《Master of combat in a Different World》Chapter 11: Interlude to Brezia’s Reclamation Some_Development
Author's note: How do I make a poll? I am so bad with Romance, much training needed.
Part 1
In the conference room, the heroes gathered they want an answer from Siris/Mark about various things. It has been almost a year since they came here. And they want some useful knowledge in this world from a reliable person.
"So, how did you come here again?" The class president, Robert asked. He has a firm muscle and a stout face. You could call him popular with the girls.
"Reincarnation, look, we've been repeating this question over a thousand times already. Get over it, will ya?”
"Okay, second question, what is the demon king after?”
"It wants to destroy all of the humans. Well, more like their god does. Their God's name is Bazulu. And he wants to destroy the races which doesn't obey his orders.”
"Is the demon king killable?”
"Yes, but I need all of your power to accomplish this. Your powers are far higher than the normal standards of this world due to your education. Listen, some of you will have lesser talent than the other, but that doesn't mean you're weak or pitiful. On the contrary, those who are strong tend to pride themselves too much. And end up giving in to certain temptations. PLEASE don't end up like him..." Mark ended the sentence with a gloomy face. He knew he failed to save one of his classmates, even if he was bad in the first place.
"Oh, okay. Seriously, one day we are students the other second we've become heroes." Weston, a student in the class complained out.
" Try' one day you're dead and the other day you've become a baby in a different world and can use magic' menu." Mark retorted.
The two boys then got into an argument with words like ‘You know nothing!” or ‘Try me!’.They were about to fight when Chiron dropped a bomb on the plate.
"And how did you get three girls to be your wife anyways?”
"Bufu! I told you MANY times already that they aren't my girlfriends!!!”
"Onii-Chan, Fenrir here just returned from the border examination, and he misses you!" Hanna banged in through the door and hugged Mark, urging him to go outside.
"How dare he..." Whispers of hate and envy rang out through the room. The boys were glaring at the dense blockhead while the girls were saying things like 'how cute!' and stuff.
"Hanna, we're busy talking here, and stop hugging me like that, its embarrassing." Mark was trying to ignore the soft sensation of the teenager girl hugging his right biological arm at tightly.
(Endure... Mark, you're a man, you can't lose your sanity yet!!!!)
After a bit of Hanna throwing a tantrum, Mark returned with a relieved face and continued the conference.
"Well, the demon lords are also a problem, you mustn't fight them unless you are adept to. They are far stronger than ordinary demons. Oh, and Jayborino, how many times the normal gravity are you enduring currently?”
"15G, or fifteen times the original gravity.”
"Come practice with me o e more time, if you pass my test, you're allowed to fight those demon lords.”
"Now back to the subject, you all need to learn to respect the people here, so you should try talking to some of them a bit. If you don't now, you'll be stuck knowing nothing after you kill the demons.”(Mark)
"So we should first train, Mark, you got the most experience here, do you have any recommendations?" One of the girls voiced out. Her name was Leafa. A beautiful girl with brown hair.
"Well, you should all first enter the dungeon of Corrizion. It's got strong monsters all the way down, and most of them are more towards brute power than anything else.”
"Oh? So when are we starting?”
"Tomorrow. I have already made a plan, and I judged that most of you should be enough to deal with the monsters within.”
"What! That's so sudden!" Robert exclaimed out.
"Well before that, you'll need to spar with me first, and I mean all of you at once." Mark continued explaining.
"You sure you can handle us?" Weston asked with contempt. He thought Mark was looking down on him.
"Win me first, bro”
"So be it.”
Part 2
The arena room was lightened up, and the heroes filled the place. Well, there were only 12 of them left after Marco's disappearance. (No one knows yet that Mark killed Marco) and they surrounded Mark.
"Well, come on in, all of you”
"Hah!!!" Robert rushed in, brandishing his large sword. He swung it down at Mark, but the victim casually dodged to the right.
"No one's waiting in his place while you swing down your sword!"
"I know!!" Robert shot balls of wind magic at Mark, to which Mark created a wall of rock to defend himself. Then he sensed someone closing in quickly, he turned to the right and Jayborino's feet barely grazed his hair.
Mark caught Jay's left foot and swung him down to the floor.
A voiced rang out, filling the arena, but Jayborino didn't get as damaged as Mark intended to deal in the first place. He used his hands to stop his face before reaching the floor. Creating a crater below him.
