《Master of combat in a Different World》Chapter 12: Brezia’s Reclamation and aftermath
Author note: I worked hard in this. It was kinda hard to do it. Please review it!
Part 0
The people of Earth is truly strange. Instead of the rich and those with power helping the global warming. Its the normal people are the ones who contribute the most. Scientists have already realized that global warming will not steadily go up, there is a certain threshold. And they warned the world over and over again.
If Carbon Dioxide reach that limit. Earth will surely need to reset her world that depended on oxygen into something that depended on carbon dioxide. Yet…
They continued going on. Not caring, always thinking that maybe, some God will help them, when they already could change themselves that very instance.
Part 1
The queen of Brezia was now leading one of the hugest armies in history. All the major races had already sent a huge portion of their armies to aid her.
They saw the horrid sight. The city of Brezia is still surrounded by huge walls, but the gates are wide open, as if luring in their prey. The monsters came flushing out of the city, defending their nest.
The queen turned back on the beastmans. She had recruited them from all over the world, and was sure that they still hold the title of the 'strongest'. And the queen declared a speech.
"THE monsters infested our homeland…
our proud people became HOMELESS.”
Rachagal stared up at the queen, his eyes burning with wrath at the lost of his homeland.
“…yet, they haven't broken our CULTURE!”
Alice stared at her once glorious homeland. And glared at the monsters that have infested it.
"Today! We retake our city, and with it our pride,
The whole army of beastmans roared out anger. They have now truly unite under the same flag. They will, take back their home. NO MATTER THE COST
" My life FOR BREZIA!!!”
They shouted out with pride, and were the first to charge in.
"Well, the queen did quite the job cheering them up." Artaneeus looked over his elves and night elves. They were the most intelligent race, but here they are. Doing what was possibly the most stupid thing in their life. But the elves were ready. The queen of the night elves was standing besides him. Her choice of cloth was truly embarrassing. It emphasizes her cleavage and curves so much, he doesn't know where to look at.
"Well, the elves will support the warriors. Night elves will attack if they want to. Done, can we go now?" The night elves' queen casually shouted out, and that signal the start of their operation.
The king of the dwarves had already readied his own armies. Behind him, hundreds of strange mechanical weapon.
"So are our catapults ready for launching yet?”
"Yes, commander. All of our custom made cluster catapults are ready to blow some mons' ass.”
"Well, well. We will launch it at those monsters when they come with too much quantity. A pity that quantity has a quality of its own.”
The portion of the army of beastmans was led by Rachagal. He stormed the monsters and all the corrupters. They smashed their swords and murdered the evil from Brezia.
Then, a monster came down, it was classified as a rank S monster. Goliath.
But, suddenly, two great swords came smashing down and instantly blowing away the Goliath.
"The heroes are here!!!!!" A certain soldier shouted in joy as he saw the two heroes, Robert and his crush, Jessie. Killing the monsters around with great teamwork.
"Well, cowboy. Looks like I killed 5 more than you.”
"Jessie, you obviously know that I killed 10 more werewolves than you.”
"How about this, the winner will be on the loser's master for a day”
Jessie was an aggressive and straight girl. And doesn't think much on what she says.
"Fine!!" Robert's brain cells were still busy fighting, and didn't realized what were the consequences of those words.
Then, a cow head with horns came crashing down from above, in its hands. Two maces were held. And it was magic enchanted.
"Humans- must kill..." It uttered out and rushed forward to challenge the two heroes.
Part 2
Weston and Leafa were teaming up to support the others like the elves do. So they stayed with the charging night elves.
(Well, looks like we got a war on our hands)
(Oh, Westie. You're worrying too much, but that's why I like you!) Leafa called Weston by his nickname. But Weston wasn't used to it yet.
They can communicate through their minds now. It is said in the elf mythology that the God of the forest, Pan. Communicates with the trees using his mind. They based it of from this myth, and created a private magic for the two of them.
The 'shadow cleaver' closed in on the night elves, and quickly chanted a dark magic on the night elves. They were a kind of magic using monsters that completely differed from the werewolves. Basically, their main focus is magic. Their body is made of bones.
The night elves, however, were also masters of dark magic. They cancelled most of their enemies' magic. And countered back with their magic. Magical explosions spreaded over the whole battlefield. Shaking the ground below them.
Then, a certain figure crashed down from the sky above, it was a shadow cleaver. But this time, its body was far larger, and carried a huge scythe in its hand.
It whistled out a loud screamed. And suddenly, huge magic energy fluctuations erupted and blew away the elf army. Many were brutally killed by the sudden assault.
The monster was 'Shadow Reaper'. A legendary class monster that rarely spawns in a thousand years. It was about to swipe it's scythe at the remaining night elves in the area when…
"The great barrier that Aqua used to heal all allies and defend its foes. !!!" Leafa chanted a water spell that slowed down the Reaper long enough for the night elves to quickly dodge. The barrier was huge enough to cover a portion of the battlefield, and greatly benefited the night elves.
"The sword granted by the fire element god, Phoenix. I summon the to burn all existence. !" Weston manifested a slender sword which practically was made of fire. It blazes white and blue.
But Weston had already created a that limits the area of the sword's influence over an battlefield. Preventing damage to the surrounding allies. But that doesn't lessen the power one bit. Instead, it increases the power of the sword B not letting loose any extra energy.
"Die!!" Weston leaped up and swung his mighty sword down, but the reaper blocked it with his scythe. It pushed Weston back, but…
(I've got you, Westie!) Leafa shouted out mentally and created a muddy cushion for Weston. Weston softly landed on it. And continued chanting his next spell.
(How dare you hurt Westie, you bastard!!!)
Leafa roared in anger and lifted up a huge spinning boulder, then shot towards the reaper. In turn, it strikes back with its own magic. It chanted a black wall of shadow. And it effectively blocked the huge spinning boulder.
(Well, he sure is tough!)
At this place, the great battle is beginning.
"INCOMINGGGGG!!!" A huge monsters charged at the dwarves' weapons. Destroying it one by one. It was one of the legendary monsters. A full-grown Goliath, and has been named. ATLAS
The Atlas came and used its mighty fist to completely killed tens of dwarf warriors at once. Weapons were launched at it, but the huge monster won't and can't be harmed.
