《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 7. The Found and The Lost.


I look at the group of fairies flying past me and everybody is on guard.

After they all pass I stay still for a while and then try to move but I realize...

"I'm stuck...." (Hayden)

I start trying to get myself out of the little bush trap I jumped into while keeping an eye out for any harpy or fairy.

I manage to get one of my legs free and start pulling the vines from the other one but a guard seems to have noticed me.

I pull the vines more desperatly and finally get free and start running.

"Halt!" (Guard)

I hear him and I see a spear being thrown right past my leg.

Friendliness is absoloutely zero for these guys.

The guard chases me desperatly but the fairies notice me aswell and they are way faster than the armored harpy.

Which means...

"Run Hayden Run!" (Hayden)

The fairies slowly catch up to me but the moment I turn a corner they fly right past trying to stop but fail.

I wait for them to come here before I run towards the base again...

The fairies come to the corner I lost them at but I am already running towards the base at maximum speed.

The fairies notice me run but only for a split second and I see them ignore it and fly back.

"They know I exist... But where exactly, that they do not know." (Hayden)

I return to the base and enter.

"So, how did it go?" (Ion)

"Let's just say the fairies and harpies saw me. And chased me." (Hayden)

"You lost them right?" (Ion)

"I think so yeah." (Hayden)

"Well good for you since we still have no resources so you must go outside again!" (Ion)


I look at Ion and then sigh.

"Indeed..." (Hayden)

I open the gate doors again after drinking a bit of water and walk out.

Ion closes the gate doors and I look at the vast forest once again...

Now... The harpies and fairies were straight from the base...

The fairy village is to the left of the base...

Guess I'll go check out the fairy village and then return to base and go to the right.

I walk to the Fairy Village and it's not a village... It's a town.

Guess I found out something new...

I look around the town and see that one of the statues they have built is standing on a huge pile of some kind of mineral...

I can't decide from this far but It's a mineral alright.

But what's it doing this above ground?

I try to get a good look at the statue and the mineral deposit but there is no way to see it better without some gear or that I go into the town.

I hear the fluttering of wings and look behind me to see a fairy woman looking at me.

She starts speaking but I don't understand one bit of it...

She then touches my back for some reason before I can react and then realizes... I have no wings.

She.. Is fast...

I try to run away but she is instantly infront of me with an unsheathed sword...

"Well... This is just great isn't it..." (Hayden)

A single tear drops from my eye before I grab my dagger and throw it at her while running away but to no avail.

She is standing ontop of me!

Fairies, contain your speed please!

She points the sword at my neck and then shows towards the town.

Does she want me to go to the town or does she want to know why I was hiding and looking at it?


Well... I don't have any way of communication and she is standing ontop of me..

The next moment I pull my head back rapidly making her stumble and then I grab her leg and throw her on the ground.

I knock her out and drag her a bit closer to the town and roll her down a hill to the town so any of those lion-like beasts don't kill her...

"Your mistake for standing on my head... Never stand on somebodies head." (Hayden)

I then run as fast as possible back to the base.

"Note to self... Fairies are possibly so fast that they can kill me before I can even realize they aren't standing infront of me anymore." (Hayden)

When I reach the base I go to the right of it as planned.

I look at the remanining weapons I have. I threw away my dagger so I only have my swords.

It's not like I can craft any new weapons right now... I'll need to be more careful with these swords.

I look behind and see the fairies going to the town right past my base.

Did I possibly settle on one of the fairies flight paths?

I ponder that question while looking around for new materials on the right side of the base...

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