Mark quickly let go as Chiron quietly sneaked behind him, trying to aim for his neck, but she missed and was hurriedly kicked away by Mark. Before Silver and Sakura came from both sides and swung the fire-covered swords mercilessly at the boy.
But Mark froze them by creating a water shield, then instantly froze it. The swords were stuck in the ice shield. And Mark used intense air burst to break the ice globe instantly. Ices flew in every directions, pelting Sakura and Silver making blood ooze out of their bodies. Leafa healed the girls while Robert and Weston formed a team. Robert rush forth and distracted Mark while Weston casted a earth spell. Making Earth burst up from the ground, surrounding him but not interfering while he attacks.
"Nice moves, but I've got better!" Mark pulled the iron sand around him to block himself from the attacks, then it turned into a whip, blasting the two heroes away. The earth shield encircling Robert and Weston blocked the impact, but they both still faltered. The rest of the class who haven't tried fighting came rushing forward, one of them shot a magic arrow at Mark.
Another casted a high-class AOE magic. Blowing the area Mark was just standing in away. The shockwaves pushing him smashed him against a wall.
"Hmph! Good try, but..." Six golden arms rose up from Mark's back. It cushioned him and Mark slowly stood up. The 3 of the six arms turned blue. He activated the power of Melancholy from Yasha combining it with Asura's power.
Mark walked forward and ran head first to Jayborino. 3 blue arms smashed into him. And Jay lost to the force of the punch, he toppled over, then grabbed the wall below, abruptly stopping himself.
Leafa casted a huge range magic that increased the power of the warriors. Robert, with newfound strength, erased the distance between him and the enemy. And swung his mighty sword down with unavoidable speed.
Mark summoned a lance and blocked it. The name of the lance is the lance Odin wielded to kill all that opposes him. Mark smashed the lance on Robert's stomach. Weston came from behind, quickly activating his spell on Mark.
But Mark blocked it with a wall of metamorphic rock. Then he punched him away, making him faint with Robert.
Sakura and Silver rejoined the battle, they both tried to slice him, but failed to. Mark took the oxygen and Hydrogen around him and ignited it with an intense friction using the iron sand. Blowing them away with frightful force.
Mark humbled down the power levels a bit, so as not to cause too much damage. Jayborino continuously used his fist to punch Mark with intense speed. The ground behind him was filled with prints of the punches engraved upon it. But Mark actually wasn't there, he increased the heat around him with light radiation. And created a mirage of himself.
Jay saw the truth, and swiped his legs at the boy. The boy bent down and avoided it. Jayborino ran around the arena, gathering his momentum, and took a sudden turn at Mark.
Mark raised his mechanical arm to block, but Jayborino suddenly shot himself upwards, kicked the wall above, and came smashing down with terrifying force.
Mark's 6 golden and blue arms soaked up the impact. Stopping the kick. Some of them slowly broke and Mark quickly ran off. The ground he previously stood at was instantly demolished.
"Cloak" Suddenly, Mark disappeared and appeared behind Jayborino, and used a new power on him.
"The god who rules over the arrogance of humanity !!!" Mark used his incredibly fast fist and smashed them at the vulnerable Jay, smashing him away. Jay fainted, and all that was left was the 3 students, which Mark quickly took cared of.
"Well, that should be... HMMM?”
Mark bent his neck down at the sudden presence of Chiron, she had suddenly appeared in front of him. Almost slicing his neck. Then she casted a large black flame and shot it at Mark continually. But Mark dodged it and kicked her away.
“Good job, Chiron, I almost got sliced there!”
“But you were still able to dodge it…”
“Haha, just doing that is already for than enough!”
The battle ended with sounds of laughter.
Part 3
The queen of Brezia was now holding a meeting with all the kingdom’s head. She took some time to cajole all the kingdom leaders to help her. And created this meeting.
The queen was standing in the middle of the great meeting room. The people from different races stood around the round. The only oddball here would be Mark.
It was 5 days before Mark fought with the heroes.
"My dwarfs will lend you the weapons needed to take back the Great Brezia kingdom." The king of the dwarves voiced out his intentions first.
"Hoh~ even the proud and uncaring king of the dwarves will lend his hands to the queen of Brezia." The queen of the night elves praised the dwarf. Dwarf are a race that usually keep to themselves. Not really interfering with the outside world.
That is, unless they perceive the threat to pose an unpredictable problem to their race.
