《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 18. Introductions.


The advisors sit quietly looking at eachother like they are talking to eachother using their eyes or... Magic.

I whisper to Ion for confirmation.

"Psst Ion... Can you detect any irregularities going on between the advisors... Like some kind of telepathy?" (Hayden)

Ion takes a sneak scan at the air around the room and analyzes it.

Ion whispers back to me.

"I detect something akin to waves being transmitted between the advisors. Most likely telepathy like you suspected, Hayden." (Ion)

I nod and the advisors look at me after they have finish their talks.

They then turn their heads to the Princess.

The princess says something and starts laughing and the advisors get embarrased but also mad at me.

"The Princess told them to stop using telepathy and we already know that they are using it to communicate and it won't be long before we can listen in to their secret conversations." (Ion)

"Thank you, Ion." (Hayden)

The advisors keep staring at me until one gets up.

He shouts something but Ion translates it for me quickly.

"He doesn't accept this, he can't believe we are humans. Humans don't like to get involved in the business of the world after some kind of grand war." (Ion)

The other advisors speak up quickly aswell.

"They all agree with him." (Ion)

This is either going to end up in me running and shooting or them peacefully sitting down.

I prefer the latter...

The Princess talks and they get a little frightened.

"The Princess told them to remember the power of the guns we have with us. It seems they kind of forgot about those." (Ion)

The advisors sit down quietly after the Princess talks with them for a bit.

I really need Ion to give me some kind of dictionary of this world.

"Ion, can you transmit the words they are speaking infront of me in a screen and our world's language below it so I can try to learn the language." (Hayden)

"Affirmative." (Ion)

Ion displays a screen infront of me.

The Princess starts talking again and the words appear on the screen.

She is talking about the benefits we would be to their cause and trying to convince the advisors.

It seems the Princess can't do much without the advisors say in the matter.

An hour or two passes until some of the advisors start to agree with the Princess about having us stay here and working under the Princess as a semi-free vassal.


Another hour passes and all the advisors agree on having us in the Princess's faction as a vassal.

"Ion, ask them why they didn't want to have us in the faction as a vassal in the first place." (Hayden)

Ion talks to them and they answer.

They have no land to give out and no extra troops for a new squad even... And it seems the attack from before shook them up a little bit and they need to have very loyal vassals for the Princess as to stop revolts so the war can go successfuly huh...

"That is a satisfactory answer... Now... I want to get to research the atoms and everything of this world! I must! Ion, ask them where can I set up a research centre and could I get a few helpers around the place who aren't afraid of burning their hands off. They can be slaves or whatever but I just need three or four helpers." (Hayden)

Ion speaks to them and they all listen and when Ion gets to the part about the helpers they look wide-eyed.

One of them speaks back and is surprised we are even willing to take one helper if we are creating the guns since these guns could potentially change the world.

"Ion, tell them that's all the more reason for helpers isn't it? Some very loyal helpers who will never tell out anything I do in there without my permission. That's why I said slaves are acceptable since the probability of slavery magic what doesn't allow slaves to do anything without the master's permission is... 75%." (Hayden)

Ion speaks and they are all amazed at the thinking process we show.

The same advisor speaks and says that he is with us on setting up a research centre and giving us five slave helpers loyal to only me.

The other advisors quickly agree and in a few hours I have got my own little research centre's building...

Now to move everything in and research this world and make my knowledge of this world more complete!

--- POV Switch to Princess ---

I'm currently walking with the General as some maids show our two guests to their new home...

Wait... I never did ask for their names properly or introduced myself...

Guess I'll do that tomorrow, the meeting with the advisors tired me out.

"Princess, what do you think of them? Are you still sure we should parade them around as heroes? Wouldn't it be better to keep quiet about the fact we have a human who might be from that place here.." (General)


"I'm certain General. They deserve it." (Princess)

I wave goodbye to the General as I enter my room and go to sleep.

The next morning I head over to the building to properly introduce myself to them.

The moment I go close to their building I hear laughing and somebody screaming in shock.

I run in and open the door just to see some kind of liquid burning through some metal we were asked to get him before midnight.

The scream came from one of the women who accidentally spilled the liquid on the metal sheet and fell down on the ground.

Wait... Isn't that metal one of the toughest? What the hell kind of liquid is that?!

The little weird metal ball with glowing glass floats over to me.

"Hello Princess. Do not mind Hayden... He just found something very interesting and potentially dangerous enough to murder all of us if not properly contained. He is always like this when he finds something interesting to research. Every. Single. Time." (Metal ball)

The metal ball seems like it has some kind of emotions... Even this is weird...

"I came... To properly introduce myself..." (Princess)

"Come this way." (Metal ball)

The metal ball screams something at the human and he looks at me and sighs and comes with the metal ball.

We go into a seperate room where we all take a seat.

I get up soon after as I see they are waiting for me.

"I am Princess Emilialotte Aura. Daughter to the late Emperor Leo Maximus Aura, sister to three brothers... My mother I have never met. You can just call me Emilia." (Emilia)

The metal ball floats up.

"I am Artificial Intelligence Droid number 57765 tasked with helping researchers, Codename : Ion. My current owner is him. I also currently act as a translator." (Ion)

He speaks up but I don't understand a word.

"He is Hayden Igbhan, Former Head Scientist of the Sol Relay before the Sol Relay blew up. His sister is Alicia Igbhan, a woman he left behind to come to this world to research instant travel through vast spaces. Hayden specialises in no field of research and is proficient in all of them. He has no family or even a girlfriend as he is completely devoted to research currently." (Ion)

He... Actually left behind his sister just to research a world which could've killed him? And... He was a former head scientist of what?

"Umm.... What is the Sol Relay?" (Emilia)

"The Sol Relay is a Relay Research Station set up around the Sol System. You do know about the sun in the sky right? And everybody is centered around it? He was basically the Head Scientist of an entire solar system. Until... The sun called 'Sol' in it's true name blew up after many years of expanding." (Ion)

Why... Do I feel so tiny compared to him all of a sudden...? Like an ant meeting a god...

"Do you have any other questions? Hayden's getting a tad impatient as he has a lot to get done today." (Ion)

"No, I don't... Thank you for your time..." (Emilia)

I get up and leave the building.

He looked so cold when he spoke like he didn't care about any of his family members.

No emotions except towards science... No remorse for killing people for science.

Just... What has happened to him? Not to care about anything else except science?

I ponder these questions as I walk through the various corridors with my guards.

The general comes next to me.

"I heard you visited Hayden... What did you... Princess? What's wrong? You seem pale in your face..." (General)

"General... Hayden... He has abandoned all emotions and is devoted to science... That isn't a living being... The metal ball called Ion is just another one of his creations.. With emotions. What have I actually brought to my home?" (Emilia)

--- POV Change back to Hayden ---

"You told her too much, Ion." (Hayden)

"I only told her the truth." (Ion)

I sigh as I keep on dissassembling parts of different materials brought to me and trying to figure out what they are.

The liquid from before... It's kind of like acid but more effective.

I want to go back to Alicia but... I must keep researching. I have a promise to upkeep.

I must not have anything else bother me...

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