《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 49. Towards Destiny.


After we woke up, we immediatly explored the Military Section only to find out we weren't allowed into most important locations yet as none of us were an official member of the Army.

We then went to the slums, which were just as anybody would think, full of beggars and other people trying to gain money easily.

(Ok so... We explored both the Military Section and the Slums in five hours since there was nothing we could do in both of them. Now... One last thing to do before I leave... Saying goodbye.)

We return to the Keep and Emilia is already waiting there, on her throne, with a sad look on her face.

We all kneel down before her.

"Emilia, it is time for us to go. You know we can't be here forever. There is a reason we are here and we are going to find out so... We have to keep on moving." I say goodbye in a very long and roundabout way.

"I know... I've known all along... I just wished to spend more time but it seems impossible now... I hope we meet again, Hayden and the others..." Emilia says and then lowers her head.

We all get up and walk towards the exit after bowing once more.

(To the Humans of this World. They know why I am here and why Alicia is here so we have to go.)

We walk to the helicopter and immediatly take off after checking up on it's condition and to see if anything's been stolen.

(Everything has been replenished and we have enough fuel to get to the mountain range, I think. Well... Barely enough. We can definetly make it to the bottom of one of the mountains so we gotta hope we don't need to waste any fuel.)


We start heading towards the Mountain Range holding answers to our questions.

"I didn't know Emilia as well as you did but I'm still sad to say goodbye to her..." Alicia says whilst looking towards the barely seeable Capital.

The Six Guards are awfully quiet but I see them look towards our destination.

(Alicia looks to the past whilst her guards look towards the future. That is somehow kind of... Funny. The guards are probably excited for a new adventure and waaait... Six Guards from a Holy Church that is probably a branch of Imonothep aka the Church that exiled Humanity in this world... And we're going to meet those Humans right now...

I hope I'm not going to be starting a continuation of the Holy War. Really hope that...)

While I am worried about the future relationship between the Six Guards and the Humans...

The Six Guards in question are excited to see the Legendary Humans that used to be the strongest beings before hiding themselves.

---- Meanwhile, at the Mountain Range ---

"Make haste! They are heading towards here! Prepare everything! We need to show that Humans of this World are as sophisticated as theirs!" A man shouts from ontop of a mountain and his voice is heard through even the forests far down below.

"Yes!" Many shouts respond to the orders and all of a sudden, the entire mountain range starts seemingly turning alive as a lot of people start moving on paths forged onto the mountain range.

Humans keep streaming out of doorways forged into the Mountains themselves and houses that are seeable ontop of the Mountains.

Each person knows what they must do, where they can do that and how.

There is not a single person who is just sitting down except the leaders, who are commanding from the tips of the Mountains.

Many large beasts wander close to the Mountain Range to see what the noise is about, just to get immediatly killed by the Guardsmen who have already taken up positions all around the Mountains.

"Good! Keep working! Show the Humans from another World what we can do in this one! Make us proud!" Another man shouts from another Mountain but his voice is still heard all across the Mountain Range.

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