《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 14. Aftermath.


I walk through the encampment and see no one outside but I hear loud cheers inside the big main tent.

"Ion. Let's make a bet... They're having a party for defeating the King's Faction... The bet is I will do any one thing you tell me and I'll figure out what you need to do later." (Hayden)

"Sure." (Ion)

I walk into the tent and as I suspected... A party. A huge party...

Everybody is here... Even the people who were injured are here!

"Ion... Don't forget our bet." (Hayden)

"This was a loss for me ever since you said let's make a bet." (Ion)

I nod and walk towards the general who is at the war table.

Ion floats above everyone while I have to push myself through this very very crowded tent.

I finally reach the general but he isn't cheerful... It's more like he is worried.

"Ion, ask him why he looks worried." (Hayden)

Ion starts communicating with the general while I look at the map on the war table.

It's... Different. The area it holds is way bigger than the one I was shown earlier.

I'm guessing these black dots are villages, towns and cities depending on the size...

And I'm guessing this golden dot must be the capital or headquarters of the Princess's Faction since it's well golden and the biggest dot.

The map looks weird aswell... Like chunks of it were cut off.

Hence me completely assuming that this is the map of the princess's territory.

"Hayden... We might have a problem on our hands... The princess is coming. The moment she heard that an army was marching towards here she gathered a sizable... Army... She is basically two days away from us. The problem in this lies... The princess always sends hidden 'ninja' like people ahead to kill anybody who seems like a threat... And since..." (Ion)


"Yes... That is a threat. We don't look anything like somebody who should be here. In fact we look more like remnants of the King's Faction trying to hide." (Hayden)

"The general offered us a room in the castle until the princess gets here so we can explain who we are without being silently killed in our sleep." (Ion)

"Tell him I take that offer. Guess I'll need to go and grab everything again... Ion, can you also ask if any of the non-injured soldiers are willing to carry my stuff since it's kind of dangerous to leave them here... Somebody might try to take them." (Hayden)

Ion tells the General what I said but Ion isn't using hand signs anymore... I guess Ion finally is starting to understand their language.

"The general said that about anybody in this encampment would be willing. The reason behind that is because the win is thanks to us." (Ion)

"Good. Tell him I need atleast ten of his strongest to come with me when we go towards the town." (Hayden)

Two days pass until we start heading back.

Me, Ion and ten fairies fly into my base and grab everything except the walls and gate.

They might still be useful to somebody after all.

Currently six of the fairies are carrying our power source.

The other four are carrying the cauldron, work table and a few other things.

I'm carrying all the important things and Ion's just doing nothing...

We reach the town and the regular lives of the fairies has resumed.

We reach the plaza of the castle just before the castle keep.

Ion tells the men to put the things down and ask somebody to keep constant watch over them and that nobody is to touch them.


"Ion, also thank them for their assistance." (Hayden)

Ion talks to them once more and then comes back to me.

"We should probably go to the general. He said that he is speaking with the lord and he wants us to properly speak with the lord aswell." (Ion)

"Let's go then." (Hayden)

We head into the keep and speak with the lord...

The lord just thanked us and then left us with the general...

The general showed us to our room and told us that they will guard our stuff with their lives.

Two days and about three hours pass until I hear horns being blown.

"Princess. This must be the princess arriving. Ion, our percentages of survival?" (Hayden)

"Well.. If I take the annoying princess who kills anyone who messes with her... 100% death. The normal regular princess in the stories... 15% chance of death...

The kind princess... 50% chance of enslavement, 0% chance of death. The warrior princess... 49% chance of enslavement, 31% chance of being made into her private servants... And 10% chance of instant death." (Ion)

"So basically we need her to be kind." (Hayden)

"Yup." (Ion)

"And the percentages of her being kind? I know I'm going to regret this..." (Hayden)

"32.75% if the current information about her is correct." (Ion)

"Yaaay..." (Hayden)

Somebody suddenly knocks on my door and opens it...

"The maid who I put to sleep when I escaped?" (Hayden)

She starts speaking in hand signs and in her own language.

She then quickly leaves.

"Oh dear creators... The princess requested us to be taken to her room... Immediatly." (Ion)

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