《Master of combat in a Different World》Chapter 13: The invasion in Xion
Author’s note: A short chapter, but I tried my hardest!
Part 1
Royal castle in Xion
The messenger was quickly walking up to the royal tower, he had to bring the bad news to the king, or die trying. He had just saw the biggest threat he had ever seen.
“My king, our tower has discovered a small group of demons are amassing outside our gates. They appear to be amassing near our gates!”
“What!” Attacking Brezia was necessary in order to place a checkpoint for the army to rest and rejuvenate. But there is a huge risk the king and the other leaders were aware of. Counter attack on cities that ain’t as well defended. Luckily, the king still had half of his royal army with him.
“Alert the heroes, we will need them here, now!!!”
“They are still at Brezia, and they will reach here fastest in 4 days!”
“Well then, our barrier will make defending easier, nevertheless, we still need to delay those demons while we wait for our heroes!”
“Yes sir!”
The king was aware of how strong the demon army was. And once again realised that the demon king wasn’t a fool. He know where and when to attack, and that makes things tricky.
The demon army was led by Slavis, Furio and Zageria. The demon lords looked down at Xion. The city’s tower was making it hard for them to fight. But it doesn’t really matter, because…
The space above them started to ripple, it seemed to tear out and make a hole, then… A monster emerged from the void, and slowly creeped out, this was a monster with wings and a shape similar to a dragon.
“I really wish that ‘that’ human was here, I need to destroy him for his treachery.” Furio, demon of wrath… said out in anger. He hadn’t settled the fight with the human, yet.
“Yet, if we were to fight him, we need to combine powers, after all, we have received the power of the 7 deadly sins from our god.” Bellizia, demon of envy gluttony. Stared at the city, he will destroy it all, not leaving anything behind.
“If the hero were to come, I shall corrupt the one known as Finnick before its too late.” Slavis, demon of lust, looked at her fellow demon lords. The god Bazulu had just granted them the power of each deadly sins, and it increases their powers by many folds.
They will destroy this city, and kill the people within.
Part 2
Mark had received the news, and he was now riding Fenrir who was in dragon form. After transforming, Fenrir had suddenly become a dragon. He was now riding her with other heroes, including Robert, Chiron, Alice, Rohana, Hanna, Montra and Jessie. The other heroes were still in Brezia as to guard it against attacks if it was to come.
They will reach the city 3 days before due date and before the army moved from Brezia. Xion has one of the strongest defences in the major races. Mark was sure that they will be able to hold out for at most 4 days, but that will be the absolute limit.
They also had one more rider, and it was…
“Rachagal, you still sure about this?”
“Hahaha, Mark, I need to fight too, y’know. We need to fight this together like old times. And you also got a dragon too! Who could resist riding on one of these.”
“Grr..” Fenrir moaned in joy, she loved people riding on her back.
“Well, you will need to fight against those demons, they may even bring those new monsters they’ve created with them.”
“Hah! Bring it on!”
“By the way, Mark. Which girl are you choosing to be your first wife? Wait, you haven’t even confessed to them yet.”
“BUFU-! I told you that none of them will be happy if they’re with me!”
“Why is that, wait… don’t tell me, you’re actually a shy person” After Robert finished his script, Mark was instantly frozen due to those words, it seems that the words spoken were true.
“Woah, this sure is unexpected…”Rachagal whistled out in surprise. Mark always seemed confident, but he never expected him to be shy around girls.
“Well, I want to confess to Hanna, but I just couldn’t muster up the courage yet, its just not my style, y’know…” Mark said with a slightly red face. He obviously loved the girls, but can’t muster the courage to say so.
At Mark, Robert, and Rachagal’s back, a scene was unfolding.
“Did you know that Weston and Leafa are now dating?”
“What! Those two are stealing the march from every one else. Especially Leafa, did you know she even tried to undress in front of Weston!”
“What, even I didn’t go that far for Onii-chan.”
“That idiot is just dense, so dense he can’t even recognise us.”
“Hmm? You all like Mark, well, that’s new.” Jessie was once more enlightened at how popular Mark was.
“I need to find someone to be the night elf king in the future, and he is the perfect candidate. Momma said that I need to find a man stronger than myself if I want to find a husband.”
“Nah… Mark is my husband. He will become the king of the beastmans not of the night elf. You can be his fourth concubine.” Alice reaffirmed her rank in the Mark’s list of girls to marry.
“You all are talking as if you are going to marry him soon. You don’t really need to worry about Siris, y’know. No ones going to steal him from you…”
“You have absolutely no right to talk like that, hero! You knew about Onii-chan before us!!!” Hanna roared in anger. She had never knew her beloved brother was from the same world as the heroes, and it made her mad.
