《Living Life as a Plant in a Magical World, Quite Strange Right?》Chapter 7: You are interesting!
"Leon, do you know how to produce clothes?" I said as I recalled that everyone needed clothes or else they will be walking around naked all day. They are practically nudist and I'm not so sure that I want them parading in the forest without any clothes to cover their body from the lolicons who would so eagerly stare at them.
Oh wait, we are in the forest so it shouldn't be necessary but it really makes me uncomfortable when my servants are walking around naked but Leon is just newborn so maybe not. "Nah, on second thoughts I shouldn't-" I was suddenly interrupted by Leon as he stands proudly in front of the throne room.
"Actually, I felt uncomfortable or awkward walking around naked with my new companion who kept covering their bodies and said 'I won't show this body to anyone but mmhmm' " I saw the other three servants suddenly gotten right behind Leon and covered his mouth and put his arms into blocks using a technique reserved for restraining people.
I raised my eyebrows at the strange event and looked at Crow who has his hands in a lock, with Kona covering Leon's mouth and Daisy getting a sock. "So, he actually meant to say is that he learned how to make clothes using the knowledge from the Hive Mind and put it into practice right?" Leon nodded his head before he was let go, "Oh yes, from the information I analyzed, I'm capable of creating clothes for everyone."
I ignored the fact that Kona, Daisy, and Crow were tying up Leon with some rope, as I looked towards the three girls and coughed a little bit before saying "Very well, Leon create the clothes and prepare bottles of some of your poison and healing liquid." Leon looked a little surprised as he starts talking "How did master find out I'm able to build bottles?"
"Oh please, I built bottles in my past because I wasn't able to go outside very often, as getting caught by the military isn't the best thing in the world. And you expect me to not make the assumption that you find such useful information in my database when you mention about being able to create clothes?" I said as my scepter was pointed at him, as he makes an impressed face before bowing and with everyone else before I dismissed them.
Now, that's over and done, why don't we get to controlling some goblins, since it's a good idea to have some diversity when it comes to fighting at least. I already have enough diversity but I have ideas on what I'm going to make the goblins do, so I got off my lazy ass and moved to the ball that gives me eye sight.
I saw the bodies of the younglings of the goblins and thought of something, I can manipulate their minds, so they don't remember anything about their past event of the complete slaughter. I said as my hands rubbed against each other, before tapping onto the goblins bodies with my seemly hundreds of vines I have now.
I want some interesting conversations and I'm pretty sure completely control of the goblin's will is going to be boring, so let's make them a sentient being, with more smarts, that will be quite useful. I also will have them survive and grow into a much stronger individual to fight in my ever growing army.
Once, they form an adequate group of fighters they shall return and be part of my plans. And some of you might be asking why am I doing something like this and not suck the LF out of them or just choose to let the grown up lives? Well, I at least have some morals of not being a complete asshole, now that I think of it, I'm on the borderline of becoming the evildoer of a story.
Whatever, if I become a complete dick, tell me that it's boring as hell, I mean what's the fun in torturing anyway!? Some of the stories I read before had sadistic characters that are almost always on the verge of slowly cutting a person's figures. Okay, maybe I got off track a little bit, so let's get right back to the other reason as I mention before, they are younglings and can learn faster than the adults.
Meaning, I want to implant it in the goblin's minds when they start to grow into adults, as they will gain traits such as leadership, cunning, cleverness, teamwork, fighting techniques, and training. So, I'm going for the long run when it comes to my new soldiers but I will have Leon supervised them, and help if any troubles happen.
As having them die, when I just saved them isn't something I want to happen at all, and if that were the case then I should've killed them back in the village. I said as changing bits and pieces of the tragic memories is number one on my priority list. The process was me going their minds as I'm capable of doing as discovered from my earlier rant with Alex.
Multiple blue screens float around me, as I looked around and saw memories of goblin children aren't able to eat any food and have water to sustain their obvious hunger problems. Also, they were treated like they were in some sort of hierarchy system where they had to fight each other.
Even siblings had to destroy their own relationships for the sake of being on top but it seems the girl that gone along with Alex turned out to be number one; interesting. I thought to myself as I looked at how they were treated and the type of feeling they hold about staying there.
You know what? I will keep them under my wing, this is entirely different from what I image. Really, I don't even need to control them, at least this saves times but how am I going train them? Do I let them join the Hive Mind? No, such a decision might backfire on me for things like gaining more knowledge than necessary and a rebellion starts.