"We of the elf race shall also lend a hand with our warriors. The elves' magic will erase the corruption in the city's heart." Artaneeus declared his cooperation with the attack force.
"The city of Brezia will make a good fortification base against the demon army, benefitting our war greatly. But is it really worth the losses?" The king of Xion was concerned. He doesn't want to lose his forces in a near impossible attempt to retake the kingdom of Brezia.
"We have the heroes we summoned, and that should help us a lot though. What are your thoughts, Me. Hood?”
Mark was daydreaming about the dinner Rohana will cook for him today. He wants to see her figure while cooking. But was pulled out from the fantasy when the queen interrupted.
"Well, I will test the heroes first. If they can conquer the dungeon of Moria, then I'll allow them to go with you.”
"Well, that is reassuring. You're good at hiding your powers, human. You are even stronger than the current me. What's your real name?”
"Just call me Mark, Hood's fine too.”
The night elf looked at Mark appraisingly. Then she said the next words casually.
"Do you want to marry my daughter, she's cute y’know"
"Wait, mother!? What are you talking about!" A purple skinned girl jumped up in surprise. She was about 17 in age.
"Haha, very funny. But no, I can't force a frail cute girl to marry me. She probably has someone she likes alrea-“
"I'm not weak!”
"I wasn't trying to say that. I was just-“
"You dare insult me! I won't forgive this, come and fight me right now!”
"Umm... We are in a conference here, and-“
"Shut up, dwarf, my daughter is feeling insulted so they should fight.”
"Now is not the time for childish quarrels, you two just go and talk outside while we continue the talk.”
A guard walked in and pulled them both away. Then after the two were gone, the conference continued.
"Well, my beastmans will attack from the front at the monsters. The night elves will also go to the frontlines with us. While the elves will support us from the back.”
"And the heroes? What role will they play?”
"They will be the vanguard for battle. They will lead the charge.”
"What do we do with the heroes after the demon king is killed?" The king of the dwarves inquired.
"Mark promised me that he will take care of them. He is now teaching them how to interact with the world. And we can worry about that after we win this war first." The beast queen said, her fox ears twitching. Beast mans can choose whatever essence of any animal they want. But they can't change it.
"Well the plan is settled then, this meeting is hereby adjourned.”
"Oh by the wa-“
"What the-“
"An attack?"
A guard came rushing in his face pale and filled with sweat.
"My queen, the night elf's daughter is currently fighting with Hood sir!”
"Muhahaha, as expected of my daughter!”
(Like mother, like daughter...) Artaneeus thought out hopelessly. The night elves were known for their aggressive nature, opposing to normal elves. Although they have become far better with controlling their mood, some things just never change.
Part 4
“Wait, how did you slow me down?”
Mark once again increased the air friction around him and slowing the night elf rushing towards him. He already activated Yasha and Asura’s wrath, and 3 golden and blue arms are dangling from his back.
(What’s with this human’s magicccccc!!!!!!) The night elf thought out in horror, all his spells are just straight weird. It doesn’t base on anything the elf girl knew of. And can’t be effectively blocked by her alone.
Then the night elf once again activated a ground sacrifice spell that should sacrifice all in the centre of the circle. But Mark
“The god who creates illusion to stop humanities’ advance, .” The slothfulness of the god canceled all the spells the night elf used. But Mark will only use this when needed. Since it eats away a lot of his mental capacity.
The girl than picked out a strange rope-like weapon. And suddenly, it extended and shot towards the boy. But Mark summoned a metamorphic rock to block it. And he grabbed the rope weapon. The night elf who was still confused by the things happening suddenly got pulled away by her own rope. The boy pulled the rope with all his might, and the girl was slammed into the ground.
“You’re good, Ms.Violet elf”
“So are you, damn annoying idiot!”
The night elf came rushing towards Mark again. But Mark had already gathered water vapour around to create a water wall, and the instant the elf entered the water unintentionally, the wall of water frozen.
“What?” The night elf was shocked by the sudden freezing and creating of the water. Then Mark kicked her away in the stomach. She toppled over and slowed down. Mark created a plasma blade and cut her weapons to pieces. Then he aimed at her neck.
“You lose~”
“Kuh…” The night elf was red-faced because Mark was really near her, but she had never came this close to a man before. But there was a rule that the dense boy didn’t know about. And because of the ‘law’. The girl closed her eyes in fear at the boy in front of him.
