《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 21. The Elite.


I run to the top of the wall and look at the coming army.

"Decently sized but not a thousand... I guess it truly is an Elite army, even if it is from an Empire." (Hayden)

One of the guards on the wall comes next to me, shouts something and tries to throw me towards the stairs, probably wants me to go evacuate as I don't look really... Soldier-like.

Let's just say he is terribly wrong in his decision to try to make me go away from the fight.

The guard tries to get me off the wall again but I grab his hand and twist it while looking in his eyes and taking out my pistol.

A ladder appears next to me and I look below, they are here.

I throw the guard back and take out my other pistol and start shooting down towards the Elite.

"Tch... They know about spacing just in case the defenders have a catapult or something like that... I can't kill more than one shooting in a two meter radius... Well they are Elite." (Hayden)

Two Elite Soldier's climb up the ladder next to me but the moment they touch the wall I shoot them in the head and continue my little bombardment of the ones still below.

"Hayden, here are the magazines." (Ion)

Ion floats next to me and I see a whole bunch of magazines in a bag being carried by him.

"I also told the Princess the situation and gathered information whilst flying. The enemy numbered 650 before you started shooting, they number 624 now. We haven't lost any troops yet since they haven't gotten on the wall but it is only a matter of time since the main force is coming." (Ion)

"Main Force?" (Hayden)


I shoot another enemy down on the ground in the face.

"This 650 troops is only the vanguard for the 2050 troops coming from behind with the true firepower. These troops are here to 'test the waters' and see how well we can defend." (Ion)

"I don't have enough magazines for this." (Hayden)

"Correct... You should have enough bullets to take care of this vanguard by yourself and about 500 soldiers from the Main Force if you only shoot the head and kill them in one shot." (Ion)

I shoot another Elite in the face who is climbing up the ladder.

"Should I just try to shoot three of them at a time?" (Hayden)

"You should if you can. Their armor is weaker than the ones we tested our bullets on." (Ion)

I smirk as I shoot another Elite in the face.

Three Elites make it onto the ladder I am guarding but I kick the ladder and they all get crushed by the ladder and the weight of their armor.

I keep shooting, they keep dying.

"This is repetitive. Are these guys really elite? They don't feel like it..." (Hayden)

"They are. Their armor and formations are the exact same as the Main Force who you can see in... Three... Two... One." (Ion)

The Main Force starts marching towards the city from the riverside next to the two big hills.

"They picked the location between the hills to hide themselves and 'surprise' attack us?" (Hayden)

Ion doesn't say anything and I keep shooting.

This continues until night when the enemy Vanguard is obliterated.

"Ion, give me a sort of status report." (Hayden)

"All enemy Vanguard dead. Fifty soldiers from ours dead, hundred and thirty seriously wounded and unable to fight. Two hundred lightly wounded, can still fight tomorrow. About three thousand of our troops left but two thousand of theirs. Your ammunition can kill exactly 523 troops from the Main Force until you run out." (Ion)


I nod and sit down looking at the enemy main force's campsite just outside the accurate range of my pistols.

I hear shouting from far away and look to see the General encouraging the men and boosting their morale until he sees me and rushes towards me.

He looks over the wall and starts laughing as he sees the empty magazines next to me and the full ones to the other side and Ion floating about.

All the troops look towards the General as he takes a seat next to me.

He says something while looking towards Ion.

"He says that your kill count must be high and this only boosts your credibility as a hero." (Ion)

"Ion, tell him I only have enough firepower to take out 523 of them and then I have to retreat to try to make some more in time." (Hayden)

Ion speaks to the General and he looks at me in surprise and says something in a stuttering voice.

"He said how can you can take out that many of them with such a tiny object. Not even fifty catapults firing for the day can take out that many Elites..." (Ion)

Suddenly I hear shouting from the other side and see Emilia in armor helping boost Morale and as she passes me she stops and looks at me sitting with the general.

She looks over the wall surprised and keeps walking but I see a little difference in her walk as she seems frightened after that.

"Ask the general why the Princess suddenly became frightened." (Hayden)

Ion speaks to him and he responds and laughs after that.

"He said that the Princess thought you could take out at most fifty of them before having to run, not three hundred or so that are down there. Also... How did you get three hundred of them to come after you? The Elites were spread thin since most of the Vanguard was attacking the ladder I was guarding." (Ion)

"Tell him it's probably since the Vanguard was sent to find and eliminate the most dangerous soldier on the wall to make it easier for the Main Force. And since I was killing them in a weird undescribable way they must have decided I must be killed." (Hayden)

Ion speaks with the General and he gets up, says something and leaves after seeing the Princess do some kind of hand sign towards him.

"He said that he must leave now since the Princess is calling for him and that we keep guarding this ladder until we must retreat." (Ion)

"Thanks Ion. Wake me up when they start moving towards the wall. Even if it is only one troop. Also guard the Magazines." (Hayden)

I lay down on the wall and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up the next moment since Ion zapped me with an electrical outburst.

"They are attacking. It's their entire force. They are going all-out." (Ion)

I grab my pistols and start shooting the ones in the accurate range almost instantly.

This is going to be an actually tough battle instead of a massacare...

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