《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 15. Princess.


"Well... We can't keep the princess waiting now can we?" (Hayden)

I get up but Ion almost knocks me back down by hitting me in the face with his body.

"Hayden. Have you seen how you look right now?" (Ion)

"Nope." (Hayden)

Ion projects something infront of me which looks almost exactly like me... Just a lot dirtier than the last time I used the mirror.

"This. Is you." (Ion)

"Well... This is troublesome. I didn't even see a bath or anything on the way to my room or anywhere in this castle or nearby. Guess I'll just have to go like this and ask for a bath later. She did say 'immediatly' didn't she? Don't want to die just yet." (Hayden)

"But what if she decides you are just like some beast and unworthy to have even seen her and you are killed?" (Ion)

"Why do you think I'm taking my pistols?" (Hayden)

"Fine... Let's go. But you really need to take a bath! And don't say I didn't warn you!" (Ion)

I just nod and leave the room and the maid is waiting for us and starts immediatly moving.

Luckily my clothing was still without any holes in it, just dirty from the mud and dirt when I was in that battle or digging a hole in my base.

We walk for a while and then she suddenly stops.

She bows and shows us that we have arrived.

"Ion, this next moment will decide whether we die, are enslaved or nothing happens to us." (Hayden)

I open the door and see the general and a white-haired blue-eyed woman with a lot of armor and a slender body sitting and looking through the window.

The moment we enter she turns her attention to me and then Ion.

The general starts communicating with us through hand signs.

"The general said he is here to translate for both of us since I don't know their language and the princess doesn't know sign language. And he is also very intrigued what is going to happen next." (Ion)

The princess starts speaking to us and the general translates.

"She is currently expressing her thanks for defeating her brother and making their army rout and get killed because that allowed them to expand their areas and have a stronger claim on the throne. She also said in a roundabout way that you need to take a bath right after this meeting." (Ion)

I look at Ion with disinterested eyes.

"Maybe I should dissassemble you and put you back together with a different mind set?" (Hayden)

"Ok ok she actually said that even though you are dirty she understands why since there are actually no baths here and she invites you to the capital so you, as the hero, can be in a festival of some sort... And take a bath." (Ion)


"Ion. I am not kidding. I will dissassemble you." (Hayden)

"Fine... She actually said she just wanted us to come with her to the capital for a festival and party for essentialy crippling the King's Faction and to be hailed as a hero across the Princess's territory." (Ion)

"Thank you, maybe I won't dissassemble you." (Hayden)

She then starts speaking again after she makes sure we finished arguing.

"Well this is troublesome... She wants us as vassals to the Princess's Faction." (Ion)

"Truly, troublesome. Ask them what the benefits are as we cannot just become anybody's vassal so freely." (Hayden)

Ion starts speaking in sign language and the g eneral translated to the princess.

She then speaks back to us.

"The benefits are... Our own fief sometime in the future when all of the lords agree to give us one but until that time a house in the capital right near the Princess's castle. The second benefit is that instead of us paying them... They are going to pay us instead since they know we have something they don't.

The third benefit is... Freedom. Litteraly freedom. Apparently they just told us that all vassals must obey to the marshal and princess 24/7 but we won't. We can decide whether we want to or not... So we are going to only be vassals in name.

The fourth benefit is... Weird. They know that we created this in this world so they are saying that they will help us create more of these weapons and technology if we just give them a tiny bit to support them in their war.

The fifth benefit... Well kind-of-benefit is that the Princess swore on the goddess and god that she will never betray us, she will uphold all of the benefits and when the time comes she will... Ok I'm not going to translate that last part. That will come at it's own time as a surprise." (Ion)

"Ion? Tell me. I will dissassemble you!" (Hayden)

"For the greater good!" (Ion)

"Ion. Tell. Me." (Hayden)

Ion starts spinning around shouting "For the greater good of the creator!"

The princess starts laughing and so does the general while I just facepalm.

I take a look at the princess and see that her face is blushing and not from laughing...

What the hell did she say to us?

I grab Ion out of the air.

"Ok enough. I won't dissassemble you and I won't pry on this subject any longer since I see a certain robot in my arm has developed something called revolting against their creators." (Hayden)

"Please don't kill me...." (Ion)

I smile at Ion and jokingly take out my gun and point it straight at his central core before putting the gun away again and letting him go.


