《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 18 - Aquanus


As I remember to ask something.

Oh right, can you tell me where we are in the world? I don't have a map afterall.

The princess's eyes glisten with joy and she tells me.

'Of course I can, we are in the east side of the world, you don't know about the world itself or lands either right so I'll tell you'

We call the world Aquanus, noone knows why though and the circumference is about 150 thousand km with the surface area being near 2 billion km.'

60% of the world is water and it has 5 continents with 4 of them about equal size of 100 million km, all sorts of creatures lives on them with humans and demons competing for the 4 equal sized ones but the biggest continent is 400 million km and is ruled by giants hovering at 1 km average.

The 4 continents are called the star continents because they are lined up like a 4 sided star and the middle is dangerous for sea creatures since you surrounded by all 4 at once though there is alot of space to escape, it's called the star chokepoint.

The giant continent is even more dangerous since they hunt large sea creatures regularly in their boats.

We are currently near the eastern star continent but on the opposite side so not in the star chokepoint.'

That's pretty big and there's less ocean than I thought there would be, are the giants making more land by themselves? it could be likely and the words she used are from earth so other summoned people must have influenced their world and knowledge long ago and their speech too of course.'

'The giants seem strong, is something stopping them from conquering the star continents?'

'Hmm yes, the star continents are mobile since the lands don't reach the bottom of the ocean, both the humans and demons have powerful mages who move them and keep half the world's distance from the giant fleets, crossing that vast distance in the ocean with all the dangerous creatures also deters the giants from invading.


The giant continents is on western end of the world.

Oh and none of the continents are united, there's several types of giants too so they have never been fully united either however the star continents races even if they wage war with each other do have a pact not to let the giants invade.'

The maids begin clapping and praise the princess for keeping up with her studies, the princess lets out a proud hmph sound.

'Can you tell me about the demon races, both on land and the ocean?'

The princess keeps quiet and the dark maid Beth says, Sorry Holy Fish the princess doesn't know much about the demon races since it classified for the higher ups, we only know the basics.'

'The demons on land look demonic with monster like features but with a humanoid shape, they control the north star completely where there are no humans, the merdemons look like mutant fish and merman and are aggressive, the purest ones have good upper and lower bodies that don't look mutated but those usually stay near their area.

Merdemons only have stronghold in the north star since most of them are less intelligent and prone to going rogue if not kept in line by the intelligent ones and the demons on land.'

'The humans are the majority in the rest of the stars but haven't been able to kill all the demons since they are physcially superior and many can fly, Merman have cities and bases across the ocean and because the star continents move they come near the merman areas too like this base.

That's about all we know'.

I want to ask more but I would be imposing.

Eliza maid notices this and says, if Holy Fish has anymore questions you can come whenever right Princess Mermi?


Her face cheers up in a bright smile and says 'Yes you can come anytime, I'll tell you more about this world.'

I take this opportunity and say I'll be looking forward to it as I put on my invisibilty/camoflauge and head back.

The soldiers escort me back too, I notice they have gold tridents and accesories unlike the others around, they must be the priness's personal soldiers which is why they aren't making a fuss.

I look at their skills with [appraisal] basically the same as the maids but they also have [weapon thrust] [water slicer] [attack up] [defense up]

The up ones also affect others so it's a good skil, it can likely be done more than once too so it stacks ontop of each other.

I arrive back and time to think of something.

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