《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 20 - Item/Gear Ranks


It's morning and the princess gives me a magic item, she has her perosnal guards buy military weapons too since she isn't allowed to do it herself.

'fufu it's an item that increases speed and because I'm generous I'll give you an offensive magic tail ring that increases the tail's attack strenght as well, they are both high tier.'

'high tier?'

'items have 6 ranks, low - mid - high - super - legendary, the 6th is called unique and is seperated from the other since it's made from rare magic or skills.

Low to high break after repeated uses, super and unique can be broken if used too much or too much mana is poured, it's best to just let it recharge, legendary hasn't been broken so far but that doesn't mean it can't be.

You can buy low to super on the market however most super are kept by the military, they also make their own by imbueding materials with magic.

Items and weapons are also naturally created in ocean and are ranked too but very powerful ones are legendary and they are all kept by royalty until needed, some are found and used by sea creatures and surface dwellers too, the sea creatures especially are a major threat if they find a legendary one and use it knowingly or not.'

I don't have hands so I hold the speed item with psychic skill and put the tail ring on but it all of a sudden falls off.

I try again and it won't go on, the girls help to but nothing.

The girls think and Beth says it's likely due to my attribute and skills, 'there are cases some can't equip items and gear because they have gone too far into their specilized build, even more so with the holy attribute since it is gifted by the gods.'


There goes learning any other magic attribute and I guess my monk title also plays a part, holy users still use gear though so maybe this tail ring just isn't good enough, I need high quality and pure materials.

I can exchange the ring the princess says but I say it's okay I will give it to one of my fish.

As I said that she says to wait as she hurries off and gets more rings, 'these are for your fish, they are only low tier but it will still help.'

Thank you I say as I take them and she smiles.

'now's a good time to give you more training, there are merman with monk skills right?' they say yes.

'To use it you need to focus not your magic but your energy into the part of the body you want to use.

Not focusing so much on physical wants and needs helps too.'

Eeeh? says the princess, I knew she would say that with her gold everywhere, strangely she isn't wearing gold clothes herself though except some accessories, she doesn't like how gold clothes look I guess or she's saving them.

'just train for now, also there's a jellyfish area near here, they are calmer now so we can go there if you can go' I already checked the area and it doesn't seem dangerous as long as you don't start attacking them, I marked the big one with my holy mark too so I know where it is.

'REALLY? let's go then, that area is a natural jellyfish farm to feed the whales here, that's why it's not destroyed.'

'then do you know about the sharks with darkness attribute west of here?'

'hmm yes, sometime's a hole opens up so they close it since it disturbs the whales going there.


About the jellyfish, I'll have a research team go and go with them.'

Eliza interrupts and says some whales were killed there but the scouting team did not find any strong jellyfish which means it is strong in stealth skills so it's best if we don't go.

'how about making it an extermination hunt too?' says the princess but is rejected again since it's too dangerous.

The princess pouts and flails her tail around but the maid won't budge on their stance.

'let's leave that for after winter then, me and the maids can go, princess can watch on some magic item, there is something like that right?.'

Well yes but it's not the same says the princess who looks a bit sad.

'Cheer up, you can psychicly see what happens for away if you train enough.'

'I've heard only the top psychic could that though', it's fine I say, just keep training and you can do it, that's what the skills are for, trust me.'

The princess looks happy now and so do the maids who look motivated.

'since we can't do that let's do another bait event.'

'hmm but I remember a certain somehow highly scared back then' says Beth.

't-that was just unexpected that we got something that violent, next time will be better and more prepared too, some place other place too.'

'if you say so' says Beth and Eliza says it's fine too as long as it does not take too long.

'Then lets do that, next week, I'll message you holy fish', I agree and I go back to training with fish.'

I do want to explore the ocean but it's too dangerous, I can die at any moment if I go swimming around, getting bigger should solve this I guess altough I can't fit in buildings anymore.

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