It was about to destroy one more catapult, when a foot came flying at the side of its face. It was blasted away with full force. And toppled over many times, before regaining its own ground. And glared at its attacker.
"Well, even my surprise kick didn't kill him. Looks like this will be hard.”
"Erm, Jay. D-do you want my special magic again?" Silver said out, her face red with shyness and excitement. Jayborino knew he needed it, but he doesn't want to anger Sakura.
"Go ahead, but I will kiss you too!" Sakura doesn't want to be stolen a march, but she doesn't want Jayborino to die either.
Silver put her arms around Jayborino, and her lips met with Jay's. She found out that this way, it will increase the effectiveness of the spell by many folds.
Silver felt a huge wave of pleasure rubbing through her body. Her eyes became unfocused as she no longer can think of anything other than the kiss. Her tongue enveloped Jay's. It took a whole 30 seconds before they parted.
"Silver, it's my turn after this.”
Jayborino’s body was brimming with power.
"I'm ready.”
"Then let's start, shall we?”
The Atlas once again charged at Jayborino, but this time he disappeared from its sight. The Atlas slowed down itself to look for its enemy.
Jayborino just jumped up high and looked down at the beast below. He stared at it, then, he shot down using a simple magic. Unfortunately, the Atlas dodged it and Jayborino instead crashed into the ground. Creating a large crater below him.
The whole ground below Jay was shattered. And Atlas was caught in it. It realizes its true enemy, and rushed towards it. Then a certain women came and cut him.
Sakura sliced her sword down on Atlas's blind spot. It made a deep wound on its chest and blood poured out.
"GRRRRRRRR!!!!!" The beast screamed out in pain. And clutched its wound. It glared at the two enemies that caused this mess. It's wrath reached a limit, and a new power awakened in him. Well, its more like a 'sealed' power.
Two more arms started rising from its back. And Atlas's muscles started bulging up. Jayborino stared at the unusual phenomenon in horror. He had once heard that, when a living creature is pushed into a corner, a power will awaken.
The Atlas slowly breathe out, its face looked calm and composed. And that is exactly what made Jay's body screamed in caution.
The trio girls stared over the battlefield field. They have formed the ranks Mark gave to them. There, they saw a huge monsters 30 times their size rampaging towards the army. And they knew that they should stop it before it thrashes into the human army of Xion.
"Golem, " Hanna finished chanting out her magic, and suddenly, a huge golem emerged. It's body size is equivalent to the monster before it. The monster's name is . As named by its gigantic destructive power and its size. Rank…SS
The golem collided with Overlord. And a huge shockwave broke the floor beneath them. Causing the monsters below to get killed.
"I ask the forests to join hands with me and bind the beast. !!!" Rohana chanted a magic born from combining the night and normal elves' magic.
A large black tree covered in thorns burst from the ground beneath Overlord, and binded the the monster. The trees' thorns pierced the Overlord multiple times, and made blood ooze out from all over its body.
Alice saw the vines and trees starting to tear apart. And summoned a mega earth fist out. She stared at the Overlord. And pushed the ground below her to propel herself.
The ground below her became a crater as she came flying at the bonded Overlord with overwhelming speed.
"Die..." The large earth fist and Alice's own fist crashed into the beast with an impact so large, the trees binding the monsters were blown away. But…
"Impossible..." Hanna stared in horror as the monster emerged alive. Blood was oozing put from its head. But it was alive, and angry. The trio however, were now getting excited. It has been so long since they have tasted a 'strong' opponent.
The monster now roared, and a large hell flame covered its body. The fight between the trio and the overlord is beginning soon.
Part 3
Mark and Chiron were riding on Fenrir. Chiron wasn't good in wars, she was better in assassination. So she decided to stick with Mark. The dragon soared through the skies. Looking down at its enemy. It shot balls of destruction called . The dragon takes in huge quantity of air and compressed it. Then she(yes, Mark just found out its female) shoots it at the monsters below.
Squads after squads of monsters were instantly killed by the severe blast.
It saw thousands of the major races fighting with its enemies. And the monsters furiously fighting back. He saw many of the major army for killed, and one that it was inevitable.
Chiron was staring down in wonder and didn't realized that she is unconsciously hugging Mark tighter.
(H-her chest, and body is!) Mark was in a full dilemma whether to tell Chiron about it or not. And continued being aroused throughout the ride.
At last they reached the city of Brezia and Mark looked down at the monsters below. He wants to take out all the strong monsters inside the city to prevent further tragedies.
Now, he saw a certain group of strong monsters, and in the center, the leader. Yes, it was born from the rift and ruled over the monsters of Brezia. Leviathan.
Mark shot down with his dragon and landed in front of the monster group.
"Well, human. You sure are bold coming here.”
"Well, I decided to take out the mastermind of this." Mark was a bit surprised at the monster's ability to talk. He looked at him in wonder, and judged him to be very dangerous.
Chiron was staring at the monster, when she sensed a certain hidden presence aiming for Mark. She quickly took out her dagger and blocked it.
"Hmm... It has been long since someone sensed me." A monster named Izsha praised the hero.
"You too." Chiron disappeared into the background, as well as Izsha. They faded into the dark. And several sounds of weapons clashing was heard.
"You've got a good comrade, I'm impressed she can block Izsha's surprise attack.”
"Thanks, but you should worry about yourself.”
"Hmph! Insolent Human!" Leviathan shot towards Mark with an incredible speed. But Mark already answered back with Asura's six golden fist.
The whole city shook violently. And some of the monsters around them fainted from the impact. Fenrir the female dragon was fighting all the monsters except Mark's and Chiron’s.
"Well, this is going to be fun..." Mark said out as he realized that Leviathan didn't die from Asura's power. But was even unscathed.
"You too, human!”
Part 4
Montra was leading the strike force and found out that the monster have slowed down and less are coming from the city. She then leaded the forces into the city and smashed through the gates.
Then, she saw the boy who defeated her some time ago, and was shocked at the fierce fight between the two of them.
In another place…
(Damn it, his scythe is just too durable!) Weston cried out as the huge explosion was made from the impact between his sword and the reaper's weapon.
(Wait, there we go.) A huge block of Ice smashed into the Reaper again. Weston and Leafa have been fighting it for over 10 minutes, but seemingly finding no winner.
(Well, we can use ‘that')
(C'mon, if we use it. We can beat this guy!)
(But, but its embarrassing!!!! And I thought it only works for lovers?!)
