《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 20. Exploring the Capital, Enemy arrives.


A week or so has passed since I have come to my lab...

"We've completely ran out of materials to test on. We cannot even create anything useful yet since these materials really don't want to mix with eachother very well. One of the mixes even blew up in my face... Well atleast I got to craft more magazines with bullets due to some of the remnants of my tests." (Hayden)

"Indeed. We cannot even try to create even the most simplistic of droids. We need more materials and some lower end ones aswell. We cannot only have high end since might not know if some of the lower end ones actually are better than high end for us." (Ion)

I nod and stretch my hands.

"What the hell should we do now?" (Hayden)

"Explore the capital? I mean we haven't left this lab for exactly eight days and fifteen hours." (Ion)

I quickly think about it and then get up from my chair.

"Alright then. Since we have nothing else to do yet I'll go tell the Princess we need some other materials and I want to explore the capital." (Hayden)

I look at all the almost-free 'slaves' I have around who are just sitting and looking at me.

"Ion, tell them they can go and do whatever they want for... Three days. They have three days to do whatever they want inside the city and then come back." (Hayden)

Ion floats to the middle of the lab and tells them to relax and go out of the lab for three days to have some fun.

By now I know a lot about the language but I can't really speak it, I mess up all the words and their order constantly embarrasing myself so I prefer to just let Ion do the talking.

This language is confusing a little... Each every change can change the meaning of the sentence completely.

Try to talk about fun and you end up talking about a mountain or something.

The moment Ion finishes they all slowly leave the lab and we leave aswell after locking up and making sure none of our secrets will be spilled if anybody enters.


I head to the throne room of the capital and ten guards stop me from even touching the door.

"Ion, tell them if they realise it's me..." (Hayden)

When Ion finishes the guards pull back their spears letting me pass through.

I open the doors to the throne room and enter.

"What do you mean we don't have enough crops to feed our people if we keep using the usual ways!? But it's worked so well so far!? How can it suddenly not!?" (Emilia)

I walk closer to the throne where Emilia is speaking with a farmer.

"My princess... The crops this season don't want to grow very well. We suspect they won't grow next year either. We need to find a solution, Princess!" (Farmer)

I walk next to the farmer.

"Ion, tell them I might have an answer if they don't the four-way crop rotation and Irrigation since I doubt they do looking at the technology of this world." (Hayden)

Ion speaks with them and they look at me with surprise.

Oi, I still am a man from another world with technology thousands of years away from you! Don't underestimate me!

"Please, tell us Hayden! We can put it to use next year!" (Emilia)

"Ion, tell them about the foyr-way Crop Rotation and Irrigation systems. Mainly about crop rotation and tell them in detail how to do it." (Hayden)

Ion tells them about the four-way Crop Rotation system which uses four different fields and only one of those fields has a fodder crop for the farm animals.

Emilia is quick to grab a paper and pen from behind the throne and write down what Ion is speaking.

"Ion, also tell them to make some rice fields since they yield high rewards if cared for properly aswell and tell them the ways to to harvest rice correctly. I doubt they have this technique since it's an European-styled Empire and on the way here I saw no rice at all." (Hayden)

After Ion finishes speaking, the farmer gets up from fainting all of a sudden and Emilia finishes putting all Ion's words on a paper and handing it to a guard and instructing the guard to give it to the advisors for overview.


"Ion, tell Emilia to make the farmer leave. I need to speak with her in private." (Hayden)

Emilia gets up after Ion finishes speaking.

She tells the farmer to leave and for me to follow her.

We go into her bedroom for some reason...

"This is the best spot for us to talk. No guards needed, no holes in the walls and safe." (Emilia)

"Ion, tell her that I want to explore the capital for three days and while I am away from the lab I need some lower-end materials brought into the lab so I can continue my tests." (Hayden)

Ion speaks to her for a bit.

"Alright. I shall let you go into the Capital but stay away from the slums. Somebody might steal your 'guns'. The lower-end materials shall be brought to the lab by the end of the third day." (Emilia)

"Ion, thank Emilia for me." (Hayden)

We try to leave but Emilia stops us.

"Don't leave without any money. You might find something!" (Emilia)

Emilia throws us a bag of gold coins and I bow and leave.

I head into the aristocrat's shopping district.

"So this is the shopping district solely for the Royalty and Aristocrat's. I wonder what the capital for the Empire would be like... Well if this was an actual civil war the capital would be destroyed." (Hayden)

"Incorrect, my database says that the true capital of the Empire is in the middle of it's territory and is declared a 'Neutral Territory' as in no army must march into it except for the defence army from bandits and such. It is a complete neutral territory and no battles must be fought near it." (Ion)

"Where did you hear that?" (Hayden)

"The guards were talking about the Capital a few days ago." (Ion)

I laugh for a bit and then we start walking amongst the shopping district.

A lot of clothing and jewelry, barely any food shops.

I'm guessing the blacksmith and other such jobs are in the citizen's districts.

I walk around the district for about an hour or so before leaving and heading into the citizen's districts, mainly the shopping ones.

I kept a close eye on the bag of gold coins Emilia gave me and my guns, so far nobody has even touched them except me.

"So the west portion of the city is mainly shopping districts, the north portion residential, the east is for smitheries and blacksmiths and other craftmanship works... Kind of like an industrial district. And the south portion is half-trade, half-adventurer's guild based on this map..." (Ion)

"Indeed Ion. Also... The adventurer's guild part catches my interest. It's a legal way to start murdering everything and gathering their materials. Also an easy way to get information on some more rare materials. I'll need to ask Emilia about it." (Hayden)

I start heading back but I hear a loud bell from behind me and a guard frantically hit it and other guards run to the wall.

I head closer to the guard and hear what he is shouting.

"It's the King's Faction Elite Army! All civilians to your homes! All soldiers to the walls! This is going to be a terrifying fight!" (Guard)

"Ion, should we?" (Hayden)

"We should. You did craft a few more magazines didn't you two days ago? We should have enough bullets to take down about 45% of an army if their size is under a thousand." (Ion)

"Let's do this then. Ion, go grab my bag with the magazines from the lab and bring it to me. I'll be on this part of the wall until I get the magazines." (Hayden)

Ion floats away and I head up to the wall.

Now... For some live-fire tests on the elite soldiers of the Empire to test how powerful my guns actually are.

So far my guns have proved to be... Very strong.

But how strong are they actually...?

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