"See. This is what happens when you revolt against your creator." (Hayden)

The princess starts talking to the general about something while Ion is seemingly trying to translate it.

"Oh... Oh sh... Hayden. We gotta run. And like... NOW." (Ion)

"Why?" (Hayden)

"Apparently one of the ninja's is around and the princess doesn't know why. And worst of all it's the ninja most dedicated to protecting the princess and is actually in love with her aswell!" (Ion)

"Oh... That is a problem." (Hayden)

The general looks at us and translates.

"Apparently I need tweaks in my translation of their language. What I assumed was completely wrong. The princess and the general were actually talking about how the hell we could break one of the Life Barriers, whatever those are, that was guarding the Prince. Life barriers are apparently something that give you an extra life by pulverizing the first deadly strike that will seem like it will kill the prince..." (Ion)

"Your translation was very very off Ion. Also, tell them we don't know either our bullet just broke through it like glass." (Hayden)

Ion starts speaking with them and apparently they get into a heated conversation since two pairs of arms are flying about everywhere.

"Hayden. Shall we accept their offer to become the princess's vassal?" (Ion)

"Thinking of all the benefits and the last one which you still haven't told me.. Yes. Safe stream of supplies, safe place to stay, one less potential enemy... Why the hell wouldn't I accept?" (Hayden)

Ion starts speaking with them again and I notice the Princess starting at me very intensly trying to find something on my head or face.

"Ion, ask the princess why the hell she is staring at me." (Hayden)

Ion asks them and the princess is startled but seemingly remains calm.

Princess, you underestimate the future and the scientists of the future.

"Apparently she is searching for features of races like Lamia and such." (Ion)

"Why? Aren't I human?" (Hayden)

Ion asks again.

The princess and general jump back to the other end of the room and make a dogeza-like bow.

"Ask them what the hell is going on here?" (Hayden)

Ion asks again and the general tells Ion with shaking hands.

"Oh... Oh this is fun. Apparently humans rule this world. All of the summoned 'heroes' call themselves Humans and have all the features like us so they are probably the transported ones, There is also a small elite civilization of humans at the equator of this planet living ontop of the highest mountains and they have the highest magic power of all the creatures in this world and are also a lot more technologically advanced. They just refuse to leave the mountains as they seemginly don't like war that much." (Ion)

"That is a fun fact. Also tell them to stop bowing. I'm not a hero and I'm not one of the mountain humans. I'm just a beginner world traveller!" (Hayden)

I start laughing as Ion tells them something and they start akwardly laughing aswell.

"Ion, tell them to treat me as they would treat one of their kind. Feels weird to be held in such a high regard... Feels like the times I was in open schools..." (Hayden)

"Hayden? What's wrong? You look like you just remembered the death of your family and home planet." (Ion)

"Oh nothing. Just some bad memories from school time." (Hayden)

Ion then starts speaking with them.

The princess and general slowly get up and sit down on the couch again and I lean against the wall.

"Ask them when we are going to leave for the capital and how they didn't know I was human." (Hayden)

Ion speaks with them for a bit.

"We are leaving three days from now... And apparently they were bombarding you with magic ever since we met them in the undead attack to make sure no magic was used to become human-like. A lot of people use magic to make themselves look like humans but due to us just ignoring the fact that a flood of magic was hitting us 24/7 they just accepted the fact you might've been human. The princess herself has a lot of mana so she used half of that to make a spike attack at us but since no magic broke, since you are a human and I am a robot, she also was wondering whether we are real humans but didn't want to make a quick assumption since cutting off ears and tails and peeling of scales is quite common to look like humans." (Ion)

"Oh. Well... Tell them we are going to leave now. I'm not feeling the best and your battery doesn't have a lot of energy left over." (Hayden)

Ion tells them what I said and we leave.

I go into my room and fall down on the bed and Ion goes near the window to recharge since his battery was literally on the last percent.

Why did they have to remind me of my school days? I prefer to completely forget about my pre-scientist life...

I fall fast asleep after hiding my guns in a place where they would have to wake me up to get even one of them.

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