(Hmph!! Dense idiot)
The reaper saw the distracted Leafa, and casted an artillery magic at Leafa.
"Ah!" Leafa quickly constructed a barrier. But failed to fully make it before the impact hit her. Her whole body was bloody. And she was wearily breathing.
"LEAFAAA!!!" Weston ran to the girl he loved. And quickly check her and healed her. He was busy healing when a mental sound rang out.
(Got You~) Leafa quickly wrapped her soft arms around the boy. And brought her body closer to him. Her chest pressed against Weston. And she bought her face closer to him.
(I've always loved you, Westie.) She kissed Weston and hugged him tightly. Weston was panicked at first, but calmed down and accepted the Leafa's feeling. They exchanged magic power through body contact.
Leafa and Weston's magic flowed into the others body. And fused. The two of them now have each others' magic. This magic is only possible if the two of its performers truly love each other.
It's effect was permanently making the two of their minds become able to contact with each other at any time. And lastly, increases the two's power when together.
"Well, let's do this!" Weston increased the power of his to the fullest. While Leafa chanted more and more enchanting magics. Usually, this isn't possible due to the different wavelengths of the two. But after their 'affair'. They can use the same magic wavelength.
"Take this, ”
The reaper casted multiple barriers, but all in vain. And at last was blown away with the ground behind him.
(I-it's over…)
(Yes, darling~)
(Right, wait what did you say?)
Weston got a new nickname and blushed with a red face till they reached the check point.
On the other side of the war. The beastmans army was staring at the spectacular fight before them.
Robert was furiously fighting with his enemy, swords slashing with extreme speed. The minotaur used its mace to block and counter back. Jessie was helping Robert by using her great sword, but still couldn't find an opening in the minotaur.
"Ugh! This is so hard!”
"Shut up!" They were both complaining without meaning. It was a way to vent their stress on the situation.
The minotaur shot towards the two with his Mace raised. Ready for slaughtering his enemies. But Robert used his sword to block while Jessie came and smashed another strike at the minotaur.
"GOOOOIOOO!!!" It roared out in pain and faltered. It smashed its Mace down on Jessie, and was able to smash her down.
"Jessie! Damn it!" Robert cried out and he cut off the minotaur's hand and stole his mace. He used it and smashed it down at the Minotaur. The mace was empowered by Robert through magic. So it kept up the pressure for 5 seconds.
But that was enough.
"Hahhhhh!" Robert jumped up and slashed down his sword. It went through its head. And the minotaur died.
"Woah, good trick, cowboy.”
"Well, you did manage to damage it before me though.”
"Hey, carry me. I can't stand.”
"I said carry me please? I am hurt so I can't stand.”
Robert ended up carrying Jessie. Enjoying the feeling of carrying his crush with a red face.
Well, these two had a long way to go.
Part 5
Chiron once again smashed down her dagger on Izsha. And missed. Izsha also answered back with her sharp tentacles.
They both were fighting with their presence hidden. And were fighting intensely. They moved around quickly through the city, kicking the walls and buildings as they fought on.
"You're good, girl.”
"You too, monster.”
They were casually conversing as they fought. They both were confident in their ability to hide their presence.
Izsha then used one of her tentacles to aim at Chiron, but was defected back by her dagger. She can't seem get a clear target of the human. And tried searching for her. Then, she saw a figure, and quickly smashed it with her tentacles.
"It's over!!!" She saw the figure continually got smashed. And noticed something strange. There was no scream.
"That was a decoy, b*tch" Chiron slashed her dagger down at Izsha, and the dagger and Chiron's hand sunk into the body.
Izsha wailed in pain, and realized the figure was just a decoy that is made exclusively to Chiron.
"Fire ball." Chiron created a black flame in the monster's body, it quickly burned Izsha from inside out.
Izsha's skin may be resistant to fire, but her organs aren't as protected. So she received great damage from the sudden damage in her own body.
"AHHHHH!!!!" The monster wailed its last cry before dying.
"Well, the only reason you list was that you didn't go through Mark's special training." Chiron walked off, leaving the burning figure behind.
In far off land. Monsters were overwhelmingly destroying the army of the major races.
"Ready the catapults!!! The enemy have formed a large cluster as planned!”
The dwarf commander ordered a command. And the dwarf around him prepared to shoot. They only have a few shots.
"FIRE!!!!!!!!" The catapult balls flew through the sky. It was now above the huge monster army. Then, it burst out into many shards.
The shards fall covered the sky, and pelted down on the monster. The shards then exploded and killed hundreds of monsters in the process. The major races have suffered great sacrifices but they are winning.
The queen of Beastmans then brought her troops to charge into the city gates.
Part 7
Montra entered the city of Brezia. She saw the buildings in ruin and she caught sight of a certain man. It was the man who defeated her once. She wants to help her somehow, but found no way to help.
Mark's fist once again smashed against Leviathan. Creating a huge crater below them.
"Tch!" He summoned iron sands around him and created more drills around him. It crashed into Leviathan, but he was still unscathed. And came back with wrath.
3 of Mark's mechanical fists turned blue. And it smashed into Leviathan with great precision unlike Asura's. But Leviathan answered back with his own punch. The buildings around them broke from the impact's shockwaves.
"Human, you're stronger than any monsters I've met.”
Mark shot his railgun at the legendary rankSSS monster again. It blew up and send the Leviathan toppling over and over again. Fenrir is now still killing the monsters around the battlefield. Preventing any interference to his master's battle.
"Prepare for a 'hole lotta pain!" Mark shouted and pressed hydrogen atoms around him again to create a new nuclear fusion explosion.
"Uwagggghhhh!!!" The monster screamed in pain as it experienced an intense explosion. It went back and countered Mark with a fist in the gut.
"WAHHH!!!" Mark was smashed and blood oozed out from his mouth. Some blood vessels have been damaged but Mark already increased the platlets in his body.
"Human, do you think you're the guardian of justice fighting this hard?”
"Tch!!! No, damn bastard. I don't fight because I 'need' to. I fight because I 'want' to!!!" Mark used Zeus's power and shot a ray of lighting at Leviathan.
Leviathan was stunned for a while as a result, but that time was enough for Mark to chant his magic.
"The god who sacrifices his eye to gain ultimate strength, and wield the Gungnir, made from the world tree. !!!”