“Well, I gotta go now, so see ya later~”
A medium-sized dragon swooped down from above, and landed besides Mark. Mark hopped on it and the dragon flew away. Leaving the night elf in amazement. There is a certain rule according to the night elves and that is, the loser of a formal battle started by a woman must be the other’s slave for a whole week. But the boy was completely oblivious to it.
“Well, you lost huh, Montra” The queen of the night elf came forward to accommodate her daughter.
“Who was that human, Mom?”
“Well, Artaneeus said that he is the one responsible for stopping the demon years ago. He is indeed powerful as they say. Can you fight him then?’
“No, he’s far more powerful than me, I think he was even holding back just now…”
“Well, you’ll meet him again soon”
“Hm? What do you mean by that mother?”
Part 5
A dragon swooped down from above. A man who was wearing all black looked down from above, and landed on the floor. He looked over his friends and seemed to confirm something.
The heroes were now in front the dungeon of Corrizion. They are equipped with their best weapons and armours the dwarves could make. The dungeon of Corrizion laid down before their very eyes, the gates looks menacing according to the heroes. It seems to lead into anything but safety.
“Erm, you sure we can handle this Mark?”
“Yeah, I already once challenged this dungeon, and I think that you can handle it yourself in there. I can help you when you aren in danger.”
“Well, here we go~.” Roberts casually said out and left with Weston to enter the dungeons. Mark took out his lightbulb to lighten up the dungeon floors, illuminating the whole room with yellow light. The first monsters that appeared were goblins riding on the werewolf,as usually. But the heroes had a hard time killing them due to the immense increase in teamwork between the monsters. They seemed to be linked psionically.
“Hahh!!!” Robert bursts in with his large blade, and was supported with healing magics by Leafa and the holes in his defence were blocked up by Weston.
(Their teamwork is far more impressive than I thought!) Mark thought out while observing from afar. He saw a girl nearby who came crashing down to kill the goblin who was almost able to land a decent hit on Robert. He can’t really remember her name, but her brute force is truly scary. She just instantly killed 3 goblin+werewolf combos, and that’s just damn impressive!
Chiron was working alone, she was killing the monsters around with silence. Not even alerting the victim she stabbed her sword into. She was swiftly working and even when her figure was criminally beautiful. She seemed to fade into the dark whenever you try to focus on her. And heads of the monsters flew away one by one, quietly without anyone noticing.
They advanced through the floors, and at last reached the 10th floor, where a fire golem was waiting for them.
But the one who got the biggest spotlight of all is probably Jayborino. He smashed through the enemies with brute force and kicked pieces of large boulders to the golem, making it retreat and at last diminished.
Things went smoothly till they reached the 41st floor after they defeated the earth Golem together. The earth golem proved to bit hard on all of them, but with their teamwork and Jayborino’s overwhelming speed and strength. They crush it to pieces and proceeded to the next floor without Mark’s help. There, they met a new enemy,
“D-devils?” Sakura uttered as she saw the little monsters around her. They weren’t demons, but they are closer to something like fallen angels and such. The devils had a much uglier face than demons, but their power is far greater than a normal one.
“You take care of whatever comes at me when I ain’t ready. I will smash through first.”
“Well, Silvie, please take care of me when I smash through those bastards, it shouldn’t be too hard for me.”
“Uhm… I got a new spell, and it will make you stronger and regenerate you quickly, except the ritual is kinda strange, will you try it out?”
“Well, sure why not?”
The moment Jayborino permitted Silver to begin her spell, she began to cast a strange spell and pink aura covered her very body. It enveloped her and suddenly, it disappeared. Then Silver came forward and did something Sakura wasn’t ready for,
She kissed Jayborino on the forehead. Jayborino was shocked, then surprised, and lastly flustered. He quickly retreated back to ponder what just happened. The sensation of Silver’s lips still on his forehead.
“WHAT WAS THAT!!!” Sakura who was defeated in aggressiveness shouted out. Silver was supremely embarrassed, but her face was red with joy. She was almost dancing around the room, but was controlling herself not to.
“It was a spell I discovered by myself. I can somehow only use it on certain people, and one of them is Jay.”
“And was that kissing necessary?!”
(To think she had such a strong hidden weapon, how could I possibly defeat her. She took Jayborino’s first kiss, even if it was in the forehead!!! If things go on like this, all the memory in this dungeon will be entered around her!) Sakura was extremely panicked at the sudden situation.
