《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 11. Guns


I rush back to the base hoping they are still looking through each and every crack and corner in the castle.

"Our equipment is still here, no tracks of anybody entering except us." (Ion)

"Good. Let us begin. The more we wait the chance of us getting caught without weapons increases." (Hayden)

I go to my workshop where basically everything that you need to make a weapon with or anything else basic is piled up.

Worktable, here... Cauldron, here... Materials... Here.

I really must thank the blasted entrance exam into the Science and Technology part of the academy...

They really were thorough on weapon building and such for some reason...

I grab the materials and my equipment and start working.

After an hour or so of just solely working on one gun I finish all the parts and put them together...

Now for the other one and then the bullets.

I start working on the other gun and finish in half an hour to even my amazement...

"No, I don't have time to admire my improving speed at building guns!" (Hayden)

I immediatly start working on the bullets with Ion's help.

Three hours pass, nobody has come through the gate or even near it and all the bullets are finished.

I load them into the magazine and then remember... I don't have anywhere to put all of the other magazines...

"Guess there is no other way..." (Hayden)

I empty out my bag and put the things in the box that don't seem like really neccesary to be carrying around 24/7.

I put almost all of the magazines into the bag and load two of them into the pistols.

"Now... I'm ready." (Hayden)

"Hayden.. It's weird. Almost five hours have passed yet nobody has come looking for us..." (Ion)

"You are right Ion. It really is weird. I mean they can't be searching the castle anymore..." (Hayden)

"Should we go and take a look? Even if we did reinforce the walls they could come here and put a camp here so we couldn't escape... And it's better if we know if they are planning a raid on our base." (Ion)

I nod and start heading towards the gate with Ion.


We move through the forest towards the fairy town and by the time we arrive...

An army of... Undead?

"Are you serious!? Undead!? Really are those undead!? I need to take a sample! Now!" (Hayden)

I stupidly jump out of cover at the sight of undead... But well... I am a scientist and even with our tech back at the other world we couldn't even revive a simple fish!

I draw my weapon and shoot three of them head before they could react.

When I reach their bodies I see... Purple fog?

"It stinks! But... It is undead. Kind of explainable." (Hayden)

I grab the undead's arm after making sure it is dead and putting on a glove that I had in my bag.

It splits off from the undead too easily...

Like pulling a leaf from a dead tree...

I grab the head with one hand and pull it.

The head pops straight off.

"So easily... These undead... Their bodies are extremely fragile. They can't be used for sampling and tests..." (Hayden)

I look around my surroundings and there are no more undead except in the fairy town.

The fairies are putting up a resistance but the number of undead is just too big for them.

"The undead are fragile... One bullet should easily pass through many of them." (Ion)

I nod at Ion's words and run down the little hill and appear behind the undead army.

I shoot once and almost the entire line of undead falls down except the last guy who was hitting the shields of the fairies.

"Extremely fragile... More tests!" (Hayden)

I shoot again and another line falls except the last one.

"Hmm... How many undead can it go through... About thirty? Thirty one by the looks of things... I wonder how many a sniper rifle could go through... A hundred? A hundred and fifty?" (Hayden)

As I wonder to myself I shoot the undead while hiding myself a little so the fairies wouldn't try to capture me again.

After the last line of undead falls I hear people shouting that they won but... Not that many shouts.

Most of them definetly noticed that this wasn't their doing but something elses and are on guard.


"Everybody! Something more powerful than the blasted undead is here! Be on guard! If they decide to kill us... We couldn't do anything probably!" (???)

You could though... You just simply don't anger the person with the pistols.

The fairies move through the town in patrols looking for me even though I am right beside the main force...

Sitting in a building... Possibly aiming at the obnoxious fairy woman who caught me...

Should I fluster them a tad? No.. It's a waste of a bullet.

No bullet must be wasted!

The last patrol arrives back at the main force.

"General! We found nothing on the streets except actually dead undead. There were no tracks leading out of the town... Just one pair of tracks except the zombie ones into the town..." (Fairy Guard)

"From which direction did they come from?" (Fairy General)

"General, they come from the weird metal base we found and the people we just caught and lost a few hours ago..." (Fairy Guard)

"Oh this is bad... If it is those two weird things then... We have no chance of bringing them to our side..." (Fairy General)

One of the fairies looks into the window which I am staring through and his eyes go wide open and he tries to say something but can't.

I immediatly hide myself but I was too late...

"Rob! Rob come back to us! What did you see!? A ghost?! Rob?" (???)

"The... The prisoner..... Win... Window..." (Rob)

Everybody looks at the window where I used to be but sadly for them... I am already in another building looking at them.

"Quickly! Send guards to search the nearby buildings! Quickly!" (General)

Guards rush out entering the buildings searching for me.

They enter the building I am in and find me sitting on a chair.

"Follow us quietly!" (Guard)

I aim my pistol at him and shoot and the next moment he is lying on the ground holding his arm with blood flying everywhere.

The shield he held has a huge hole in it aswell.

The other guard looks at me with eyes basically out of his eye sockets.

"Ssssh. Can you understand me?" (Hayden)

He starts speaking but I cannot understand anything.

Even when the general was talking I couldn't understand anything.

(Author: I put the general's and guards texts in english so you readers could understand. Hayden and Ion cannot understand anything they say or anything written in this world as the languages aren't the same. Sorry for not saying this last chapter, I kind of forgot.)

"Yup as expected. I understand nothing! Ion?" (Hayden)

"Hahah... Nope. I don't understand anything either." (Ion)

Well then... I aim at the guard's leg and he understand what I want to do and immediatly shakes his head in a manner of no please don't.

"Oh we can kind of converse with them. Just not by speaking or by paper." (Hayden)

I point towards his friend and the main force asking for him to carry him out of here since well... He is bleeding a lot and the shock from suddenly seeing blood fly out of your arm even though you had your shield up and some heavy armor on...

He nods and quickly grabs his friend and escapes.

Now I must escape aswell! But how the hell? The only exit out of this house is straight towards the main force.

I could jump out of the window...

Well... How the hell should I go about doing this?

I could massacare a few of them put a devil-like impression...

Or I could not masscare a few of them but instead try to converse to leave an angel-like impression...

Or just run out of the damn door and run as fast as humanly possible towards the base...

I like the second one best because the fairies are damn fast and I don't really want to use bullets unnecessarily...

Guess I'll try the second one and when it goes wrong... Massacare while running! Perfect plan.

I explain my plan to Ion.

"The most intelligent way to do this is what you said." (Ion)

This is either going to go very very very wrong or very very very right.

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