Mark manifested a spear and it soared towards Leviathan. It created a huge whole in Leviathan's chest. And Mark quickly closed in.
"Do you know what happens when I reverse your blood flow?" Mark touched one of Leviathan's blood vessels. And reversed the vectors of the blood flow.
"AHHHHH!!!!" The Leviathan shouted in pain and died.
Mark stood victorious, and he coughed up blood. He suffered damage and additionally used too much magic. He collapsed, sparwling on the floor.
"Siris!!!" Chiron accidentally said Mark's old name and ran towards him. She quickly bought out herbs to heal him. Montra who was still shocked then came over to heal Mark using her magic.
"*cough**cough*" Mark continued coughing blood, but his face was now feeling better. Montra stared at the monster then at Mark in resolution. She decided to make this man her partner for life. This man who defeated her deserved to be her husband.
She stared passionately at Mark, before Chiron came over and hugged the man tightly. Tears coming down her eyes.
"I thought you would die!"
"Calm down Chiron, I ain't. Hahaha..." They carried Mark back as well.
Part 8
"Hahhhhhh!!!!!" Alice once again punched the monster. A wound was sowed on Overlord's body.
Hanna's golem smashed its fist down at Overlord. Rohana was now charging up her ultimate magic to destroy the overlord.
It had been a long battle. The overlord was just so hard to kill. And they need to destroy it in one shot.
"Is it ready yet?”
"A little more…"
Overlord send 3 balls of shadow down at the trio. But Hanna created layers of wind walls to block it. And created a large wall of earth.
"Now! Hanna, Alice, come closer to me, this is going to get messy!”
Rahana chanted a magic which rivals all else.
"Oh, lord of the forest, rulers of the wild, grant me the power to kill all who defies nature, !!!!”
The ground beneath Overlord trembled louder and louder, till something red burst out. Yes, it was lava. The hot molten rock flushed out and erupted beneath the monster. It wailed in pain as it slowly got sizzled by the molten lava below.
But that was just the start, the ground beneath it broke up violently and pierce the Overlord all over. The ground beneath it was made hard to keep in the pressure by Hanna. While Alice was distracting the Overlord.
The Overlord was slowly sucked down by the broken ground. It was burned by lava and at last took its last breath.
"Well, that took long."
"Sure is”
" The war looks closer to being over. But…"
"We've lost alot.”
The monster army was shattered, but the major race army have also suffered quite a beating too. Some battles were still going. And one of them was particularly interesting.
Jayborino once again kicked the Atlas. But he got blown away by a counter. Atlas’s strength truly lived up to the legends. It has its own strange martial art and almost no external magic usage at all. Sakura once again closed in on the monster, but…
The monster suddenly bent its head down, and use did a overhead kick. The sword broke and Sakura was blasted away. Luckily, Silver is there to always heal her. But Sakura is no longer available to fight. So they need to retreat.
“How dare you do that to my girl!” Jayborino send a knee kick on to Atlas, where as the monster blocked it with its hand. The hand was blown away, and Jayborino proceeded to kick the monster in the face.
The Atlas brought up its hand and blocked the overwhelming attack before it reached. And kicked Jay on the side of the stomach.
Jay flew away and crashed with the floor. He got bristles all over his body. He looked up and stared at the Atlas before him. His enemy was strong. So he needs to carefully analyse it first. That is exactly what Mark taught him about. To analyse its body weakness.
(The opponent is large, but really swift. It has no Magic, so the probability of it winning against a long range opponents is almost non-existent. Well, that is considering that the opponent has endless magic, cause this guy's tough.)
Being sunk in his thought, he noticed a peculiar spot on the Atlas's body. The area around the neck looks well protected, but the center looks fragile.
He then noticed that everytime he fought the monster, it seems to always be guarding that area.
Jayborino decided to test it out. He propelled himself towards the beast. And feinted a left hand punch. The atlas uses its hand to grabbed Jaybirino's fist.
But, Jayborino swung his right had and hit the area on the neck squarely in the center.
The Atlas cried out in pain and instinctively put its hand over the wound. Living things tend to put something on the spot that hurts to prevent further injuries.
But that was more than enough for it to leave all of its body parts vulnurable.
Jay brought bought his right legs up vertically. His left foot's toe grabbing the ground below him. And bought his legs down with frightening force.
"!!!" It was a martial technique Jay invented himself. By bringing his legs down on his opponent. Crushing him immediately.
The ground below the Atlas broke at the force, and Atlas was squashed down to the floor. And died.
"Hah, hah..." Jayborino was wearily breathing, the long fight and his last trump card wired him out considerably. Luckily, Sakura was there to support him before his face met the floor. And that the major fights in that day ended.
Part 9
The city of Brezia were in ruins, but the walls still stood strong, towering over the Queen's head.
She proudly looked at the city she just reclaimed. She jumped up the stairs to the top of the wall. And looked down on her city below.
"It will not be long before the demon knows about this." The strongest human, Mark. Came and gave her a warning.
"Yes, but with the alliances' help. We can fortify this place quickly.”
"We lost many today, and many good warriors died. There is a chance the demon army will use this and come at us." Mark lit his herb cigarette. The white smoke rose up to the sky above. He stared at the sky, wondering if attacking this city is really the right thing.
"How was my daughter?”
"Well, she's quiet most of the time. But when she's with me in private, she does talk alot.”
"Kuku, she sure is energetic with you." The fox ears on the queen twitched in joy. Just like Alice did when she was happy.
"Well, I gotta return to hospital bed now. I used caffeine to talk to you temporarily, but its running out now.”
Mark decided to return to his hospital bed.
Part 10
Rohana was finished cooking dinner for a certain boy. She was declining that she haven't done it for the boy whole-heartedly. And did it rashly.
But anyone can see from her serious fave that she did put lots of effort into this meal.
Rohana walked up to the boy's room to serve him. When she saw four girls standing in front of the room.
"Why are you here!?" Hanna shouted at Montra, the night elf.
"I need to cook my food for my finance. That is what Mama taught me!”
"Wait, when is he your partner!?" Chiron also prepared a bento for Mark. A Japanese food Sakura said would capture a boy's heart.
"Mmmm! All of you knows how to cook food! Unfair!" Alice shouted out in anger. She was the only girl here who doesn't know how to cook yet. She was planning to seduce Mark by wearing sexy shirts and be a little more aggressive.