Jayborino was flabbergasted at the sudden luck he got, but he received a glare from the boys all over the class, including the dense Mark.
“I-It wasn’t intentional!”
“You damn lucky bastard, how dare you steal 2 girls from us, first Mark, now you!”
“Wait, this isn’t related to me, I haven’t been kissed in anyway my entire life!!”
“Well, at least you got more than one girl who is WILLING to kiss you once in your entire life!!!!” Roberts cried out in anger, he was a popular boy. But he had a personal crush, and fortunately no one had took his personal favourite yet.
“Yeah, you dense blockhead, you had a human, an elf, and a beastman at your service, how dare you continue staying oblivious to us!!!!” Chiron was red-faced and shouted at Mark.
“…” Weston was silent. He already was developing a good relationship with a girl in his dreams, and refrained from being too much in the spotlight.
They were continuing fighting each other when a single devil came forth and tried to tear apart some heroes. But…
“You damn devil, we don’t have time for this, can’t you see we’re in a serious discussion!!!” Robert stepped forth and swung his large sword at his enemies with pure fury. He had a single wish in his life, and that is to marry the girl he had always loved. But to think Jayborino got a girl before him. How could he confront his girl now!
“That is completely correct…”Sakura was exuding our murderous intent that even the devils were taken aback with. She jumped in and sliced them all with swiftness beyond all measures.
“DIE!!!” Jayborino was trying to escape the subject and was busy killing the devils. Meanwhile…
“So, how did you gather up the courage to be that aggressive?” Leafa was asking questions furiously and questioned the victim. AGAIN.
“Uh-uh I don’t know!” Silver was trying to defend herself. But she had no to help the situation.
“Really? You kissed your boyfriend in front of my very eyes!!”
“That was just a spell I created!”
“The teachers that spells are mostly based on your own imagination. So you must be fantasising your boyfriend for a long time. Tell me how to use that spell too!
“Ehh~! No, the spell is a private property between me and Jayborino!”
Jayborino was smashing through the enemy lines with ease. He was even enjoying himself in the process. His powers were increased dramatically.
(Such a powerful spell, but the ritual is kinda strange…) Jayborino was still remembering the sensation of the kiss. And he loved it, just didn’t show it to others.
The devils were at full mercy against the wrath of their predators The heroes swiftly killed them with ease, and proceeded onto the next floor on and on.
"What is this?" Weston, was staring at the monster in front of him. It got two majestic golden horns and a tail. It had a black skin, but its body tells you that this creature is far stronger than any the heroes had ever faced in Corrizion.
"Guys, you all pass, let me take care of this pest myself.”
"No, we will not give this up yet, let us fight it, Mark.”
"It's about time you trust us. We aren't as weak as you may think." Jayborino was searching for a good fight to make him stronger, and this monster seems to does the job right.
"Fine, but I will interfere if I see you guys in danger, ok?"
"Then go on, why don't you let Silver kiss you again, or maybe you can ask Sakura to do it before you figh- Bufu!!”
Jayborino punched the person teasing him on the face, making him fly away and hit a wall violently.
Part 6
The heroes faced the devil. Their eyes glaring at each other as if to kill each other using their eyesight alone. The devil king looked at the humans in front of him, then he smiled.
It smashed forward suddenly, but Jayborino already used his arms to stop its advance, his feet scraping against the floor.
(This guy’s strong!)
After successfully stopping its advance, Jayborino launched a kick right up its gut. The demon flew away and crashed into the ceiling. Weston then chanted a powerful spell to aid Robert.
“Please grant the brave warriors the power to destroy all beings, the sword that has cleaved the evil god, Bazulu, !”
A large sword appeared in Robert’s hand. He swung it up and smashed it down, slicing the dvil king, but it doesn’t pierce through, and the devil king smashed him away with its tail. Robert’s spat blood, but luckily, Leafa was there to heal him up. Chiron closed into the devil and aimed at the devil king’s neck. Only to get countered back. She barely dodged and retreated back, and she slowly disappeared into the darkness.
Jayborino was back, and he was accompanied by Sakura, they had a plan in their mind already. Sakura erased the distance between her and the devil king. She raised out her sword and slice down her sword at the enemy. The devil king perceive the threat to be more than he can handle. It dodged out of the way and swung its fist at the Sakura.