“Well, can you guys give me a tip to get Mark?” Alice asked daringly at Jessie, who was surprised at the question. She frantically shook her head. And mentioned that she had no boyfriend yet.
They all signed in defeat and continued till they reached the city.
Part 3
“My king, the demons has broken through the west gate! 3000 casualties founded!!!”
“Tch, have we shot our cannons yet?”
“Yes, but the flying dragon kept on intercepting our big guns and we can’t seem to kill it!”
“Damn monsters, we had been holding out for 3 days already, how long will they take to reach here!!! Send the royal army to fully defend the west part of our city, no one gets through, and activate our flooding mechanisms!!”
The people of Xion had already activated their flooding mechanisms, and are ready to destroy all of the enemies in the west section. But that involves sacrificing the still living lives there.
(Forgive me…)
The water burst through the ground and messed up the positions of the demon lords. The flush of water burst through the fissures and it splashed away the demons. If they knew of this earlier, they would’ve taken a preparation, but they don’t. They all got defeated quickly when the water slowly disappeared. Still, the forces of the demon king was still numerous, and they will not be defeated by the same trick twice.
The royal army and the demon army continued to clash, the insect monsters continued to eat the walls of the city. And more and more Gohmas burst through the floor, releasing demons and other oddities.
Luckily, the royal army had prepared specialised cannons for attacking specific targets, it shot out cannons with the speed of a bullet, and killed the Gohma instantly. Though the Area Of Effect wasn’t too big to damage the demon army too much. But more than enough to kill the Gohmas. The flying dragon however, intercepted the big cannons, and rendered the large AOE blast from taking place.
Then, a big monster came crashing down from above, it was a big muscular monkey monster. It smashed through the human lines without too much difficulty. It took over 13 warriors to kill it.
Then, the dragon shot down fireball once again at the city walls, but was stopped by another one of its kind. Fenrir.
Rohana was riding Fenrir and supporting him while all the other heroes already jumped down into the battle field. Fenrir was roaring and shooting white balls of condensed magic.
“” Fenrir’s body shone and her power was quickly restored. Rohana then chanted another purification spell.
A big ball of destructive magic rushed towards the dragon, instantly making a large explosion on the body of it. This magic is done by casting a huge unstable magic ball that can maintain its shape for only for a short time before bursting.
“Grr…” Fenrir swept its tail at the dragon, and smashed it down into a mountain nearby. Those two were both dragons, and her pride won’t be defeated.
Montra and Alice crashed down on the ground. They were ready to smash the demons, and Alice started first. She created earth fist and charged into the maelstrom of demons. And destroyed them quickly with a smash. The demons kept coming in on all sides, but got repelled or killed at the act.
“Weak!!!” She smashed the floor and breaking the ground under the demon swarm, swallowing them up. Then she quickly put them out of misery one by one.
“Hey, don’t steal the spotlight, damn it!” Mantra took out a long sickle and sliced away the demons at their vital parts. Montra had a special magic that absorbs the blood of the opponents and power herself up using it. The stronger the one the blood came from, the more she became stronger. Her sickle is a special weapon designed for that very purpose.
“Tch, their blood is sooooo disgusting. No nutritional value at all. I wonder how Mark’s taste like?” She whispered to herself as she killed more of the demon lords.
Then, a large monkey came crashing down from the heavens. Its muscles bulging as if spilling out at any time. It smashed own at Alice, but she blocked it with her earthly fist. The blast destroyed the ground beneath, creating a huge crater below.
Montra was here, and she swung her sickle at the monster. The monster’s arms were cut off. Alice was about to give the monster a hell of pain when…
It regenerated itself and a brand new hand shot out to block the monster’s new wound, instantly replacing the lost arm.
“Regeneration, but that fast is really impressive…” Alice praised the monsters casually, and prepared her next attack.
Part 4
Chiron slowly reached for her knife and erased her presence. She faded into the darkness and was standing besides Hanna, whom had created a huge golem to fight against the demon army. The golem wrecked the whole place while Hanna was kicking and punching all the demons around.
She would sometimes jump up and shot large boulders from the ground or slice the Gohmas using her wind blade. Hanna was already ready to fight any monsters.
Chiron was not taking the spotlight, unlike Hanna. She slowly sidestepped and killed the demons silently as she fought. Chiron instilled a large amount of energy into her blade, but humbled its aura down enough to go unnoticed.
“Hanna, you should worry about your back more. You are a little too much in the spot light…”
“Hmph, you are too out of the spotlight Chichi.”
The two girls with almost polar opposite fighting styles yelled at each other while trying to find a way out, they were in the midst of a fight, and complaining about their rival’s specs.
The girls were fighting hard against everything around them. But they knew that they can’t hold out against the demon army forever, after a while they will need to retreat back. Waiting for the army from Brezia to reach tomorrow.