"Its my turn today!" Rohana shouted and charged to the room. Her long elf ears twitching in anger.
The door broke open, and inside laid Mark, sleeping soundly. His upper body was naked, and he wore only jeans.
The girls felt guilty about being noisy, until they saw a certain figure the boy was hugging.
It was a beautiful girl with a brown, soft skin with scales in some places. She got 2 little horns on her head. But most importantly she was naked.
The girl was snuggling against the boy. And was enjoying the warmth of the boy unconsciously hugging her. She was smiling even while sleeping, showing how much she enjoyed it.
Then, Hanna almost dropped her plate. She placed it on the floor and proceeded to give the boy divine punishment.
"Oww!!!" Mark woke up with a jolt, and stupidly stared at Hanna.
"Onii-Chan, h-how could you sleep with another girl before me!!!”
"Wait, what are you talking about?”
"You have a girl hugging you, idiot!”
"Eh? Whatttt!!!!!" Mark quickly released his hugged and retreated to the back of the room.
"How dare you molest a pure girl!”
"I don't even know who she is!!!”
"As expected of my husband, to have already do it with a girl without a moment's notice…"
"You really do need 3 more nights in bed, Mark" Even Alice was filled with wrath.
"Mmm...." The brown-skinned girl slowly opened her eyes, confused by where the source of her warmth went.
She glanced over and saw the whole situation. Then she saw Mark, and walked over to him. Mark was still shock at the naked girl. Before the girl jumped into his chest.
"Master, so... Warm..." She said out and went back to sleep.
The whole was silent, and all of their eyes stared at the little girl with mixed emotions. Like envy, for example.
Mark decided that everything that happened today was a dream. And went back to sleep to escape reality.
A while later, Mark woke up and found his hands tied to his back. He look up and saw 5 girls staring at him. They all have murderous intent seething from their body.
The brown girl just now was lying on the bed.
"So, Onii-Chan. How did you got a girl sleeping in your bed?”
"Um, I told you I don't know her, right?”
"Oh?" They all didn't expect that, and stared at the girl quizzically. The brown girl felt uneasy, and opened her eyes.
"So, who are you girl, trying to steal my finance?”
"Mm? I am Mark's dragon Fenrir.”
"Well, that makes se- wait what?!”
"I am Master’s dragon, Fenrir.”
"But, but!”
"When I met Master for the first time, he was so kind to me. When he disappeared six years ago. I knew he ain't dead yet, so I searched on what boys like and…"
Fenrir showed her body proudly, but Alice poked Mark's eyes before he could see a girl naked.
"...I found out that men lust after girls. So I found a certain spell in mountains of Koreo. But I can't activate it. That's when I found out that it needs a human's blood to activate, so while fighting with Master, I drank his blood and changed into a girl!”
The dragon proudly raised her chest which was as flat as Alice's. The girls around looked at Fenrir in shock. And they stared at Mark.
" Well, I've heard legends about animals turning into humans before. But usually they die from magic exhaustion. They said that bastmans actually was once a powerful animal who wanted to change into a human, and were the first successful animal transformation into a human. But they lost all their magic till now because of using the forbidden spell.”
"When I turned into a girl, I didn't lose that much though. And I can turn back into a dragon too. Master riding me makes me feel good." The girl jumped over and hugged Mark again. Her soft-brown skins pushing against Mark.
“Maybe its cause there has never been a dragon who wanted to turn human before.”
"Well, since that's over. Eat my food Onii-Chan!”
Hanna presented her food to Mark. And Mark looked at it with great interest. He had always looked forward to Hanna's food.
"Try mine first, it's my turn today!" Rohana was scared she would lose the spotlight. So she presented her food.
Mark decided what Rohana said makes sense. So he decided to do as she says. Rohana insisted on feeding him, so Mark was baby-fed with a red face. He was really shy at the sudden luck. And nibbled the food slowly.
"Is it good?" Rohana asked Ina squeaky voice as she was totally flushed at the feeding. But she stubbornly continued on without caring.
"This is even better than 6 years ago! How'd you make this?”
"Hehe, I found a private technique on grilling the ducks. The fat can be made delicious if you slowly grill it and the skin can used to make a crispy outer plate.”
"Wow, that's an advanced technique!" Mark praised Rohana as he continued gobbling down the food himself.
Hanna was staring at Rohana in envy as her rival continued feeding Mark. Montra saw for the first Tim the formidability of Rohana. They were deep in thought on what they should do to gain the rank of Mark's first wife.
Chiron had a sullen face and used a spell to keep the bento fresh for any occasion.
"Me too~" Fenrir the humanoid dragon came and also took a bite. She swallowed it with an ecstatic face. And asked for more.
Hanna and Montra's food was then gobbled up by Fenrir. They knew that Mark was full and wasn't persistent enough to force him to eat it.
Part XXX
Bazulu continued staring at the orb in front of him. The major races had beat Leviathan! How despicable! He continued staring at it. Then…
He noticed a certain hero, this hero has a heart filled with greed. But he buried it so deep, its hard to see.
Bazulu smiles, he knew that these kind of heroes were easier to corrupt than most. But then he also noticed another thing.
The man was finding a new love.
He can’t allow that, love is a strange but powerful thing even the gods can’t control. It washes away all malice a person had at first. And that made it something that Bazulu feared.
A man who never loved will never understand love. And that is what Bazulu needs to quickly exploit. He stared at the hero,
At Finnick
Part 11
A red-haired beastwoman walked towards a certain boy's room. It has been 6 days after the glorious reclamation of Brezia.
The reconstruction of the city have proceeded smoothly. With the major races' help. Magic fortifications made all this quick construction possible.
Luckily, the infestation didn't destroy too much of the buildings, just covered it. So burning it off isn't too bad. The building wasn't too damaged.
People had already start moving into the city. They opened up little shops here and there, livening up Brezia.
Mark's room was noisier than usual. Fenrir had started moving to his room, and Mark was always playing cards with her.
"And I summon 3 dwarves brotherhood! The power of my weapon card, catapult. Increases from 10 to 30! Attack!!!”
"Hmph, unfortunately for you, Master. I've prepared a trap card!!! It protects me from all the effect this one turn.
“Damn it!!”
