《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 50. The Mountain Range


We fly towards the mountain range for a few days before we arrive.

(It seems they've... Prepeared...)

I decide to land on the big landing pad that is glowing and that they've set up and are all surrounding and apparently pointing at.

When I land, they all stop pointing and bow down and I see a group of people approach.

"All right, let's get out. They've set up such an entrance for us, let's not waste it." I say in a calm voice since one of us needs to keep our calm in this situation.

I get out of the helicopter and so do the rest.

In the time we spent getting out, the group has already reached us.

"Welcome, Hayden Igbhan and Alicia Igbhan. Greetings, Ion, Laurette, Brenelle, Yofie, Daphiel, Esther and Lailah.

My name is Landar. I am the Lord of the First Mountain. I was also the one who sent the fairy to deliver our message." One of the people from the group says whilst walking towards us though the rest have stopped.

"I heard your message and came here after taking a little break. I heard you can answer my questions apparently." I immediatly get to the point and Landar just nods in agreement.

"I shall answer them all tonight, for now. We must have a small feast to celebrate your arrival, isn't that right?" He shouts out the celebration part.

"That is right, Lord Landar!" All the humans surrounding us shout out at the same time.

I quickly look around us to make sure they are actually humans and I couldn't find anything that hinted at them not being a human.

"Everybody, go to your tables and let the feast begin in exaclt half an hour!" Landar shouts out once more and everybody starts walking and so does Landar.


We follow him and I notice that the other people who were with Landar have already dissapeared off to somewhere.

We walk for around twenty minutes before we reach a table filled with food and drinks.

Landar immediatly sits down and notices we are hesitating to even go near the table.

"Don't be shy, sit down and feast! We have no reason to poison you or any of your party members. It would actually harm us more than you! So sit down and enjoy the food and drink we've prepeared!" Landar smiles at us and points towards the chairs next to him.

As we can't just outright say no, we sit down and slowly start eating and after a while...

"Ah, you started without us!" One of the people I saw before comes up the stairs and so do the rest.

"Well, you all dissapeared after all, Valhorn!" Landar shouts and they couldn't say anything and just sat down on the other side of the table from us.

They start feasting with us and the person called Valhorn constantly kept coming over to me and trying to hit on Alicia or talk to me for hours non-stop.

(Luckily... We have Landar with us... Landar is our guardian from Valhorn's constant ramblings.)

We feast for quite a while until it is nearly night.

"I guess it's time to answer your questions, you've waited long enough after all." Landar suddenly says whilst everybody is in the middle of feasting and Valhorn has knocked himself out due to drinking too much.

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