Then, the demon lord of lust suddenly appeared in front of Hanna. Hanna quickly created a wall of rock to block, but she got blown backwards nevertheless. Hanna crashed into the floor in the back and toppled over multiple times.
“Well, we meet again, human. This must’ve been fate.” Slavis scornfully raised her fist, she was entitled by Bazulu to be the demon of lust. And that title had given her the power on an even higher level.
“Well, you’re the b:tch from last time. Well sadly for you, Onii-chan isn’t dead yet.”
“Well, he will be, anyways.” Slavis wasn’t able to finish her sentence before a short dagger almost got her neck. She used her arms to block, but a big wound was inflicted on the demon lord.
“Watch your back, Ms.” Chiron had sneaked in and tried to deal fatal damage to Slavis, but she ultimately failed. Now, she will need to fight without the element of total surprise.
Slavis looked at the hero and she rushed towards her, but Hanna had already prepared a golem to fight with Slavis.
Chiron and Slavis continued exchanging blows with great mastery, while Hanna was releasing multiple water barrages and ice shards at Slavis. She was truly fighting with all her strength. Hanna and Chiron had both trained under Mark while Slavis had gained a new power, with both these aspects, they are on equal terms.
Suddenly Slavis came close to Hanna and grabbed her head! Hanna tried to remove it, when a wave of pleasure suddenly surged through her brains and body. Chiron knew Hanna was being attacked, and quickly came and cute out Slavis’s hand.
“Ahhhh!!!” Slavis quickly retreated and prepared to attack next. Hanna had just been instilled with ‘Lust’, but it wasn’t strong enough to crush her will. Hanna was furious at Slavis for suddenly instilling her brain with that intense pleasure, almost breaking her.
“Tch, your mentality is stronger than I expected, human.”
“Da*n you demon!!!!” The furious Hanna swept another attack at Slavis. The fight was still going on.
Part 5
Mark and Rachagal were doing a tag team, and they are now fighting against not one, but 2 demon lords. Furio and Bellizia had already summoned their powers and are fighting the human and beastmans.
“You are tougher than many years ago, Furio!” Mark praised his opponent as he fought with Furio and Bellizia. They were on equal terms, none of them were gaining on each other. Rachagal was also fighting furiously as he was also strong, just not on the level of Mark, but more than enough to be useful.
Mark swept another kick at the demon lord’s legs, but the demon lord dodged and countered back with a kick. Mark grabbed Furio’s incoming foot and swung him up into the sky and smashed him down onto earth. Furio spitted blood as he was smashed down by Mark. Rachagal came and also focused on Furio as Mark intercepted Bellizia who was about to jab Rachagal. Then, Bellizia suddenly opened up his mouth, and something shot out that made everything in the front disappear. But Mark and Rachagal timely evaded it.
“What the heck!?”
“With the power our god, gave to us, we’ve gotten some useful abilities!!!” Bellizia once again released something from his mouth, this time, Mark used his mechanical hand to grab it with force. His mechanical arm nearly got torn off, but he was able to keep his ground. Then…
He saw the thing that swallowed everything else, yes, it was a tongue.
“You swallow all those dirts!!?” Mark said and he controlled the vectors of the wind around him. Making a mini tornado that suddenly smashed into his enemy. Bellizia was blown away but quickly recovered.
“Yes… Our god had granted us some… abilities.” Bellizia once again shot out his tongue and swallowed a whole boulder behind Mark. Mark had already summoned Asura’s golden hands and blocked it. Mark continued to use his godly strength to continue fighting Bellizia, while assisting Rachagal by firing railgun at Furio.
Furio turned his focus back at Mark, and he threw a large fireball at him. Mark saw this coming and instantly activated posiedon’s power of water, washing the fire away. Mark continued to fight with Furio furiously, with no one seeming to win.
The battle was slowly elevating in time.
Far away, Jessie and Robert once again teamed up to fight with the demon army, but mostly they are delivering big blows to delay the demon army while the humans continued to rebuild the city gates and defences.
The royal army had now started to retreat and went into defensive positions. It won’t be too long before they set up a good defence that would last for at least a day.
“Hahhh!!!” Robert used his large sword infused with his magic energy to burst the ground below the advancing demon army below, slowing them down.
“When are the Xion army going to finish their west fortifications?!” Jessie slashed down her sword once more and killed one of the tough looking demons. She was swing her large sword that wasn’t meant for a girl gracefully. Like an angle of death.
Robert continued casting magic on his sword that was focused on delaying the demons, not killing them. He already made the terrain of the demon army almost unusable for combat, and fought on. Sometimes, he would get lucky glimpse at Jessie’s underpants, but wisely kept quiet about it.