“Haha, my turn. I activate my spell card, Xion’s Aura, it decreases all incoming attack by 10 points! This card will last up to three turns!” A hologram of Xion’s tower popped out from the card. These cards were powered by magic. It uses the illusion based-one.
“And I order my Xion Army to attack your Dwarf Brotherhood. Die!!!!” The hologram of the army rushed at the three dwarf. And they disappeared of the board.”
“Tch, If this goes on…”
“I end my turn.”
“My turn, draw!!! I use my spell card, weakening!!”
“Hmph!! That just negates the effect of my cards for a turn, what could it even do?”
“Or is it, I use my ultimate card, sacrificing all of my minions on the field, I use my spell card ”
“Noooo!” A hologram of a volcano popped out in the middle of the board, lava burst forth and killed all the living things around the field.
“Then, I summon fairy of love! Its effect is that, if there is nothing on your field, I can win instantly, GG”
“I win, good game!”
Alice looked in interestingly and peeked at the man playing cheerfully with the dragon(?). She was envious, but decided to hide it for today and bring Mark to tour in the town.
“Um, Mark, Brezia’s reconstruction has almost finished, do you want me to bring you to the town?” Alice said shyly as she invited Mark to the tour. Her faced was flushed with excitement as she invited the boy.
"Oh, Alice. Sure! Why not. Fenrir, stay here, I will go touring the city for a bit.”
"Yes, master~”
Alice was a bit taken aback by the sudden answer. She then grabbed Mark's hand and dragged him outside.
The city of Brezia was still in a festive mood. After eradicating all the monsters in the city, they held a festival to celebrate the warriors who died in the battle.
"Wow, I've never seen this city too much last time. But it sure looks lively.”
"Yes thanks to our efforts, we reclaimed the glorious city back. Wait, you should try our signature food over there!" Alice excitedly dragged Mark over to a counter.
The food before his eyes were noodles in red liquid. The red liquid told Mark one thing. This is gonna get hot.
Not wanting to disappoint Alice, he ordered one bowl and tried eating. Alice ordered one as well, she also took a sip.
"GAHHHHH" Mark screamed in horror at the spiciness of the food. Sweat was pouring from every par of his body. He quickly drank the glass of water laid next to him.
"Ufufufu, is this your first time? You should try this more." Alice was also covered in sweat, her body was drenched. And the clothes she wore got stuck to her body. Showing the curves.
Mark quickly looked away and stared at his own food. Evil temptations started rising in his body.
(This is dangerous, first Hanna, then Alice! I need to train my sanity more!)
Alice looked at the black hair boy worriedly. She came closer and touched his head, measuring the temperature.
Mark instantly froze, he started noticing couple of things. Alice's striking red hair was stuck to Mark due to Alice's sweat. Her cleavage was small, but it just looks fitting for her. Moreover, her cat ears were flapping quickly, increasing her cuteness by ten fold.
Alice's sweat was giving of a seductive smell of a woman. Mark's senses was almost completely overwhelmed by the stimulus.
(No, I can't do it!!!!!) Mark hit the table with all his might, breaking it in two and gained the stares of the people around.
"HAHHHH! Let's go somewhere else." Mark shouted out resolutely as he paid the shop's owner and walked off with Alice.
The confused Alice stared blankly at the boy who was dragging her away. But showed a cute smile and followed him.
After a while, they settled down and walked along the streets. There, many stalls were opened and the black hair boy visited each with the red-hair cat girl.
"The stalls are one if the proudest tourist point in Brezia. They sell you almost anything! Weapons, armor, clothes, accessories, books etc. There's just anything you could think of!" Alice proudly boast her city to Mark. And they went shopping in multiple places.
The shopping centre was buzzing with crowds of people who had just moved in. The room was lit up by magic stone lamps that brightly illuminated the room.
Strangely, the light didn't seem too bright nor too dark. Just perfect.
(That's magic for you…)
(This reminds me of Rayna and Mira shopping long ago...) Mark thought, remembering a time from long ago.
"Hey, do I look good in this?" Alice wore one of the shirts in the stalls. It was a black shirt that emphasizes on the belly button and the cleavage. Alice was near Mark and he was shyly looking at her.
"You look good in those…"
"Really! I want that too!" Alice walked up to another cloth store, this one sells bikinis. Mark knew what was going to happen and quickly led her away.
They visited a fountain in the center of the city. The waters were pushed out using magic stones. And beastmans usually walked around here in couples.
(Well, Mark sure looks happy here, I wonder where I can go with him next? Wait…)
Alice noticed that they were alone holding hands in the night. And visiting here and there together.
(Isn't this... A DATE!!!) Alice suddenly got a revelation and her face turned red from that.
"Hey,you okay? Your face is bright red. Are you sick?" Mark was worried at the sudden change in Alice. He lifted his hands and touched Alice's forehead. Trying to measure the temperature.
"I-I'm completely fine! Let's go to the hill over there!" Alice was flustered and quickly went to a certain spot in the hills. It was one of her favorite spots in Brezia. And where not many knew about. She went there to see the stars.
Alice and Mark went up the hill, and gazed at the night sky.
Usually, when Alice was sad. She would come here and look at the night sky, calming herself down.
This was her first time bringing someone else, and she looked at Mark passionately.
He was different from most. Not serious at anything, but willing to jump into trouble for anyone. He will always try to help others and never back down.
Alice resolutely grabbed Mark's hand and said out her feelings!
"Mark, I love you.”
"I love you, please make me your wife.”
"Well, if you say so..." Mark kissed Alice and they stayed like that for many minutes.
"Um, Alice? Are you okay?" Mark looked worriedly at the red-hair girl as he saw her smiling for some reason.
They have reached the spot Alice was talking about. But Alice suddenly smiled and daydreamed about something.
"Uh-oh sorry!" Pulled out from her fantasy, she was sprung back to reality. She was flustered.
(What was I thinking that would never happen!!!)
The cute beastwoman continued walking with the boy. She knew she had feelings for him, but can't seem to voice it out.
She meandered around with Mark till they came to a clearing. Alice then decided to ask Mark a serious question.
"Hey, Mark. Will you ever disappear again?”
"Mh? Why do you ask?”
"Well, last time you left us selfishly, did you know how sad Rohana was? Hanna cried for a whole day.”
"Yes... So please, don't leave us again…"
"Well, I still gotta fight the demon king, so I can't guarantee you that I won't die-“
"Stop trying to carry the burden by yourself!!!”
