《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 9. Revealed.


I should've seen this coming... I really should've seen this coming!

It's the fairy woman that stood on my head before!

She's already here and doesn't seem a tad bit dazed from my hit...

I slowly back off and Ion seems afraid to move.

Correct assumption Ion... Do not move.

I hear a very loud whistle and fluttering of wings.

I go closer to the gate and peek out just to see more fairies.

The fairies start speaking to eachother and I go and grab my swords...

The very noticable fairy woman stops leaning on the gate but instead is now kicking it with full strength.

The other fairies join in and with their powers combined the gate is blown open.

"Hooraaaaay... Ion. We are so dead aren't we?" (Hayden)

"Indeed we are, Hayden. Indeed we are." (Ion)

The fairies quickly surround us and look at Ion.

"Ion. We need something big, scary and absoloutely terrifying to these people." (Hayden)

Ion projects a few silverback gorillas that are slightly enlarged than usual and they look mad.

A few fairies instantly react to them by stabbing them in the face and then realize.

They aren't real.

"Ion? Why didn't it work?" (Hayden)

"I don't know... I think these guys are the hunters..." (Ion)

"I think they are. Which means..." (Hayden)

"We can't project anything. They'll just attack it thinking it's some kind of new creature for the hunt." (Ion)

Ion stops projecting the silverback gorillas and the fairies that were 'stabbing' them are really confused.

The female fairy that stood on my head walks forward speaking in some kind of language.

"Ion... Deciphering?" (Hayden)

"Every word. I still don't know even one word... I matched it to every language on Earth ever created. No exact matching records, one very loosely matching record. Closest was a Finno-Ugric language but that was only for one word. And the word meant 'Follow'." (Ion)


The female fairy starts walking away and the guards behind us start poking us so we would follow her.

Even if I tried to escape the female fairy would catch up...

At best I could kill four of the guards? Maybe five?

But there's about 21 of them here including her.

We walk for a while and we reach the fairy town again.

Ion is in the prisoner ring aswell.

If the fairies couldn't fly I'd sent Ion away right now but they can fly so yeah...

We reach the middle of the town and the child who found us first is showing her parents that we did exist.

We keep walking forward until we reach some kind of grand hall tree?

It's basically just a huge tree with a grand hall-like building built into it.

We enter the hall and I instantly see a round table and about 15 old men sitting around it and one... Very... Young...

What the hell is a 5 year old doing next to some wise-looking old men?

The fairies and the old men start talking about something and they constantly keep pointing at me and Ion.

"Please don't be execution, please don't be execution, please don't be execution, please don't be execution, please don't be execution..." (Hayden)

The 5 year old hits his hand on the table and starts crying for some reason until a maid comes and takes him away.

During all that confusion I kind of told Ion to run.

Which he did... Until about the ceiling level of this building and now is just hovering and recharging his battery..

Thank god for the air hole they left in the building.

The fairy woman looks back at 'us' and then screams...

The guards walk forward and seem to be worried and then she speaks and they scream too.


I guess they finally noticed Ion 'escaped'.

"Well I guess I don't need to be here..." (Hayden)

I sneak away as the guards and the old men are trying to calm down the fairy woman and the rest went out to look for Ion...

I enter a random hallway and start wandering around with my hands still not tied and my swords still not taken away.

Have these people not taken prisoners before?

It's common knowledge to tie the prisoner's hands until their hands litteraly turn blue and then throw their weaponry into the acid pool unless it's something unique.

I wander around until a maid notices me after she exits a room.

"Maid. Please don't scream." (Hayden)

I run up to her as I say that and put my hand on her mouth.

"Sssssssh...." (Hayden)

I knock her out and slowly enter the room she exited and I put her on a chair in the room.

The room is just a room for a maid or another servant.

Ion should be going back to the base as to scare away any scavengers and hide the important wares...

I need to get out of here aswell to build up the gate again.

But... How?

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