Jessie then suddenly landed besides Robert. And looked at the army behind her.
“Hey cowboy, isn’t it time we start retreating? They’ve finished building their defences.”
They continued to fight. It may seem to take less precedence compared to the others, nevertheless, it is still an important one.
Part 6
“Ugh!!” Rohana almost fall down from Fenrir’s back. Fenrir was now busily exchanging blows with the dragon. They used their tails and claws to grapple each other. While spreading their jaws to kill the opposing enemy.
Rohana casted another spell and suddenly slowed down the opposing dragon. The opposing dragon was confused at the sudden situation, but Rohana had already prepared a second spell. Clouds started gathering above the dragon. But it didn’t pay too much attention to it.
Fenrir then shot a large fire ball at the dragon, and rushed it to bite its neck. She successfully did it and blood started gushing out of its wound,
“GRRRR!!!” The enemy dragon roared in pain and unleashed its trump card. Darkness seemed to teeth from its very jaws, and something was gathering in it. Rohana realised the danger and created a large barrier around her and Fenrir. Then, the ball of darkness inside burst out, and smashed into the barrier Rohana created.
“Ugh…!” The barrier resisted for a bit, before it broke and the ball of darkness destroyed it and smashed into Fenrir. Fenrir moaned in pain and she was blown away. However, Rohana was already finished with her special spell.
“Release the wrath that wipe all from being, !!”
Large balls of melting rocks burst through the sky and crashed into the enemy dragon. Blowing away its scale s and destroying the flesh below. It sniped the dragon down into the floor. killing the dragon instantly.
“Well, that is over for now…” Rohana said as she slowly drifted down and carried the now human Fenrir with her. The battle of the sky is over.
“The dragon is defeated, shoot all available cannons!!!!” The commander girl of the defence in Xion. They now get the chance to bomb the hell out of those filthy demons.
Alice and Montra killed the monster’s movement by smashing the monkey’s legs to bits. They have been fighting the monkey for hours, and they still have so many left. Mantra had found a way to defeat them eternally, however….
(These monsters are regenerating using their muscles, but all living things ends blood if they were to survive and build muscles.)
“But they can be stopped regenerating if we drain their blood!!” Mantra sliced down her sickle at the monkey’s heart, and sucked all the blood from its body. Alice was smashing away the surrounding monsters while Montra was busy eternally finishing the monkey.
“You need to be faster, Montra.”
“I will finish the job, okay?”
Alice had already created a huge earth fist to destroy and smash through the monkeys. This method is far less efficient compared to Montra. But it was plenty enough to kill some of them slowly. Even the monster’s regenerating powers have limits, after all.
Montra once again drained the blood from the monster, and she absorbed its power. She now was like a crazy reaper who kept on fighting. She swept her sickle and drained the blood of all the monsters nearby.
“Hmph!!” Alice smashed down the charging monster instantly. She was getting exhausted at the mere quantity of the monkeys. The monkeys have a large quantity that was really hard to beat.
Alice jumped up and kicked the ground below her, she was still punching at the monsters surrounding her. And it got flattened down immediately. Craters after craters were made from the impact of Alice. Alice had made her earth fist to be mobile enough for her to use it and intercept all the attacks coming at her.
Then, Montra came closer and unleashed her true fury that can only be possible using all the combining all the powers gathered from the blood around her.
“Give me your life as the sacrifice for the wild !”
The blood of the monkeys around the purple-skinned night elf started to drain from them. Montra was in the centre of the carnage, and she seemed like a crazy Maniac right out from a comic book.
“Good bye~”
Montra licked the blood on the tip of her fingers, and watched the monkeys around fall in defeat. She showed a sadistic smile and the monkeys were erased after that.
“You sure are the real sadist, Montra. Mark would’ve been surprised.” Alice said in concerned. Montra seemed to only realised that Alice was even there in the first place. She suddenly turned beet red and looked away,. Mantra had a habit of turning a bit crazy when fighting, and forgot to control it.
“Please don’t tell anyone, especially Mark, about this…” Montra said out shyly as she covered her face. Mark would hate her if she showed her true personality. Montra here seemed to have a split personality.
Slavis deflected another dagger attack and she blocked Hanna’s hit. Hanna had been using her vast powers to slow Slavis and kill her. But was unable to. Slavis tried to grabbed Hanna or Chiron’s head to cast the ‘lust’ spell on them. And failed time after time.
Hanna casted a quagmire spell to slow down the demon lord. The demon lord was slowly pushed back. And needed to keep a constant watch out for Chiron. Chiron doesn’t allow her to rest even for a sec. The demon lord knew that if this keeps up, she may loose. Chiron then slashed and cut off one more of her legs.
