《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 51. The Questions and The Answers.


"I guess it's time to answer your questions, you've waited long enough after all." After Landar's sudden declaration, everybody stops and looks at him.

He gets up from his chair and starts walking towards two big doors leading into the mountain.

"Come now. Being outside will not help me answer your questions. We are heading to the Hall of Codices." Landar opens the two big doors which were a mere fifty meters away from our feasting table.

I follow him and we walk for a bit until we reach two even bigger doors which are decorated with gold.

"The Hall of Codices is our most valuable place. Many of the other Humanoids on this World think that we retreated here because we had no other choice but we know otherwise. We protect the Halls of Codices that our forefathers left us." Landar explains why they came to this specific Mountain Range.

He pushes the doors open and we enter the Hall.

(This... This is like a library...)

"It might seem useless at first but... These books and codices that are scattered across this 'Hall' or so we call it, have near infinite value on this World. It explains how the thing known as 'Magic' has come to be, why some parts glow when specific creatures or other things are near and so on.

There are also explanations on how all of the many different things in this world have come to be. There is even a small book about the History of the World before our 'exile' onto this Mountain Range.

There is just one problem for you right now. You cannot read these. The books and Codices are written in a special language only known to the Mountain Lords and each one slightly deviates from it's neighboring ones so you cannot be completely sure that they won't be giving you false knowledge." Landar explains what this room and it's importance really is.

I look around the room a little and see a pedestal with a huge book on it and Landar notices me going towards it.

"Seems like it caught your eye. That is a book that all Mountain Lords must read on their initiation. Sadly, I've been forbidden to talk about it's contents. But do not worry, it is the only book which has been forbidden to talk about here." Landar quickly explains what the book is to me again.

After I finally finish looking around I start asking Landar questions.

"What is this 'Magic' then? Why is it here and how is it here?" I immediatly ask the question that's been annoying me the most.


Landar walks closer to one of the shelves and takes a book out and he opens a certain page in the book.

"Well, I don't know exactly but this book does, more or less. Here it says that these Bacteria evolved from almost nothing, appearing here through unknown causes. The Bacteria have no known relative species on this entire planet.

The 'Magic' they help create uses 'Mana' which is also generated by their bodies. The mana has unknown properties but it has one property which cannot be dismissed. It can change its form in seconds and into anything. Magic is just many condensed particles of the 'Mana' which have more or less the same form and properties, hence why there are a lot of Magic Types such as Lightning, Fire, Water and so on.

The Mana, if to believe this portion, is actually the different types of energy in the air and in different conditions certain Magic is easier and better to create. In a humid area it's easier to create water Magic and it's stronger than usual. Near dry areas, Fire magic is better and easier to create.

It also says here that the Quality of the Mana and Magic comes from the person itself as well and that is why not all people who live in the same area create the exact same Fireball or any other type of Magic as it differs from being to being.

That's all the information in this book. Don't know if it's true or not but I believe it to be as our forefathers used to be the Grandmasters of Magic on this World for only Gods know how long." Landar finishes his very long explanation about Mana and Magic which gave me a slight insight into them.

(The Bacteria, I need the Bacteria. If I figure out how to use this Bacteria for myself, It could help advance the research that has been stuck for eons.)

"Hmm... Does it also say why me and Alicia are here?" I ask the second most important question to me.

Landar laughs a bit and goes to the opposite shelf and takes a book from there.

"Funnily enough. Yes. It is just a prophesy but it had held true until you went and picked her up.

It explains more or less the entire time Alicia is here and in detail at that. You, however... Not at all. You are in no prophesies in this world.

I've read this book many times and it ends with Alicia dying. In every possible deviation of the prophesy, Alicia dies and so do her six guards after they defeat their enemy.


But... In all of the fifteen deviations, there is not a single mention of a second Summoned One. Not even the slightest of hints. It is exactly like you are a deviation from the already deviated prophesies, rendering them false.

You've already changed her fate slightly. The Crown Prince's faction should've won the Civil War but they didn't since you interfered in it. Alicia was supposed to be tortured by the Crown Prince because she wouldn't give him what he wanted, her hand in marriage, she eventually escaped but without her left arm and a bit of her sanity.

Now, that the Crown Prince was majestically killed by you... That prophesy no longer holds true. You changed Alicia's fate before she was even transported to this World." Landar finishes his sentence and suddenly falls into deep thought.

I look at him for a while and he stops thinking all of a sudden.

"I was mistaken. There is a deviation which involves you, Hayden. Though you've already proven that deviation false as well, it still mentioned you." He searches for a book in the huge library and finally finds it, a really thin book which seems to hold a single page.

"Ah, here we go. The secret Sixteenth deviation. I even forgot about it's existence for a while until I just remembered.

It directly says that after Alicia was transported to this world, you were too but too far away from her.

The Crown Prince of the Island nation got what he wanted and got Alicia as his 'toy' and by the time you got there, she was broken and half-dead.

This drove you insane. You escaped from the Island Kingdom with Alicia but that event turned you from the Hero to the Villain.

You became something called a 'Lord of Destruction' and started massively destroying anything that stood in your way of wiping the Island Kingdom off the face of this World and after you had done that, you destroyed everything else in your way of finally helping Alicia from her broken mindstate.

In the end, you and Alicia both survive but the World turned into a hell, no Humanoids live. Only beasts fuelled with rage and the need to kill lived.

What happens to you after that, the prophesy doesn't say. It just says that even if there is another deviation of the Prophesy... Hayden will be in it and he will save this world.

It seems like you are actually more important to this world than the person always talked about in all the deviations of the Prophesy.

Also, why I keep calling them Deviations is because each Prophesy is a tiny bit different from the other ones. Either it follows a different path whilst keeping the same people or the other way around or some third option." Landar finishes explaining about Alicia's and my importance in this world.

I think about a third question but none come to mind until I remember the turtle.

"My last question! What about the turtle? With a tree on it?" I ask and Landar looks at me with wide eyes.

"You... You've seen it?" Landar asks while getting another big book and I just nod.

"You witnessed a miracle then. That was one of the 'Six Holy Beings'. They are being of massive Magical Powers. They cannot be killed in the usual means but there used to be Seven. Our forefathers took down one of them when it was on a rampage but had massive casualties. Massive enough that we were on the brink of going extinct.

These Holy Beings usually don't show themselves, they always guard their bodies with Magic so it's normally impossible to get near them when you do see one.

A single one of these beings is capable of obliterating entire kingdoms and changing the entire life of the World so... Luckily for all of us they are mostly dormant or very peaceful, such as the Turtle.

So far, in this book dedicated to only them, there is no record of two of the meeting eachother and there is no accurate description on the beings either as they've only been seen from far away due to their massive glowing as described here.

There is literally nothing else written in this book that has been dedicated to them, that shows how elusive they are and how much nobody wants to disturb them for a single book." Landar finishes telling me about the Turtle and it's 'Friends'.

(So... I have a blood sample of it still in the Heli. I should keep that a secret. Now I have even more questions about them but I have a feeling that just seeing one is rare, touching one and taking a blood sample is near legendary to do.

I'll just keep that secret mine for now... I have a feeling it'd cause unneccessary things...)

We head back to the table and continue feasting after Landar confirms I have no more major questions, only minor ones which can be answered at any times. Or so he thinks.

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