《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 8. Jackpot and Jinxed...


I keep walking forward while keeping an eye out for anything... Useful.'

I walk for an hour or so and still nothing.

I walk and walk until I find a cave...

"This... This might be it..." (Hayden)

I slowly enter the cave which is lit up by the Sun's rays coming through little cracks in the leaves.

I wander in it until I find...

Saltpeter, Coal and everything else needed for a gun and a few hundred bullets or a few guns and a few bullets for each.

There is not a huge quantity of everything... There is a lot of iron here though.

"I'll need Ion to scan this place... Maybe we can create some actual weapons that aren't from as late back as the 16'th century.

Maybe some 21'st century guns? Well... I don't know much, Ion will need to help." (Hayden)

I leave the cave slowly while looking for any other minerals or materials useful to us.

"Alright... This area was straight to the right of the base... Kind of hard to miss aswell..." (Hayden)

I go outside and look around to see if anybody or anything is here.

But it is clear... No danger.

I head back to the base but I constantly keep thinking that I am watched...

I look behind me to see an owl with... Even bigger than usual eyes stalking me...

That explains why I thought I was watched. It's... The damn owl.

I laugh to myself and the owl flies away after a while...

Probably thought I am insane or something.

I reach the base and enter it just to see Ion looking in the water...

"Ion?" (Hayden)

"Hmm... We might have a problem... Hayden..." (Ion)

I go and look at the water and see nothing at first but then something flashes in the water...


"Oi oi oi... Is that an electric eel? How are we supposed to get our water now? Oh wait... Simple answer." (Hayden)

I grab my longsword and start trying to stab it but it keeps swimming away... Until one time that is.

I stab it right in the head and pull it out.

"It's dead." (Ion)

"Yes. Yes it is. Wait... It isn't..." (Hayden)

The eel start squirming around trying to hit something as it's last desperate move.

I look at the metal sword and feel a small electrical current go through it as the little eel still squirms around a tad.

I then pull out the sword and stab it back in it's head again...

"Ok this time it's dead." (Hayden)

I pull out the sword and just in case I cut off it's neck.

I hear something lean on our gate as we were messing around with the eel...

"Ion.. Sssh... Something is at the gates..." (Hayden)

I sneak up to the gates and peek out...

It's the child again.

It's the child of my nightmares again...

"Ion, can you scare her?" (Hayden)

Ion moves up and down and moves to the peekhole and projects an elephant from our world right infront of the girl.

She screams and runs off to her town.

"Well that worked out well. I wonder what other surprises await us?" (Hayden)

I look out the peekhole and immediatly knew. I shouldn't have said that.

I really really shouldn't have jinxed us right now...

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