“You are truly stronger than I expected than I thought, human.” Slavis suddenly charged towards Hanna and got countered by an almighty punch, but Slavis used that opening to grab her head. And instilled another lust spell into her head again.
The pleasure ran through Hanna’s head. She was again filled with pleasure. The pleasure was so intense she was gonna break but Chiron kicked away the culprit before its too late. Hanna was breathing hard and slowly regained her focus.
Her eyes were swirling, but she resisted it and casted another spell. This time, a huge wall of earth rose up and smashed down into Slavis. Slavis used her hands to block it and break in one go. The attack of ‘Lust’ is a mental attack, and more fearsome than even usual attacks.
Chiron was about to infuse her dagger with more magic when…
A huge aura suddenly burst out far away. Black streams of wind burst out from far away. Slavis had a chill up her spines, and completely forget about the fight in front of her. Fortunately for Slavis, Hanna and Chiron sensed it too. They felt it and knew who it was.
“Onii…chan?” The girl muttered out and ran to the scene of darkness.
Part 6
“No…NO…Don’t die on me!!!!!!” Mark was standing there. He was looking down at a dying body. It was the body of a strong beastmans who he had called brother since who knows when.
This beastman had blocked a fatal attack at Mark with his own body. And successfully did it with the exchange of his own life. Yes, Rachagal saw the attack Furio was launching and protected Mark who was fighting Bellizia. Furio had released a huge burst of fire. . Mark wasn’t able to intercept it in time and Rachagal blocked it with his body.
“Sh#t, why can’t I heal you fast enough!!!!” The flames of wrath is a special flame that will not be easily put out. Mark currently was in danger of two demon lords attacking him, but he doesn’t care. Rachagal will die if he doesn’t do something. However…
“Mark, stop that. I’ll die anyway. My body knows it.”
“F*ck that, I don’t care. I won’t let you die, you bast*rd!” Rachagal saw Mark shouting that, and he was happy. He knew how kind and caring Mark was despite his attempt to hide it. He had first saw Mark when he was very young, and he had watched him grow up. Mark had been one of the very mature of all of them. But deeply inside, he knew that the boy possessed a very kind and soft heart.
“Don’t worry, I’ll just go faster than you do… that’s…all” Rachagal smiled for the last time, he looked at the blue sky, Brezia had already been reclaimed by his body. And that honour far surpassed all that he will ever know. Unfortunately, he won’t be seeing the demon king vanquished and live to tell the tale.
Mark saw his brother took his last breath. Tears started dropping down to his knees. The other two demon lords was already ready to kill Mark. Mark thought, maybe if he had been stronger, he can save him. I he had more speed, Rachagal may not die on him. What if he stalled for time while he activated ? No that won’t work, it needs time to charge up and Mark can’t seem to use it too often. What if he..
“Muahahaha!! How hilarious, your sacrifice was just a delay. You races’ feelings are absolutely worthless!!" Bellizia shot out her tounge but it was suddenly grabbed.
The boy used his mechanical arm to grab it. And he swung Bellizia at Furio, and smashed them away. His expression was hallow and filled with anger. he no longer showed an expression that everyone around him knew so well about.
Mark's brain was filled with something. This SOMETHING started seething out from Mark's emotions. Like a crack in his brain and heart. And something started coming out of it. Pain started ripping through his head. He screamed in pain and wrath.
(What is this?...) Mark was thinking, as wrath, anger, suffering, grief, and hatred was mixing together. He can no longer think clearly, he just knew one thing. And that is to murder the demon lords.
Asura's six golden mechanical hands started cracking up. And broke down. It scattered into dust and floated away with the wind. And a pair of black wings that of a fallen angel rose from his back. Its darkness surpassed all matter and logic, like the dark void of the universe.
This SOMETHING was finished manifesting itself, and Mark knew he could no longer control it. But…
(Why should I care about it?...) The black wings respond to his feelings and it burst out wildly. The wings of anger smashed into Bellizia violently. Instantly blasting the demon lord away. The wings were moving as if being controlled by a whole other entity.
Then, the boy who got his heart broken, said out a heartless sentence that somehow entered his head.
" machine gun barrage." 25 rail machine gun appeared. And mercilessly automatically shot out its bullets. The bullets exploded wildly when it came in contact with the demon lords. BAM!
" Accelerate." The machine guns that appeared shot out bullets faster than sound and more than 20 explosions were made in a short period of time. The ground was covered with craters and large holes.
Furio retaliated by firing a huge ball of wrath flames at Mark. But Mark just looked at it, and he said one more sentence
" vacuum." A huge space of air was suddenly cleared out and removed around the flames. Flames needed air to survive. But without it, it just couldn't exist.
