《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 13. Plans and battle.


Hmm... How should we go about this...

"They are probably expecting an ambush so that tactic is out. An ambush only works if they expect it and since they are coming into a forest where their enemy lives in they'll definetly wait for one." (Hayden)

"Indeed... Hayden, I suggest that we still set up a different kind of ambush. One so they cannot escape or surround our troops. We make the biggest trees near our 'ambush' spot fall down behind and to the sides while the entire army is at the front. That way we only need to worry about what is infront of us." (Ion)

"That is the wisest idea... Explain it to the fairies, see what they think of it." (Hayden)

Ion turns around and starts communicating with the general once again.

I look at the map for a while and I notice that... We don't know who is the enemy general.

"Ion... Do we know who is the enemy general? The morale and unity of the troops highly depends on how great the general is." (Hayden)

"That... We do not know. The general just told me they sent out a recon unit so we'll find out soon." (Ion)

"Alright." (Hayden)

Everything is in place but I have a feeling that this isn't going to go like I expect it.

Why would the army attack this out of the way count anyways?

It's like somebody openly said to come here as this count was weakened because otherwise they would've taken this place long ago...

I mean all of the surrounding areas, except one which is controlled by the Princess's, are the King's factions.

I guess I'll need to keep an eye on my back as well during this battle.

After Ion finishes communicating with them they accept our plan and start getting everything ready.


I head back to my base to look at what I have left that I can use in this battle.

I grab a sword and nothing else.

I shut the gate and go to where our base of operations is.

They put it quite close to my base though..

Well no matter right now. I don't have anything they can use in my base anyways.

When I reach the base of operations there are a ton of soldiers in line listening to a speech which I don't understand a word of.

I check how many bullets I have left total...

Plenty. If I was alone against that enemy force I wouldn't have anywhere near enough but with these guys helping me...

After an hour or so of waiting the general signals to start marching to the point of ambush where everything has been set up.

Ion went to ask the general who the enemy general is while I go to my point of ambush.

When I reach the point where I was supposed to go I see the three fairies who are going to make the trees fall so nobody can escape...

But I didn't expect trees to be this big.

They work perfectly for my plan but I doubt they would work in crushing the enemy...

Ion returns to me.

"Hayden... The general of the enemy team... Is the oldest son of the Emperor himself. If we kill him the power balance will be horribly distorted. But if we leave him alive he will definetly try to capture us... What shall we do?" (Ion)

"Well I live in the area of the Princess's supporters... Whatever the King's areas will look like I don't care." (Hayden)

"So we shall kill him." (Ion)

I nod to Ion's words and look at the small but very strong and elite looking army...


And what the hell is up with that throne that is almost as big as three of me put ontop of eachother...

The enemy and our general start speaking.

Our general suddenly shouts something and the trees fall causing a small panic in some of the maids... Wait...

"Maids!? They brought maids with them here!? Oh god damn it now I can't just shoot whereever I feel like." (Hayden)

"Sure you can." (Ion)

"I could but... They are maids! Regular, non-combat civilian maids!" (Hayden)

"Well... That is true. They probably haven't taken a single life." (Ion)

The two armies engage and I decide that this is the perfect time to strike...

Since the enemy general is walking down his massive throne.

I come out of hiding and aim straight at the enemy general and fire.

I hear something like glass cracking when the bullet nears the general.

The next moment the enemy general's dead body tumbles down to the ground and all of the guards following him are shocked at their generals sudden death.

"I was expecting the general to have some kind of magic shield that would've blocked the bullet... Unless... My bullets can pierce them." (Hayden)

The next moment about fifteen soldiers run up to kill me.

I grab only one of my pistols and leave my other one in the holster with the safety on.

One of the guards directly stabs at me but I dodge and shoot him in the head.

I then immediatly shoot the guards who idiotically made a line in the head killing them.

"Four down with two bullets." (Hayden)

The other soldiers hesitate for a second but charge at me all at the same time.

"Idiots" (Hayden)

I dodge their attacks by ducking and I break their little sphere and shoot one of them in the back of the head and the bullet hits another soldier on the other side.

"I still wonder why we needed army training before becoming scientists. It never made sense to me... But I guess it worked out just fine for me." (Hayden)

I deal with the other soldiers in the same way, trying to limit my bullet usage as much as possible.

After a while our soldiers mercilessly kill the enemy soldiers who are panicked since their general and the three strongest died in pretty much a few minutes.

The three strongest died to Ion basically. Ion projected a soldier attacking one of them but instead a real soldier was behind them and stabbed them in the neck. All of them in the neck.

And that is how the battle ended... About thirteen of our soldiers died by the looks of things... Over fifty got injured.

Overall... A successful battle... But what next?

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