However, a knee was already waiting for him below. Jay kicked up his knee and send a rattle through the devil king’s head. It got blasted away and was met with Finnick’s group. Finnick, If you can’t remember, he is Marco’s friend. His personality had been getting better lately. Finnick swung his staff at the demon lord. And blow it away it in an instance.
The devil king stopped himself and stared at his enemies. It then roared out wildly.
The devil king suddenly summoned 40 devils from all around the place. The little devils quickly got into their attacking positions. Robert was finished healing. And he was ready to kill his enemies anytime.
Silver casted another spell on Jayborino to heal him up. And she was allowed by Sakura to kiss him one more time. Jayborino was about to continue joining the battle, but…
“Hey, Jay” Sakura came forward with a resolute face. She faced Jay and then, she suddenly grabbed his face, and brought his face closer. Jayborino was unable to react, and the next thing he noticed was a good sensation on his lips. Sakura had kissed him.
Sakura brought her face back and stared at Jay with a passionate eye. Then she slowly release him and continue run nigh into the battle.
“Woah, you got 2 girls in your harem! Are you planning to take them bo-CAN”T BREATH!!!!” Mark was stopped by Sakura strangling him mercilessly. Her face was red with embarassment. Mark was released and he collapsed down into the floor.
‘Let’s go Jay!” Sakura ignored the worthless classmate on the floor and proceeded to kill the little devils. .
The stunned Jayborino was standing still, his brain trying to digest the sudden information that had just been given to him. Sakura kissed him… Silver kissed him… Jayborino’s brain was quickly getting overloaded until he saw something to vent his anger on.
“SCREW ITTTTT!!!” He shouted out and gave up on thinking any further, then smashed away all the little devils away with ease. He killed them with no mercy, venting out all his problems on them.
Jayborino jumped up and kicked on the ceiling, then dashed down to the floor.
Robert swung his sword down on the devil king once again, but he easily dodged it and countered back with a jab in the stomach. Robert flew away but this time, he managed to not topple over and slowly stopped himself.
The devil king then aimed at Leafa. She screamed, and casted a barrier, in which got broken instantly. But it did lessen the momentum, and Leafa who got hit was still alive, but her body was excuding blood.
"You piece of sh*t!”
Weston watched the event in horror and casted a his trump card. This spell can be used only once a week, and his energy will deplete for a while.
" ”
Suddenly, magic runes appeared around the devil king, and the largest one appeared below it. The king was surprised at the sudden huge spell. And the area around him started to vibrate.
The whole dungeon shook with the explosion. All the devils, even the heroes, toppled over. But the devil king was standing still, its body covered by its own blood. It tried to recover but a certain girl came over and silently sliced its head off. It was Chiron, she had been waiting for the right opportunity this entire time.
"Leafa!" Weston quickly ran over to her and started casting a basic healing spell. He looks very frantic as he healed her, trying to see if she was still living.
"Hah... You were... So cool. Weston" Leafa was trying to stand up as she praised Weston. Weston showed a relieved face and then suddenly, they noticed that the others were staring at them intensely.
"U-Uh you're okay now right, Leafa, I-I'll go and continue-" Weston tried to find a way out, but
"I can't stand Weston, carry me on your back please." Leafa was devilishly smiling as she asked for assistance. She looked at Weston with her cute puppy eyes that no man could resist.
"E-ehh!! But- uh…”
”If you don't I'll ask Mark to do it then.”
Weston ended up with everybody staring at him either mischievously or jealously.
Mark was staring at the event before him with shock in his eyes. When had they developed feelings for each other?
(I wanna piggyback a girl too! Today, Jay got 2 girls while Weston also got his own. I am losing?!)
The dense boy still haven't broken the barrier of brotherhood with Hanna, Alice or Rohana yet. So he didn't dare make a move on them. Yet.
Part XXX
The heroes are returning from their journey riding on Fenrir. (Mark's dragon from Chap 7) Jayborino sustained an injury on his stomach, due to being attacked by the demon king, it left a scar there but Silver healed him good enough. She was still enviously staring at Sakura, for stealing a march on her.
"Hey Jay, between me and Silver, whose body do you prefer?”
"What the hell are you saying!”
"Tell us!”
"Now!" Sakura pressured on until Jay basically gave up and threw away all logic had till today. Leaving only honesty behind.
