《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 19. A few tests.


After meeting with the Princess Emilia I head back to the tests I had to pause.

All of the 'slaves' brought to me are busily working on disassembling certain materials I had brought in for research.

To be honest I kind of gave their freedom back since I have no idea what to do with slaves and I only know what to do with colleagues who assist me with research.

And thanks to that I only gave them three orders, the first was to never betray me and tell my secrets to anybody else, the second was to assist me with my research, the third was to be free from slavery but still listen to the three orders.

I head over to the liquid that burnt through this weird metal to take a look at it since this could be useful.

"Ion, can you tell what this liquid is made of?" (Hayden)

"Scanning... There are very faint traces of Nitric Acid but there is something else in the liquid aswell... This isn't in my database as usual. What is scaring me more is that there is no knowing what this thing could do to us right now.

Might be toxic enough to kill us all. Luckily I scanned the area for toxicity... Very very minimal readings currently which shouldn't harm a human at all, maybe a dog from our world would be slightly alarmed of the toxicity. This world's air seems to always be with the same toxin so I made the scan when I was switched on back at the forest." (Ion)

"I knew that you would scan the toxicity the moment the reaction started Ion. Do you think I'm stupid? I don't even have a gas mask in this world so I wouldn't take such risks..." (Hayden)

Ion kind of laughs in the most robotic way possible...

"You are stupid though. When you first came to this world you didn't think that you would well maybe... End up in an uninhabitable world where the air is so toxic even a millisecond of exposure would kill you?" (Ion)

"O... Oh... I hadn't though about that... I was just thinking about what would I find on the other side and not how I would survive here... Also why didn't you mention it before?" (Hayden)

"You didn't ask me and I didn't see the need to report it to you as it had no effect on your research, health, mentality or anything else." (Ion)


I sit down on a chair,

"I'm really damn stupid when it comes to travelling worlds aren't I? Well... I guess I was hoping that my long exposure to many different toxins in the lab would save me..." (Hayden)

Ion floats ontop of me.

"Well no other human being from our worlds have travelled worlds through warp gates which have no known destination and could potentially kill the human." (Ion)

"Ion, now you are just making fun of me." (Hayden)

Ion floats away out of my reach and I go back to the liquid.

"Anyways... How do we contain this liquid? It seems to not react with dirt at all after it burnt through the stone floor and the weird metal sheet and the wooden table." (Hayden)

"Does it react with glass at all? That would be your first question, Hayden." (Ion)

I grab a glass vial from the table and touch the liquid with it.

No reaction. Two minutes later, no reaction.

"Seems it doesn't react with grass, dirt and glass. Glad to know we won't be burning holes through the world anytime soon by accidentally dropping a glass vial." (Hayden)

I try to gather as much of the liquid as possible without harming myself which is kind of difficult considering it wants to burn everything what isn't grass, dirt or glass.

"What did the people call this metal again?" (Hayden)

"They called this metal 'Trah'. Supposedly it is the fourth strongest known metal in this known world. The reason why I am using known everywhere is... There is no god damn way there exists only one continent the size of Africa and that's it. All of the maps I've encountered show only one continent." (Ion)

"Yeah I can't really believe it either. It would be a very very rare situation where most of the planet is underwater or... They just haven't discovered it yet." (Hayden)

I grab the metal.

"Ion, try to burn a hole through the metal with a a very low-power laser." (Hayden)

Ion shoots a laser at it and it doesn't even dent this metal.

"Just low-power now." (Hayden)

Ion shoots a stronger laser which leaves a little tiny dent.

"Medium power." (Hayden)

And another laser which goes through the sheet.

"A medium powered laser can make a hole through this. It lives up to it's name, a gun like mine could completely pass through it but it would stop after going through only a bit of the person on the other side of the sheet. Not enough to kill." (Hayden)


"It truly is a tough material. Enough for an armored car's inside for ground jobs but just too weak for a spaceship. But this is the fourth strongest... " (Ion)

"We need the first. And now. But how can we utilise this liquid? I mean it is as strong as a medium-powered laser from our era which is about three thousand years away." (Hayden)

"Hayden, wrong question again. How can we create this liquid is the first. You keep thinking about utilising things but not creating more... I'm starting to doubt that you were the head scientist by now." (Ion)

"Yes... I am getting ahead of myself always aren't I? I need to slow down my train of thought a little bit I guess. But we still need to know what the hell this liquid is as even the Princess seemed to not know it when she entered before." (Hayden)

Ion suddenly turns and looks at me.

"You actually noticed her coming in?" (Ion)

"Yes. I notice everybody walking into my lab since I had to in the previous world." (Hayden)

I look behind me and see the assistants looking at me weirdly.

"Why are they doing that?" (Hayden)

"I think they are trying to figure out what language we are speaking and why the hell you are speaking to a floating metal ball." (Ion)

"They should really get used to you and soon. I'm planning on making some droids in the future to assist me in never leaving the lab again." (Hayden)

One of the female assistants walk forward with a handfull of scales and puts them on the table next to me.

I turn around and pat her on the head.

"Ion, say thanks to her. This is the Dragonoid scales isn't it? Should be tough to break apart from eachother." (Hayden)

Ion speaks in their language while translating what he is saying and what the woman responds.

"Seems she was happy to get acknowledged by us." (Ion)

"Indeed..." (Hayden)

I pick up one of the scales and look at it.

I then try to snap it in half but it doesn't even budge.

"Ion, low-power laser." (Hayden)

Ion cuts through it with a little trouble using the low-power laser.

"Kind of tough... This is a red scale so it's origin should be from a fire dragonoid... Should be very effective against fire if it is so." (Hayden)

"More tests?" (Ion)

"As many as currently possible with the equipement we have on hand. Proper tests are kind of hard to do with the current level of technology." (Hayden)

--- Meanwhile in the Capital of the King's faction ---

Three people are arguing.

"What do you mean the attack failed?! We even payed off the guards for that attack! The only trouble would've been getting in there and that was handled aswell! You incompetent fools! You can't even avenge my brother's death huh!?" (???)

"Now now calm down. It is true that the attack failed and our little over-the-edge lover for Emilia is now probably dead... But we have other plans don't we?" (???)

"No we don't! I put all my current resources in her faction into that attack!" (???)

"What!? All of them!? You god damn idiot!" (???)

"Ow! That hurt Marcus!" (???)

"You deserved it you god damn idiot of a brother!" (Marcus)

They all sit down again.

"How can we wrestle for control now... Our leader, our king, our brother... Died attacking some out of the way location. Our resources in both the enemy factions completely used because of Kain's idiocy. The only thing we have left is the elite army. Samuel. Ideas? You are the one who handled all the background stuff anyways." (Marcus)

"Only one. We sent the elite army to crush our cute little sister's army. It is made out of low-ranked soldiers after all.

After we gain control of her territory we can deal with the commoner's faction the same way. Their army is even less trained." (Samuel)

"I like it!" (Kain)

"Agreed. Let us go and find our sister once again." (Marcus)

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