The demon lords were panicked at the unknown phenomenon, and Mark's black wings smashed their sides, blowing them away instantly. The mass of pure black had immeasurable power infused within.
"What is this...power?" Bellizia looked at the human. A sec ago, they were overwhelmingly beating him 2v1 but now…
Mark continued staring at his wings which gave off a familiar feeling of science, yet it also doesn't. It was made from science, yet unscientific. The black wings was smashing away wildly, not caring about allies or foes, seeming to just want to let out its anger.
" Homing missiles." 30 missile launcher appeared and blasted the demon lords. Bellizia and Furio wasn't able to dodge it in any way at all.
"Unforgivable... You da*n son of a @#$%%!!!!"
"Wait Furio!" Furio had rushed into Mark and bared his claws. He was ready to strip Mark's head off, but. The black wing blocked his body, and it quickly covered him.
"Ah...ah...ARGHHHH!!!!!!" Mark roared out and the black wings pierced through Furio's body, blood was slowly flowing out. And Mark stepped closer.
"Unforgivable, DIE FROM TORTURE, PAIN" The brain cells in Furio was suddenly invaded by the black substance. It started spilling out pain pheromones throughout the body, and Furio screamed. And he gave up to the w pain, taking his last breath. And silence covered the battle ground.
Bellizia stared the scene in horror. She quickly retreated away while Furio was being tortured. Slavis escorted her and they ran away. Her eyes were filled with fear and horror. How could a mere human torture a demon lord to this extent?
Hanna saw Mark with Chiron. She stared at her brother in shock. And saw Rachagal's corpse beside him. Chiron looked at Mark who had sprouted black wings in horror. And was temporarily stunned. But…
Hanna slowly walked up to her brother. Her eyes showed no signs of fear to her brother and instead showed sympathy.
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" The uncontrollable black wings raced forward to the girl. Hanna closed her eyes and…
The black wings stopped. Mark was holding it back with all his available mentality. Hanna smiled and walked towards the boy. She came closer.
"Don't...come...close...dangerous." Mark was trying to warn the girl he cared most about, but she wouldn't listen. Hanna saw Mark's eyes filled with grief and hollowness.
"Onii-Chan, did you remember Rohana's cooking? Or when we went to challenge the dungeon together?”
CRACK! The wings started breaking at those words. It then tried to slice the girl who was Mark's light of hope. But stopped when it almost contacted the girl. Mark was subconsciously holding it back.
"Did you remember when you went on a date with Alice? Or when you gave me the song?" Hanna took out her precious music box and a sweet melody played out. More and more cracks appeared in Mark's black wings.
"You have us to always help you Onii-Chan. Chiron will be willing to help you. Rohana and Fenrir will support you, Alice and Montra will push you forward, and I... Will always be beside you, right Onii-Chan?" The words the girl said were filled with meaning.
The boy's wings made its last stand to destroy the boy's only hope. But it cracked and at last turned to dust. Hanna walked in and hugged her beloved crying brother. He now looked weak, crying and Hanna knew what to do.
Mark felt a warm feeling on his lips, and he embraced the girl in front of him. He was crying as he did. He had always been carrying all the emotions alone, but now he remembered that there was someone supporting him too. The light of hope in the form of a little girl had given him enough care for him to calm himself.
"You don't have to carry all the burden on yourself, Onii-Chan." Chiron walked in later and also gave Mark a little hug. She was happy the way it is. And the fight there ended.
Between the lines
(What the... Heck?!) Bazulu stared at the black wings that were manifested. The thing was something even he did not know of.
(Kataluzia? No, that can't be. Gaia? No not that too... What is with that power?!) the god continued thinking and at last gave up.
Kataluzia was also shocked at the sudden surge of power. It was completely unknown. Something that wasn't from his designs, he decided to peer in but gave up like Bazulu.
The mysterious power, or being, had already receded into the boy and no sign of it was found.
Part 7
"The major army from Brezia have arrived!!" It had been four days since the start of the demon attack. And one day since Mark's arrival.
Even when they delayed the invasion, it was still hard. Thankfully, Robert and Jessie had been breaking the landscape and slowing the invasion considerably.
The west and northern city walls had been totally destroyed. Casualties are rising in numbers up to 100,000 and more. The demon lords had never shown itself again due to unknown reasons. The major army came just in time to stop the invasion and drove the demon army back.
Rohana and Montra are busily healing wounds while Alice and Chiron does the tactical planning. Fenrir was shooting fireballs down at the demons below.
And Hanna... She was standing outside a certain room. Mark wouldn't come out except for eating and restroom. But that is all. Hanna gathered her determination and knocked at the door.
"I thought I told you-“
"Its me, Onii-Chan.”
"...come in.”
