trained with Boss since yesterday, and this was the result of that training, even a unit leader like Cale could barely endure it.
Cyan did not know he was standing or on the ground, as he could only see everything spinning around him, and his body being thrown into a blending machine.
After they entered the [PVP Arena] Boss and Cyan entered to a 1 vs 1 ring, where Boss was personally teaching Cyan the differences in stats and techniques between the two.
Even though Cyan should be fighting against a human, Boss was quite the monster himself, or at least that is how it looked in Cyan’s eyes, as to what his eyes could actually see, was a blurry figure moving around the ring, before a fist explodes into his face sending him back to kiss the floor once more.
Cyan did not know how long he has been on the floor as he probably has fainted at some point, but he knew that as soon as he stood back up on his feet again, Boss would be there, in front of him, waiting; most people would choose to remain on the ground, but not him.
[Boss]: “Ready?”
Cyan nodded, and once more, it was lights out for him.
When Cyan recovered his senses again, he was back to [Food Area] with a plate of food in front of him, the smell of the food had awakened his fuzzy mind.
The [Food Area] was deserted of Players at this time, meaning everyone else was either sleeping or training, and the only other person at the table with him was Boss.
[Boss]: “Eat, then we continue”
Cyan understood the meaning behind those words, there would not be any rest. Cyan finished his food quickly and then Boss dragged him back to the [PVP Arena] once again.
As long Cyan eats, he will recover, and as long as he stood back up on his feet again, he would grow stronger. Boss training method was not to go easy on Cyan, but to push it to its limits, if not for his increased stats he could not have been able to handle such ruthless training method, and if not for the nanobots inside his body, he would not be able to move, however, if not for his will, he could stand back up on his feet again.
Even the twins could only go for a few training sessions with Boss before dropping to the ground and staying there. However, Cyan that was free of the weight that has been holding back felt so light that he could jump from the ground and rise again like an undead zombie, but this was all Cyan own will, even so, he was not a machine.
Boss could not feel more impressed as Cyan was still trying to stand back up on his feet again, after being K.O several times already, and the only thing stopping him was his lack of energy and an empty stomach.
Alice was also having a difficult time with the twins combined training efforts that were overwhelming her as they both were tormenting her at the same time.
[Karla]: “Giving up already?”
Alice was gasping for air as she thought of something.
[Alice]: “No, wait, Senior…, just before…, you said you have good news to share”
[Karla]: “Ah, that, well Cyan should be hearing that news right now”
Karla could only giggle with a mocking smile.
Alice took notice of this, but she could not say anything about that right now and risk restarting the training.
[Alice]: “Senior…, what it is the news?”
Karla smiled and turned her head to look at Alice.
[Karla]: “Listen out Alice; I and Boss have managed to make a [Breakthrough]!”
[Alice]: “!!!, Then Senior, did you all managed to move onto the next Tier?”
Karla could only show a broad smile; however, at that time Karga interrupted her.
[Karga]: “Boss is the only one that managed to make a [Breakthrough] to the next Tier, stop lying”
[Karla]: “Tsk, can’t you be more supportive of your Sister, I am trying to impress my student here, and also, we are not that far away from making an [Breakthrough] ourselves either”
[Karga]: “Your student? Whom was the one that said we should recruit them?”
[Karla]: “And who was the one that Boss asked to handle Alice training after you complained because you couldn’t do it on yourself? Now that I think of you should leave and let me train Alice”
Now that her bad mood was gone, Karla had remembered she was the one that wanted to train Alice without the help of her Brother.
[Alice]: “Seniors, please don’t fight, the two of you are great teachers”
Karla and Karga smile and then they turned their head around to look at Alice, Alice felt her face cramping up again.
[Karla]: “Then who is the best teacher of the two? Aren’t you two a pair now, thanks to the great teacher oh me?”
Karla was pointing her finger to herself as if signaling Alice Karla was the best teacher, however.
[Karga]: “Don’t listen to her Alice; it was me that gave Cyan good bits of advice about dating, and don’t forget that I was me that wanted to recruit you both”
Alice felt her eyes twitching.
[Alice]: “Seniors, isn’t it more important to talk about the [Breakthrough] right now?”
[Karla]: “Tsk, I guess you are right”
[Karga]: “It can’t be helped then, we will ask you again later on”
Alice could only let out a sigh as she dodged something dangerous; however, she prayed that the twins would forget about this later on.
[Karla]: “Now, Listen out Alice, Boss has made an [Breakthrough] into the next Tier!”
Alice went “oohhh” and clapped her hands to Karla announcement,
[Alice]: “Then, how Boss did that?”
Karla then changed her happy smile to a smug smile.
[Karla]: “Like I said Boss learned a “Power” and this power, comes in the form of a [Skill]!”
[Alice]: “A [Skill]? Like those Skills in games?”
Karla nodded.
