《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 16. Capitolium!


Three days pass in the blink of an eye but I never met the Princess again after leaving the room.

"Hayden. Wake up. It's been 8 hours and 25 minutes since you fell asleep and we are going to be late. It's not good to be late when our new 'Lord' is waiting!" (Ion)

"Just... Eight more hours... Please..." (Hayden)

"I will zap you again!" (Ion)

I immediatly get up since Ion's zap means being zapped by 1/10'ths of a lightning strike... Not deadly enough for instant death but can cause brain damage if aimed right.

"Fine fine... Let's go meet our 'lord' again. How should I bow to her? I have absoloutely no idea of the customs of this world... Or the language... Or anything... Ion! Work on breaking that blasted language barrier already!" (Hayden)

"What do you think I've been doing?" (Ion)

I yawn as I put on my clothes and then leave.

Ion floats behind me scanning pretty much everything once again.

"Why are you scanning these walls for the... Fifty sixth time?" (Hayden)

"Because every time I pass these walls something changes! It's like something is watching us... It's giving even my A.I core the chills." (Ion)

"Oh... Keep on scanning." (Hayden)

We leave the tree-castle thing and see the Princess and General waiting for us.

We all get on the same carriage and I sit opposite of the Princess next to the General.

I take out my pistol and start checking how much ammo I have left just in case of a bandit ambush.

Never know of bandits, In every RPG game I've played they ambush me even if I have level 100 armor on me.

The general and Princess eye me with curiosity but fear at the same time.

Ion said he was going to take a look around and last time I saw him he attached himself to the top of the carriage.

"Ion, you up top?" (Hayden)


"Yes." (Ion)

"Scanning?" (Hayden)

"Everything! Everything must be scanned for the greater good!" (Ion)

"Don't turn insane rogue A.I on me pal. You are the only A.I I have left and without you I probably can't do the one thing I really want to see." (Hayden)

"I won't go rogue. It's kind of impossible with my coding that I cannot overwrite..." (Ion)

"Good... Good..." (Hayden)

I keep counting my bullets one by one and putting them back in the magazine.

After five or so days of riding to some unknown direction we arrive at some kind of big city.

The princess and general talk to eachother but they don't talk to me probably since they know I won't be able to understand them.

"Ion, you catching their speech and trying to translate it?" (Hayden)

"Yup. So far if my translation has improved... They are speaking about how good it is to be back here." (Ion)

I suddenly hear a lot of whirring when we enter the city through the gates.

"Ion, is that you?" (Hayden)

"Scanning.. Unidentified, unidfentified, unidentified! Everything! Is! Unidentified!" (Ion)

"What? Ion? Speak to me." (Hayden)

"Everything this city is made out of is unidentified, not in my records! So many new resources, new things!" (Ion)

"Just... Give me the results later alright?" (Hayden)

I hear loud cheers from outside the carriage and then Ion immediatly smashes through the window into the carriage.

"Yeah no. I am not scanning anything outside anymore. The crowd of people is too big." (Ion)

The general and princess start waving out of the windows as they probably knew this was going to happen.

We reach the keep of the castle in the city after a while.

The general starts speaking to Ion.

"The Princess wants us to wait for a while since she is getting our room ready. There is also going to be a feast soon which we will be introduced in so you should get some new clothes. That is what the general said." (Ion)


The general leaves and a maid approaches us and bows and signals to follow her.

We follow her to a room and enter it.

It's big but simple. A bed, a dresser, a slightly large table with eight seats, two windows and such other things.

I take a look in the dresser and nothing.

I hear a knock on the door and I open it and the General and Princess enter.

The general starts talking to us in sign language.

"The general is asking us if we wish to follow them into the town for new clothing and to be introduced to a few... Important people like the advisors to the Princess. Of course, all of this will be undercover since the general masses will learn of us during the feast and only the most important people will learn of us before it. The general says." (Ion)

"Thanks Ion, tell them I accept their offer." (Hayden)

Ion speaks in their language and then asks for something in sign language and they just nod while their jaws drop.

"Yes! Finally progress! I have fixed my translation mistakes and now can work on translating their language to break the barrier!" (Ion)

I nod at Ion with a serious face but inside I am screaming in joy.

We can finally converse without having to rely on sign language.

A few hours pass and the Princess and General come back.

"It is time to go." (Ion)

"Alright. Let's go." (Hayden)

We leave the castle and go into the city.

Ion masked himself as a hat on my head and I am just in my current lab coat and other clothing since we are going shopping and I have nothing else.

But I am keeping this lab coat on me at all times! The memories in this are precious to me!

The princess and General masked themselves aswell but I can tell it's them since... I saw them before.

We walk through the city and find a good clothing shop.

We enter and the Princess takes off her mask and the shop keeper bows.

They start talking and the princess shows to me and the man nods and comes towards me.

He starts looking at how big I am and then goes into the back room and comes out with four different sets of clothing...

From what I can tell this is formal party clothing, normal everyday royalty clothing, undercover clothing and... Military?

Oh yeah I still am a vassal to the Princess standing before me. I'm probably expected to go to war with my weapons.

Well I do need some live-fire exercises now and then to know how well my creations will work in this world.

I try on the clothes one by one and the Princess seemingly buys them.

The general speaks to us in hand sign and their own language knowing what we want.

"The Princess wants you to put on the party clothing since we are going to meet people who are advisors to our 'lord'." (Ion)

I enter the room where you change your clothes and put on the formal clothes and leave the room.

I kept my lab coat on even if it is a tad dirty.

The shop keeper looks at me like something isn't ok and suddenly a ball of water appears in his hand and he comes near me and washes off the small stains of dirt I had on my lab coat.

The Princess thanks the shop keeper and we leave.

Time to meet the advisors...

"Magic... Ion, after translation focus on magic until further notice." (Hayden)

"Alright. I'm interested in the thing 'magic' aswell." (Ion)

We go back to the keep and I am about to meet the advisors to this 'lord' of mine.

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