Hanna entered the room. Her brother was still on his bed. Reading a book, usually he will smile while reading a book. But today…
"Its not your fault, Onii-Chan... Rachagal will not have been angry at you. You've done your best.”
"... I still should've used the... Hah... Its just I need some time alone, Hanna." Mark said weakly as he seemed to use all his strength just to voice out a sentence. He doesn't look like the old, cheerful Mark Hanna once knew.
Hanna came closer and slowly grabbed Mark's hands that seems to be colder than usual. Hanna then brought her head closer to the boy and hugged him.
"The others are worried, you should go and visit them too. Please cheer up, Onii-chan." Hanna said out passionately as she tightened her hug. Mark smiled, perhaps what she said was true.
"Well, thanks. You're right, I should try going out." The boy was reenergized and he sat up. Hanna smiled brightly and followed her brother out of the room. Mark originally had no one to support him in the previous world. And seldom lived alone. But now he had Hanna, and the girls helping him out.
Mark walked down the stairs and he entered the overwatch tower. He stared down at the battlefield below. The major races are now busily driving away the demon army. And he catches glimpses of the flashy couple, Robert and Jessie, smashing the enemy line.
Rohana then suddenly entered the room and rushed towards Mark.
Mark was attacked by two plump arms around his body. And he fell down into the floor. He saw the girl in front of him shedding tears. And realized how worried she must have been.
"Are you okay, you've locked up yourself in your room for so long. Have you eaten good food? I've cooked some-“
"I'm fine Rohana, thanks for worrying.”
"You idiot!" Rohana shouted out, lighting knocking on Mark's belly. Mark broke out laughing, and patted her head. He was happy when he knew that there were people supporting him.
The trio went on to meet Alice, who came and punched Mark in the belly. Blowing him away to the end of the room. Luckily, Mark casted a light air burst behind him to cushion himself.
"Mark...is....dumb. Make me worry." She stutters as she said that and hugged the boy. Montra was watching enviously from far away, but her blood spell will make her instantly attracted to a strong being's blood. Especially of an opposite sex, so she needs one more hour.
Chiron suddenly appeared behind Mark somehow, and slapped him multiple times.
"That's for making me worry!" Chiron puffed out as she said those final words. She truly was worried for the boy. And her face was bright red.
"MASTERRRRRR Fenrir approached and Hugged Mark. Her brown body with hints of dragon scales fall onto the lucky boy. And he was now had a gorgeous girl weighing him down. Hanna saw Fenrir's ample chest pushed down Mark's face, and a blood cord in her brain started twitching. When Fenrir got up, Mark was blown away by a volley of simple water magic.
Then, Mira joined them and they went to a certain brave beastmans warrior's final resting place. She had been getting help from the people and coordinating her students to fight.
There was a grave stone on top of the grave. And Mark bent down to place a bush of flowers on it. They all sat down silently and prayed for him.
"Sorry and Thank you Rachagal..." Tears started welling up on Mark's face again. He quickly wiped it off to hide it. And he slowly walked away. He will not make his sacrifice be in vain. And will never fail to save someone ever again.
Part 8
(How can he not remember!!!!!!) Hanna's face was livid red as she thought of the kiss she had with the boy.
Mark's memory was blurred when he used that power, he did remember Hanna saving him from despair, but forgot about the crucial part.
(I-I don't know how to face him anymore!) The day Hanna brought Mark to the grave and comforted him was like a dream. And she knew that she had loved Mark.
However, from that fateful day onwards. Mark had been more... 'mature' and he seemed to look at Hanna kindly as a man and woman. And that was a plus for Hanna. But that made her more and more shy as she tried to gather her courage and say the magic sentence to Mark.
Today, she was doing training in the academy with Alice, Rohana, Montra, Fenrir, and Chiron. They did different tag teams and fought against each other.
They were conversing while doing the fighting. And things went smoothly. The demon army had been driven away, and Brezia had been reclaimed. Although they lost a huge portion if Xion, with a huge loss in army strength. Brezia's terrain will prove more valuable than ever as a strong defence point.
"Hey, Chiron. What's with those clothes?" Alice asked Chiron.
"HM? Well, Siris- I meant Mark and I will go on a trip in Xion. He promised to buy me a meal for my anniversary of staying in this world as a hero for 9 months total." The one in question, Chiron, said out shyly and happily as she swung her dagger around.
"What!! A-a private date with Onii-Chan!?" Hanna shouted in disbelief.
"Its not a date, just a celebration!”
"Then why are you wearing those showy clothes!" Montra angrily shouted out, seeing Chiron's choice of wearing. She was wearing a clothe Mira recommended to her.
Her cleavage was showing, but not too much for a boy to instantly loose interest, or too little. She wore lipsticks and a hairpin. And her eyelashes were colored faint purple. Making her much sexier than before yet humble. Mira truly was a girl with experience.
