《Living Life as a Plant in a Magical World, Quite Strange Right?》Chapter 8: Looks like God is at it again
Yep, the author here and can I have some sort of review? Maybe I'm being a little greedy and asking a little too much, but I at least went deep enough in the story where things can be judged with the few chapters I came out with and more is along the way.
So, I want something that tells me that I progress as an author, as I already made a few stories, some not so great, others burn up fast but gets water poured on it. I would really appreciate it if such a thing can be done, but as people say, you can't have everything in life so take what you have.
By the Author, thanks for reading and I'm back!
Now, I wonder where Leon got those clothes from? The clothes were outstanding, I mean come on, if you were ever a tailor clothes I'm pretty sure you would call this stuff close to perfection. Well, people have different tastes and all but one thing is for sure as many people probably asked first, where the hell did he get the materials for this shit!?
I mean come on Leon! You were just born a couple of hours ago! And somehow you become our leading producer in making materials! You guys think I'm joking?! Well, let's see what he had made shall we? I said as my vision gone to where Leon was, as I see a large pile of weapons and clothes, with armor made out some sort of improvised materials.
The armor looked very well camouflaged as it would fit in with the forestry green color and would be hard to spot if position correctly. Not only are they high quality material formed but they were also done quickly when Leon went into hiding to make some stuff, it seemed to be masterfully crafted as well.
Something tells me that the liquid he forms aren't only for poisoning and healing as well, maybe they have some sort of buffing effect. Maybe something similar to enchanting things in this world, Elucidata had told me about this before in the past about the capabilities of magic as of right now.
But that doesn't add up, there is something missing, like the type of materials used to create all of this stuff as I pay even more attention to the armor plating, clothes, weapons to see what it is. The things used to create these items are made out of some sort of leaf that would fit more like hardening scales from a snake but I know they are leaves.
The type of green fits the leaf part and doesn't resemble scales since it had they are much more of the darker green instead. Really, this makes me wonder, did Leon grow these leaves and used it to make the materials that he is going to give the goblins and everyone else? He must have a special ability that allocates his liquid to grow a plant or something similar and collected the leaves on it.
If so, then Leon surprisingly has a lot of tools that are for general uses that I didn't look at, I wonder why I wasn't able to see it? I looked at the screen for the Teman Mushroom again and see only the combat status which is on the first screen. Wouldn't that also mean I shouldn't be able to see Daisy's scouting potential?
No, I didn't check her's other things, more so I had Elucidata tell me the pros of having her and the specifics about the plant, while for Leon I only looked at the screen. Since Elucidata was kind of busy I took the leisure of doing it myself and only looked through the combat effects, if I looked a little bit longer I could have probably found the producing liquid which makes a small tree with flexible, hard, and enchanted leaves.
The tree can be cut down to be made into a much stronger version of the leaves and will be the key difference between the leader and the foot soldiers. The tree trunk seemed to be able to change brown to green with the help of some watery substance from Leon and that isn't all as he can create a different type of plants with the watery substance as well. It makes me completely baffled at how useful Leon is and makes me smile in satisfaction that I made the right choice in choosing which type of plant.
There are something I wonder, like what kind of freaking evolution path did a fucking mushroom take to get liquid that grows harden tree!?! I sigh as Seria summoned me to an unnatural world with some weird ass stuff, it makes me think about how such a world came to be.
I coughed a bit to myself before taking a lazy position with my back on the right armrest and my hand on the left one. I looked at all the glowing balls like I'm watching TV and took a glance at everyone perspective since I'm not in no rush to talk with the humans I decided to do this in the mean time.
From the looks of things, everything is going well with Kona protecting the human girls from above and Crow eyeing the area like a hawk. I summoned Daisy to the throne room as I wanted to have a talk with her first before anything else since she got knowledge that will be essential for my next move.
"So, Daisy how is the new body for you going?" I said with a carefree voice with an ecstatic countenance that would make anyone believe that I'm just always having fun. Really, this is just how serious my face is ever going to get, well at least not as serious as that time when I was talking with Alex.
I said as Daisy gotten on to her knees before looking at the carpet right in front of her, the chair was very comfortable but I gotta get off it as I need to have a little chit chat about the scouting reports. It's not something super important, so I wouldn't be calling everyone here for a meeting.
"Come on Daisy, have a seat." I said with my mellow voice that seemed to be capable of chilling anyone out. A table, two chairs, and an umbrella appeared out of nowhere, as I began to sit on the new seat that I had made out of nothing. The power of imagination is an extremely powerful skill, now if only this could be recreated in the real world, then I will be invincible.
The teacup fit the English style with its small handle as I hold on the tea like an Englishmen and drank out of it. The flavor was that of the lemon zipper, as it gave a bittersweet taste and made me calm down for a bit before I looked at Daisy with a smile.
She seemed quite reluctant to sit down, so I pushed her over the edge for a bit by saying "You know it's rude not to accept someone's invitation to a seat?" Daisy seemed to sigh and took a seat on the chair opposite to me. Now that we got all that settled, let's get ready to talk about business!
