《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 12. Trying to communicate.


I walk out of the building showing myself to the fairies.

They all turn their attention to me as I slowly walk towards them trying to show them with sign language that I am not hostile.

The general stands up and looks at me and communicates back to me with sign language...

"Wait... They actually know sign language?" (Hayden)

"Apparently so... I guess this is the best way for us to communicate with us. Also... He said, I understand and come here." (Ion)

While slowly walking towards the general I check how many bullets I still have...

"Enough to kill them all if this is an ambush. Just barely enough though..." (Hayden)

When I reach the line of soldiers they open a path for me and I go next to the general.

He starts showing me things but since I didn't really learn sign language... I only learnt I am not hostile...

"I'll help translate and speak to them. You don't need to do anything, Hayden... Just look out for any soldiers trying to ambush us." (Ion)

I nod at Ion and he projects two arms from his projector and starts speaking to them back.

This lasts for an entire half an hour and one soldier wanted to come closer to us but after I aimed at him with my gun he stopped.

"Hayden. I just traded some information with the general... It's quite hard to understand him since the sign language is different somewhat. Even a master of sign language back in the other world couldn't properly communicate with him... The information we traded was our affiliation and what we are doing here and they gave us some basic information about the world and about this little dukedom they have here." (Ion)

"Thanks Ion. So, what kind of basic information was it?" (Hayden)


"Apparently this world is called Aipur. Currently there are about five massive empires controlling the entire world... There is a sixth but it is currently in civil war... Sadly, the sixth is the area where we are in so we have a potential problem as the civil war could affect us. The dukedom they have here is the land belonging to Duke Carpus. Our base resides in The Grand Fairy Forest. The entire dukedom is only in the area of the forest." (Ion)

"That's quite a bit of information... But a civil war huh... Between which factions?" (Hayden)

Ion starts speaking to the general again as I take a look around again and notice the fairy woman walk towards us with a slightly angry face...

I grab my guns just in case as that woman really shouldn't like us anymore.

Fifteen or so minutes pass.

"Hayden. The civil war is between three factions... The Princess's faction, The Commoners faction, The King's faction. The Princess's faction is for the only princess of the Emperor who died causing this civil war. Duke Carpus supports the princess. The commoners faction mostly consists of low-born nobles who want to turn this Empire into something like a presidency. The King's Faction's leader is the Emperor's oldest son and all of the younger sons support him. The strongest faction is the King's faction and they control over half of the land and are very close to ending this civil war." (Ion)

"Thanks Ion. What else should we ask from them..." (Hayden)

Suddenly the fairy woman slams her hand on the table and starts arguing with the general.

She then turns to me, grabs me and looks at me in the eyes but the moment I pull out my gun and aim it at her gut she lets go.


The general starts quickly speaking in sign language to Ion.

"The general is apologizing for the woman's behavior. She is very mad at us for being the first escapee's from her ever." (Ion)

"Tell them it's nothing." (Hayden)

Ion keeps communicating while I get up from the rock I sat on when I came to the general's position.

"Where are you going, Hayden?" (Ion)

"Just looking around a little. I'm a tad curious if this world has magic... I haven't seen anybody use it yet and these wings don't prove that magic exists." (Hayden)

"Stop lying. You are just curious about the dukedom and want to meet with the Duke." (Ion)

"You know me too well." (Hayden)

I wander off and two guards follow me.

These guards better be here so I don't do anything wrong rather than trying to kill me.

After a while of wandering around the city I find a necromancer-like person laying on the ground.

The guards immediatly run forward and grab them from the arms and take out something similiar to a handcuff...

They raise the person up and I get a glimpse of their face...

"That wasn't the face of somebody living... Pale-white face... Eyes gouged out... It's either he did it to himself, somebody else did it... Or the undead he possibly summoned backfired and did it to him." (Hayden)

I walk back and towards the massive tree but Ion catches me.

"Hayden! Come, quick!" (Ion)

"Fine..." (Hayden)

I follow Ion back to the general and I notice a map on the ground before the general.

"This map... It shows the entire kingdom that holds the dukedom... We are here... And this is an enemy force. It's coming straight towards this town... And past our base." (Ion)

"We found out something troublesome huh... And let me guess. Now I must fight this enemy force otherwise our base might be compromised, we might be taken as slaves for being... Unique." (Hayden)

"You understand well." (Ion)

I sigh as I look at the map...

"Do we even know what kind of an enemy force we are facing?" (Hayden)

"Nope. The only thing we do know that it's from the King's Faction as the Commoners faction is trying to be friendly with the Princess's as to not die out quickly." (Ion)

"Well... Time for some tactical planning...?" (Hayden)

"Indeed. Also, Hayden. The chance of us being discovered is 99%, the chance of us being sold as slaves instead of being mercilessly killed is 75%. The chance of us being killed is 25%." (Ion)

"Thanks Ion for your quick calculations." (Hayden)

"Hayden, did you just use a ton of sarcasm? You did didn't you?" (Ion)

"I don't know what you are talking about...." (Hayden)

I immerse myself looking at the map...

We need a plan. And quick.

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