"Huh, what are you-“
"You're always like this! Going off alone. And not even trying to depend on us. Why do you think we trained?”
"Wait, I didn’t-"
"Liar, in Brezia's reclamation, you refuse to ask anyone to help you. Just because you don't want them to die! How do you think we feel when you left selfishly like that.”
"I just wanted to protect you.”
"I don't need anyone to protect me! All I need is to help you! So please... Rely on us more." Alice finished her speech quietly. Mark thought about what she just said.
(I really am carrying too much burden on myself. And never cared how Hanna felt, huh.)
The boy looked up at the starry sky. And continued deep in thought.
Sometimes, the protected will always feel useless. They will strive to come and help the one who protected them.
Helping someone is good. But casting someone away and demanding them to stay safe is in itself an evil thing to do. The world doesn’t need a hero who always saves them. They want someone to help and support them. Not do everything for them.
Part 13
Jessie was now staying in her room. Walking around furiously.
Now of you readers can't remember, she made a promise with Robert about being one's servant for a day.
(What should I ask him to do! I made the promise recklessly and I won!?)
The muscular but slender girl thought about a certain boy name Robert.
She was now trying to choose the right shirt to go out with him. And was still thinking. She then chose the white one and went out of the room.
She slowly approached Robert's room. She knocked the door and waited for the man to come out and invite her.
"Who are you? Jessie!?”
"Well, cowboy, its my win. So you gotta be my servant for the whole day!”
"That still applies?! Well, if you say so…"
Roberts thought that nothing could really go wrong, and followed Jessie out of the room. Jessie led him into a clearing outside.
They walked around the city, visiting here and there. That was fine, but…
"Okay, um... You must carry my stuff while I walk!”
Robert took the things his girlfriend bought and stuff I inside his bag. Jessie then walked on and bought several things.
And plaguing Robert with mountains of bags.
(How could a girl buy so much in one day!!!)
He hopelessly carried on with the load. And Jessie was still trying new shirts on.
"Do I look good in this, wait, how about this one. Oh look, that shirt's so cute!!!" The muscular/slender girl was buying thing with lighting speed. And Robert stared in despair.
"So this is how much a girl can buy in one day..." He whispered out to himself.
"Hey, how about we eat there!" There was a stall selling food. And Jessie excitedly invited(dragged) Robert over to try eating the food.
"Um... They say that this is very spicy y’know?"
"Really? I love spicy food. She was about to run over when…
A man with a black hair broke a table in half for some reason. And led the red- hair girl besides him away.
Robert stared at the scene for a second, and walked away with Jessie. They decided they should eat somewhere else.
"Okay, now I order you to... Um... Buy those snacks for me!”
The snacks were cookies with cute bunny faces on them. Robert observed them and then looked at Jessie.
"Jessie? Don't tell me you like cute thin-“
"Just Buy It!!!!”
"Yes, master.”
Robert bought the cute cookies for Jessie. You can see from her facial expression that she loves the cute design. And hesitated about eating it.
(Wow, that's unexpected)
Robert once again found a surprising side of his crush. They walked on into the night. They may have come a bit closer, by who knows?
Part 14
Weston was coming down the inn's stair and at last reached the first floor. He wore a black suit and long, black jeans. The reason he did this was because…
(Westie, I've come~) A beautiful girl came down the stairs. Her hair was wet from the bath. She had just finished bathing nd was ready to go on an affair with Weston.
(You know Leafa... You don't need to wear something so overly showing…)
(What are you talking about! Clothes are made for two reasons. First, to protect the body. And second...) Leafa leaned herself closer to Weston. She came so close that Weston could completely see the cleavage showing on the girls chest.
(...to increase the seductiveness of a woman.) Leafa finished the sentence while licking Weston's neck. She had became bolder and more erotic every day.
(Wait!!!!) The shy, thoughtful boy stopped Leafa before she got any closer. That attack was too intense and he needed time to calm down.
(Ufufu, Westie is soooo cute) If you readers have memory problems, recall that these two speak through their minds. Ever since the kiss they had fighting the shadow reaper, their bond had become closer for some reason.
Its not completely mind reading, just talking to each other mentally. But recently, these two had shared some emotions through their connection. You could say they are the most loyal couple in the world.
(Sheesh, what if others saw us, Leafa? They may think we've crossed the forbidden line!)
(Oh hoh, why don't we do what they suspect we did then?)
(What, yes, I mean, No!) Weston had been better at guarding himself against Leafa's temptations. But things aren't going too well with his guard.
(Well, let's stop the chatter and head out, shall we?) Leafa grabbed Weston's hand and they headed off to Brezia.
(Well, this is new. We've never been anywhere other than the academy and the Royal palace) The people around them didn't notice the famous heroes. Because every hero had been given a special disguising ring. The others won't notice who it was unconsciously, but if you focus hardly. You will know who it really was.
(Westie, let's go shopping over there!)
They entered the shopping centre. Weston noticed that there was a pitiful man leaving carrying loads of bags walking out of the building with a muscular, slender girl.
Little did he knew that the very same fate awaited him.
They entered the shopping and went to the clothing section.
The clothes in the beast man clothes was designed to increase ease in movement. So it showed more skin than any other country.
Weston realized Leafa's real motives too late as she already changed her cloth into a sexy one which emphasizes her pale, white legs.
(Do I look good in this? Westie?) She showed her clothes boldly to Weston and the boy stared at it with a blank look. He notices her long, pale legs with tinges of pink.
(Wait, don't show this in public!)
(Oh, then come inside then!) Leafa pulled Weston inside the changing room. She quickly took off her clothes. Leaving only her underwear.
Weston quickly shut his eyes as Leafa changed her shirt again. Now, she wore something similar to a bikini.
Leafa stepped closer to Weston. And she showed her body to him. Weston looked at the glorious girl before him. And bent his head down shyly.
(Hoh~ you're shy Westie?)
(You shouldn't be showing a man you're body up so close!)
(So you don't like it?)
(No- it's jus-)
(You sure are cute, Westie~) Leafa slowly brought her face closer to the pure boy. And kissed him abruptly.
Waves of emotions came flooding through the mental connection. Leafa hugged Weston and pressed her lips harder.
The boy felt the girls 80% naked body all over him. And enjoyed the sense for a while. Then...