I know that there is still the human girls I need to deal with, but they can be saved for a later time when I'm able to organize all the scout reports first. That is of utmost important since we will never know when an attack will strike us or if anything that seemed to be dangerous is heading towards our location.
Making me quite the paranoid fella, I do say myself, as the azure eyes of Daisy lock on to mine without flinching or making unnecessary movement in front of me. Instead of doing something that isn't benefiting of a lord I watch her with my eyes, until she finally breaks the long gazes we gave each other.
She seemed to take a large breath and started the conversation "Yes, the body is somewhat strange but I will get used to it, also I'm capable of moving just like before but it seems much quicker." Is that so? I guess that's what happened if you get a sudden 20 LF point increase but what else is new?
"Anything else you found out about yourself that you find new, instead of the body? Sorry, I wasn't specific enough, any new features or abilities that were completely new to you?" I said with my ever so bright smile, while I see Daisy start to think with her hands on her chin and eyes looking down.
"I think my body strength was increased tenfold as I'm capable of destroying a rock with ease. I am able to control my speed so I won't have to crash into everything in my way and my body seemed incredibly sturdy now as far as I'm aware of. There is something that I couldn't figure out though like this strange sensation I felt about this body ever since I got it, it felt like there was an extra bonus and I couldn't figure out what."
Hmm, so I wonder what that extra bonus is Seria mind? Giving me an answer? Just as I thought of that, a paper plane came flying into my eye and stinging me quite a bit as I fell onto the floor with pain, until I got up and opened up the paper. I start reading it as Daisy had a question mark above her head, 'Hahahahahaha very funny, maybe you would like to tell that to me in your afterlife. Anyway, ask someone else or try something like getting closer to her, maybe the power of love will release her power, yea if you put your co-'
I crumpled up the piece of paper and burnt it into a blazing blue fire that cooked it into ashes before I made it disappear. Ah, that felt refreshing, now where were we? I said to myself as my head turns around to see a blushing Daisy that had her hands behind her back.
"Daisy, what do you have in your hand?" She looked a little bit shaken up as I stared at her with an inquisitive look on my face, I felt a little awkward standing here but I stood my ground and waited for her to answer. "I...need to go." I felt a little shocked because of the sudden goodbye but if she just doesn't feel comfortable about something I should just let her handle it herself.
I will get the information about the surrounding place at a later time, I said to myself, while I saw Daisy's body disappear. I wonder, what is it that Daisy was hiding? I mean, it's not like she had her panties. I contemplated to myself before giving up, since I'm not very nosy when it comes to other people but that doesn't mean I can't wonder.
As I thought a little longer because she was blushing, so could it mean she actually did have her panties!? That would be awkward alright, I decided if she has them, then it's a very good excuse to leave without telling me why. Well, that's extremely unlikely I thought to myself before taking a sip out of my tea again as I made an ahhhh sound.
Now, what to do? I thought to myself as the tea started running out and I stopped to think about the situation. Maybe I should really wake up those human girls and get some information out of them, like the location of the surrounding countries or how much bad blood the races have, as Elucidata had also told me about the country's name but if we don't know where they are, so what's the use of knowing them?
I call Kona through the Hive Mind as she appeared right in front of me with her knee on the ground in a respectful stance. "Well, let's begin Kona, I want you to bring in the human girls near the tree so I can connect them, can you do that?" I saw Kona shake her head with enthusiasm as her breast jiggled as well.
Really, that's a little too much but anyway, I will ask her about the evolution when I'm done with this task. I sigh before I see Kona sniffing the air for some reason like some sort of dog. "What are you doing Kona?" She goes back to looking at me with her eyes "I smell Daisy's scent, was she here?"
What the hell? Seriously, what do girls do on their free time for god sake, I said to myself before looking at Kona who seemed to walk towards me and started sniffing around and found yellow panties on top of my seat.....what the fuck!?!?!?!?!?!?!
A goddess had cracked her ever so expressionless face and laughed, while smacking the ground of her domain in a continuous fashion.
What the hell is this!?!? When I was talking with ,master, a paper plane suddenly came flying in and hitting his eye but after that happen, a piece of paper appeared in front of me. The curiosity of the paper took ahold of me as I grabbed it from my hands with it being held on either side of it.
I started reading the paper as these were the words that came out 'Hello! I'm the almighty goddess Seria and yes I am an actual God, while being your personal love assistant! Don't crumple up the paper as Lamerian will be doing it to my paper and burning it to the ground.
Stupid Lamerian for not taking my advice, anyway I will help you with love as some people might say since I have decided that your special ability will be unlocked when you have sex.' My face instantly gone red with embarrassment at the word as it echoes through my mind, while my imagination is going wild at the thought of master putting his...
I stop myself from thinking as I hid the paper right behind me as master rips up a piece of paper and throws it on the floor before setting it on fire. Master asks what's in my hand but I immediately rushed out of the throne room and into my own personal headquarter which had a beautiful red bed with a task and a mirror on a wall next to the bed.