[Karla]: “Exactly like that, and after that, in just a single night he has managed to activate it!, And when Boss did that, he has managed to make an [Breakthrough] into the next Tier, as I have predicted, I am not great?”
Alice could only smile while her eye kept twitching, Karla was shamelessly trying to earn teacher points here, it was best to ignore this, and keep the conversation from ending, and Alice thought the best way of doing just that was to keep asking questions.
[Alice]: “Then, what [Skill] did Boss learn?”
[Karga]: “Oh, this is the best part, he learned [Armor Break]”
Karla glared at her dumb Brother trying to steal her student.
[Alice]: “And what it does?”
[Karga]: “As its name implies, it can break an armor after activating it, Boss hands would glow red, and then an armor that should not be able to break under human hands, cracks open like a nut in a nutcracker”
[Alice]: “That sounds amazing”
Karga smile as he thought of something, after all, he has also been called “soft” by Cyan.
[Karga]: “It is… now think what would happen if you used that [Skill] in a human that doesn’t have armor.
Alice thought for a second before answering as a diligent student.
[Alice]: “His bones would break instead?”
Karla and Karga laughter make Alice feel bad about something.
[Karla]: “More than break, they would turn into dust! More so, if it is the weak bones of a certain cheeky kid that said our training was too “soft”, right Brother?”
[Karga]: “You are totally right, Sister”
Alice could only feel pain all around her body as she prayed for Cyan mental wellbeing once more.
[Alice]: “Right, Senior, how did Boss learn that [Skill]”
[Karga]: “We don't know, it just popped up yesterday, however, sigh”
Karga did not want to admit it.
[Karla]: “However! I have a theory”
[Karga]: “Tsk”
Karga could only twist his tongue as Karla really has come out with a theory for this, and the worse part was...
[Alice]: “Senior, what theory is that?”
[Karla]: “First, I have to explain, you know that the monsters wear armor like skin, that it is hard to penetrate it, right? In addition, even small calibers bullets can hardly do much damage it, right?
Alice nodded, as she was aware of this.
[Karla]: “I think Boss has wished for a “Power” that could crack open that defense, so he could better examine the monsters internal organs, in other words, Boss has wished for that Power to appear!”.
Karga could only put out a groan when he heard this theory, he had thought his Sister had given up on thinking for herself anymore, and she had failed his challenge of “come out with a theory for that” that they always had played because his Sister was always “so smart”.
[Alice]: “It isn’t that a little too simple and vague? Just wishing for Power, isn’t there something else?”
Karga jumped at the change to make fun of his Sister.
[Karga]: “I know right? I thought it was the dumbest theory my dear old Sister had ever come out, however…, sigh”
[Karla]: “However, it Works! When we tried it, we also managed to learn a [Skill]!”
Alice could not be more surprised.
[Alice]: “What!?, How!?”
[Karga]: “We wished really hard for a [Skill] and they just appeared, of course, not all wishes you make would work for that though”
Obviously, Karga had tried an over the top wish, but nothing had happened at that time, because even if Karla has said they just have to make a wish, it was not as simple as that, after all, this was a sort of power, that they created on their own.
After reviewing how the wish part worked, Alice asked another question.
[Alice]: “Then Seniors can you tell about the [Skill] Seniors managed to learn?
At that time, Karla let out a sigh.
[Karla]: “Even though we have learned one, we haven’t been able to activate it, this morning we were trained under the guidance of Boss to be able to activate it”
This time the twin had dropped their smiles and shook their heads in disappoint.
[Karga]: “I can only tell you the name of the [Skill], as for the effects, I can only make a guess”
Karla nodded.
[Karla]: “Yes not to mention Boss had his stats max out before activating the [Skill] for the first time and making a [Breakthrough], so we have we have to max out our stats first before trying to use them”
Alice nodded, as she understands, to make a [Breakthrough] they need stats and a special power, just like Karla has predicted.
[Alice]: “Then the names of the [Skill] are?”
[Karga]: “Oh, my skill name is [Bomb]! Is this not an amazing sounding name or what? Of course, you could guess what it does by its name as I wished for something that could go Boom!”
Alice wanted to retort “Are you a terrorist!?” Nevertheless, she held it back.
[Alice]: “Senior…, that’s dangerous sounding name”
Karla could only shake her head every time she heard that [Skill] name.
[Karla]: “That’s what I told him”
[Alice]: “Then Miss Karla [Skill]?”
[Karla]: “Huh, I am not saying”
[Karga]: “Pfffff hahaha, it is probably that it has a terrible name that’s why she isn’t telling its name”
[Karla]: “Mind your own business!”
[Karga]: “Whatever… then Alice now that you know the secret, what will you make a wish for?”
[Alice]: “Something to wish for…, I wish for…”
In the end, Alice shook her head, as she could not come out with a wish yet.
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