"Err... Sakura's butt is sexier than Silver's, but I prefer Silver's soft, large chest over Sakura's flat- Pain PAIN PAIN!!!" Silver was pinching Jayborino with a face of embarrassment. She was both happy and angry with what Jayborino declared. While Sakura was furiously calculating her future plans to lure in her lover.
"Erm... What is this Leafa?" Leafa was leaning her body on Weston's body. And his heart and brain was trying to keep his sanity. And he continued to endure.
"I am still weak, don't tell me you're gonna leave me alone?" Leafa once again showed a cute face that snapped 2 more strings of sanity from Weston.
(I'll lose my sense of reason at this rate!)
"I even made food for you, why don't you try eating it?" Leafs brought out her lunchbox and opened it for her new boyfriend. Weston was privately fed up by Leafa. And chewed away quietly alone.
Robert was looking at the couple with envy when suddenly, the girl he had a crush on walked over and sat down next to him. He was a bit panicked. This girl's name was star, she was a cute girl with firm muscles. Her job was to fight at the front similar to Robert.
"Can I sit here?”
"Uh... Sure!" Robert was still shocked at the sudden opportunity. And decided to let it stay that way. They chatted happily for over an hour.
Chiron stared at the pink-colored atmospheres around the couples, and her eyes were alternating between the scene and Mark. She was unconsciously thinking about dirty things such as.
(H-his stomach is wide open, I just happened to see his six-pack. That's all !! It is totally unintentional!)
She was thinking that but her body was slowly moving closer to Mark. She erased her presence and the next thing she knew, she was sitting besides Mark.
(WAHHHH WHAT HAVE MY BODY DONE.) Seemingly having no control over her body, the girl panicked, but her eyes were already moving to see part of Mark's bare skin. She was trying to resist something inside of her, her sanity was almost broken. When…
"Woah, Chiron, how did you get here? I didn't even notice you!”
"Uh.. This is-“
"How do you feel about suddenly coming here? No offence, it's just that I am curious on what had transpired since you came here.”
"I told you this is uninten- wait, what did you ask again?”
"I was asking how you feel coming here, alienated?”
"Well, when I first came here. Things were a bit wild. Everyone was panicked at the event. But as soon as we heard magic, we got excited for it instead.”
"Hmm... Can you still remember the events from Earth, just curious.”
"Of course I did. Excel the normal logics from Earth, all our memories are intact.”
"Well, do you miss Earth?”
"Wah, of course I don't, how could I miss it?”
"Don't try to act brave, Chiron." Mark knew how she must have been feeling when she reached this world. She can't just be 'ok'. She just tried to forget about it by training and fighting. But some things just can't be forgotten so easily. Mark doesn't want the turmoil of emotions inside Chiron to burst out later. So he needs her to let go now.
Other heroes already have someone to vent out their emotions to. But Chiron liked it more to keep her problems to herself.
After hearing Mark's word. Tears started to trail down Chiron's eye. All her emotions were buried deep below. But Mark had just made it all resurface. She remembered her regular days at school. Her meal with her family. Even when she got tutored by Siris/Mark on her test. She started sobbing and hugged Mark.
The boy was surprised at the sudden outburst of emotion. But he calmed down and patted Chiron's head like when he did to Hanna. It just became an instinct to pat the head of a crying girl.
"I wanna meet my parents again! I also want to go to school again, and-“
"It's fine Chiron, let it all go.”
Mark gazed at the night sky atop of the dragon and saw the stars blinking as if pitying the crying girl besides him.
Part 7
The heroes slept for a day after their dungeon challenge. But Hanna noticed how closer and bolder Chiron is being with Mark.
She was, however, envious at all the pink-colored atmospheres around her. She stared at her brother. She knew she loved him. But her brother doesn't acknowledge her as a full fledged woman yet. Just his sister. And she was trying to find a way to break that barrier. Because if she doesn't, Chiron will get to be Onii-chan's first wife while she will just be the second.
"Onii-chan, what are you doing?”
"Oh, Hanna, I am planning on what formation the heroes should take when they battle. I've pretty much come up with a good way to do so." Hanna cane over and she leaned on her brother. But Mark wasn't yet aware of Hanna's feminine. So he doesn't get too aroused.
Hanna was staring grumpily at her calm brother. And decided that, today, she WILL break the wall.
"Onii-Chan, what do you think about when you see me?”
"HM? Of course, its 'oh my little sister's so cute’."
"Stop it already!!!”
"Eh! What do you mean?!”
"Please stop seeing me as your sister already. Look at me carefully!”
