《One piece My story》chapter 29


Chapter 29

Sorry for the delay, here's the chapter, next one will also have bad news in it.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


* tonk tonk tonk *

the sun feels nice, I like big open space, it makes me feel alive.

* tonk tonk tonk *

" Hey look it's him." People were bickering everywhere around me. It looks like I amwell known here.

* tonk tonk tonk *

" Yeah it's him, I still can't believe someone like him could turn this bad." If only they knew the truth, I'm not a bad person but no one believes me except the people that knows the truth.

* tonk tonk tonk *

" I still don't understad how he can fight and even more injure a hundred marines." I kept walking forward towards my favourite place and ignored them.

* tonk tonk tonk *

I wonder when it's gonna happen ? I'm sure it won't be long, I'll just have to wait, Tomorrow will be a great day.

– Meanwhile with Dex –

I reluctantly agreed to go to Base 9, I still feel like it's a bad idea, I tried my best to convince Cynthia to change our cap but it was a useless play.

Clyde did try to assure me it was going to be fine, but I'm sure something stupid is gonna happen that is gonna make us go into the Marine Base.


We stopped the boat behind a mountain, we we're lucky there was a river next to the point we got close, although it was almost frozen and we had a hard time go through it.

" Yay, Snow ! It's been so long since I last played in it !" Snow is still snow, the second she could start playing she did.

" Be careful Snow And don't go too far !" I screamed towards her

" Well it's time to go to the city, Let's hope something bad doesn't happen." I prayed again just to be sure.

We walked towards the city, it was 20 minutes away from where we were, I thanked the god people didn't notice who we were, I didn't even see a wanted poster, that's always a good sign.

" Well, what do we do now ?" Asked Byron, first time she talked in 4 hours, I thought she lost her tongue.

" I guess we go around and see if anything interesting is here, the sun is gonna go down soon enough and we'll have to pass the night, so I guess search for an hotel is something that comes first." Clyde responded.

" Find an hotel it is then. I don't feel like navigating at night especially with the iceberg around, I could crash the boat into one of them." Hey, if our navigator doesn't feel con fident in his navigating skills it's not good.

" Then let's go search then, if we stay like this more than this We are gonna freeze." It's so cold outside, I hate cold.

" You feel cold Big brother ? It's all good for me !"

" Not all of us ate a devil fruit that gives the power of a beast that lives in the cold Snow."


" Then eat one !"

" No thank you I like my insides, well, Inside." I retorted, If cynthia and clyde wants to eat a devil fruit they can do it but I don't feel like exploding into a million pieces, the first guy that will be able to eat two devil fruit without dying will be the strongest man on this planet and a monster.

We walked around aimlessly before finally finding my worst nightmare.

" Let's go in." Cynthia started walking towards the door but I stopped her.

" It's a 4 star hotel ! I'm not paying for it !" It's too expensive !

" No problem then, since I took enough money to pay for all of us." She made a sound of money tingling.

" Where did you get that ?" It can't be good.

" On a rich looking guy when we we're searching for an hotel."

" … you… Stole… Money ? You stole money in a city, next, to a marine base ?"

" It's all good no one saw me the guy didn't even feel a thing." I am sure we are gonna get problems for that later, too late to regret.

" If we get caught for that I'm throwing you out." I won't do it but I sure wish I could.

I resigned myself for the inevitable and got in the hotel with everyone.

– ??? –

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

The day passed by, When in prison you always enjoy every moment of peace.

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

The guards we're chatting as usual while playing their game, I don't understand why you would play a game where you can lose money.

" Poor soldier patrolling, someone stole from Richard and now they won't be able to sleep if they don't find the one who did it."

* tonk tonk tonk *

" Probably pirates, everyone in this city knows that messing with Richard result in prison for life or … Worse." He spat the last word, I can understand him.

Richard personally knows the Chief of this Marine Base and has connections everywhere, if you want to mess with him you can be sure you wont live much longer or if you're a girl… Well, you see where I am going.

* tonk tonk tonk *

Tomorrow will be a great day, I can't wait.


Chater 29 done

Hope you enjoyed.

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