《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 22. Main Force


The Main Force is advancing very quickly, almost too fast to be natural.

Another ladder is placed in the section I am guarding and about seven of them start climbing up but I run to it, shoot them straight in the head and pull the ladder up since knocking it down would just benefit me for a few seconds.

"So many... Atleast I took down seven with one bullet just now. The ladders are my friends." (Hayden)

One of the Elites reach the wall on the section the guards are guarding and I immediatly shoot him in the head and run to the ladder.

I look down the ladder seeing about ten of them climbing up and one of them swinging their sword at me to clear a path to come onto the wall.

I barely dodge the sword by leaning backwards but it cuts a shallow wound on my forehead.

I kick the Elite in the stomach and he falls off the ladder ontop of three other Elites.

I aim down the ladder, fire and pull it up once again to throw it to the other side of the wall.

I run back to my section and start firing at the masses trying to cause as much mayhem as possible.

I look to my sides to see my allies getting overpowered by the Elite troops.

"This is troublesome... We won't last. Even if I can take down a few of them on the wall it won't be enough..." (Hayden)

I look at the wall and all the points where they can go into the city.

Only one staircase, only one point where they can get off in this part of the wall.

Bad building for the defenders when the enemy isn't on the wall but excellent for when they are.

I fall back to the staircase to defend it for as long as possible.


The Elites finish off the last of the garrison on the wall.

They all turn their heads to me.

"It's show time?" (Ion)

"It's show time indeed, Ion." (Hayden)

I shoot to the left and right at the same time killing many of the soldiers.

"Ion, how many left? Both bullets and enemies." (Hayden)

Ion floats up into the air, then below me and then next to me.

"You have 4 magazines which are full left and your current magazine is half full. The enemy number is currently 1327 troops out of 2000. Reinforcements are coming from the castle and ETA is five minutes. The wall Garrison from the other sides are coming aswell, ETA two minutes. We need to hold out for two minutes for the Wall Garrison to sandwich them from the sides and another three for our own Elite guard to get here." (Ion)

I nod as I shoot another five or six of them down.

4 and a little less than a half magazines... Not enough.

I keep shooting and infront of me is a sort of sandbag entrenchment, just out of corpses.

"Two and a half magazines left. One minute has passed." (Ion)

I went through two entire magazines in a minute!?

I keep shooting and shooting since my life and possibly all the citizens lives below me are depending on it.

"Half a magazine left. Wall Garrison has begun flanking. Enemy troops number 1082, our own troops with the Princess's Guard included, 5999 since one just died." (Ion)

I finish off the last of my magazine, put my guns in my holster and grab a broken-bladed sword from the ground.

"Almost the size of a knife... Perfect." (Hayden)

I jump over the sandbags since they'll just hinder me currently since the enemy has longer weapons.

"Luckily I know hand to hand combat..." (Hayden)


One of them swings their swords at me, I dodge by ducking and cut his throat with the side of my 'knife'.

I grab his sword and throw my knife into the pile of corpses behind me.

Three of the enemy attack me at the same time and swing at the same time.

I dodge by jumping back and then charge towards the middle man, cutting into his throat.

I pull the sword out swinging it to the right cutting the right man's head off and in the next moment I do a spin and cut off the left man's arm and head.

I didn't get injured but I was very close to it when they swung at me.

"Wall Garrison troops are winning their battles and pushing towards the centre but the enemy keeps coming from the ladders. Our total troops now number 5753 while the enemy numbers 734. 539 of those are on the wall. Your current kill count, including the vanguard, is 633. Princess's Guard ETA, 2 minutes." (Ion)

Five of the Elites charge at me, two from the front, two from the right and one from the left.

I dodge the overhead swings from the front, block the attacks from the right but the left one struck my elbow with his swing quite badly.

"Damn it!" (Hayden)

I quickly swing my weapon through the throats of the Elites on the right dodge the attacks from the front by ducking and then cut their legs but my weapon breaks in half.

I throw the broken sword at the Elite on the left while I grab a sword from my right and stab the two wounded Elite soldiers infront of me.

More and more of them keep attacking me.

"Princess's Guard, ETA 20 seconds." (Ion)

Three from both sides... Three from the front...

I dodge by jumping back over the pile of bodies, grab the broken sword imbedded in it and charge back in.

I swing the broken to the left while I swing the non-broken sword to the right.

I kill two from the right and one from the left in an instant.

"Princess's Guard, ETA 15 seconds. They are reaching the stairs behind you." (Ion)

Four of them charge from the front while none from the side.

The side ones swing horizontally and the ones in the middle vertically.

I block the middle ones swings with my non-broken sword, the swing from the right with the broken sword but I take a hit to my stomach from the left.

I bear through the pain as I stab my sword through the heart location of a middle soldier, use my leg to kick him off the sword and instantly swing it to the left, killing the Elite I don't have a way to block.

I use my leg to kick down the soldier on the right while using my knife-sized broken sword to cut through the throat of the other middle soldier.

I then use my sword and pierce the chest of the downed soldier and jump back since the bleeding is slowing me and the almost unbearable pain is doing no favors aswell...

"Princess's Guard has arrived." (Ion)

I hear footsteps coming from the stairway and I look to my side and see soldiers clad in white armor running up and the Princess is at the bottom, coming up as well.

"Enemy soldiers number 343, all of them on the wall. Hayden..?" (Ion)

I smile at the soldier in the front as I collapse due to blood loss and immense pain.

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