Not something I want to happen anytime soon, so what should I do now? I can control them and give the knowledge to the goblins which could work as well but I don't want to do something boring like that. So, let's give them the option of picking their fate, even if this is the most insufficient method, it's the most fun method and living my life to the fullest is also one of my goals.
I snickered to myself before bringing in all the goblins into a larger room that is all white as far as the guys can see. I created a chair to sit on as if I'm god waiting for some peasants to wake up. Taking an arrogant position with my head hung low with my arm holding it up, while, one of my feet are on top of another.
I stare at the incoming goblins that appear one after another, looking a little shock but at the same time a little scared. But some of them stood up with pride as they were trained to be soldiers that are supposed to be capable of fighting for survival. Some of them took up stances, while others cower away with their heads hung over.
Hmmm, I thought the goblins would be stupider and attack me right from the start, I thought to myself before analyzing their memories yet again and see that they were taught by Alex but one of them excel from the rest and taught everyone else. It seems of been before he left on his journey to become much more powerful as some of them tried to stop him but failed.
They show quite a lot of respect to him but seeing that he was about to escape with possibly his sister, that he still has his brain and decided for the best option. Always been quite smart and bold but just like Auran, too many feelings and takes an unreasonable risk.
I take the risk as well but for the fun factor and if there seems to be something I want, I will get no matter what's the risk, so yea I'm probably more reckless than him. I looked at them with an oppressive aura as a smile soon crept up on my face, while, my eyes were locked on them.
"Now, it seems like most of you are awoken let's get back to business shall we or are you not capable of understanding me? Shake your head up and down if you do." Most of them do and seemed to be smarter than the average goblin as that is what I'm expecting because they were trained by Alex.
I never knew Alex likes to share, whatever let's get back to talking with these youngsters about how life is going to work. "Let's begin, I will give you an option between all of you and if declined, I won't do anything to you and if you accept, all of you will serve me but at the same time, I won't hold you back anyway."
What's going on!? I was suddenly knocked out and then I appeared at this strange white room that would seem to go forever. Really, if it wasn't for the fact that knowledge wasn't given to us by Guna, I would be freaking out. I hope he's doing well on his adventure, after all, he was the one that taught us everything we need to know in a few days.
I didn't know much but he just overwhelmed us with knowledge and was capable of at least giving us the ability to make our own decision. The thing was is that we had to basically fight each other to get food in the village and such. It made me feel completely disgusted by the actions that were processing through the adults minds.
Some of the children were starving when we had enough food to survive, but each and every one of us had to continue fighting till one either dies or is close to death. The winner overall was was Gura's sister, Gora who had practically destroyed everyone with her smart and technical fighting skills.
I was second place in terms of skill but the hierarchy system of their's is a little ridiculous, I am probably weird in my own sense as I'm capable of analyzing all the information given to me by Gura. So, I find myself the strange one out of the bunch as well, but playing the adult's game was something I been trying to do. So, when everything was prepared I would kill all of them and end the suffering.
I thought to myself before thinking of the situation face upon me as of the moment, with a person wearing some oddly high-quality clothing. He sits upon a luxurious chair that would be made of seemly expensive material. The person welcomes us and tells us about our options, as he tries to see if we understand which we all nod to.
Attacking the person is out of the option because we don't know what abilities he has and if he could have easily killed everyone here. Really, doing something so risky is not good for the health as Gura used to tell me. I start analyzing everything I can to see if we could get out of this situation, nothing seemed to show me such a suggestion as of the moment.
Indicating that we either listen to this guy or die, I start hearing him out as he tells everyone off here that we could basically go free or let him control us. Wouldn't this be a no brainier? I asked myself, but if you actually think about it, would he actually let us leave alive?
No, if that was really the case we would have died a long time ago, so maybe he is true to his word. Then, should we really let him control us? It may sound crazy as being forced to do someone's bidding isn't the most pleasant thing in the world, but it would give us a better chance at life.
At least as far as his words go, he even tells us how he would not hold us back, what does that really mean? Hold us back? So, he is saying that he won't force us to do something that we don't like? Then, what's the point of controlling us in the first place? I thought to myself before I forced myself to talk, as the pressure he is compiling on us is too much.
"Can I talk?" I said with a brave upfront attitude, while I stare at this individual who focuses his attention on to me. I swallowed my spit, as the others stare at me in amazement and curiosity at what I'm about to say "What do you mean hold us back? Just a question I wanted to ask."
