《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 19 - Baiting


It's day 340 almost time to head out with the princess but I don't have anything to entertain her.

I've been training and messing around with the holy making skills and I've come with something, I make an object like a human or fish then make a weapon for it like a sword, I had to control it with the holy projection maker making a holy thread attached to the objects while projecting some hands since it's just an object I made so it can't move so there has to be a holy line connected to them, psychic isn't good enough to move them yet.

Doing that gave me [puppeteer title]

I can control it better now and I'm good enough to fight some big fish although it's no match for the huge fishes, I can reattach the holy line too if it's cut off by something.

The next day I meet up with the princess in the afternoon, her maids and guards, the maids could come since it's a festival and it's guarded.

Princess is wearing a white fur coat while maids and guards are wearing something like skin, now that I notice it all soldiers are wearing some sort of skin, leather, scale, it keeps you slightly warm and protects you at the same time I guess which is a must for guard duty.

The fesitval stretches out towards the north and northwest side and it's pretty calm since this is near a production city and it's a rich folks area.

The plan is to just bait some fish actually, it will be a good way to show her how dangerous the wild is.

I take us to the farthest ends of the festival near the guardposts, it seems they have been doing the fasting since they have a big box of food and they are staring heavily at the food stalls.


It would be better at night but I don't want to attract anything too strong and the princess has a curfew.

There's a strong guard there who looks like a veteran, he's buff and has a brown tail and brown beard, also wearing brown scales.

I tell them I'm going to bait out fish and everyone is a little worried but I assure them it's fine.

The maids bring out 1/3rd of the food and puts it at a distance, it's mostly spoiled so the smell calls out the fish.

I use my skill and make holy objects in the shape of mermaids and move them, everyone is shocked and in awe as I move them with around the food but not too close.

After several minutes some fish arrive, regular fish that look like cod, herring, more food is thrown and char fish appear.

The princess is excited with her eyes glowing and she orders more food to be brought.

As more is thrown further away we see something arrive, sardines? a school of white sardines with lots of big and huge ones too.

This is getting too much so I control them with my slave skill to keep them away from us too, my radar shows something as everyone is amazed at my control.

A huge black fish with red stripes appears it's the same size as me so 8 feet (2.5 meter) and wasn't enslaved by me, schools of fish like this always have predators chasing them after all.

It's going to eat the fish around munching on lots of them in one bite but quickly comes back down staying near the ground, it's used to staying on near the ground not swimming freely in the open.

It looks so dangerous says the princess who's grabbing onto the maids.


The veteran merman is telling everyone to get ready, what are they worried about?

Suddenly the black fish lunges towards us, it's really aggressive.

The veteran chimes in and says it's related to the merdemons but its blood has been deluded alot so it does not have a demonic or humanoid form but still retains some power and it's aggressiveness, they are their own race now you can say so we just call them demon fish.

I move my holy fish objects to attack but they get destroyed fast with one hit one after the other.

The fish arrives as I make a holy wall over the wall posts and it goes to the merman guards.

They all fire magic blasts but miss, they keep their attack with their tridents and defend with their magic barriers.

The fish's tail attacks manage to hurt several of them while the veteran can't get close to finish it off.

I surround them with my holy powers and trap them all in while healing them with my holy healing.

They're surprised but get themselves together and go on, it takes 5 min for the fish to tire out and the veteran finally kills it by severing it in half with [weapon magic slash]

More fish are arriving and it's getting late so I send those I can control away and the other bigger fish follow.


The princess is almost in tears as the maids comfort her, yes it was strong however us 2 could have still beaten it says Beth.

The merman are celebrating their win and they're spraying something green too, what's that?

Eliza says it's a type of algae, it's to absorb the blood quickly so big predators don't smell it and arrive.

The algae absorbs the blood and drifts off into the distance.

The veteran arrives and thanks me for the help, he's called Phil and the fish will be eaten by the guards, when it's not edible for them it's fed to other creatures the soldiers ride.

We end the day and everyone goes back, the guards too since they work on shifts of 4 - 2 for the day and 2 at night.

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