Hanna stared at Mark intensely, the confused Mark then pondered her words, and look at Hanna. He then noticed some peculiar things.
(When had her face become so mature? And her skin is so pale- wait, what did I think again!?”)
The wall of brotherhood was slowly getting destroyed by Hanna as she stared at the boy she had always loved. Mark was seeing Hanna as if a thick mist called was scattering. He started noticing the woman features on Hanna. And a wave of embarrassment starts to wash over him.
"Wah!!!!" He quickly pushed Hanna away and ran back to his room furiously. He shut down the door behind him and calmed down.
(Woah, that was more than I expected. I thought that he would panicked a little, but that was intense!) Hanna saw a new side of her beloved man. And she knew fully now that her brother had JUST started acknowledging her as a women.
She was now planning on the next move when…
"Hey, Hanna, whatcha doing?" Her top 2 of 3 biggest enemy, Rohana and Alice, came over to greet their friend and rival.
Hanna looked at them triumphantly, and declared her success.
"Hi hi, I have just made Onii-Chan acknowledge me as a woman!”
"What do you mean exactly?" Alice said out with a excited face. If the wall of brotherhood and mentor broke down, that means he will acknowledge the trio as women.
"He ran off right away after he realized he had been leaning on a 'Girl', not a ‘sister'."
That had been the little victory she had gained today.
"Well, since Mark had just viewed me as women. I can make a move on him. Good!”
The silent Alice went away and prepared her plans to attack, while Rohana is imagining all the scenarios about she and Mark having a good time together.
*Knock* *knock*
"Come in!"
Hanna entered Mark's room with a cute pajama covering her body. She had just finished bathing and decided to use that factor to seduce Mark.
"Onii-Chan, can we sleep together?"
Part 8
The Queen of Brezia looked over her army. They were fully ready to reclaim their main city. The monsters in there would not stop her. The army was readily equipped with enough equipments to match any eneimes.
She looked over her army. And prayed to herself for a successful victory.
The monsters in Brezia sensed the incoming army of The major races. It had developed, planned and become a stronger entity that even ‘devil’(not demon) lords. Many have collected power little by little. And they knew that the battle would be formidable. The demon king even judged that attacking the city will be a waste of his troops due to the strength of the monsters in the city’s wall.
Yes, the Reclamation can turn out to be well thought…
Or just plain stupid.
- In Serial117 Chapters
Thera of Rose Manor
While on a secret mission to recover a legendary ancient katana from a group of terrorists threatening to bomb key cities around the world, Briar Sparrow, a martial arts hobbyist, is killed by a maniac with the very katana she was commissioned to retreive and dies, or so she thought. Surprisingly, she discovers herself reborn in a different world as Thera of Rose Manor. In a world where martial arts and magic flourish, can Thera survive the coming battles with her wits-and family-intact?
8 71 - In Serial27 Chapters
Queen of the Rings
What if Arwen Evenstar became a member of the Fellowship, only to succumb to the temptation of the Ring? The love story of Arwen and Sauron.
8 108 - In Serial46 Chapters
Small Galaxy
A Sci-fi Action-comedy revolving around the God-Emperor of man, A woman who loves floofs, and the rest of the galaxy at large. The galactic stage is full of creatures that are found on earth, though genetically engineered to be sentient, and more often than not, bipedal. Humanity meets them for the first time, much to the confusion of both sides as we look similar to their gods and they look similar to creatures native to earth. After meeting them, we accidentally bring humanity's ancient war with eldritch abominations to the new fluffy friends. Posts will be made on Fridays. Just one chapter a week for now.
8 67 - In Serial16 Chapters
A series of one shots and extra stuff from my PJO/HP crossover series. *Basically a bunch of character studies for my version of dark Slytherin Percy*
8 170 - In Serial5 Chapters
MCYT smut
I decided to write this because I was tired and bored. So. Ya. Anyway this is my first time writing smut so it's probably going to be really bad. So anyway here you go I guess.
8 165 - In Serial57 Chapters
Fontcest, Sanscest, and Papcest Fluff (All AUs) #FreeTheLGBT
This is a book for fluffy Fontcests, Sanscests, and Papcests. I'm sorry but I will not be doing any smuts, yandere, dominating, subbing, or any of that other stuff, they are way out of my comfort zone. As long as you don't request them with yandere or smuts. I'm fine. OPEN FOR REQUESTS
8 134