He slowly pushed her back.
(Leafa, I still don't want to do this. Yet. Let's beat the demon king first, okay?)
Weston knew that if he did it now, he would have less concentration on beating up the demon king.
(Oh... Well, then let's have 'that' after we beat up the demon king then, Westie~) Leafa was proud of her boyfriend's line of thought. And respect him for it.
(Well, now that you understand-)
(I still love you soo muchhh!) Leafa still kissed him one more time before she changed her shirt back.
Author's note: This isn't mature, right? And why had no one told me how to make a poll? I need more point of viewsssssss
Part 15
Jayborino was playing cards with Fenrir on his bed. A knock at the door came.
"Come in~”
"Hu! Today was so tiring... I almost lost my sanity.”
"I know the feeling, ever since we came to this world. The girls became bolder than usual.”
"That only applies to the person who has two girls at his service like you!”
"You have 5 no 6! You have thrice more than me, and you say you're single!!!”
"Anyways, who do you like more? Sakura or Silver?”
"Bufu!!!??? What are you talking about?”
"Oooo two-timing huh?"
"I don’t!"
"Well you like them both, so you're making them both your wife.”
"But- .... I can't make a comeback!!!”
"So you accepted that you love them both.”
Jayborino was ready to expose anything to his best friend. He knew that Siris never ever expose secrets. But he will pester him endlessly. The easiest way to defy is to give in.
"Well, whose body do you like more?”
"Why does every body ask me this?”
"Just tell me! We're friends, right?”
"Hah~ since its you, I'll say it. I prefer Silver's soft breast. But Sakura's butt is so sexy, I like it when she sat on me.”
"What a pervert you are. Well, we are men after all.”
"Well, please enlighten me. You dated them both today, right?”
"How did you!-“
"You have a girl's shampoo smell on you. So I guess I'm right?”
"Let me guess, you kissed them both as they hugged you.”
"What the fu-“
"I know Sakura as a friend and her personality too. But Silver loves following her example so I guessed.”
"Well, they both confessed to me, so I…"
"Kiki I guess you said yes right?”
"Damn your knowledge!”
The night went on and Mark slept on his bed. The reclamation of Brezia just finished. And they enjoyed the short peace it brought.
Part 16
We will use this chance to attack Xion.
They won't be ready, we will send 3 demon lords there.
They just finished taking Brezia back, and they have suffered loses.
We will do this immedietly. Don't give them any chance to retaliate.
Our god, Bazulu has bring us good news.
Another gate is opening soon, and the monster inside shall aid us in our conquest.
- In Serial50 Chapters
Hero Status: Revoked
A hero is betrayed and is reborn 3,000 years later. Warning: This fiction will be 18+. Expect Violence, Gore, Strong Language, Sexual Scenes.
8 235 - In Serial6 Chapters
Steel Soul Online
David is a lawyer with a passion for videogames, even if his job doesn't let him play to his heart's content he is happy with playing every Saturday or Sunday in his VR capsule and, like everyone else, waits impatiently for the release of Steel Soul Online, the first VR Mecha game that combined magic and technology and the largest ever made for said system, But his life changed completely one fateful night while riding his Motorbike. Now in the world of SSO, he'll try to improve and overcome his peers, make new friends and conquer the world!... but he has to do it in the most unconventional way possible in a world where death is lurking at every step! Note: this is not an isekai ;)
8 117 - In Serial37 Chapters
Fortuna Sands
Fortuna Sands is a popular Virtual Reality Game where everything is determined by a turn of deck of cards called the Deck of Fate. Cee is new player in FS learning the system allows the most fantastic of outcomes simply by drawing the right hand again the Luck of the Draw. With real world money on the line, and a clue that leads her to her mysterious family inheritance hidden in this VR world, she meets new characters both friendly and shady, she navigates this world to find the most unexpected of outcomes. As the stakes get higher and higher, the secrets of this world go deeper, and she may discover that her own fate is tangled in this world more than she can possibly imagine. Includes: Virtual Reality, Gambling, and Gaming System elements. Updates once every Friday. Now updating thrice every Friday (that's three chapters a day on Friday, starting (Jun 10.)
8 180 - In Serial9 Chapters
This is before they met. So I'm doing the whole story. Hehehe There WILL be smut in this. Smut is Hualian and maybe a little NanYao
8 134 - In Serial71 Chapters
I Call It Love (Yandere Boys X Reader)
(Part 1 of 3)【EDITING TO MAKE SENSE】**important** I know this story is a favorite of mine, and I want to keep it true to what past me wanted it to be... But as I re-read this I keep thinking I could've made it better, or it could've been done differently. So I've decided to try and edit/fix it up to make it seem... Better? I hope no one gets mad, and I'll do my absolute best to keep it similar to what it used to be, just know if you are revisiting this story there may be some differences, and past comments could be confusing. Thank for understanding, and I promise that I will try to keep it as similar as possible. **important**Potential Fixes: •Adding time skips such as weeks in between or specific time passsings to make the story seem a little more realistic, and not rushed•Adding more things to flashbacks, maybe adding a new flashbacks but only 1 or 2...•GRAMMAR AND TYPOS •SOME dialouge, if it doesn't sit right with me•Anything that doesn't fit or doesn't match the storycover by: rivila_cher"AH!" I gasped as I began hyperventilating in my new bed. For a second I thought I was at home, back in my own bed where my mom would rush into my room to make sure I'm ok. But I was left with no 'What's wrong,'s no 'Are you ok?'s, no bedroom of my own. Just the icy silence of the new place I was forced to call home.~Highest ranks: #10 in Yandere#1 in Yanderexreader #51 in Horror#666 in Horror#2 in Insanity~
8 160 - In Serial12 Chapters
Frozen Heart
"She's weird and her eyes are so small.""Huh she can't even look properly through those little eyes." "She acts to be friendly with everyone.""She'll never get her ideal one about whom she keeps talking. She'll just die being a single.""She'll just keep on dreaming and get nothing."Roséanne Simpson, a girl of a different kind. She lives in her own imaginary world. She has many friends including both boys and girls. She's famous even though she does nothing to be. She never wanted to be an attention seeker. Let's see what will happen to such a girl having a distinct perspective of life. Will she be a successful person or just fail everything? Will she find her ideal one who will melt her 'Frozen Heart' or she'll be the way she is till the end?
8 113