"What's a date?" Fenrir innocently asked out. But no one bats an eye.
Montra's eye suddenly turned sadistic. Her split personality appeared and she smiled evilly.
Montra then suddenly dropped a bomb in the middle of the conversation.
"How about we all have a battle Royale. And whoever wins will get to date with Mark after Chiron first?”
All the expression on the girls' faces changed. They then looked at each other and nodded. The fight between Mark's harem.(Which the boy himself knew nothing about.) Had started.
- In Serial41 Chapters
Era Of The Kobold
Era of the Kobold Returning July Third! Hi there! Thought I forgot about this series, didn't you? In all seriousness, I am sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been really busy with other things, mainly my education. However, once July hits and I get the time needed to write, I'll be continuing EotK where we left off. It'll be the regular one chapter a week at least, though I'll try to post more frequently for that month. Hopefully you all have been doing well! I'll see you in July. Synopsis: All he wanted was to spend his life gaming. Samuel was an absolute nerd when it came to video games, RPGs especially. He'd play them all day, rarely leaving his house, or even his room for that matter. His peaceful days were sadly ended before he even finished college, however. Despite his expectations, he finds himself reincarnated in a new world as a Kobold. He must now live a hard life as a weak creature that tends to die young and is seen as a monster. How will he manage in this new life and what will he do with it? The rate of publishing will slow down, as I focus on my education.
8 164 - In Serial47 Chapters
Keepers of the Neeft
The Indigo Empire has conquered half the world’s nations, their people, and their gods. According to its citizens, old and new, the rest of the world will follow. In the capital of the Throne-home, the Imperial Academy produces the next generation of great leaders to drive that expansion. Cadryn Bence knows he will be one such leader, he’s overcome his common birth, mixed heritage, and every other obstacle to be the top of his class. He dreams of glory on the southern front against the Gravanik States. He will not be finding it. Instead, if the glory he expects. Far to the north, lies the unassumingly named North-Eastern Extreme Frontier Tower, a backwater post if ever there were one. Through the machinations of the Emperor’s state religion, and a cult within it, Cadryn will find himself on his way to this first assignment. On the frontier, Cadryn will discover that neither his campions, nor the Neeft itself, are what he expects. Follow Cadryn on his journey to discover many truths: about himself, about the Empire, and about the very world he call home. ****** Keepers of the Neeft is a (bit dark) fantasy story revolving around Cadryn and his journey of discovery. There’s a fairly wide cast of supporting characters (his fellow Keepers) all with their own reasons and motivations behind how they came to be at the Neeft. Current release plan is to have part 2 completed, then fully edit up till the end of part 2. I am in the process of editing the earlier content as I complete the updates/re-writes. Apologies for any rough content in the meantime. My primary objective with Keepers of the Neeft is to work on developing content flow and establishing a community of people who enjoy my writing style. I write SF/F and horror as my primary genres, Keepers is actually my 3rd novel length work, but my current project. Updates of new Content will currently be in the form of one larger post on Tuesdays.
8 160 - In Serial126 Chapters
Urasaria Academy [LGBT]
After the end of the Cold War, superpowers taking the form of bacterial colonies on one's heart begin appearing around the world. A new class of law-enforcing "hosts" is established over the next decades, given legal immunity to deal with violent criminals however they choose. In modern day, Mia Schultz is a young socially awkward lesbian. She's attacked by an unknown man and given the power to control a swarm of fire scarabs named Worldwide, and as she begins her new job at Urasaria Academy, she's soon pulled in to a mystery on Worldwide's true origins. A strong focus on character development and superpowered fights. This story is a first draft in the process of being finalized. August 11th, 2020: Year One has been rewritten! You may need to restart your chapter; I apologize, but it's far better now. Optional Year 1 summer arc + Year 2 rewrite coming Soon (TM).
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Modern Superpower In Another World
A modern military superpower in another world and their minister of defence is a loli?
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My Vampire Lover
The vampire group, called Voltron, meets a human, Y/n. A member from the vampire group, the Galra, has taken an interest in Y/n. Keith and Y/n fall in love, but Y/n and Voltron learn something about Y/n that leaves everyone in shock. Y/N uses pronouns they/them, so anyone can be y/n. Keith Kogane x Reader
8 212 - In Serial9 Chapters
Leaving Forks after the fiasco with Bella the Cullen family head to stay at their cousins, the Denali coven in Alaska. Stumbling upon a secret lake Emmett is drawn in by a singing voice, learning the truth about mermaids. Please note that this is an Emmett/Oc/Rosalie fic. I own nothing but the mermaids and their storyline, everything else belongs to Stephanie Meyers.
8 144