I sat down and pummeled my own head with my hands at suddenly running away from, master! Why did I do something so stupid! It only makes me more suspicious! I smacked my head on the pillow a little bit more, before calming down and reading rest of the letter 'You probably ran away and yes that was the best option for now, also this paper will be completely invisible towards everyone but you.
Oh yea, the reason why God is helping you is because it's interesting and besides don't you like him?' Yes, it's true I do like, master, but we are servant and master it can't work like that! I said pounding my head as I look at the ceiling above me, why God! Don't you have any idea that the other three like him as well!
I go to read the paper again and see that she wrote in new contents saying 'Yes, I have and that should make you even more motivated to beat at least half of them! Since Crow is still having that in the middle phase, and the other two feeling will be a little secret but just do it! The only way you will be capable of getting the new ability I gave to your body is getting laid and kissed!'
What!? That only makes me feel guilty now! I mean come on, it feels like I'm just using master to gather more strength! I read the paper once more to see even more words, 'Oh don't worry, if you two aren't truly in love with each other it would not activate.' I started thinking heavily on this as I put the paper down and sighed yet again and decided to continue to do my scouting mission and wait for master to punish me later.
I took a breather before getting up and out of the Hive Mind before my mind shoots out as I am still on one of the trees with my new improved body. I had a fast moving tight green clothes made by Leon, which had no unnecessary decorations. Really, that Leon is too smart for his own good, I bet he would do some sort of experiment which will go horribly wrong.
I thought to myself before spotting multiple animals which I took note of and made my way towards the location of a frontier village that was set up by the humans. It seemed like it was attacked numerous times by monster, animals, and even other races.
It makes me wonder if there were other places like this? Like for an example on the other side of the forest, maybe I will say that for sure but we haven't seen a map in a long time so we don't know. If only I can get a map things would be much easier, and locating stuff will have master be happy.
Finding this will make master very happy! Maybe, he would give me an...no no you can't have a dirty mind, Daisy! It's only God trying to make you turn into a pervert! I grumbled to myself as the villagers were getting attacked yet again but this time had enough defenders to beat back a bunch of wolves.
There were some notable humans I see in the village such as one of the swordsmen helping in the defense. It seems like the person had some kind of armor that is different from the lesser armored village defense. I had seen that they were experienced fighters that learned how to fight after days of survival in front of the forest.
It made me ponder if this person is from Elucidata's explanation, an adventure that goes out and fights monsters and hunt for dungeons or does that kind of thing. I mean he might have some useful materials I could use, like a map of where we are and that sort of thing.
I kept in mind about this kind of stuff as I watch them carefully on top of this tree, with my eyes locked on the quite young adventure waving at the guards, who are getting back to their post. I take note of this and think about what I should do first, maybe I could tell master? No! He is obviously still angry about me leaving him behind!
I need to think about this carefully, should I go up to him as some sort of child and rob him of the map? No no no! Something like that isn't going to work because he might fight back and then I might destroy his whole entire body with the map. I am not a precise shot like Crow or a master at controlling my attack like Kona.
Even though I can cause a lot of damage, I can't control how much damage is caused into the area. It would severely hurt us as we are supposed to have as little attention as possible, and keep ourselves off the radar of some of the surrounding countries or important individual with the power to mess with us.
I decided to talk with the young adventurer but in a different outfit as this one is a little too suspicious. Good thing I had made a small base for myself and I am the only one capable of reaching there. Just because I have this new body doesn't mean I lost my ability to get anywhere that is connected to the ground but it's an upgrade version as I can get almost anywhere now.
The method I use is quite different as I tested out before, well I should've of told master about that as well but some god decided to ruin the conversation! Well, then the method for me to go anywhere now, is that a yellow flower will appear where I want it to be and I will immediately go from the location I'm standing at, to the yellow flower.
The weakness is that it will be easy to predict where I'm going to beat but I can make as many as I want, so I shouldn't call that a weakness. I then arrive at my hideout and pick out a set of clothes which has a nicely colored out black skirt with red outlining, as my shirt has the same color patterns.
A yellow hat covers the top of my head as I have a white umbrella that I bring along in the sun. All of these clothes were just in case we needed to go into populated areas and investigate anything in there. These were made by Leon who was capable of changing the color using the liquid he produced which is basically like a coloring for clothes.
Leon said before when he first met us that he was able to make plants but none of them are combatant plants like the Iron Leaf Tree. I gotten the flowers located all over the place so I'm able to get to any convenient places with ease so I placed one near the village. I plant them by telepathically putting a flower to the point where I want them to be.
I was then instantly transported to a small hillside that had grass and some flowers as far as the eyes can see. The hillside lead to a lake where I sat there looking at before getting ready to rise from the ground and follow the guy. That was until someone called out to me and it was the same person who I was targeting for information.
I looked at him and said in my silent voice as I am not very loud at all, so I tried to talk to him like any normal person. "Hello." I said as the guy was frozen like a statue that would not move no matter what I said, this is awkward...
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