A smile perks upon his face which seemed like he enjoyed my little stand up as he directly gets up and walks towards us with a stick suddenly appearing to his side. What the fuck?! Does he have special powers!?! I question myself, as I stare at the golden stick but I refocus all my attention on to him yet again.
"My little girl, aren't you quite the observational out of the bunch? It makes me wonder, do you have something that makes you different from the rest?" He picks up the golden stick and points at me and starts talking with a smirk on his face. "You mostly like do I'm guessing but what is it? I wonder?"
I stare at him awe but shake my head look at him again, this time, I want to be like Gura who had bravely stood up for me as well in the past. "Maybe I do, so what I'm asking you to tell me what you mean!" He makes smirks and laughs hysterically at me with his hand on top of his forehead.
"Oh, my you are quite entertaining! Very well, I shall tell you what I mean, I will not oppress what ways you can talk to me, I will not beat you, and most certainly I will keep every one of you alive if you follow my orders, if I go back on any of this, you can leave anytime you want." He stops talking and continues as he is faced the other way.
"Remember, though you guys will have to face hardship along the way as you are serving me, I will put you through survival challenges that will put each one of you in dangerous and potential life or death situations. It's all up to you, as you can either survive out in wild without my assistance or follow my orders, your choice."
Everyone stare at me as they all looked at each other and nodded to one another before looking at me again. "We decided that Gorna should be the ones to represent us, you are smarter than the rest of us, please do." They all nodded their heads and put through heads down just for me...you guys!
I thought to myself, as I'm putting everyone's life on a piece of string right now, what should I do! If we serve this person that we don't even know, would put us under someone thumb again won't sit well with me, but at the same time if we go out in the wild alone and without any weapons. Are we capable of surviving!?
Listening to someone orders doesn't sit well with me, but really are we capable of surviving in a would quite hostile to us? But if we follow this person's orders, he would help us and protect us, under the condition that we do hardship which is an equal trade off. I start putting my head together until I finally made a decision "Very well, we shall serve you."
I said as the mysterious person before he made a smirk and said "Wise decision." as everything gone dark and we wake up to see ourselves under a rainbow color tree. "Was that a dream?" I suddenly felt a tugging inside my mind as a voice appears "No, it's not."
I was completely surprised at the sudden voice as I shook my head and tried to think straight yet again. "You know that isn't going to work?" The voice said again but this time, I had given up and decided to talk to the voice. "So, that was your real body, can you at least tell me what your orders are now."
The voice starts speaking with enthusiasm "Oh! So, you aren't going to ask any more question and just get to the job eh?" I sigh as I talked it's the voice "What's the use of asking questions that I won't be answered." The voice laughs again and begins to talk with a little chuckle coming out.
"Very good, I will give you that but as a reward for not wasting my time and getting straight to the point, I will give you knowledge about a certain Gura who was here just a while ago." My mind didn't process that for a bit as I just heard him say those words ever so slowly. "What!?" The voice made a chuckle before continuing "Yes, I had him here as well, he really pissed me off but I decided to let him off the hook with his sister as well.
They are probably on their adventure in the forest right now, but it's not a good idea to visit at the moment, wait until you become strong enough to do so." He said as I begun to shake my head up and down, the voice is right, if I were to suddenly get in their way as I'm now, I would only be a hindrance to their process.
"So, what do you want us to do?" The voice starts to think as it made the hmmmmm sound out loud which isn't necessary, but I ignored it as the voice made aha! Sound as if he thought up an idea "Why don't you go to one of my servants, he will provide you with the necessary materials, he should be appearing any minute now..."
A boy who is of a different race as he has different skin color and a completely different appearance that of a goblin, he is quite handsome I gotta say with his clothing being made out of some expensive material I'm guessing. The clothes are all neatly tucked in, which is the color black, fitting for his appearance, as he has his eyes closed.
His black hair fits him, as I stare at the person with awe but shook my head and focus on the given task that will soon appear on us. The boy hints for us to follow him, as everyone woken up and were completely on the defensive? "I only let you listen to my voice as talking with everyone would be annoying." The voice said as I tried to calm down everyone "Guys! Calm down, the mysterious person sent him to guide us!" I said to catch their attention, as they put down their guard and begins to follow him without hesitation.
I saw some girls lying on the ground as well, weren't they captured just recently when we were in the village? I thought to myself before getting along the way with everyone walking in a neatly filed line.
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