《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 17. Advisors and trouble as usual.


We enter a grand hall and there are people sitting down and most of them are all old men.

Everybody immediatly gets up and bows and then sits back down.

The princess says something and the General uses sign language and Ion immediatly translates it.

"The princess says to follow her to our seats and not to worry about formal manners right now since we don't know them and this isn't a very formal meeting anyways." (Ion)

"Thank you, Ion." (Hayden)

While we follow the Princess the advisors cautiously look at me and Ion like some kind of exotic but dangerous creature.

The princess shows to me that my seat is here and the General goes to his location opposite of us.

I take a seat at the same time as the general and Ion floats down and falls onto my head.

The princess starts talking to everybody and the general is quick to use sign language to assist us.

"The princess is talking about us currently. All the information we gave her she is entrusting these advisors. We must be careful right now... One wrong step and we might make a few too many enemies." (Ion)

I look at the advisors and my eyes stop on one of them. A young man who is slightly smiling and in his eyes is an intent to kill.

The thing is... He isn't looking at me but the princess.

"Ion, do a hidden scan of the entire room and all the food. Now. I have a strange feeling something isn't right here." (Hayden)

I secretly take out my gun and put them on my lap after turning them off from safety mode.

Ion takes a quick spin on my head and then scans the food.

"The food is alright... No poison I think but I can't be sure. There is one thing that is weird though... I've found bumps in the scans. Like a person hiding on the ceiling in the darkness." (Ion)


"Ion, can you speak to the general secretly about this?" (Hayden)

Ion detaches from my head and goes infront of the general and signals for him to follow Ion.

They go off somewhere and the general comes back looking different and Ion plants himself on my head again.

All this happened while the Princess was still talking about something.

The Princess sits down and the general quickly tells the princess about the possible threat.

The Princess is kind of shocked and calls for a person to come here...

The General uses hand signs to talk to us.

"The person who came on the princess's call is a poison tester, the bumps on the ceiling should not be there, they are people." (Ion)

The poison tester starts sampling all the food.

"Ion, how many people including the advisor?" (Hayden)

"21." (Ion)

I have more than enough bullets if I aim correctly...

The reason they haven't attacked yet is probably because of me and the General s uddenly appearing since the General came with me and I wasn't even existing in this world until a week or so ago.

The poison tester finishes testing and probably says no problems and leaves.

I look at the young man who is slightly panicked because he probably didn't know we were going to be this cautious.

Suddenly the young man gets up and screams something and we are surrounded by the people.

"Trouble follows me everywhere I go, doesn't it Ion?" (Hayden)

"It does Hayden. It does." (Ion)

I grab my guns and get up and shoot two of them in an instant and aim at the other two and shoot.

Four of them fall down in two seconds.

The general gets up and draws his sword and attacks one of them by surprise aswell since it seems these guys weren't trained...

The general easily overpowered that person.

I quickly shoot the cloaked assassin behind the Princess and another one at the other edge of the room.


"Nine down in about seven seconds." (Hayden)

I go towards the Princess and the general comes next to the princess aswell.

The princess and the traitor are having a conversation and Ion is trying his best to translate but the Princess is secretly giving us hand signs and Ion translates that aswell.

"The two are talking about who would be better to rule this country but the Princess told me that this is actually because the traitor is fanatically in love with the Princess and has an obsession with being in power. The only reason he got on this council was because of the excellent martial ability he had." (Ion)

"So it's fine to shoot him?" (Hayden)

Ion asks the Princess and she nods.

The other assassin's recover from the shock of seeing nine of their comrades dead in seven seconds and charge at us.

I shoot only three times and the assassin's running towards me are dead.

Six of them to be correct. Five remaining and the traitor.

The old advisors are shocked and some even fell unconcious due to it... I hope...

I help the general get rid of his opponents and aim at the traitor.

One shot to the head and he falls to the ground.

"It only took fifteen shots due to them grouping up and being easy fodder for guns... I wonder if this is what it would feel like in that one anime... Easily shooting down enemies with medieval gear." (Hayden)

The Princess gets up and so do all the concious advisors.

The Princess tells us to follow her and Ion luckily knew that and translated it for me.

We go to a close-by room and Ion quickly scans it and finds no threats.

This time we all sit down and guards surround is and guard us.

The princess talks and the general translates as usual.

"This room has been secured and the food that is being brought will be tested so we have no more threats. The advisors who fell unconcious are being taken to the mages for emergency treatement. She also is sorry for the trouble and she knew that somebody was plotting something and it was probably that advisor aswell but she couldn't do anything without a proper reason." (Ion)

"Alright then... Guess we can properly introduce ourselves. How much have you learnt about this language?" (Hayden)

"Almost everything I think. I used around forty percent of my cores energy in the town just to find all the words used and translate them for communication. I am confident in holding a decent conversation with basic words." (Ion)

"Good. Introduce us, Ion." (Hayden)

I g et up and Ion floats into the middle of the room and starts talking in their language surprising everybody there, especially the general.

"How much should I tell them?" (Ion)

"Keep the information about our other world secret but tell everything we have encountered in this world." (Hayden)

"Affirmative." (Ion)

Ion talks and talks about all we have done here and that we have brought our research centre into this capital to assist the Princess and we hope for their co-operation.

How do I know all that? Since Ion kept asking me about what to say.

I sit back down and Ion lands on my head.

Now.. We have introduced ourselves as Humans, real ones, who are helping the Princess through research even more advanced than this world's humans probably.

How will the advisors react to us suddenly appearing and they already saw the gun that we plan to give to elite soldiers at first and later to every soldier as Ion told them... Well most of our plan is just to secure more and more research material and a way to go back to our world...

For that I need the Princess's faction to win and the Empire to grow bigger and bigger.

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